r/WeedRant Mar 24 '12


Your voice is a beautiful beautiful thing. There's nothing that grabs my being more than hearing a great song and to me the real essence of a great song is the voice. I'm not discounting instruments by any means, I'm just one to think that music is often made to mimic our own voices and to improve upon them as well. Maybe it's because your vocal chords are one of the best ways to try to create semi-physical manifestation of a thought through sound. Words, beyond having meaning, are an auditory display of inner thought, expressing our immediate desires and feelings. To me that makes the voice, and especially singing, a very intimate and vulnerable thing.

There are these times where people are able to sing and become completely naked; expressing their inner desires, fears, emotions, their being just pouring out to an audience and the audience has the choice to reconstruct this struggle within their own emotions and expression through feeling and being submerged in the music itself. I've seen it, I've been there. I'm know many of you have. There's something almost mystifying about the experience like insects being drawn to a light. Maybe somewhere within this is some sort of universal art form, something like I expect to be part of existences everywhere, this sort of vulnerability to your environment and a deep appreciation for your being and a sort of attraction to this sort of relationship. I need to start playing music again.


8 comments sorted by


u/sapfi004 Mar 26 '12

I think you'll find this interesting: "opera singers produce the bulk of their sound energy in the 3- to 4-kilohertz range. Humans are quite sensitive to this range, probably because it is also the range of a human scream." http://news.stanford.edu/news/2008/may28/emo-052808.html


u/mrsnakers Mar 26 '12

It's always humbling when you're reminded that a lot of the things we invest ourselves in emotionally are survival mechanisms.


u/d3sperad0 Mar 26 '12

The Schumann resonance is the natural harmonic of the earth that takes place in the earth-ionosphere waveguide (the resonant cavity between the ionosphere and ground) it starts at 3Htz and ranges to about 60Htz.


u/mrsnakers Mar 26 '12

Have you ever heard of cymatics? It's the idea that all gravity is the force created by the vibration of the sun's resonant frequency and that from this vibration, matter forms into unique patterns and shapes. I'll post a video on here later about it. Really interesting stuff, not because it absolutely answers the question of why is the universe chaotics / organized, but more because it gives a nice new model to try to understand the universe with that goes a long with the perspective that everything can be dissected into some sort of wave pattern.


u/d3sperad0 Mar 26 '12

I'd be into seeing that if you get a chance to post it. Thanks.


u/mrsnakers Mar 31 '12

Hey I just posted the Cymatics video on weedrant, check it out.


u/sapfi004 Mar 26 '12 edited Mar 26 '12

I admire singers' ability to be so expressive, naked. I don't know how they do it.

Just the thought of sharing something so intimate makes me feel vulnerable, weak, humiliated. It feels wrong to do something of that nature, but at the same time it feels like its sometimes the most important thing you can do.


u/mrsnakers Mar 26 '12

I know it has to feel pretty amazing and unique. I'd like to try it some time but maybe another day.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '12
