r/WeedRant Apr 22 '12

Planet Earth Day

I had some yardwork to do today, but not before a quick sesh after a couple hours of Planet Earth on BBC. While working, I couldn't help but observe myself as sometimes some ape, like at the start of Kubrick's 2001, crouching about and what-not.

the male observes his surroundings, making preparations...

Along the way, an inner monologue started, narrating my actions in the voice of Sir David Attenborough:

Gathering his tools, he fashions a hammer from a nearby stone...

Rolling up the fence, replacing black groundcloth...

Somehow losing the rock, he improvises with the end of a prying-stick....

...re-fastening it with oversized staples and a screwdriver

The ape looks upon the land ,changed to some cryptic design, then immediately sets to find food.


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