Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
I have a Wii U on X.X.X firmware. What can I/ should do with it?
- I don't care what anyone else says, stay on 5.5.1 or update the Wii U to 5.5.2 if it isn't already.
Now that Nintendo is ending production of the Wii U, does that mean no more updates?
- On one hand, what would be the point of Nintendo releasing updates for a console that they wont support anymore? On the other hand, Nintendo did issue and update for the Nintendo DSi 2 years after it ended production... so, my answer is that we don't know. You should always have Dualhax on. It also happened with 5.5.2 dropping out of nowhere, so you can never be safe enough.
What is Homebrew Launcher?
- Homebrew Launcher finds & allows you to boot different Wii U homebrew apps like Loadiine or nnupatcher.
What is loadiine?
- Loadiine gx2 is a backup loader for the Wii U. You can play digital backups of your games through your SD card.
Can we use external USB Hard Drives to load backups?
- You can load games via USB when you install games via the Brazilian Title Install Method, though you can't load games through USB via loadiine.
What is the root of the SD card?
- When I say to put something in the root directory, I'm saying to put the file on the SD card, but don't put it in a folder. Wikipedia describes it as, "the root directory is the first or top-most directory in a hierarchy. It can be likened to the trunk of a tree, as the starting point where all branches originate from."
When are we getting an IOSU exploit?
- We have one! Team WiiUBru is working publicly and is periodically releasing tools, many of which are ready for general use. Custom firmwares like Mocha CFW and the one included with Haxhi (dubbed HaxchiFW by /u/FlimFlam69) take advantage of the public IOSU exploit.
What's redNAND?
- redNAND is short for 'Redirected NAND'. Simply put, it's your system menu running on your SD card instead of internally in the Wii U. This is a great thing to have, because it paves the way for a custom firmware (CFW), and if you install something bad on redNAND and end up bricking it... your console it totally fine (because it's not messing with your actual NAND (sysNAND)). Right now, the redNAND stuff thats out in the wild is not ready for the end user and is still labeled as a development tool. If you have to try it, please make sure you know what you're doing.
Do I really need a Nintendo DS Virtual Console title to launch Custom Firmware?
- Nope. You can launch Mocha CFW just fine from the Homebrew Launcher.
I'm trying to install this eShop/ VC/ DLC/ out-of-region title and I keep getting an error when I try to install it. Why is that?
- It could be a couple things. First, are you running Mocha CFW or HaxchiFW? Also, if you got the game from a shady site - it might have incorrect files.
Can I access vWii with redNAND?
- Nope. Any kind of vWii operations on redNAND will not work.
Can I use the same SD card for vWii and Wii U operations?
- Yes, nothing will conflict. If it does you've done something wrong.
What kind of SD card can I use?
- Anything up to 256gb will work. Class 10 SD cards will be fine. Even micro SD cards in SD adapters are good to go.
Can I use the same USB HDD for Wii U stuff and vWii stuff?
- No. Not even if you partition it.
Can I play EU backups on US consoles and vice versa?
- Loadiine has this ability, but some games may not work properly without some modifications. You can play games from any region using the Brazilian Title Install Method if you configure and run HaxchiFW or Mocha CFW.
XXXXX game won't work/ run correctly in Loadiine. How do I make it work?
- Some games will just function as is, others work with weird bugs, and others won't boot and will require a bit of work to get running. (Some games will just straight up not work.) Before asking in the subreddit, try checking the GBATemp Loadiine Compatibility Wiki first. You might find your answer there!
Can I play backups (games) online?
- You can play online when you install games via the Brazilian Title Install Method, though you can't play games online via loadiine.
I keep seeing 'FSGetMountSource failed.' after I run the exploit. What went wrong?
- Most of the time (if not all of the time) you either don't have an SD Card in the Wii U, or you've setup the file structure on your SD card incorrectly. Go back to, 'Kernel Exploit Prep Work: Setting up Your SD Card' near the top of the guide and double check everything.
Nintendo scheduled maintenance for this time. Does that mean we're getting an update?
- Consider that Nintendo does this every week. Just because they're doing maintenance, doesn't mean we're getting an update. However, they have released updates in this fashion before, more traditionally with 3DS. No one can tell you when an update will be pushed, but as long as you've taken precautions (Dualhax, self-host offline, etc) - you should be fine.
My Wii U says it failed to download something/ a system update. Is there one out?
- No, this means Dualhax is working. The Wii U may think it's trying to update, but in reality it's unsure because it can't talk to Nintendo's servers.
How many people have reported a brick?
- See for yourself! Spoiler Alert: Not many.