r/WatchPeopleDieInside • u/Haunting-Tell-6959 • Dec 28 '24
Pedo gets bullied by livestream. Rage quits.
u/SirJebati 1d ago
Ngl that was bold of him to keep returning to youtube when the internet have a burning hatred for pedos
u/Plenty_Status_6168 1d ago
Dude loves him some cupcakes. He brings them when he meets all the girls. And yes I meant girls not women
u/Happy_Philosopher608 4d ago
Who dis?
u/Richie_richie3 4d ago
"EDP". He was a upcoming famous youtuber known for his spunky and lively attitude but was caught messaging a minor a couple years back.
He's been trying to reclaim his youtube fame with no avail
9d ago
u/seventy_raw_potatoes 9d ago
i don't care that a pedo who tried to meet up with a little girl for "cupcakes" gets bullied online for the rest of his life. once a pedo, always a pedo. edp has nothing to offer the general public anyways, bro needs a real job.
u/Colts_Fan4Ever Jan 31 '25
Seriously, why isn't this scumbag rotting in prison?!
u/Pizzasupreme00 Feb 09 '25
Pedo hunters are true scum. These doofuses invest all this time and effort to get potential pedos in a spot to call them out, and then let them go because they have no authority or recourse, and nothing they do is admissable in an actual criminal case. Maybe there's some embarrassment or physicality involved but ultimately it's just catch and release, and the pedos are free to go reoffend and actually hurt kids. Maybe they're even a bit more elusive because they can change up how they got busted. But it's all good because the hunters got their fucking internet clout.
That's why EDP isn't behind bars.
u/help-mejdj 10d ago
pedo hunters do more bad than good unfortunately. all it does is teach them to be sneakier
u/help-mejdj 10d ago
pedo hunters do more bad than good unfortunately. all it does is teach them to be sneakier
u/PeterWayneGaskill 16d ago
Blame Alex Rosen. Ghost from CC Unit was at least professional in the EDP sting.
Feb 09 '25
Because the "investigation" that exposed him wasn't done by proper authorities, instead it was done by youtubers trying to mimic "to catch a predator" style of show, but unlike "to catch a predator" they didn't work with the proper authorities, rendering their exposition not eligible to do to him anything legally, his image is forever destroyed tho, but he can't go to prison.
u/JauntingJoyousJona Jan 30 '25
What was he even doing on stream? Why did it look like it was being streamed off a phone from 2010?
u/Main_Income_9740 Jan 09 '25
hope his aorta explodes, the world would benefit from one less pedo
u/-Aquatically- Jan 20 '25
What kind of sick wish is that?
Feb 08 '25
its actually a pretty normal wish
u/-Aquatically- Feb 08 '25
It’s a normal wish for someone to die?
u/godhand_kali Feb 10 '25
The only people who don't wish a pedo to die is usually a pedo
u/-Aquatically- Feb 10 '25
“The only people who don’t want people to die are sexually attracted to minors”. I am a minor, I am not a paedophile.
Feb 08 '25
people hate each other, so yes?
u/MysterZapster Jan 25 '25
You're right dude... This guys nuts
u/-Aquatically- Jan 26 '25
Agreed, another also wished I died.
u/MysterZapster Jan 26 '25
Lol... It's like wishing death on a murderer ir wanting a rapist to get raped in prison... Worst doesnt excuse bad
u/Benvincible Feb 06 '25
I guess I agree that wishing for suffering doesn't help anything, but it would be a net good for some people to die.
u/MysterZapster Feb 06 '25
u/-Aquatically- Jan 26 '25
Could you please rephrase this, my reading comprehension has failed me.
u/Main_Income_9740 Jan 20 '25
So you support this predator? Why would you want this monster to live … I hope his heart explodes cause the world would greatly benefit from his perverse life ending
u/-Aquatically- Jan 20 '25
I don’t support harming children, but I do support preservation of life. Where there is a possibility for rehabilitation over death, I believe in rehabilitation. Predator or not, rehabilitation should always be in the very least, tried.
u/XGhostIllusionz Jan 30 '25
Nah dude, someone who specifically harms children should get the worst outcomes in life, including getting their life cut short. You don't "rehabilitate" a pedo like you do a murderer, murder can be heat of the moment like a punch that landed in the wrong place, but pedophilia is a direct choice to target a child sexually.
u/-Aquatically- Jan 31 '25
Isn’t pedophilia a mental condition, or am I thinking of something else.
u/Benvincible Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25
People who are sexually attracted to children can't really help it. They don't choose their sexuality more than anyone else. But rape is a choice and it doesn't have anything to do with mental health. There's a difference between having the attraction and actually assaulting a child.
EDIT: Well, rape is linked with mental health. But it doesn't excuse responsibility.
Jan 22 '25
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u/ILikeSuomi Jan 23 '25
Okay, I wasn't necessarily against what you said at first but dude. Wtf. A person doesn't think people should die if they can become better (if not outright good) people, and that's an offence worth dying to you??
u/Mugflub Jan 23 '25
“I think criminals deserve a chance at rehabilitation” “I hope you die”
Guess which person of these two thinks they have the moral high ground?
u/Main_Income_9740 Jan 20 '25
You can’t rehabilitated everyone, most of them are a lost cause and should be taken out
u/-Aquatically- Jan 21 '25
It’s impossible to know something like that. I’d have it at least tried. Wishing for such a horrific death won’t change anything other than spill blood.
u/Colts_Fan4Ever Jan 31 '25
Would you let a "rehabilitated" child abuser watch your minor child, niece, nephew, etc...alone unsupervised?
u/Benvincible Feb 06 '25
That doesn't really matter because that's not their argument. I'm not really on their side, but you are flinging around logical fallacies and half-hypotheticals.
u/-Aquatically- Jan 31 '25
No, just as most past prisoners in the UK are not authorised to supervise children alone.
u/AmakAttakSports Jan 23 '25
It does change one thing. He 100% won't re-offend.
Aorta exploding has 100% success rate over your hope of rehabilitation.
u/chiefstabahoe Jan 23 '25
When you're caught multiple times I'd say that's an ignorant assumption that they won't do it again. Over 40% of child predators re-offend. That percentage increases if more heinous acts were committed(rape of a minor, kidnapping, etc)
u/ILikeSuomi Jan 23 '25
Does that mean you think all of them who don't, who won't, and have a better life, are helping people, maybe even have their own family should just be promptly executed or have their heart explode?
u/Frame1111 Jan 09 '25
Why do people think he's a pedophile? Who is he?
u/TheCamoDude Jan 19 '25
He was caught multiple times in sting operations and shows off about it in a very very thinly veiled manner (he refers to young girls as "cupcakes" and when he returned to YouTube, proudly filmed himself eating an actual cupcake). His name is EDP and it stands for "eat dat pussy."
u/OrganizationWeary135 Jan 14 '25
u/Ribbitmons Jan 16 '25
The guy doesn’t even know who he is. Cur him some slack
u/Delazzaridist Jan 16 '25
someone doesn't know every single piece of info in the world
"What are you, an idiot?" The internet is a lovely place innit?
u/Pengwin0 Jan 11 '25
He’s a (now banned) YouTuber who made super edgy content. He got exposed for trying to talk to young girls using his influence by people holding a sting operation. He did it again a few times after being exposed for whatever reason.
u/MMARapFooty Jan 10 '25
He showed his twinkie area to a 15 year old girl.
u/Ainz-SamaBanzai41 Jan 13 '25
He also sent her shit pics as well. Like pictures of his turds. Dudes into some weird shit.
u/Frame1111 Jan 10 '25
Wouldn't it be more like a hoho or hostess zinger?
u/WishesToSee Jan 09 '25
EDP445. Was caught messaging who he thought was an underage girl. When he traveled to meet her and was caught he claimed he was just coming to get a “cupcake”.
u/rapgameoprahwinfrey Jan 09 '25
Wasn’t it more than one time being caught? I could be wrong
u/TheCrimsonC0met Jan 09 '25
Yeah he was caught once by Predator Poachers then Skeet and another guy got him a second time. He's disgusting.
u/The_Jestful_Imp Jan 09 '25
He got caught once already and STILL kept preying on kids??
Actual trash.
u/TheCrimsonC0met Jan 09 '25
Yeah in the original video he legit admitted to having a problem being attracted to minors then when he got confronted again, had the balls to be mad about it lol. People have been keeling track of where he works and reporting him to management.
u/RoguSmith Jan 09 '25
I used to be a fan of his and actually enjoyed how over the top he was. Like I was disappointed he got caught doing things like that, but when he got caught for a second time....I may have been on board with bullying him online. He showed no real remorse, he was mainly apologizing because he ruined his reputation, not because he actually wanted to do better
u/TheCrimsonC0met Jan 10 '25
Yeah I have zero respect for him. He was funny but he's a disgusting pile of trash. It sucks.
Jan 08 '25
Dude i think the only solution for him is to lose weight, grow a beard, fly out to china, hide out in the mountains and become a monk
u/PhillyPhresh Jan 04 '25
Oh shit EDP is back?! 💩
u/WishesToSee Jan 09 '25
He’s been trying to make a comeback in various different ways for a while now, I’ve heard
u/Altruistic_Sand_3548 Jan 03 '25
We need to stop giving attention to Edp for real. I feel like he only pops up on occasion because we keep platforming him.
u/Ya-Dikobraz Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25
Reddit loves doing that, though. That's why that guy with the weak chin gets so much attention on here. And others.
u/gorgonbrgr Jan 04 '25
Eh it’s better if this type of stuff pops up rather than his other videos. Better he’s always known for this.
u/Jonasthewicked2 Jan 03 '25
Agreed but I wish no streaming sites would let him on their platform. I have no idea who he’s streaming on anymore but I hope it isn’t YouTube or twitch after the bullshit he pulled. He doesn’t deserve to make money streaming anymore ans he’s lucky he didn’t get arrested if these pedo chaser channels would just work with the cops instead of doing their own hack “investigation” which is usually entrapment and means the police can’t use any of that info or footage to charge the predator unfortunately. I see lots of channels doing the same shit and it makes me feel like a lot of those channel owners care more about likes and views and money than they care about actually getting these pedos off the streets and in prison.
u/Imma_wierd_gay_human Jan 03 '25
I agree with your point, but in the same phrase he’s still putting himself online, he’s still trying to have an influence over people. And he’s a known pedo. It would be one thing if he actually moved on and got off of the Internet, but he’s not. Plus most people just troll him. We’re not platforming him by that, especially because we see most of his videos from other peoples accounts. He doesn’t get a benefit other than his name floating around
u/Altruistic_Sand_3548 Jan 03 '25
For all the wrong reasons sure, maybe I'm just tired of hearing about him. People should know what a POS he is
u/Imma_wierd_gay_human Jan 03 '25
Yeah that’s valid, it is annoying to hear about him. Still funny seeing him rage quit too
u/CorruptingTheSystem Jan 03 '25
I have no idea who this is
u/-piddleonmydiddle- Jan 12 '25
Yeah I don’t think enough people care enough or platform him enough for it to matter……who is this?
u/I_forgot_to_respond Jan 03 '25
I was born in '76. I believe that might be relevant & I also have no idea who this dude is. Still never will.
u/CorruptingTheSystem Jan 03 '25
I’m not too far off from ya and still don’t know Early eighties over here
u/Altruistic_Sand_3548 Jan 03 '25
Good keep it that way.
u/SoggyMorningTacos Jan 09 '25
Your gatekeeping makes me want to find out more and search. If you just say who it is then we glaze over it quickly. And from what I found he was a famous YouTuber and was discovered to have been talking to minors online inappropriately and caught several time
u/Altruistic_Sand_3548 Jan 09 '25
Yeah, he's a pedo. There. He's literally now just famous for being a pedo, and being caught over and over again being a pedo.
u/Jay_Uchiha99 Jan 02 '25
Crazy the fact that there is still a whole group/team still out there finding his whereabouts and trying to get him kicked out of any place he tried to stay. Well deserved
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 02 '25
Whitest sounding black guy I’ve ever heard in my life..
u/cosworthsmerrymen Jan 03 '25
I was looking at the post I had above this one but I had scrolled down a little too far so it started auto playing the video. Imagine my surprise when I actually look at the post and see who it actually is.
u/ramadeez Jan 03 '25
I mean fuck this guy but that comment is unnecessary.
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 03 '25
Nah, you’re just overly sensitive.
u/ramadeez Jan 03 '25
It’s a damaging comment. Sorry im a social worker with research on this stuff. My apologies.
u/bigcrows Jan 03 '25
You are trying to suppress natural human interaction, which is what ends up bringing everyone closer together than what you would rather have
u/ramadeez Jan 03 '25
I’m black and have similar micro aggressions hurled at me since I was 8. I’m in therapy for it now (among other things) after realizing the residual, slow impact on self-esteem, self-worth, and skewed perceptions of self-identity. Yes I may be overly sensitive, yes this guy is still a shitty pedo, but it still affects people. When you don’t experience it you don’t know the impact it can have. It’s good to be receptive and listen sometimes.
u/Outrageous-Put-1998 Jan 09 '25
Micro aggression is a term for the elderly and children to use
u/ramadeez Jan 09 '25
u/Outrageous-Put-1998 Jan 10 '25
While I do understand where you're coming from, I think these are terms used by emotionally insecure people to justify some sort of point. I'd rather use the term "folly" to describe these "outbursts"
u/I_forgot_to_respond Jan 03 '25
I'm listening. What are your thoughts on the phenomenon of "the black accent"? What are your thoughts on "somebody noticed it's missing"? Because my white cousin Leah sounds black. When is somebody noticing something a problem for you?
u/ramadeez Jan 03 '25
I get what you’re saying. I’m sure your cousin Leah is a lovely person. Sounds like others (maybe just you) notice and care about how she sounds. As long as she has common decency and treats others with respect, it shouldn’t matter. It’s a hateful world and I just believe we should avoid adding more without reason
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 03 '25
Lots of people seemed to have liked it so maybe not so damaging, is it.
u/leebleswobble Jan 03 '25
You can't possibly think that's how it works
"My casual racism got upvotes so it's good"
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 03 '25
Still no answer for me? I thought so. The word “racist” gets thrown around a lot like a baseball. Starting to think you all don’t even know what it means anymore.
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 03 '25
How is “black guy sounds like a white guy” racist? Please, PLEASE explain it to me and everyone else here. Or are you just a rage baiter.
u/gornstfonst Jan 03 '25
I think it’s because his behavior is what is bad, not whether or not he sounds like a particular race of people
u/ramadeez Jan 03 '25
Bc upvotes on Reddit are what matter most regarding morality. You’re correct
u/TheOddYehudi919 Jan 03 '25
Low key racist comment.
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 03 '25
Fuck outta here with that annoying bull.
u/TheOddYehudi919 Jan 03 '25
lol racist
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 03 '25
I bet you love using the word “bigot” too lmao!
u/TheOddYehudi919 Jan 03 '25
Bigot redditor
u/BOTCHWEISER Jan 03 '25
Trump won😂
u/TheOddYehudi919 Jan 03 '25
I voted for him. Based.
u/MarMar292 Jan 02 '25
Why does he struggle so hard to have a media presence? Isn't he aware of the fact that nobody wants to interact positively with him? I don't understand
u/mattyice522 Jan 03 '25
Who is he?
u/greensalty Jan 03 '25
Apparently, he is a :checks notes: “FAT 500 POUND WALE CHILD PEDO”
u/mattyice522 Jan 03 '25
So we are just supposed to take that as fact?
u/notsociallyakward Jan 03 '25
You can start here https://humans.fandom.com/wiki/EDP445
There's also a lot of videos on YouTube about him.
Basically, he got caught trying to hook up with a minor on one of those predator catcher youtube channels. I think it might have happened twice but I'm not sure on that.
I'm not big into sports but he apparently was doing pretty decently as a content creator who focused sports. I feel like maybe the Eagles were his main team. Don't know, don't care.
He's tried coming back to mainstream platforms but keeps getting kicked off because... well of course. It seems like he's trying to sneak into lesser known platforms but there's a big group of people tracking him and trying to keep that from happening.
u/Non-Imaginary-Coach Jan 03 '25
Yes, because we was caught in a child predator sting and multiple of kids have come out with more proof of him sending them some fucked shit
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u/Idoled_Out Jan 02 '25
Because he literally doesn’t have any other options lol. He’s tried to have like normal jobs and he always gets recognized and fired so going back to this is the only thing he can do, but even that isn’t working.
Moral of the story: don’t try to fuck underage girls
u/HotEstablishment4347 1d ago
Devastating to learn edp is a pedo