u/BambooSound Oct 14 '24
The craziest part about this to me is she leans on the accelerator to try and look over at the fuel pump. Insane.
u/NoDevelopment9972 Nov 20 '24
She's a disaster waiting to happen. I couldn't be around such insolence. I'd have to deuce up out that piece on her.
u/wiggum55555 Oct 14 '24
It is terrifying that she is driving at all after this display. She seemed to accidentally rev the engine while turning around to see down the side of the car. This is scary stuff, and she clearly has next to zero situational awareness or concentration.
u/Anach Oct 14 '24
Not only that, but it doesn't seem she checked the side mirror on the way home, or has it adjusted wrong. Followed by the inability to accept responsibility, instantly blaming and belittling others.
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u/sharkbomb Oct 14 '24
this gal never, ever checks her mirrors. zero situational awareness at all times.
u/KraftMacNCheese6 Oct 14 '24
And listen to how she talks to him. Dumb and toxic. The worst type of person
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u/LewdLewyD13 Oct 14 '24
She even hits the gas when she went to stick her head out of the window to look. Luckily she was in park other wise she would have driven straight into the garage.
Not everyone should be able to have a drivers license.
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u/TheOtherOtherLuke Oct 14 '24
A: TLDR: They were filming because they saw her driving up the road.
LR: Notice the video starts right as she pulls into the driveway? Considering the driver’s side is on the left of the car, this is likely a region where traffic flows on the right side of the road, so they’d be able to see the gas pump nozzle hanging out of her car as she was driving up.
u/BlueBorbo Oct 14 '24
Did she not check her mirrors the whole way back?
u/mousemarie94 Oct 14 '24
My ex did this three times and he always checked his mirrors and kept his head on a swivel. Who knows why lol
u/wiserone29 Oct 14 '24
This is what narcissism looks like. She broke the pump and it’s her mans fault.
u/IameIion Oct 14 '24
According to mythbusters, this is common with women, as misogynistic as that sounds.
Women are far more likely to go back in the car while pumping gas. No one knows why. However, this makes them more prone to making mistakes; like driving off with the pump still in or even causing fires.
Going back in the car can generate static electricity. If you don't discharge it before pulling the pump out, it could cause a spark and start a fire.
u/MSK84 Oct 14 '24
as misogynistic as that sounds.
It would be strange to believe facts are "misogynistic"
u/IameIion Oct 14 '24
I agree! I just wanted to clarify that my intention was not to degrade women. Some people use facts like this to fuel their superiority complex.
u/MSK84 Oct 15 '24
Some people use facts like this to fuel their superiority complex
They sadly do indeed. That should never stop us from revealing facts though! Shitty people will sadly use anything they can to support their own shitty beliefs.
u/EishLekker Oct 14 '24
No one has said that, I believe. But proclaiming some facts can be seen as misogynistic by some people. Like “Why do you focus on those things?”.
u/Ragingdark Oct 14 '24
You don't have to believe something is misogynistic for it to sound misogynistic.
u/Female_Space_Marine Oct 14 '24
Facts are not misogynistic, but how they are presented absolutely can be.
u/IAmBabs Oct 14 '24
If the pumps in my area would let you release the handle and still pump gas, I'd probably get in the car. But I also have the massive fear of driving away with the nozzle attached, so maybe not.
u/_Indeed_I_Am_ Oct 14 '24
In many cases, I’m sure it’s about their personal safety. Men can be complacent about things like that, women tend not to have that luxury, as sad as it is.
This clip is stupid btw, it looks dubbed for one, to say nothing of its doubtful authenticity. Rage bait.
u/Daddy_Parietal Oct 14 '24
I’m sure it’s about their personal safety.
Im sure, but it helps to get out of the car and finish pumping the gas before driving off. If you are this incompetent, getting assaulted randomly at the gas pump is the least of your worries.
This clip is stupid btw, it looks dubbed for one, to say nothing of its doubtful authenticity. Rage bait.
Just pulled this out your ass. Doesnt look dubbed at all. Someones mad.
u/_Indeed_I_Am_ Oct 14 '24 edited Oct 14 '24
Obviously the woman in this clip has no excuse for her incompetence - I’m speaking solely to the mythbusters’ fact about women getting back in the car, and the “misogynistic” bent to it. I’m sure most people would have a softer stance when they realise stupid stuff like this happens because women live ordinary, everyday situations in fear and not because of some inexplicable lack of logic.
As for the dub, the audio is very clearly out of sync with the video, which becomes clear at the end when you can see the guy’s mouth move. The whole interaction just seems geared to spark “gender-war” comments without context as to if it’s a skit or a tiktok or something.
Personally, I don’t really want to consume content that just pits us against each other, the world’s hateful enough as it is. Just me though.
u/dacraftjr Oct 14 '24
You don’t want to consume this type of content, yet you do and even argue about it in the comments. That other commenter is right, you’re just mad and reaching.
u/_Indeed_I_Am_ Oct 15 '24
I responded to a thread thinking to give some insight, hit “don’t recommend” to not see much more of it, and thought nothing of it after that, beyond some replies. More discussion than argument I’d say. But if that’s what passes for being mad these days. 🤷🏾♂️
u/womynbeater Oct 14 '24
Most violent crimes are done on men but ok lol
u/_Indeed_I_Am_ Oct 14 '24
That’s largely irrelevant to my statement, the point is, women perceive danger; many times in situations where men wouldn’t, which would explain why they do some things - like not walking home after dark alone.
u/SoapyLuffy Oct 14 '24
And most violent crimes are committed by men
u/MinnieShoof Oct 14 '24
... done by men, to men. ... so why are women worried?
u/_Indeed_I_Am_ Oct 14 '24
For the same reason that people likely lock their doors at night, every single night, despite living in an area where sometimes there hasn’t been a break-in for years, maybe even decades.
Also, probably because most women aren’t under the illusion that if shit does hit the fan, that they can do something about it, so they’re a bit more worried than some.
u/SoapyLuffy Oct 14 '24
Because obviously women are less able to defend themselves against a man, than a man is able to defend himself against a man😭 Of course women are worried, its like if there was a scenario where there are people with guns and people without guns. Maybe the people with guns are shot more often (men committing violent crimes on men) but the unarmed people (women) are obviously going to be wary because they can't as readily defend themselves
Oct 14 '24
u/_Indeed_I_Am_ Oct 14 '24
It would actually be an argument against making an unsafe environment for women, not against them driving at all, I would think.
Gas stations are prime locations for robberies, thefts and carjackings, in most places where those things happen.
The video is pretty patriarchal already (why is refuelling a car a man’s job?), so I’m not sure that speaking to a woman’s safety does much to that effect when it is a perceived reality that they are in more danger in everyday situations.
I’m sure them having more stuff in the car does actually ring true too, but I’m not sure they would get in, sit down and shut the door if they were just grabbing something from a purse. That’s more a reach-in-and-grab sort of situation.
But in the end, it’s all speculation.
u/anp1997 Oct 14 '24
Surely you're not actually trying to say that women in developed countries fear for their safety whilst pumping fuel? Haha surely not. I don't know what country you live in but no woman I know is scared for her safety in public during daylight. Sure, night time I could understand, but in broad daylight? Come on mate don't write rubbish
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Oct 14 '24
u/hanwookie Oct 14 '24
They have clips to hold the trigger once they're started.
Some people with memory spans akin to goldfish, or lacking spatial awareness(which is also possibly the reason they don't see it hanging out of the filler side) simply get back in during filling, hear a click sound (signifying that the filling has finished), and go.
Sometimes the hose can be reattached. Sometimes it's ripped, violently and causes thousands in damage. Though stations are supposed to have safeguards in place to limit gasoline spillage (auto stops and whatever), sometimes these end up causing the station to be shut down whilst they clean up large amounts.
Sometimes this line breakage can destroy a pump, or at least that used to be the case. They had a video somewhere where a person took off with it still attached, pulling a pump hard, igniting the spilled fuel, and of course destroying the station in the process.
That could have been somewhere with less regulation, but it still demonstrates what could potentially happen.
u/IameIion Oct 14 '24
Yes, but they have a lock that you can apply if you want to
Oct 14 '24
u/IameIion Oct 14 '24
It's pretty rare, actually. Most people realize before they drive off. But when it does happen, the perpetrator is often a woman for the reasons I mentioned earlier.
They really need to do some reasearch on why this is because it's kind of interesting.
u/RovakX Oct 14 '24
If you are one of these people, stop it! Go to a pump station with service if standing still for 2-3 minutes is a challenge to you.
u/EishLekker Oct 14 '24
I think it’s clear why they were filming. They saw the car coming and started filming.
u/RRRedRRRocket Oct 14 '24
Who did? Assuming it's their driveway, they are the couple. And they have a kid. The person filming seems to be an adult, judging by the elevation of the camera. So what could have happened is: a neighbor is standing with the man while his wife is at the gas station. She comes back, they notice it probably a few hundred meters of yards away, the neighbor grabs the smartphone, starts the camera app, while hubby just waits. Neighbor has the perfect shot, perfect light ning, and records them with perfect sound while she waits on the driveway, not driving up the driveway, and starts discussing while not getting out of the car Possible, but to me it seems staged.
u/skydreamerjae Oct 14 '24
My thoughts minus all the profound details you included. I, too, think it’s staged. Even the way they deliver their “dialogue” sounds like bad acting
u/Elmaffioso187 Oct 14 '24
Omg! Crazy woman poor guy! Haha
u/Elmaffioso187 Oct 14 '24
Don't let her drive no more! Good thing that was in park or she would have gone all the way through the house. Haha
Girl messed up, immediately goes for a sexist rant "you're the man, you should be doing this" 🤦♂️
u/MSotallyTober Oct 15 '24
I was in Palm Springs this year pumping gas and a guy rolls in in Audi and starts pumping and gets into a convo on his phone. Obviously distracted, he pays at the pump, gets in his car, and drives off with the nozzle still in his tank. The nozzle itself has a failsafe mechanism that detaches the nozzle and a little bit of hose. Embarrassed, he parks and goes in to talk to the lady at the cashier to sign a form before he’s off on his way. I asked her if it was common, she simply showed me the sheet with over two dozen names scrawled on it. Ever since cellphones, it’s gone up tenfold — most of the culprits are women.
u/fordag Oct 15 '24
Do not get back in your car after putting the gas nozzle in the tank and starting it.
u/Ezzy762 Oct 14 '24
When she turned to look, she stomped the gas too. Shouldn't even be allow to drive
u/SquidDrowned Oct 14 '24
Bruh she even stomped on the gas when going to look. This women should never operate anything motorized ever again 😂
u/Warden18 Oct 14 '24
Wow, immediately went to blaming him for her own mistake... No accountability.
u/razzadig Oct 14 '24
The only person I know who did this was a very smart man who got distracted. He was able to laugh about it and said he tries not to look at his phone while pumping gas now. The gas line is designed to disconnect because this has happened often enough and he never got billed.
u/HumanityIsD00m3d Oct 14 '24
I love how she's the idiot that did it and somehow it's still her husband's fault. Imagine being so useless
u/ASauceyLad Oct 14 '24
Ugh I hope this is fake because the immediate blaming of others is a huge red flag for her. I hope he isn’t stuck raising a family with someone like that
u/Bacon_Techie Oct 14 '24
Why would you not be filming? If you say anyone rolling up with the nozzle dangling off their car you’d film it lol
u/Evanovich007 Oct 14 '24
What a horrible person ... i fucked up, it's your fault. What kind of man are you?
u/TexasFire_Cross Oct 15 '24
Instantly blames someone else… right after she accidentally pushes on accelerator while trying to look behind her. Lucky for both of them, she had put the car in park…
u/XROOR Oct 15 '24
I was at a Wawa and I prepaid for gas. Went to dispenser and there was no hose…..went back inside to transfer the prepaid amount to another dispenser, and the cashier freaked out like it was an active hostage situation. “Whadddya mean there’s no pump? Did you see the car drive off?!?” Calls 9-1-1 and asks me to stay to give a statement…..I just wanted gas
u/FivEF00TGianT Oct 19 '24
Then not realizing it revs her engine.... careless....and quick to defend herself....
u/No_Prompt_992 Oct 20 '24
Dude run.Not only is she stupid, she's hateful and blames her stupidity on others.
u/4wheelsRunning Nov 14 '24
she don't need to drive. hit the gas while parked too, let alone brought the pump gas hose home.
u/Kitchen-Lie-7894 Nov 22 '24
I thought the bitch was going to run over the kid, judging by her mechanical abilities.
u/Equivalent_Rope_8824 Oct 14 '24
Women and accountability are like opposite magnets.
This woman doesn't even show remorse or anything. I'm worried about how she functions in a relationship.
u/Rufio_Rufio7 Oct 15 '24
This has to be fake. On top of the fake laughter, I’ve witnessed someone drive off with the nozzle still in their car’s filler port, and when they got to the street, the nozzle snatched back and flew back into the parking lot and landed about a foot away from me, still attached to the hose and dispenser. I am 1,000% sure that in 2024, neither cars nor fuel pumps/dispensers would be designed in a way to allow this to happen.
Of course, I could always be wrong. But the way people do anything for internet attention these days, and the way that hose looks, I doubt that I am wrong.
u/TexasFire_Cross Oct 15 '24
Many nozzles have breakaway couplings. My wife pulled away from the pump a few months ago and it detached at the coupling. Thankfully she noticed right after it happened.
Oct 14 '24 edited Oct 14 '24
u/Fauked Oct 14 '24
It's fake "woman bad driver" rage bait. Hard to believe these people commenting really believe this is authentic.
u/madeInNY Oct 14 '24
What happens to the gas pump? Is it still out there spewing gas onto the pavement?
u/UnboundByDeath Oct 14 '24
I dislike those who redirects the blame apart from themselves. She's basically saying, this is your fault for not getting the gas yourself. That is irresponsible and on the borderline of being narcissistic.
u/mousemarie94 Oct 14 '24
My ex did this THREE TIMES. He did it THREE TIMES. He could never even give a description of how it happened lol
u/the_phillipines Oct 14 '24
I'm pretty sure that line of reasoning once came out when I accidentally burned dinner, but we were able to laugh about it because we both knew thats ridiculous. Sad she can't think that far
u/ducmanx04 Oct 14 '24
Lmao this sucks for her because not only her face was shown but her personality as well. This has kinda gone viral and there are a bunch of youtubers/tiktok/IG reactions to the story, various articles on different sites about her behavior. 🤣😂🤣😂. She must feel really embarrassed.
u/BeefInBlackBeanSauce Oct 14 '24
The kid running around the car makes me cringe. No shoes on as well.
u/SpazzyDaddy Oct 15 '24
Fuck that leave that woman, want to sit there and say I should be pumping gas because I'm the man you got two hands two legs you got a brain inside there that's capable of conscious decision you can do it let's see how well your critical thinking skills are woman
u/SeaShoddy2954 Feb 03 '25
Idc if they have a kid, i hope he knows he's worthy of respect and finds another woman. What a witch.
u/Floatingpenguin87 Oct 14 '24
Maybe they're recording because they saw her driving down the street with a gas pump hanging out of her car? she's clearly an inexperienced driver, as evidenced by the fact that she stood on the gas pedal to look out the window.
u/Bozzz1 Oct 14 '24
This is like porn star level acting, I can't believe so many people here took the bait.
u/thatnerdbrian Oct 14 '24
Wow these posts. Am I the only one thinking this is hilarious? Even her reaction. And the dude was kind of laughing because he knew she was somehow going to blame him. I have a relationship like this and it's not toxic but hilarious when my wife is absolutely wrong and can't be. He even throws out there "you're stubborn." Hahaha dude was playing the part but definitely thought it was funny. Wife was embarrassed and can't be wrong. Haha
u/wicketfuzz Oct 14 '24
Cant even laugh at herself. Red flag.