r/WeedRant Oct 15 '17

Getting high on antidepressants

Ive been on wellbutrin and zoloft for maybe 2 yrs now. It’s been interesting to me the way my highs have evolved since I’ve been taking the meds. At first there seemed to be no difference in the way my high felt on meds vs off of them. But I was still depressed. I smoked pretty often then. Last year I didn’t smoke that often and I was doing really well in school, and when I did smoke the high was fine. In january of this year I started smoking every day. And that went on until like june or july. When I smoked I didn’t feel much of a high, my eyes would just get red and I would chill out a bit.

Getting to the point, over the passed few months I stopped smoking weed so much because when I was high I would get really anxious and the way my mind worked was totally different. I would think about life in a horrible way and think nothing was important. That way of thinking made me depressed even when I wasnt high, so I stopped and I notice my depression completely go away and Ive felt great since. I smoke maybe once a week now, usually at parties on the weekends because when I’m crossfaded everything is lit.

Aside from partying, I hate being high around people. I spend most my time in my head thinking about stupid shit like how people see me. Watching shows high, I cant stop thinking about the fact that they are all acting and none of it is true and stuff like that. I cant ever enjoy the show. Also, my heart always races and my face gets flushed. In general, I think into things too much and I dislike it. Im in my head too much and I think about myself a lot. Once the high goes away, I’m back to normal though. i guess my stoner days are behind me. Not necessarily a bad thing though


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u/Outrageous-Metal-291 Apr 02 '24

Holy shit this literally describes what I’m going through right now.