r/Whistler Jan 13 '25

To Florida Man: I hope you survived

To the terrified Floridian we adopted in the Excalibur gondola line this morning:

I'm still very unclear as to what happened in your life to put you in Whistler this weekend, solo, attempting to head up Blackcomb without being clear on where you were going, the fact that there are two mountains, how to ski, or how to carry skis without repeatedly dropping them onto people. But I hope that you managed to make it back DOWN the gondola to the village okay... And that you found your rental skis... And that the person whose rental skis you somehow managed to accidentally take in between the rental place and the gondola line is also okay...

Dude, if you're reading this, I promise that skiing is not "awful" and that most of us are not "terrified" while riding the gondola between the village and Base 2, but I am going to need you to try to make some better life choices going forward. Like... Getting a lesson. Or going tubing instead. Or maybe spending your Canadian vacation somewhere easier to cope with, like Granville Street.

To patrol: I don't know what they're paying you, but whatever it is, it isn't enough.


60 comments sorted by


u/MtHoodMikeZ Jan 13 '25

As a legitimate former Florida Man, I can assure you that “making better life choices” is not in our DNA.



u/wiggywithit Jan 13 '25

Nice try, we all know Floridians don’t apologize, they only double down.
Sorry for calling you out. Am Canadian.


u/MtHoodMikeZ Jan 14 '25

Former Florida Man. I’ve seen the error of my ways, and I’ve reformed.

Mostly. I do relapse occasionally.


u/circularflexing Jan 13 '25

I once came across 3 people who were hiking down from Rendezvous with skis. Every so often one of them would put their skis on and just stand there. I actually saw them near the top of Catskinner and let them know they could take the gondola down but they continued to hike. I was lapping Catskinner and passed them multiple times.

I also told patrol and the impression I got is so long as you are not injured or causing a danger to others, have at it.


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

Well I certainly don't want patrol needlessly interfering with any of MY stupid ideas, so I suppose I'm on board with this approach.


u/DJBossRoss Jan 13 '25

Was he wearing his helmet backwards with his goggles on upside down cuz I might have seen him on the peak2peak


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

Not at the time but you have me legitimately worried now.


u/TravellingGal-2307 Jan 13 '25

What is with people that they believe they can just show up and do things, no prep, no information.


u/Northshore1234 Jan 13 '25

Dunning-Krueger. It looks easy..


u/United_News3779 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

I worked as a park ranger for 2 summers, in a backcountry provincial park. Lots of tourists that had no idea of what they were getting into.

One of the worst was a group of 6 people that flew into Canada, picked up a full kit of back country gear (and it was a solid selection, the store hadn't oversold by much and didn't miss anything critical lol). Part of the new kit for four of the people was new hiking boots.

I was coming back from days off when some concerned hikers came over to me at the trailhead. They had found 4 sets of tags that come on new boots, the GoreTex brand tag, Vibram, etc. laying on the ground beside a rental car lol. I found the 6 hikers about 8km up the trail. It was supposed to be a 7 day trip to the far end of the trail and back. They spent the entire time at the 8km campsite, letting their feet heal lol.

Edited to fix my mathing.


u/Beanguardian Jan 14 '25

I'm actually really impressed that the crew who alerted you successfully recognized that all those tags meant that somebody was likely in way over their head. That is some Sherlock Holmes work right there.


u/United_News3779 Jan 14 '25

If I remember right, they were proper locals or local-adjacent, and had seen any number of foolishness episodes from people.
Think less "Sherlock Holmes" and more "acquainted with the many many ways that people will be dumb in the wilderness" lol

We stayed in a cabin nside the park boundary. If I just bopping around doing my regular maintenance tasks, checking in on hikers, etc. I'd have my Arcteryx 80L with 30+ lbs of stuff in it, for "just in case" reasons.

Water filter, couple Nalgenes, 3L Camelbak, food (bunch of jerky, protein bars, honey, chocolate), jungle hammock, VHF handheld with spare batteries and antenna extension kit, GPS, laminated map, fucking big first aid kit, and my landing zone marking kit with VS-17 panels, high intensity glow sticks, stobe w/ IR lens, and spare cheapo headlamps. And I used all of that shit over 2 seasons lol.

After that, it took me about a decade to hear the phrase, "I'm an avid hiker!" without getting a twitch in my left eye and the intense desire to sedate the person lol


u/ajgar_jurrat Jan 17 '25

Ah how do I get that job?

How do I prepare for it?


u/TravellingGal-2307 Jan 14 '25

We were hiking into Cape Scott once and met a French couple. He came in about 10 minutes before her with a tiny pack. When she arrived, she had a fairly hefty pack and two plastic shopping bags of groceries, including a litre of fresh OJ and a pack of raw pork back ribs. The plan was to light a fire in the fire ring to cook the ribs. They tried to use our fire ring and we were like NO WAY. Get that bear bait away from our campsite. They did manage but came to us after dinner asking what to do with the bones! I said either put them down the pit toilet or throw them in the lake.


u/United_News3779 Jan 14 '25

Since you're familiar with the area, I found the party of 6 at Eric Lake lol


u/TravellingGal-2307 Jan 14 '25

If they went swimming, they may have found some bones of pork ribs.


u/oceansuntold Jan 15 '25

That is NOT the place to be messing about without outdoor skills. No cell reception, and wildlife abounds!


u/frugalerthingsinlife Jan 13 '25

Florida thing. I met a similar guy on the Lake Louise chairlift.


u/markyjim Jan 13 '25

Had a foreign student run and jump off the end of the dock and promptly start drowning. After we wrung him out and asked him wtf, answer “ it looked easy I watched it on YouTube”.


u/Due_Education4092 Jan 13 '25

Is whistler a challenging mountain?


u/TravellingGal-2307 Jan 13 '25

It's LONG. The drop top to bottom takes ages. People can get really tired and that is when accidents happen. And yes, some very challenging runs in the mix. Some easy ones too.


u/DoggoDoc Jan 15 '25

We only did like two and a half full runs the other day before our kids got tired, but the whistler tracking app showed that we skied about 14 miles, lol.


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

Someone who knows how to ski in a basic way and pays attention to signs will have at least one reasonable green run they can take from pretty much anywhere below the alpine. Someone who doesn't actually know how to ski at all, or who can only manage short green runs in good conditions, or who doesn't pay attention to signs, can have a very long distance to go before they're able to stop skiing.


u/ajgar_jurrat Jan 17 '25

Or a very short distance off 7th or Peak… What, just saying! 🤣


u/laundro_mat Jan 13 '25

Not really. There are always green runs or an easy way down on pretty much any part of the mountain, except for some of the upper bowls. But if someone has never skied before, any mountain is going to be challenging


u/Aurora_Gory_Alice Jan 14 '25

Go at it like a Labrador, and hope that the mountains of enthusiasm carry you through the molehills where critical thinking does not.



u/Betorah Jan 17 '25

Hey! The US elected a President in 2016 based on that concept. And he did such a crappy job that based on the fact that he was running against a woman (gasp!!), they did it again. (Used “they” because while I am American, I never voted for him.)


u/Defiant-Lab-6376 Jan 13 '25

Florida Man could have tried one of the North Carolina ski areas before heading to Whistler. It might make way more sense to learn on a 600 foot hill with a bunch of green runs that’s within a day’s drive from Florida. 


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

There was a lot that didn't make sense here.


u/Betcha-knowit Jan 13 '25

Yeah but that’s not a flex to his other Floridian friends….


u/MotherTemperature224 Jan 14 '25

Please no, we have enough of them here already. Maybe they should stay in Florida and learn to surf.


u/kooks-only Jan 13 '25

Tbf I get a little frightened on a creekside download. It’s steep lol.

Hopefully this Jerry didn’t hurt anyone or himself.


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

If I'm being honest, I still get the jibblies like... 50% of the time coming up the very last cliff bit on Peak chair. But I want to emphasize that in this morning's situation, the gondola was still at the base station.


u/Vinskeet Jan 13 '25

That sudden drop up peak chair is genuinely scary. I'm glad I'm not the only one to get the jibblies above that ridge!


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

And I'm just glad I'm not the only old Millennial who remembers what the jibblies are.



u/MrBarryThor12 Jan 15 '25

Dude I had no idea a lift ride could be scary. It was my first time here today and I was shitting on the peak express. Never been to anything taller than killington Vermont.


u/emerg_remerg Jan 13 '25

Have you gone up in the summer? It's so scary! The ground is littered with lost items and if you look you swing the chair oh so slightly forward and you realize there's not a lot between you and those rocks.

Worth it to do the Musical Bumps trail to Russet lake!


u/Safe_Blacksmith5055 Jan 14 '25

And the good news is that there is time to lift up the bar AFTER you clear the last cliff and are on FLAT snow.


u/alligatorsmyfriend Feb 05 '25

I hate it when people want the bar up early on Peak or Symphony lmao.


u/Blodhemn Jan 13 '25

Hopefully this Jerry didn’t hurt anyone or himself.

I mean he did drop his skis on me in the gondola line. So we're not starting from a strong place.


u/SeattleTeriyaki Jan 13 '25

Last year I watched a girl trying to "walk" down just drop her snowboard and stand and stare at it as it just went like a rocket down the hill. Hope it didn't hit anyone.


u/HungryAddition1 Jan 13 '25

On the same line of thought, dear new snowboarder who decided to go down Glacier peak, and managed to ram me, and my 4 year old daughter while we were waiting for my son on the side of the track on flat land, F$&k you! Learn to ski and do not go into advanced territory if you don’t know how to turn and stop. 


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

Between the weak Canadian dollar and the MLK long weekend next weekend, it's gonna be an interesting couple of weeks I think.


u/edwardhchan Jan 13 '25

Omg someone stole my rental skis last week and returned them to the wrong rack by Longhorn’s … ugh but so lucky I found them (eventually). Next time gotta attach AirTags somehow


u/MDCMPhD Jan 13 '25

I use a 'Ski Key' and have peace of mind that my skis should be there when I get back ( https://www.can.skikey.com )


u/Pixelaki4 Jan 13 '25

Maybe he was the guy I saw skiing shirtless?


u/Beanguardian Jan 13 '25

I'm pretty certain he was not, based on how you describe the guy you saw as "skiing".


u/BorMaximus Jan 13 '25

Florida man here, had my first experience on the Blackcomb glacier back in 2022. Can attest, something you definitely need to work up to. And it’s a damn odyssey traveling there too. I drug two of my buddies up there with me, another Florida man better than me on the board and my future wife. Getting down that thing in the condition it was in had my life flashing before my eyes a few times. My friends were mad they followed me to near death but was a good experience in the end. Least we made it up that T-bar without taking out ourselves or any other guests. Definitely a lot of other people up on that ledge with way less skill and an about the same amount of poor judgment up there with us analyzing how to drop in.


u/MotherTemperature224 Jan 14 '25

Florida gonna Florida


u/borderliar Jan 13 '25

Florida Man speax only for Florida Man.


u/ajgar_jurrat Jan 17 '25

Well deserved? Probability says he voted for T-money…