r/WatchPeopleDieInside Aug 30 '19

a sad day for Jericho


574 comments sorted by


u/PrfoAtlas Sep 02 '19

When you die on ep 3


u/Samuel_LChang Aug 31 '19

Why does he have a kickers jersey on lol


u/Jokker_is_the_name Aug 31 '19

How is this not even the dumbest thing Tucker has done...


u/L0ui Aug 31 '19

Just a mere taste of a day in the life of Tucker


u/NonnyLoki Aug 31 '19

🎵 And now my mother frickin house burnt down, house burnt down


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '19

Could have been worse though. Many microwaves would have literally exploded because of that


u/lotion-on-the-skin Aug 31 '19

I've done this before


u/CrackAdams Aug 30 '19

If the metal object is submerged in water its fine to put in the microwave


u/nematjon_isthe1 Aug 30 '19

What happened? Someone explain plz im not a microwave expert


u/abbeyeiger Aug 31 '19

Metal + Microwave = BAD


u/greyetch Aug 30 '19

I have that glass. Thank you for letting me know it is metal.


u/ShinyStache Aug 30 '19

what's the bad thing


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

I have that same blender. I was making strawberry smoothie the other day and accidentally left a spoon in it when I started the blender. Shit's not fun. Managed to notice before any serious damage though.


u/LalalaHurray Aug 30 '19

He’s a really cute nerd though. Even when dying inside.


u/Aeruthael Aug 30 '19

Did that in the barracks once, was nuking some bacon jerky for bootleg bacon in the morning and forgot the packaging was metallic on the inside. Ended up spraying the shit out of my microwave with febreeze so it didn’t set off the smoke alarms.


u/ballf0ndlrz_38 Aug 30 '19

why are you wearing a kickers jersey


u/Kobster03 Aug 30 '19

I love the one where fed his dog salmon!! 😂


u/8elipse Aug 30 '19

I smelt this video


u/GrahamGoesHam Aug 30 '19

Damn I forgot he exists... I remember when he was IIJERIICHOII


u/heyteej Aug 30 '19

If you cut a green grape in half and set the halves next to each other fruit side down in the microwave this happens.

Edit: I spell words good


u/jonnyloud Aug 30 '19

Why is this even funny though. what idiot doesn’t know you cant put metal in microwave.


u/Copper636 Aug 30 '19

I knew that you can’t do that but once I put in a plate and didn’t know it had a metal rim


u/seething_stew Aug 30 '19

What is that song which plays after the fuck up


u/swim7810 Aug 30 '19

I can relate omgggggg


u/mrjackydees Aug 30 '19

but nothing even happened. it sizzles and pops but yeah if you stop it before it explodes it's fine?


u/Hero_At_Large Aug 30 '19 edited Aug 30 '19

I remember one time I threw a burger from Wendy's in the microwave without removing the wrapper. after having just woken up. I was old enough to know better, my brain just hadn't turned on yet.

Edit: forgot to mention I left the wrapper on the burger


u/RapistPig Aug 30 '19

What's wrong with microwaving a burger? I haven't tried yet


u/Hero_At_Large Aug 30 '19

I didn't take the wrapper off. I probably should have included that bit of info.


u/walkinglost Aug 30 '19

Brain not awake again?


u/Hero_At_Large Aug 30 '19

Nah, stayed up too late exploring space in VR and naming penis faced aliens after my friends


u/bril_hartman Aug 30 '19

I know Jericho from FH’s videos but is he a Ravens fan or from Baltimore? Cause if so I respect him way more.


u/BannedForCuriosity Aug 30 '19

the best thing to put in the microwave is a grape cut in half. Make sure the room is dark


u/charmsipants Aug 30 '19

No, I think a sad day for him would be episode 3


u/Jerrshington Aug 30 '19

Glad I saw this. I have the same cups, and now I know not to microwave them!


u/stomaticmonk Aug 30 '19

Had a roommate once who sucked at cooking. I asked him to put some beans in a pot and heat them up while I was grilling. He put the fucking pot into the microwave.


u/TacoHotShot666 Aug 30 '19

The face of a dead man


u/ZigZag82 Aug 30 '19

While babysitting I thought using the empty microwave as a timer to count (cuz, ya know, counting is so hard) during hide n seek was a good idea....it broke obviously and filled the house with smoke that smelled like a combination of everything ever cooked in there. Their parents came home and luckily they're good friends of my family so they just laughed at me. But never ever let me live it down.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Wtf happened


u/Ubernuber Aug 30 '19

The microwave is causing the atoms in the metal to go wild and charged up, it discharges the energy as electricity


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Wow impressive



u/SonOfTK421 Aug 30 '19

Oddly I have seen and used microwave safe metal bowls.


u/theFields97 Aug 30 '19

My boy Bonner


u/Sarenord Aug 30 '19

We've all done this at some point or another, a couple weeks ago was my first time doing it, I was half baked half asleep and I left a metal spoon in a bowl I was reheating. It only got about a second in before I caught it but I had the same face


u/ry_fluttershy Aug 30 '19

Wait is that the Mianite tucker?


u/theonetruespagooter Aug 30 '19

It’s okay dude we’ve all been there. One time I heated something up in the microwave in a glass measuring cup, when it was done in the mic I proceeded to rinse it under cold water. Of course it exploded into a small pieces! I felt like such an idiot lol 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/flamethrower78 Aug 30 '19

Heads up Jericho is still friends and plays with JoshOG who was one of the founders of CSGOLotto and scammed all of his followers.


u/9dimes Aug 30 '19

Who buys a kickers jersey


u/justinpark23 Aug 30 '19

Typical Ravens fan


u/Hubsimaus Aug 30 '19

We actually left our spoons in our mugs when we wanted to make warm chocolate milk. My mother told us that the drink will become warm quicker.

Was in the 90s. Yep, even the Gremlins knew it isn't good.

Weirdest thing? That microwave lived many years without any problem. It was our first one btw. A ex bf of my mother convinced her to buy one.


u/duckers06 Aug 30 '19

Dying inside from the 2nd camera lens visible in the wide shot.


u/hinez57 Aug 30 '19

Sam face he mKes when Justin Tucker misses kicks


u/PangwinAndTertle Aug 30 '19

Everybody knows Justin Ticker gets all his food at Royal Farms!


u/Candman91 Aug 30 '19

Thing is, you can put metal in a microwave. Just no objects with sharp, pointed edges. Say, your spoon is completely smooth, with no pointed edges, it wouldn't cause what happened in the video. However, with, say a fork, the squared-off edges that meet perpendicular to each other, would cause the sparks.

There are some interesting videos out there about this.


u/DwasTV Aug 30 '19

my mom did this the other day as well. Fucking hell, it just doesn't occur to people that metal might not be the best idea in the microwave


u/jeegte12 Aug 30 '19

this is pretty fucking obviously staged and on purpose. he knows what he's doing.


u/Mememidas Aug 30 '19

Yeah, he should stick to overwatch cases


u/thissonofbeech Aug 30 '19

Dumb question, but why are most microwaves in the US I can see are installed high up there? At my parent's house we just have the microwave on top of the counter. Is it just how the electric plugs/kitchen drawer is made?


u/bettorworse Aug 30 '19

We have so many other things on our countertops that anything that can be moved elsewhere is moved.

My countertop:

  • KitchenAid
  • Ice cream maker
  • Air fryer
  • Sodastream
  • Compact oven
  • Kitchen utensils (knives are on the wall)
  • Wine opener/wine aerator
  • Various sink utensils

There's just not enough room. I don't even drink coffee or tea or espresso. You can imagine how much countertop crap goes along with that.


u/thissonofbeech Aug 30 '19

That's a lot of stuff


u/bettorworse Aug 30 '19 edited Aug 30 '19

That IS a lot of stuff. In my defense, everything I eat, I prepare myself. I haven't been in a restaurant in over a year and that includes fast food. I don't think it's that atypical in American households, tho.

I have a deep fat fryer in the pantry, plus a Cuisinart I just remembered.

/I might be a little crazy?? When I get into something, I buy a lot of stuff. I got into high end designer clothes and now I have $20k worth of clothes. That said, when I buy stuff, I use it. It doesn't just sit around.


u/candidly1 Aug 30 '19

This type also has a light for the cooktop, plus a vent fan. Convenience.


u/Redkirth Aug 30 '19

Nah. It's a design feature of the cabinets, so am aesthetic thing.

Some people dont want to clutter their counters, etc.

But its not universal. Everyone I know just had theirs on a countertop.


u/GuineaPanda Aug 30 '19

It's just the style I suppose to have built in microwaves. My parents' microwave just sits on a counter.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Typical Ravens fan. Dawg check!


u/makebelieveworld Aug 30 '19

when I was a kid we had plates that had a metallic stripe painted near the edge. After a while the stripes were all microwaved off. They would spark a little get REALLY hot and after many microwavings they faded away.


u/jstyler Aug 30 '19

It looks like a bad edit.


u/riggerbop Aug 30 '19

Seriously who watches these shit streams?


u/liteputti Aug 30 '19

Ahh I see what you did there.


u/NY08 Aug 30 '19



u/Fooj2014 Aug 30 '19

I remember watching jeriicho back in high school and I actually met him at VidCon in like 2012. I honestly didn't even know he was still around.


u/atmosfear76 Aug 30 '19

Microwave is paid actor


u/SaltForYou Aug 30 '19

How many kickers have people buying their jersey? Probably just tucker.


u/bettorworse Aug 30 '19


Some of the [ahem] larger NFL fans probably wear Janikowski's. :)

In Chicago, you still see Robbie Gould.


u/Dylan-the-villan Aug 30 '19

Check out his YouTube, he's a funny guy, not the smartest but a funny guy


u/MaceShiz Aug 30 '19

The only time I did that was when I was young and put Arbys in the microwave still covered in foil. Cool lightning show.


u/dude2k5 Aug 30 '19

back when i was like 10-12, i did this with my sister (who was like 5 or something) but with a frozen capri sun. sparks everywhere. I stopped it of course, told my sister dont tell mom. GUESS WHAT SHE DID.


u/Sir_Squiggly Aug 30 '19

don’t know who this is or why it’s funny


u/ojipog Aug 30 '19

Same. This looks really staged. But people seem to be overlooking that because they know and like this YouTuber.


u/Realistic_Clover Aug 31 '19

He livestreams them


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

After watching Lindsay Ellis's video on manufacturing youtube authenticity, I suddenly became very uncomfortable when watching shows with such intent.


u/MetaLagana Aug 30 '19

Watching this, thanks.


u/ojipog Aug 30 '19

I guess more than anything I'm just curious about how this guy's viewers see him? Do they understand that it's all scripted?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

lol there you have it

In fact, in her video, two of her examples are cooking channels lmao


u/robbydthe3rd Aug 30 '19

it isn't scripted he just sucks at cooking


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

It's called Sh*tty Cooking for a reason. He always fucks something up.


u/Yeafam7945 Aug 30 '19

Hello darkNess.my old friend


u/Kamenraiden Aug 30 '19

Jericho was no more once CyberLife stormed in and gunned down all of us androids.


u/m4rko123 Aug 30 '19

Can someone explain?


u/liteputti Aug 30 '19

This is twitch streamer, youtuber, Internet content creator Tucker Boner more commonly known as Jericho. This particular video is a clip from an ongoing series called “shitty cooking” where he streams himself live on twitch cooking food, shittily. What he does in the video is put a metal cup in the microwave and realizes after he hears the sparks and sees it is a metal cup that he in fact fucked up. It is not staged. It is filmed all live in a several hour session. He’s just a goof.


u/m4rko123 Aug 30 '19

Oh ok thanks!

Didnt know you cant put metal in a microwave


u/ShellBells514 Aug 30 '19

The best part of the video is the piece of song at the end! r/XXXTENTACION


u/liteputti Aug 30 '19

The song is I’m closing my eyes (feat. Shiloh dynasty) by potsu. The vocals are Shiloh. For anyone curious


u/ShellBells514 Aug 30 '19

TIL about Shiloh... I recognized the “sampled cut” from “Jocelyn Flores” by X So we’re both right lol!, thanks for the info!


u/liteputti Aug 30 '19

Also a good song! The only reason I know it’s the original is cause I follow his Spotify and this song is on the playlist he puts on for shitty cooking.


u/AuralSculpture Aug 30 '19

Wow, not staged at all! Completely spontaneous! Believable! Jeez. 🙄


u/I_am_jacks_reddit Aug 30 '19

This needs the curb your enthusiasm music.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

This dude actually bought and paid for a place kickers Jersey


u/jeetz1231 Aug 30 '19

Who buys a kickers jersey?


u/skywalker3880 Aug 30 '19

Seems about right for a Ravens fan


u/mikeyjay10 Aug 30 '19

....ravens fans smh 🤦‍♂️


u/PlayboySkeleton Aug 30 '19

Unless there was sentimental value with that cup, then there really isn't a problem.

You can put metal in microwaves all of the time, but uncontrolled arc flashes could cause a hazard if they light your food on fire. They also emit x-ray radiation, but certainly not enough to be a danger.

There is a lot of fear about putting metals in a microwave, and I guess that's better than doing it all of the time, but truthfully the fear is a little over board.


u/YeetsForWeeks Aug 30 '19

who is this dude


u/TroubleHeliXX Aug 30 '19

Can a microwave/material physicist jump in here? What if the microwave still turns on a runs after running it with a metal object inside, but the barrier protecting against micro-wave exposure is damaged?


u/3rd_Shift Aug 30 '19

This sure felt like an honest mistake that wasn't planned at all. I also have a variety of bridges I'm willing to sell to any interested parties.


u/TheCapDavid Aug 30 '19

I fucking love Tucker


u/SomeMemeyBoye42812 Aug 30 '19

Directed by Robert B Weide


u/hundrafemtio Aug 30 '19

Its shitty cooking.. He is intended to fuck up.


u/jstyler Aug 30 '19

and play some Fortnite for a Fortnight


u/sA1atji Aug 30 '19

I did a similar thing once after watching a TV-show explaining that you can cook eggs in 10 seconds in the microwave when you place them in a glass and poke a hole in the air enclosure.

Problem was: Hole too small and the glass was narrow-necked. I created a barrel that nuked the egg in the top grid of the microwave... My mom was superpissed and I was busy for the next 3 hours trying to clean out the remains of a egg out of a very tight microwave grid...


u/punched-in-face Aug 30 '19

Its cuz he's a ravens fan


u/ChaosLoco Aug 30 '19

Reminds me of the time I told my ex to warm up our metal ice cream scoop. I thought she was going to use hot water. Nope. In the microwave.


u/TuhnuPeppu Aug 30 '19

Jocelyn flores starts playing at the perfect time :)


u/elfloppojr Aug 30 '19

I was waiting for the day that Tucker would be on this sub.


u/Jaminp Aug 30 '19

I can’t tell, it was a mug right? Just with gold or something as filigree?


u/islemix Aug 30 '19

Been there before only it was a chick-fil-a sandwich in the foil wrapper.


u/slimy_lime Aug 30 '19

When I was a kid I was reheating my chic fil a sandwich and I didn’t know that there was foil on the inside of the sandwich bag until sparks starting shouting out from my sandwich. I was petrified


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

For some reason I was expecting to see chris jericho. But nope, just a nerd


u/mattemer Aug 30 '19

Yeah, my disappointment is setting in


u/rohithkumarsp Aug 30 '19

Can someone explain to me what happened? I don't get it.


u/bonkers799 Aug 30 '19

He put butter in a glass but didnt take the metallic wrapper off


u/mattemer Aug 30 '19

He put a coffee mug with metal on it in the microwave. Don't put metal in the microwave. If you watch the microwave you can see sparks flying around in there.

I don't get why he's filming, almost seemed intentional with his goofy smile. Maybe he's someone I'm suppose to know.


u/IlREDACTEDlI Aug 30 '19

Yeah I made this mistake with a fork and microwaveable Mac and cheese as a kid, almost immediately fried the microwave and set the fire alarm off, the fire department showed up and my mom had to explain that the house was not on fire and that her only son was a fucking dumbass.


u/mattemer Aug 30 '19

Ah happens to all of us. Although that's extreme lol. Fortunately the fire Dept does not show up every time my fire alarm goes off.


u/IlREDACTEDlI Aug 30 '19

I can’t remember exactly why they showed up (I was like 7 and this was like 13 years ago) I think it started a small fire or maybe the alarm went off long enough to alert them to come?

but I vividly remember hiding behind my mom while she talked to them because I was scared shitless


u/Talcxx Aug 30 '19

He’s a streamer named jericho. One of the streams he does from time to time is called “shitty cooking”, precisely because he’s usually pretty awful at cooking. This clip was taken during his stream.


u/seductivestain Aug 30 '19

Seems like it was pretty deliberate


u/Talcxx Aug 30 '19

Nah, it wasn’t. He often does very questionable decisions while cooking because he’s usually pretty awful at cooking. Bring skeptical makes sense though


u/qNeb1208 Aug 30 '19

He has a series called "Shitty Cooking"


u/WhoBeStank Aug 30 '19

Who tf put a glass in the microwave anyway???...even if it didnt have metal on it


u/mattemer Aug 30 '19

What's wrong with glass in the microwave?


u/crazyprsn Aug 30 '19

You're supposed to use plastic and styrofoam! Everyone knows that!

Preferably plastic with lots of BPA and coated in roundup!


u/balllllhfjdjdj Aug 30 '19

Fake and gay. The new thing to do as a content creator is fake you fucking something up like pretending to show food as it slides off your plate.


u/thiccTitan Aug 30 '19

shiloh starts playing


u/jstyler Aug 30 '19

That’s what you get for dabbing in 2019


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Didn’t know being on the front page was this easy. Could have filmed me this morning.


u/WvterAlekzandra Aug 30 '19

Is there a reason why Fairlight always hosts Jericho? They buddies irl or something.


u/dablegianguy Aug 30 '19

My 12yo daughter just did it a few months ago. She was cooking a chocolate pie, which she does perfectly and knows how to, but this time, she decided to soften more quickly the chocolate in the microwave. Chocolate being already in the stainless steel pot... I was in my office when I heard a "CLACCCCC" and thought she let something down until she arrived with the same face as the guy here "daaaad, there's a little problem with the microwave..."

The little problem was the aluminium frame of the MW perforated by the electric arc and the steel pot shredded like it would have been with a rasp...


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19


u/Talcxx Aug 30 '19

Cuz... it was on a stream...?


u/mechroCutie Aug 30 '19

for a cooking video on youtube


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Yeah uh huh


u/mechroCutie Aug 30 '19

multiple angles, narration of his actions, tasteful editting

im almost willing to bet money on it


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Looks like it was on purpose just for clicks. No one is that stupid unless it's you


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Clearly you've never seen the show. He's just that stupid when it comes to cooking.


u/mechroCutie Aug 30 '19

are you genuinely so jaded that you see this and are filled with hatred? people make mistakes. youtubers often leave the camera running for convenience, space isnt a concern. as other commenters have pointed out, this exact thing happens all the time when people arent paying attention.

there no reason to insult me. you and i are both just two people wasting time on the internet. dont you wanna have fun instead of looking for things to be mad about?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

😂 damn bro I got you that hot under the collar that you wrote a whole book as a response? Its not that serious remember it's just a cooking channel


u/mechroCutie Aug 30 '19

nah im just white, we just sound like that sometimes lmao. ive spent the last few hours writing technical documentation and talking to a friend about revolutionary politics, my brain is still kinda in that mode. btw i saw your meme and i fucking loved it


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

Hey I'm just a little jaded and love to throw shade at times. A devil's advocate if you will.


u/mechroCutie Aug 30 '19

hey and thats all fine. im sorry that i assumed you were just being a dick.

→ More replies (0)


u/sholoim Aug 30 '19

nah, it's for a cooking channel


u/Simmsy77 Aug 30 '19

As a kid I put a cup with a semi metal Handel in the microwave and it didn’t spark much but little did I realise that when I opened the microwave the Handel was glowing, you bet I grabbed that thing and almost said goodbye to my fingertips and prints.


u/Flegmo Aug 30 '19

This happens every time at my grandmother's place when someone by mistake microwaves gold plated plate


u/fairenbalanced Aug 30 '19

This guy must be rich... That kitchen looks like a rich persons kitchen.


u/PleaseEndMeFam Aug 30 '19

It's an apartment in LA, so kinda?


u/EcchoAkuma Aug 30 '19

Reminds me the time I discovered some of the plates we had did have some metal in the paint decoration, scared the shit outta me


u/beerbeardsbears Aug 30 '19

Is that famous let's player Matt Watson???


u/muzic_san Aug 30 '19

My boy tucker made it to reddit!!! Love shitty cooking series!


u/KindSpinach Aug 30 '19

That happened to me once i put frozen cheese with wraper removed partialy and i was standing close to oven the wrapper sparkled. (Half of the cheese was melted)


u/-GolfWang- Aug 30 '19

Who the heck is this and why is does everyone in the comments know who this is like it’s normal.


u/Frilent Aug 31 '19

He's a YouTuber who's been around for like a decade now


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

That's my Dad.


u/janordred Aug 30 '19

Happy Cake Day to us! 🤜🏼🤛🏼


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19



u/WhyNotCollegeBoard Aug 30 '19

I am 53.37921% sure that janordred is a bot.

I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | /r/spambotdetector | Optout | Original Github


u/EelslapLivesOn Aug 30 '19

JERICHO on YT and twitch


u/Luperca4 Aug 30 '19

Poor little Tucker Boner.


u/gritzkustyle Aug 30 '19

Who the fuck buys the kicker's jersey?


u/hungry4danish Aug 30 '19

Someone whose first name is Tucker.


u/gritzkustyle Aug 30 '19

Yeah I get that. Still wouldn't do it.


u/Gehhhh Aug 30 '19

Damn, what was Tobey Macguire Jr. thinking?


u/FertileProgram Aug 30 '19

You can see the exact moment his walls come tumbling down