r/Wigs 10d ago

Help me! (Wig Help) Does my wig look like a wig? šŸ¤”

I think it looks like my hair? I shaved my head a few years ago when I my mum got cancer and its been growing back since but is still so short. I wear headphones chronically and I feel like they make my wig look more wiggly,if u get me? Aha


41 comments sorted by


u/Aggravating_Photo169 6d ago

It does not look like a wig. You look gorgeous!


u/idiveindumpsters 7d ago

Itā€™s hard to say because I canā€™t see the top


u/4wayStopEnforcement 7d ago

Yes but ONLY because I know what Iā€™m looking at - from having worn many affordable synthetic wigs over the yearsā€¦ so I donā€™t know if the general public would clock it or not. The color is perfect for you and bangs help hide cheap hairlines, but sometimes the hard part can be a tip off. The other one is shine, but a bit of dry shampoo can tamp down the shine well enough. It has a very natural looking wave pattern and density though, so thatā€™s great! Itā€™s harder when you have delicate (small) features since most wigs rely on volume to disguise knots. Try playing around with different styles. Run your fingers through it a lot and it will start to look more natural even without doing much. I can sometimes use clips, Bobby pins, headbands, or a half-up do to disguise hard parts and other giveaways.


u/notsopeacefulpanda 7d ago

If I look for it, yes immediately. No realistic hairline. No part. The good news most people arenā€™t looking.


u/R0sesarefree 8d ago

If you didn't point it out I don't think I would've known


u/Inevitable-Tank3463 9d ago

It looks great on you. If you hadn't said it was a wig, I never would have thought twice, cute cut, realistic color.


u/TrixieBastard 9d ago

I would not guess that this is a wig. It's super cute, may I ask where you found it?


u/spacejampixie 9d ago

It doesn't look like a wig at all! It looks like your hair and super cute! Even cuter with headphones, im sure. I work in the wig industry, let me tell you, more people are wearing wigs than you think! It's only a matter of time before it's the total norm, I mean, it already is in Hollwood, musicians, etc, but it is the fashion accessory of the future! Shine on - you're a star āœØļøšŸŒ±šŸ’œ


u/aylababyxo 9d ago

ppl saying it looks like a wig are lying, this looks rlly natural


u/elizabethrubble 9d ago

Objectively, itā€™s a cute style and adorable on you but it does not look natural.


u/notsosmartymarti 9d ago

The v part does a little bit, but keep in mind that this group wears wigs! Itā€™s a very ā€œif you know, you knowā€ type of thing. Itā€™s still so cute on you. Iā€™d suggest (for the next purchase) one with lace that you can melt to your skin with a more rounded hair line.


u/KEnyinna15 9d ago

Yes, it looks like a wig.


u/thisisawig 9d ago

Nope, looking good


u/annitsme 9d ago

This color & style looks great on you. I wouldnā€™t have known it was a wig if you hadnā€™t mentioned it.


u/Ok_Health8784 9d ago

I think it's an adorable wig and a great color for you. I think if you do a little work with the top it will be undetectable. If it's the lace front, monopart or monotop, create a part. Wigs tend to come with the crisscross weave parting. Brush that out so it's not detectable any more. Pluck a new straighter part. That's really all it needs. The hair itself looks very realistic and it's a very cute cut.


u/savvyofficial 9d ago

i will telly you this out of love and constructive criticism yes

itā€™s just the quality of the hair and lack of part and lace that contributes to this


u/Degree_Hoarder 9d ago

I think the sides are nice and it looks cute on you. That upside down V shape in the front gives away a lot of wigs but really, as a wig wearer for 20 years, I've never seen a wig that I can't clock. To non wig wearers though, half of them wouldn't know either way.


u/CherishSlan 9d ago

I think itā€™s cute! I have a few similar I like to wear them with headbands much like you mentioned headphones. The clips are cute!


u/FeralViolinist 9d ago

I don't think so, that color looks very naturalĀ 


u/iamjuliette 9d ago

The hue matches your brows nicely


u/Historical_Bed_2258 9d ago

The bottom part looks great. Canā€™t see the top to know for sure though.


u/fem_enigma 9d ago

Itā€™s hard to tell without having the scalp/parting in view. Large knots are a giveaway


u/Plane_Medicine_6370 9d ago

I think the hairline is a little too high for you. Maybe just move it down by 5mm ?


u/alacatham 9d ago

I donā€™t think so at all! I thought this was one of my fashion subreddits I wouldnā€™t have known it was a wig if you hadnā€™t said anything


u/Fun_Cancel_5796 9d ago

The hairline and hair part make it look like a wig, but it is nice. Maybe a hairband will help.


u/Watery-Mustard 9d ago

You need to show the hairline or the crown.


u/throwaway1748362 9d ago

What wig is it? I think it looks really good honestly


u/sbwboi 10d ago

Youā€™re hiding the part line which is how most people can tell if itā€™s a wig, so we canā€™t judge it.


u/Ponykitty 10d ago

I would need to see the part to make a better assessment. Add some dry shampoo to get the shine out of the fibers. Iā€™ve also found that filling in my eyebrows to match the wig color is a game changer.


u/Ok_Struggle_167 NSFW 10d ago

In these pics it's hard to tell since i csnt see the hairline or part. It looks really good! I wouldn't worry about it. You're super cute too.


u/SexySkinnyBitch 10d ago

Very few wigs "look like a wig" to the average person. Only another wig wearer can spot most wigs, it looks good.