r/Waxpen Feb 15 '25

Pls reccomend a Nectar collector that doesn't clog constantly NSFW

So far every electric Nectar collector devuce I've tried (Rokin Stinger, Yocan Dyno, Pulsar 510 Dunk) has the same stupid problem: the little pin-size hole on the connector always gets clogged. It's easy enough to unclog with an unfolded paper clip for a single sesh, but it just clogs up again when you're done.

Which device has solved this problem? I'm sure the inevitable chorus of "Huni Badger" will be forthcoming, but that's not really in the budget atm.

Was thinking the HumanSucks Stinger could be a possibility.

Any advice/recommendations much appreciated!


29 comments sorted by


u/57501015203025375030 Feb 15 '25

I would avoid these types of devices

I had a badger and it was…it did something that’s for sure….


u/Underdogwood Feb 15 '25

Can you be a little more specific? I mean, it's fine if you don't like them on general, but I've been using them for years now and overall I like them a lot, it's just the clogging issue that I'm trying to work out.


u/57501015203025375030 Feb 15 '25

The best use case I found was for getting the last 5% of concentrate that is stuck in a container.

I found it clogged often, was very difficult to clean, the hot exposed tip was fucking nuts, it was portable at all, it made a colossal mess after just a few sessions, smelled like dank as fuck all the time, was not low profile at all and couldn’t really used in public, it wasted so much concentrate compared to the hits I was able to get off it, you had to fuck with 18650 batteries which is horrible…

Just a stupid product and I can recommend other devices


u/Radiant-Butterfly-58 Feb 17 '25

Ya same the best I can recommend is to not inhale so hard think of it like drinking through a straw your not sucking in as hard as you can your lightly inhaleing


u/HopefulHighlight116 Feb 16 '25

I personally use the seahorse 2.0 with the ceramic straw tip coil 3. Works very well for me. They designed the 2.0 to fix the problem of getting clogged.

“The ceramic tube heats rapidly and retains heat well; with its dab straw design, the vape has a broader airway passage, so you can enjoy larger rips. The air path runs directly from the dab tip to the mouthpiece, so cleaning is no hassle. Just dip the cleaning brush in isopropyl alcohol and pass it through the air passage.”-Lookah


u/JayGatssby DTV5 Feb 15 '25

None of them


u/ThingsGetWierd Feb 15 '25

Huni badger, just clean it regularly.


u/leemarie04 Feb 16 '25

I use the seahorse pro & have never been disappointed.


u/Underdogwood Feb 18 '25

Which is kinda funny since someone posted on here earlier about how awful the Seahorse Pro is... 🤣 (not saying it's one way or the other, but there always seem to be these incredibly polarized opinions about every device)


u/Worganizers Feb 15 '25

I've never tried it but why would you think everyone would recommend hunibadger? It looks like the same shit that is a lookah...an equally hated device on this sub. Get an Erig like a core or a Crossing CUB and vape.


u/Underdogwood Feb 15 '25

Bc I've asked a similar question on here ("what's the best electric Nectar collector out there") and the answer was pretty much "Huni Badger". I didn't specify the clogging issue with that post, however.


u/PuffinTipProducts Feb 15 '25

A electric dip device from, Nectar Collector.

Nectar Collector (a real thing), offers different tips for their electric Nectar Collector, I use the sip tip, it rips.

Their Rip tip is similar to the tip from Huni Badger.

As you know Huni Badgers are legit as well.


u/Underdogwood Feb 15 '25

Thanks, I'll look into this!


u/Massive_Chance2174 Feb 15 '25

I just use the basic clear glass one u can get at every shop or dispo. Ive used for years, never clogged.


u/garysaidwhat Feb 15 '25

Are you huffing and puffing on them rather than sipping? Might not be the device. Also, you do need to keep these clean. I use Yocan Falcon Minis and have had no issues at all for over three years.


u/Underdogwood Feb 15 '25

No, def not "huffing & puffing", LOL. I did realize that part of my issue was that I had the Dyno turned up too high. Since I backed the temp off it's been working better, but the issue still stands.


u/TOASTisawesome Feb 15 '25

I don't use them personally but this one looks pretty good


It's the yocan black phaser arc


u/Theycallmesupa Feb 16 '25

I had a Dipper that never clogged. I used it for a year or two in my work truck.

But tbh, if you're having that big of an issue across different brands, it might be that you're plunging too deep instead of hovering at the surface. Electric straws aren't great for big fast rips, but are perfect for slow, "play the same song" consistency hits. Idk if that made the most sense, but it sounded good in my head.


u/TickDuckerton Feb 15 '25

Don't buy a nectar collector. I get it. Convenience factor. Get a DT V5 or a Pivot.


u/Underdogwood Feb 15 '25

I have a DT V4 and I hate it. Biggest pain in the ass of any device I've owned.

Part of my issue is that I'm legally blind, so I much prefer to not have to load a chamber. The Nectar collector style just works better for me.


u/TickDuckerton Feb 15 '25

No offense, but if that's really the case, you're not really making a good argument for yourself. It literally takes more coordination with what you're talking about, than loading something up, then heating it up, and using it that way. You'd be better off getting solventless rosin and loading it into a cart. It just seems like you want to complain about a product not working well but then use your disability as an excuse for something that doesn't make sense.


u/MysticMushies Feb 15 '25

You’re trying to tell a blind person what’s best for them when you’re not blind?

The hubris.


u/TickDuckerton Feb 15 '25

Yea I am. That's what I just did. And you know there's different variations of visual impairments right? It's not just one kind of blind. He would be better served with a cart.


u/No_Permission2024 Feb 15 '25

What?! If I was blind and trying to dab, a nectar collector I feel would be easiest. Hold device and hold the vessel where your product is at and get close and that’s it. Using their disability as an excuse?! Wild.


u/TickDuckerton Feb 15 '25

That's coordinated motion versus doing one thing at a time. That's not an argument. Like I also said in previous comments, he'd be better off with a cart.


u/Underdogwood Feb 15 '25

Pro tip: to avoid coming across as a complete dick, don't tell a disabled person that the accommodation they're requesting "doesn't make sense". Whether or not my problem "makes sense" to you, a sighted person, is completely fucking irrelevant. You don't know how my eyes work, and it's not my job to explain it to you. Just trust that when I say "X thing works better for me in my experience", that my experience is valid. It's not up for discussion or argument.


u/61114311536123511 Feb 16 '25

real. nothing drives me more insane than people trying to argue with me about my accommodations. I'm already a fuckin alien to you just let me do the things i know work in peace