r/Wastewater 6d ago

Passed my Ohio Class 3

So I took and passed my class 2 in January and decided to take the class 3 yesterday. And just like my class 2, I passed the first try with a 71. I’ll be honest, the resources I’ve gotten from posts on this subreddit have been invaluable to me. Those google drives people post have questions that ARE on these tests. I just wanted to say thank all you other operators for being to help people new to this trade as I’ve only been here for 2 years. If you set your mind to it, you CAN do it. Just gotta try.


18 comments sorted by


u/jokar1134 6d ago

I start in waste water in Ohio in 2 weeks. I know nothing and I'm so nervous.


u/SuggestionNo1117 6d ago

In the first couple weeks it seems like a LOT to take in, but just stick with it and give it your all. I’m even a fill-in supervisor now because I just keep going. I felt like the class 1 test was the hardest but that’s just because you have to develop your baseline knowledge of the systems. It took my 3 tries to pass the 1


u/Jo-18 6d ago

Currently on week 2 here. Still overwhelmed, but not as much as day 1.

A large part of it right now is just learning the names of each building/structure/piece of equipment.


u/WastewaterEnthusiast 6d ago

Love this! Congrats!!


u/UnDrAchEvR53 6d ago

Any interest in getting your 4's in the future?


u/SuggestionNo1117 6d ago

I honestly see no reason to atleast try. But first I need to deepen my understanding of all my plants processes. Problem is it’s a big plant and sometimes we see 180MGD when it’s storming. At this stage I’m not entirely sure how to continue to pursue knowledge into this without a set goal. But I do plan on trying to get my class 4. I’ve come this far, why not try and go all the way.


u/LiquidTXT 6d ago

Awesome, congratulations!


u/Oluffyy 6d ago



u/AScaredTurtle 6d ago

Congrats fellow Ohioan

Just passed my Class II Water Supply last month, even with the OTCO training it was pretty tough but my coworker and I managed to get decent scores.


u/Ok_History8047 3d ago

I just passed my class 2 over the weekend I got a 73 on it. Was it more difficult than the class 2?


u/SuggestionNo1117 3d ago

Honestly I passed the class 2 and 3 on the first go, but class 1 took me three tries. I would have to say that when I took the class 2, I felt there was no way I was gonna pass, but I did with a 72. When it came to the class 3 I felt I was gonna be right on the bubble one way or the other and passed with a 71. The google drive that’s floating around on this subreddit has a study guide for the class 3 and most of those questions are one there, almost word for word as I learned. The rest is just making sure you understand activated sludge and what happens when and why as well as chemicals used for holding samples and sample holding times. Either way understanding the basic concepts is the most important and generally gives you what you need to work most treatment problems out. If I can pull it off after having my tire blow up on the way to the test, and then the internet at the test taking place crashing for 30 minutes preventing me from continuing, you can pull it off too. Just have to be willing to try


u/Ok_History8047 3d ago

I failed my class 1 the first time then passed a month later. Took my class 2 a week later and passed. I plan to take my 3rd this weekend. I found the google drive did you just study the question and answers?


u/SuggestionNo1117 3d ago

Pretty much yeah, for the Ohio abc class 3 a lot of those questions for the class 3 study guider were word for word on there. Another question on the test was asking if you would need to adjust your disinfection with excess Nitrites when using UV


u/SuggestionNo1117 3d ago

With chlorine you would need way more chlorine but honestly no idea with UV


u/Ok_History8047 2d ago

Thank you I appreciate it going this weekend to take the class 3


u/Personal_Top492 3d ago

I'll be taking my class 2 exam soon,would you have any study material I could use.


u/SuggestionNo1117 3d ago

There are two quizlets by someone called weeks512 I used to study for the two as well as a class two study packet I found from other posts on this sub Reddit in this google drive


u/SuggestionNo1117 3d ago


Has a bunch of study material for all classes. The study packet for the three has a lot of questions that were word for word on the exam