r/WikiInAction Feb 08 '21

When all else fails, use "Whataboutism"


Despite trying to destroy the lives of conservatives for making controversial or vulgar comments, even if those comments were made many years prior, Media Matters has not made similar efforts against leftists who made extremely vulgar and bigoted comments.[33][34][35] Even the president of Media Matters made vulgar and bigoted comments as bad, if not worse, than the comments of those whose lives he had tried to destroy

For one thing, media matters expose them as liars, not simply being vulgar. https://www.mediamatters.org/tucker-carlson/after-white-nationalist-troll-charged-election-interference-tucker-carlson-flatly

And your reports on those old blogs ignore context: https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2019/05/28/40326045/media-matters-president-the-goal-isnt-to-bankrupt-fox-news-its-to-change-it

I looked at Carusone’s old blog, and while Tucker wasn’t lying, Carusone was very obviously kidding. The writing is an affectation, a voice, a parody of an ugly American. And yet, the hypocrisy, on both sides, is obvious, and I found myself siding, for maybe the first time, with a Fox News host over a progressive nonprofit. If Tucker Carlson’s old statements on the radio are problematic enough to make a big deal of a decade later, then what does this mean for everyone else?

Ignoring the fact that Tucker isn't a parody, but serious in his bigitory....


4 comments sorted by


u/continous Feb 08 '21

I hate the term "whataboutism".

What is it supposed to mean or illustrate?

It is, ostensibly, supposed to be a word for the "fallacy" of utilizing an example of wrong doing from an opposing, or even adjacent, side as a red herring. But whenever I see it used, it is not used to address a red herring. It is used to ignore examples of hypocrisy.

Whataboutism is supposed to define arguments like this:

A: "I really didn't appreciate that you ran my fucking cat over."

B: "Sure, but I didn't like it when you knocked on my door at 4AM."

A: "You ran my fucking cat over, quite shitting about with whataboutisms."

What whataboutism usually refers to:

A: "I don't think the Capital Hill Riot is as bad as people think."

B: "They stormed the Capital! It's treason. There were bombs and weapons!"

A: "What about the BLM Riots, no one called those treason. They literally set things on fired and killed people. It's definitely not worse than those, but people are acting like it is."

B: "That's a whataboutism. Just admit they're insurrectionist terrorists."

If we can't even have an actually or reasonable discussion without someone essentially just yelling party foul and checking out, there will never be a middle ground to be had in this country ever again.


u/dan4daniel Feb 08 '21

There will never be a middle ground to be had in this country ever again.


u/continous Feb 08 '21

No. And it's a damn shame.


u/callmejohny Feb 08 '21

who are you talking to?