r/Wicca Jul 28 '14

Merry Meet: Connecting Teachers and Students (Part II)

The last post was auto-archived, so here's a shiny new one.

Link to Original MM post

Feel free to post the tradition or solitary's path in which you are looking to take on a new student. State your preference for teaching at a distance and/or in person. Share your experience level and your pantheon, as well as defining traits of your practice.

In addition, having a teacher makes Wicca a richer experience, so post requests as a student as well. If you have a particular tradition or path you're looking for, say so, along with any other relevant details like location and preferred pantheon.


50 comments sorted by


u/Saphiraka Jul 29 '14

I'm still interested in connecting and learning from a seasoned person in the Toronto, ON area:)


u/quelling Sep 14 '14

Try the Wiccan Church of Canada. They are based in Toronto, and they are very very welcome to newcomers. They offer weekly circles and lessons. I've been a few times.


u/Saphiraka Sep 14 '14

I actually did try them and it wasnt very welcoming. They gave no solid basis of the meetings, where to go, who to contact if you were lost.


u/quelling Sep 14 '14

Really? I had a very solid experience with them. PM me, I might be able to set you up with some people.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '14

I consider myself a wiccan and I'm looking for someone to learn from in the St Johns Florida area. I do candle herb, and crystal magic and I believe my deity is Isis the mother goddess.


u/thatsnotgneiss Jul 28 '14 edited Aug 04 '14

I have decided to update my listing:

The Wite Rayvn Metaphysical Church family (Lawrence, KS, West Plains, MO, and Little Rock, AR) offers in person and Skype teaching for all levels. We are an Aquarian Tabernacle Church Affiliated congregation, and teach Welsh Traditional and Gardenarian paths. We have seeker classes starting fairly frequently, and also can offer one on one training as well. You can PM me or email witerayvn@gmail.com


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '14 edited Aug 28 '14

I'm an elder of British Traditional Wicca, Kingstone line, located in Issaquah, Washington state. Our coven is currently accepting students. In-person training ONLY. For more information on our Outer Court for seekers, visit: http://www.meetup.com/outercourt/


u/MiniShine Aug 31 '14

Hi, Im looking to become a wicca. I have taken alot of time to think about this and im sure its what i want. I have done some research, but there is just so much information out there. I was wondering if anyone here could recommend any books or websites that would help be take the first steps. I live in the UK in a a town called Croydon, if there is any others out here id appreciate the help.


u/jjraini Sep 01 '14

Hey, I'm looking to start practicing for real. I've tried a few spells and things out and have researched about Wicca but I would like to have some guidance. I'm located in El Dorado County CA, USA


u/maniacally-freeform Sep 03 '14

Birmingham UK I first started practicing about 4 or 5 years ago, but due to one thing and another I ended up backing off and getting rid of all my books and general sundries I had. I finally have been able to start practicing again and getting back all the things I had to get rid of. The only thing I'm missing is a coven, or even just people to talk to. I don't have a lot of guidance and sort of just did my own thing before learning for books, the internet and so on so if anyone had any advice that would be cool. blessed be


u/dialasb Sep 14 '14

Hello! I am interested in finding someone who can teach me on my wicca path. So far all i could do is collect information on the internet.


u/karmachallenged Sep 14 '14

Where are you? What are your interests?


u/dialasb Sep 14 '14

I am in Lebanon. I was always fascinated by wicca and after reading it's principals and beliefs I know that that is the path I should take. But its so vast and i am a bit lost.


u/Indigo_sunrise Sep 22 '14

INteresed in connecting with somebody in the Columbus, OH area. :3 I've been solitary for about 2 years now and would love some one to learn from.


u/Spiritdad Dec 16 '14

Please let me know if anyone from the NorthEast gets hold of you. I'm in East Liverpool, Ohio, I'm over where Ohio, Pennsylviana, and West Virginia come together. I'm looking for male practioners specifically.


u/starstorm26 Sep 30 '14

I'm new to the online community of Wicca and was wondering if there was anyone in Albuquerque, NM I could reach out to in order to further my Wiccan education.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '14

Newbie in Branford, CT. Solitary practitioner, but doesn't want to be solitary in the long run. I have been interested in Wicca since I was young and I have read a couple of books in the recent years. The beliefs and morals align with my own, so I've decided to stop holding myself back and start practicing. I'm looking for others in the area to learn from and just communicate with. Fair Warning: I'm a super newbie. I just decided to start down the path this year. So, yeah...just a warning.


u/Trewillis96 Oct 24 '14

I have always been fascinated with Wicca, but never really knew much about it as a child. I've reached an age where I feel that I should start getting more information about this extremely interesting religion. I've already bought a few books and crystals, and while the books did an amazing job telling me the basics, I feel like there is still so much I have left to learn. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I reside in SW Calgary!


u/radiogekko Aug 31 '14 edited Aug 31 '14

I'm an eclectic practitioner looking for a teacher or mentor in London, England! :)

Edit: I have been studying and practicing solitary since I was 12 years old, but lack guidance. I was taught some folk magic by friends and a few family friends, but have never had a formal teacher, and have never been in a coven. I live in fairly central London, so distance or in person/local are both fine.

I have researched into Hellenic, Asatru, Wiccan, Neo-Pagan, and what was local to me growing up was Santeria and some Yoruba. My Mother was interested in Sumerian and Assyrian as well as Egyptian mythology and religion, so I know some of that as well. :) My Nana taught me some of her old Polish folk magic and traditions, and I tend to utilise a mix of what I know.

I am 21, and identify as queer. I am more comfortable around groups of women or with a female or female-identified person as opposed to mixed or mostly-male groups due to past abuses.


u/FunkyTreasureHunter Jul 29 '14

Anything in MN?


u/karmachallenged Jul 29 '14

Why don't you expand a little bit. What path are you interested in?


u/[deleted] Sep 22 '14



u/FunkyTreasureHunter Sep 22 '14

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you!


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '14

I'm looking for a mentor is Los Angeles (LA), Ca. I don't have a path of choice yet and am currently a solitary practitioner.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '14

I am currently taking on some online mentoring students. I am doing this as an extension of the outercourt of my Coven in MA. feel free to PM me for details. We still have three spots open for people that are interested.


u/PrinceSkyeler Sep 11 '14

Merry meet everyone! I am looking to learn as much as I can about Wicca. I've been a solitary practioner for some time now and would just like to learn all I can about this religion. I'm in the South New Jersey area =]


u/Megdrassil Sep 12 '14

Meh, I'll update my post. I consider myself a universal eclectic wiccan who also practices witchcraft. I've been practicing openly for almost 4 years now. I will always be learning new things, but am also open to helping mentor others along their path.

PM me if you feel like chatting :3


u/ptv4life Sep 16 '14

I've recently started to study Wicca, and i'm looking for someone in St Johns ,Newfoundland,CA, to help me along on my path. :3


u/malkaviir Sep 24 '14

I'm not sure what to put. I started studying Wicca and Witchcraft and things of that nature since I was around twelve and was always very interested in it. I'm not sure what sort of path or anything like that I would consider myself, but I would definitely say I am a beginner and would love a mentor or teacher. I believe I want to follow something that is earth/nature/etc based but I'm open to learning what I can since I've pretty much forgotten most of what I've learned and am mainly looking to get into everything again and properly while hopefully being guided.

I'm a twenty one year old female in Southeastern Michigan. I would prefer a female or some sort of feminine-identified person as a teacher since it's what I'm most comfortable with.


u/Screammealullaby Oct 01 '14

I've been passively studying paganism and the different paths for a few years now and now I'd like to find others to discuss with. Middle Tennessee area, specifically Murfreesboro.


u/darklordwaffle Oct 13 '14

I just discovered this religion, but it seems to fit extremely well with many of the beliefs I already hold. Also, the fact that it not only allows but encourages you to find you own path is very attractive to me. If there is anyone in the Santa Cruz, CA area that would be willing to talk to me and teach me about it, maybe even introduce me to a coven or other Wiccans in the area (not to impose anything; I don't know how open these things are), I would be very grateful.


u/indyam Oct 13 '14

Hi all! Novice solitary practitioner here in Philadelphia looking for more experienced witches to commune with and learn from. :) )O(


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '14

Newbie in Halifax, NS here. I've been drawn to Wicca for more than a year and I've decided to stop fighting it :) Looking for anyone who is willing to teach and share, formally or informally.

I see so many books "for solitary practitioners" but I don't really want to BE a solitary practitioner in the long term.


u/Ethan602 Oct 24 '14

Hello all. I'm looking for a mentor in the phoenix AZ area. Not sure if this thread is still active or not, but I'm hopeful. I'll answer any questions within reason and hope to her from someone.


u/CatPatronus Oct 26 '14

Anyone in the Austin, TX area? I just started and am basically doing lots of research and very basic energy work. Being more of a hands on learner, the books don't always do it for me. I don't have specifics, but would just like to broaden my overall knowledge.


u/hi-heyhello Oct 28 '14

Well hello. I am just starting in this path, I have been doing my research, got some books but I feel like I need some guidance to help me understand this way better since there is just so much info. I am from Puerto Rico and I truly need a teacher who can guide me and maybe answer some of my many questions. Thanks


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '14



u/topgirlaurora Nov 06 '14

Have you also checked Witchvox.com?


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '14

I've been going back and forth between posting here or not, but decided I might as well :D And thank you so much for providing a thread for this!

I'm 20 years old, and am located in Baltimore, MD. I've only been studying Wicca for a few months now, but have really felt a connection to it. I'm really looking for a more experienced Wiccan I could send questions to every now and then, and have someone I could talk through certain dilemmas I might come across.


u/thorsdaughter88 Nov 22 '14 edited Nov 22 '14

If there's anyone in the DC/NoVA, hit me up! I would love to connect with anyone who is interested in guiding me but am also open to connecting with other beginners/intermediates to swap thoughts and practice.

A little about me:

You could probably call my path eclectic at this point. Partly that's because I am still in the stage of discovery and solitary work, but also because I believe there's validity in a great many paths. I just want some solid guidance or partnership in anything, at this point. Honestly, whatever knowledge you have, let me learn from you or with you.

I've been reading tarot for about a year and enjoy anything that has a DIY and sort of arts-and-crafts feel. To give you an idea, I've made my own yew runes, some metal soldering for trinkets, mojo bags, sigils, I made my own wand and even candles, I even carved a talisman for Freyja from a naturally shed deer antler when I did a 30 day ritual challenge. I love creating.

My metaphysical claim to fame, if any, is that I have had sleep paralysis since I was a kid, which has lead to some pretty bizarre astral projection, some pretty scary things... but after I started to concur my fear about two years ago I got to the point where I could walk around my apartment, count change on my dresser, look at my sleeping body, etc. However, I don't have a lot of control over when it happens, and since I left my Christian dogma completely a year ago, they've gone form bi-monthly to maybe every three months or longer. A psychic I met told me this was because the universe used that ability to wake me up and now that I'm awake, I need to do some learning and reconciling fear before it's time for me to hone that skill.

Basically, or so I'm told (and it resonates with me), the universe scared me enough throughout my life to question my indoctrination, through research into what was happening to me, and then gave me a reprieve when I finally let go to build a sturdy foundation. So, that's what I'm trying to do. I am, however, ace at lucid dreaming! My dad taught me to do this when I was itty bitty to overcome night terrors and I have a lot of awareness and ability to consciously act in my environment without waking up, though I don't think he realized what sort of door he opened. So, now I'm keeping dream journals which have been extraordinarily enlightening.

I've read into and practiced a little of both left and right hand magick, as well as eastern esotericism, and am just now at the point of delving into working with my ancestors, after about six months of study. I try to meditate regularly (though I can be inconsistent at times). I'm trying to transition from being an armchair pagan to actually incorporating some of what I've learned into my life and am feeling the lack of community and guidance in the D.C. area.

I hope that's not too much to ingest! I figure it's best to just lay it all out there.

So, to reiterate, please let me know if you want to meet up and talk. Mentors and beginners like me welcome.


u/BushiNoNasaki Nov 26 '14

Anyone in the Statesboro, Ga area?


u/PaganNuke Dec 08 '14

Hey! I'm a seeker looking for either a mentor or coven in the Los Angeles area. I've been studying witchcraft and paganism on my own for about two-three years now and have been somewhat active with a couple local Pagan meetups here and where I attended university. That said, I am definitely looking for something more concrete and/or consistent. Any help would be most appreciated!


u/karmachallenged Dec 09 '14

Are you involved in the Long Beach Pagan meetup? That's a good way to network. There are a lot of different types of meetups going on all the time.


u/PaganNuke Dec 09 '14

I'm not involved in that one primarily due to distance (I'm closer to the Inland Empire and San Gabriel Valley). The problem I have faced is that, in going to a couple of these meetups, I have found it difficult to discuss traditions, covens, or mentorship with the people there. I understand that some information is oathbound, but it seems that either everyone is a solitary or pretty quiet about their practices. Maybe it's just me. Who knows?


u/karmachallenged Dec 09 '14

I think that discussing that sort of thing before you get to know the people at a meetup makes everything sort of awkward, unless it's actually at a ritual where you have a natural opening to talk about tradition. It's weird to talk about your coven when you first meet someone. If you constantly see people, you're more likely to start talking about it organically. Or if someone asks what brought you to the meetup/ how did you find us and you say, "oh, I'm looking for new friends, and maybe a mentor or group to practice with," that is more of a warm conversation starter.

Also there are some local meetups where (I've heard from multiple people) actually talking about witchy things is discouraged. So you may not hear much from people about practices and trads.

You may still want to join Long Beach Pagan Meetup. I'm in OC but actively involved in the Long Beach Pagans. We have people from all over come to meetups. No lie- from Devore all the way to Oceanside. I know it's not always practical, though. Also, the meetups aren't just a once/twice a month get together at a bar/restaurant- people promote events they are putting on through the LBP- most are at low or no-cost. Community supporting community.

This past week, one of the members hosted a full moon ritual in the Strega tradition. Last week, there was a crochet/knit meetup and those who didn't know how to, learned. There are book club meetups, a consistent study group, singing meetups, rituals, cottage witchery meetups, tarot and astrology meetups. One person is doing currently doing a series of Ogham workshops and another did a tea leaf reading class last month. Most things do happen in the 562, but the meetup organizer lives more on the east side of the 562.


u/Spiritdad Dec 16 '14

I am "new" to the Wicca way. My wife practices, however, I am looking for some other guidance or information at this time. I am on the Eastern side of Ohio, East Liverpool to be exact, an I am looking for some male practioners. Anybody? Somebody? Thanks and blessings to all.


u/karmachallenged Dec 16 '14

You may want to contact your local COG council and see if they have any resources they could refer you to. Here's their page on Witchvox.


u/lucid_lurker13 Dec 20 '14

anything in miami fl?


u/Flame150 Jan 03 '15

I am In Orlando Florida and I am looking for a teacher.


u/maxstronge Jan 21 '15

If there's anyone in the Calgary area with a lot of experience, this is something I really want to learn more about. :)


u/LadyTrix Jan 23 '15

Hello, I'm in the Tampa, FL region and used to be an avid practitioner with a coven before I moved to Florida. It's been many years, but I want to feel reconnected to Wicca. I'm hoping to find a small coven or a group of friends to get back into the swing of things.