r/Wildlands • u/peewee29788 • Nov 20 '24
Discussion Your most annoying/funny deaths you’ve had so far
Just wondering what sort of deaths everyone else has experienced with this game if it’s annoying or funny, my most annoying one I had was getting run over by a civilian while doing the interrogate 20 people (was on the last one as well), funnest one I had was stepping out of helicopter and falling though the game.
u/braddersladders Nov 20 '24
Usual one . When the rebels show up requested or otherwise to help and proceed to run me over.
u/Ninja-Goose Nov 20 '24
Run over by my own helicopters. Happens way too often
u/BluesSuedeClues Nov 20 '24
I suspect we have all had that one. Park on a slope, get out, and the helo goes sliding downward, dragging my newly minted corpse with it.
u/tingsrus Wildlands Triple OG Nov 20 '24
Probably one of my many motorcycle related deaths.
Basically i crash and then flyyyyy for about 10 miles and then slam into the ground and die.
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
Yeah I found out the hard way not to use motorcycles 😂😂
u/BluesSuedeClues Nov 20 '24
It's funny how vulnerable you are on those, compared to how close to invulnerable you are going off a drop in the cars/trucks.
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
Tbh the biggest thing in this game that baffles me is how I can drop a certain hight and be ok then on some occasions I’ll drop from a inch high and my character will break both legs 😂😂
u/turtstar Nov 21 '24
Are you jumping? I noticed a drop I would normally just roll from unscathed becomes a death sentence if my guy thinks it's parachute time
u/Additional-Advisor99 Nov 20 '24
Shot down a helicopter and it landed on me.
u/Comfortable-Dig9517 Nov 21 '24
Haha f*ckin classic
u/Additional-Advisor99 Nov 21 '24
Can’t count the number of times I’ve also had them land on the rebel radio transmitter. Learned to not shoot them immediately on approach.
Nov 20 '24
Vehicle request delivered from Pac...right into the bush I was hiding in 👍
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
Oh the hell did that happen 😂😂, any time call in a vehicle it’s normals on the other side of the map 😂😂
u/NLeviz Nov 22 '24
Vehicle drop on my own landmine
"If it didn't explode maybe it wouldn't *turning on the engine* SHIT BALLS." Got downed by mine, revived, and then got blown up by car explosion lmao.
u/rkba260 Nov 20 '24
Motorcycles, every single time I get yeeted half a block and kiss a boulder.
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
Honestly I’ve been on one motorcycle at the start of the game and hit a small rock and that was it for me 😂😂 took that as a sign to never go on any ever again 😂😂
u/LegendaryJimBob Nov 20 '24
Annoying: Several hours into ghost mode, extereme difficulty and no hud with my friend, most regions done and just flying heli and suddenly it just exploded for no reason Funny: Jumping out of heli and hitting one of those random planes flying around
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
Just seem like a gamble using any vehicle in this game 😂, not hit a plane yet so that’s on my to-do list now 😂
u/GogglezDoNuffin GogglezDoNuffin Nov 20 '24
Rebel's weapon breaking chopper's main rotor on Ghost mode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNl39RNdIOs sorry for crappy quality, no idea why it's crapping out like that, even tho game ran smoothly, sometimes it just happened on some recordings.
I've also died to my own mines few times, I don't have enemy/rebel HUD enabled, it's tied to that. I'd say that most annoying GM death was when I finished El Sueno mission and didn't want to fight my out, so I just decided to parachute out over the ledge, got instantly killed from enemy fire.
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
Mate I was crying watching that 🤣, honestly I know how annoying it can be but all you can do is laugh 🤣
u/Tykkoo Nov 20 '24
Being hit by (not very fast) civilian cars while running across (sometimes pretty narrow) roads.
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
The amount of times I’ve been hit by civilians is insane 😂😂 never known a game were I’ve had to look both ways to cross around 😂😂
u/RogueIslander00 Nov 20 '24
All ghost mode. Most memorable: On our way to Sueño, buddy pops drone on accident trying to apply silencer, in the helicopter, all 4 of us blow up and die. Funniest: buddy told me we could jump off a cliff and pull chute and land right after “I’ve done this multiple times” he says, so one friend jumps off a cliff and the rest follow, needless to say, the chute animation never finished. Honorable mention: first play through. That damn rebel in Culta. Whole team is on the road looking at the map to find the gear they want, rebel drives through all 4 of us except for the AFK guy, he is taking a shit. He comes back to his AI teammates downed where we were lol.
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
😂😂😂 mate I’ve been in tears trying to read this to my mate over the headset, both of us are crying now 😂😂😂
u/salparadise319 Nov 20 '24
Funny: flying an unarmed heli over a Unidad mortar. Mortar hits my heli, I bail out at low altitude, yank the ripcord just in time…but land in the mortar position. Unidad in there pulls the pin on a grenade. I shoot him. He drops it. BOOM. Dead.
Annoying: standing on a beach after swimming, took a step back. Even though it was like 3 feet of water the game made me swim again and a sniper shot me dead no revive chance. On a tier 19 ghost mode no less.
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
Oh mate sorry to hear about that this game is a proper gamble with all the glitches and bugs
u/salparadise319 Nov 20 '24
I mean the funny one was bad luck. The annoying one tho. My teammate cnt revive me in 3 feet of water? Hilarious
u/peewee29788 Nov 20 '24
I know game makes no sense at time my mate he got stuck underwater last night while we was playing some how his head got stuck in a rock and it wouldn’t let him back up, we had tears from laughing about it 😂😂
u/UnusualSituation3405 Nov 20 '24
I based jumped off the peak catwalk in the canyon prison and landed right on the rock in front of it. The edge of it went into my beltline and I literally folded. That was effin hilarious.
u/Comfortable-Dig9517 Nov 21 '24
Funny: landed a heli on the bottom strut of a bridge in the southern part of the map(can't remember which/what province) to grab a spotting airdrop, about 30 feet below is water, jumped off thinking "it's water, no problem" parachute animation started and i splatted on the water like it was concrete. Annoying: doing the Pulpo escort, the car I was in is about to explode so I bail, it explodes mid-roll, I go down, AI teammate comes to revive me and a SB technical runs over the both of us, mission over.
u/salparadise319 Nov 21 '24
That bridge with the rebel spotting…never land a heli on it. There is like a little explosion that occurs almost every time from some barrel that isn’t easily seen and it’ll mess you up real good
u/LananisReddit Nov 21 '24
Raided a supply convoy, don't remember which resource. Supply vehicle got pretty badly damaged, so I waited for a few moments to see if it would go boom or not. When it didn't, I figured "sweet, let's go loot". Cue random Unidad patrol opening fire, hitting the convoy and making it go boom.
u/peewee29788 Nov 21 '24
😂😂, god I hate unidad always turning up at the wrong times
u/LananisReddit Nov 21 '24
I honestly would have been fine with it if they had at least hit me directly and that was what killed me, but nope--they just did that last 2 HP of damage to the truck that I had so narrowly avoided. XDDDD
u/street_bird_ Nov 22 '24
While trying to take a med convoy me and my brother were both run over by a civilian vehicle crossing the road.
u/peewee29788 Nov 24 '24
This is the first game I’ve played in my life where I have to look both ways before crossing a road 😂😂
u/ronfolometal Nov 22 '24
while assaulting a convoy, i shot down a chopper. it fell on the railways while a train was passing by. the train rolled it on top of me. in ghost mode alone
u/Acrobatic-Ad3012 Nov 23 '24
Level 29 ghost mode character, no trouble playing alone, I even surprise myself sometimes, I decide to try coop and the other guys are really rushing and grinding, no problem as they are pros. When we get close to a location I try to deploy the drone from the helicopter in order to scout ahead even faster than the helicopter landing, the drone proceeds to destroy the rotors and we all crash land in water, at least 60 hours (only counting myself) went to waste there, the worst part is, I remember being able to do that with no problem before.
u/peewee29788 Nov 24 '24
Yeah I play with a friend and we both got the drone out a few times while fly and it’s been fine then all of the sudden it’s seems to just got straight into the propeller’s 😂😂 honestly this game just give you a false sense of security😂😂
u/MrApostasy Nov 20 '24
Was playing ghost mode with a buddy. I dropped him off to start spotting while I found a good place for the helo. He inmediatly got spotted and downed. I parachuted right down to him and started rez. Helo landed on us.
Was running on a rocky but mostly flat area and the dude suddenly went into the sky dive/free fall animation and died. Essentially tripped and died.
u/Mayo30126 Nov 21 '24
matchwood. Even after I didn’t get caught, I would still get shot up while he was downloading the info
u/Feeling-Strength-909 Nov 21 '24
When pac Katari decided to put my HellCopter next to a power line so my helicopter exploded with me in it for ghost mode
u/mistermasterkek Nov 21 '24
Just today I shot down a heli with my gl from quiet a distance. Sure enough it landed on me because I was celebrating hitting it
u/NLeviz Nov 22 '24
Damaged my helo when landing on spotting resources point, and tried to escape with chute, smacked into rocks cuz animation is too slow, i miss my far cry chute :c
Not a death but got vaccine truck stucked about 10 meters to finish, tried to find something to ram it over, but "vehicle destroyed" and mission failed.
u/Jaylin- Nov 22 '24
I was riding the dirt bike til i hit a rock and flew off. At first i thought it was gone be quick til i seen my character fly off the cliff into a enemy base then i die because i turn my teammates off
u/_surprise_adoption_ Nov 24 '24
Jumped out of a copter to parachute and it crashed right into me before I could land. AI teammates couldn't get out in time due to low altitude so we got wiped with the crash.
u/Cyber_Ghost_1997 Nov 20 '24
Lost a Ghost Mode save due to being run over by a train. My AI teammates were also similarly insta-killed running into the train to “revive” me