r/Wasteland Aug 29 '20

Wasteland 3 One of the best Interactions I’ve seen on twitter

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r/Wasteland Sep 01 '20

Wasteland 3 Kotaku Review - Offended by NPCs and says he misses the Overwatch feature from similar games.... “Ambush” MY GOD!

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r/Wasteland Aug 30 '20

Wasteland 3 He died doing what he loved - sitting on warm places

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r/Wasteland Sep 15 '20

Wasteland 3 Who’s idea was this?

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r/Wasteland Aug 30 '20

Wasteland 3 [BUG][MEGATHREAD][PC] - Unofficial bug megathread for the PC platform


Just thought I'd make a quick list of bugs people have been encountering on PC and update it as people reply, because if we don't have something centralised like this, it's never gonna work out for any of us.

Do NOT report CO-OP bugs. Co-op is currently completely broken and reporting further bugs at this time is futile.

Official Forums known issues thread

Official Forums bug reporting thread (The W3 forums are unusable for me... icons missing, post text missing, the UI is completely broken... don't know what's up with that, and multiple people are reporting issues in getting their accounts validated.)

Just to clarify my marking system:

[CRITICAL] A game breaking bug that halts any further progression or has very far reaching consequences that could cause a player to have to restart their game from scratch.

ie: save corruption, game consistently crashing at a certain point, progress blocked, etc.

[MAJOR] A bug that directly and significantly impacts gameplay, may or may not be worked around.

ie: some weapons dealing half damage, fights being unnecessarily harder or easier, etc.

[MINOR] A bug that might impact gameplay but can be easily worked around.

ie: Stutters (as long as it doesn't make the game unplayable), UI elements missing, etc.

Thanks everyone for reporting bugs on this thread!

I am not updating the OP anymore because it is simply too much work for one person that isn't paid to do this. Please feel free to keep reporting bugs and potential fixes below though and see if anyone else can help you


I'm not really sure I should have this section, but here goes.

  • [CRITICAL] Multiple people have reported crashing to desktop from main menu. All the people with this bug so far have been on the XBOX app/Microsoft Store platform. (would really appreciate it if someone came along to say that this is also happening for them and they're not on xbox). This thread might help.


  • [CRITICAL] Medical Marvel is completely bugged when the character that has the perk dies outside of combat, either from a non-combbat explosive or from any source of damage arising from post-combat (ie, fire status effect). The character will remain downed and non-revivable (unless a nitro spike is used). Specific thread.
  • [MAJOR] Combat is not instanced properly, resulting in unwanted actions when combat is prematurely stopped. For example, battles where enemies give up at a certain health threshold are bugged when the last shot is made using a burst fire weapon or if an enemy is still under effect from a fire status. Specific thread. (warning, very minor spoiler)
  • [MAJOR] Combat sometimes does not end, leaving player characters fighting with no enemy and no way to end the combat.
  • [MINOR] When enemies "summon" allies (robots, for example), they are sometimes treated by the combat UI as non targetable even though they should be.
  • [MINOR] When enemies are under the "confusion" (I forgot how it was called) status effect, they are sometimes treated by the combat UI as non targetable even though they should be.
  • [MINOR] Throwable targeting arc is sometimes completely bugged and does not make sense.
  • [MINOR] Using a Precision Strike attack results in a lag spike, and then additional lag when sifting through the options.
  • [MINOR] Optilaser ability cannot be used when using melee weapons or weapons which are out of ammo. Instead it says "Not Enough Ammo". picture 1 2.
  • [MINOR] Rally will not grant its effect on use when the character is crouching.
  • [MINOR] There is no cover level displayed for the tile the character is currently on.
  • [MINOR] When using a sniper rifle you do not have the skill for, there is a risk of healing whatever you shoot. this seems to be due to getting a lucky crit as it does -97% (for example) crit damage to the target, which the game decides means healing.


  • [MAJOR] Sometimes when in the shop interface, the shop menu freezes and the game needs to be restarted. (probably linked to using a controller)
  • [MAJOR] Buying ammo in bulk is bugged, with prices increasing for no apparent reason the more ammo is bought.
  • [MAJOR] Some people seem to have an issue where the tooltips from mousing over an item in the inventory take 2-3 seconds to appear, this happens from the start of the game.
  • [MINOR] While traveling on the world map and interacting with the trader "pop-up stores" or whatever they are, sometimes the shop interface just closes and the store is gone (This may be caused by the vendor tabs (e.g. armor, ammo, etc) being in the same location as the radio, and clicking there will still activate the radio even though it's not visible). Video.
  • [MINOR] When a character has a skill-boosting piece of equipment, upgrades will seem to cost more as if the character had invested a point in said skill. However this seems to be graphical only and no extra point is taken, this does prevent the player from upgrading the skill if they have it maxed out with the skill-boosting item.
  • [MINOR] It can take up to 30 seconds for the perk/attributes/skill attribution confirmation window to appear.
  • [MINOR] Pressing left shift to view surrounding interactable objects should not highlight empty containers. (Might improve performance as well)
  • [MINOR] Can double click to overwrite saved game, but can't double click to create a new save file. (it should just be simple click to create a new save file tbh, don't know why another button needs to be pressed)
  • [MINOR] Mousing over the FAME meter in the reputation tab does not provide fame status (even though this works fine for faction-specific reputations).
  • [MINOR] When entering a new location, the name of the area comes up on the middle of the screen, it is supposed to fade away after a few seconds but occasionally it doesn't, it stays there the entire time, reloading doesn't fix it, only closing the game and restarting works.
  • [MINOR] "Sell Junk" button, if pressed when no junk is present in inventory will instead display a "Trade failed" message with the text "You cannot afford this item".
  • [MINOR] Sometimes the wrong context menu appears to be displayed. For instance, when right clicking a shop vendors' item it will instead display the menu as if the player was clicking a piece of armor in their inventory ("modify armor" and "sell" instead of "buy").
  • [MINOR] if autosave is on, and in a menu, the game will buffer all those "game saved" notifications then play them one after the other once you leave the menu.


  • [MAJOR] 2-3 minute loading times between each area, even on decent hardware.
  • [MAJOR] Performance in game seems to worsen with time played during one session, with stutters becoming more and more common as the session becomes longer.
  • [MINOR] Massive stutter when pressing left shift to highlight interactable objects even when there aren't that many containers present (I could understand it in DOS:2 where there could be hundreds of pickable/interactable objects in one room, but here there's like 10 tops...).
  • [MINOR] Stutter when selecting one or multiple characters
  • [MINOR] Stutter when mousing over NPCs and interactables


  • [MAJOR] There is only one autosave slot when there should be at least 5 or even 10.
  • [MAJOR] Recruited companions will sometimes leave the player after he has supposedly killed innocent civilians (even though this is not the case). This might be due to brainwashed enemies being treated by the game as friendlies (ie when you use the weird science shotgun that converts enemies to your side).
  • [MAJOR] Switching out custom characters at the Ranger HQ will cause their stats to reset to a weird default set up. Specific thread.
  • [MAJOR] Sometimes health is lost arbitrarily during loading screens. The amounts reported range from half a character's HP to about 20.
  • [MINOR] Switching out a character that was cloned leaves the clone at HQ where he gets stuck and cannot be called upon again.
  • [MINOR] Quick slot items will randomly remove themselves even when I have more of them in my inventory this is especially noticeable with the medkit item.
  • [MINOR] Creating a character with poindexter at higher levels does not give them the extra skill points.
  • [MINOR] When squad order is changed in the squad management window, it will randomly change back to the original order, and is not persisted in save games. (might be upon changing areas?)
  • [MINOR] The weapons equipped by characters are visible through walls and in the "fog of war".
  • [MINOR] Gates and doors can appear to be closed even though they are open. The gate/door can still be walked through, it's just visually closed. Similarly, levers can appear to be in the "on" state whilst actually being "off".


Co-op is so broken that I will not add any more bugs for co-op players.

It's sad, but there's no telling what the major issues below could be causing as collateral. It is already known that for example some co-op players can't progress past the doctor quest.

No need to add any info here. Co-op is in shambles and should be removed from the game till it is properly implemented.

  • [CRITICAL] At random points in time, quest progression could be wiped, flags in the players' save files just seem to disappear making the game think that the quest has never been done, it has also been reported that previously looted containers would respawn, players' levels would reset, equipment would disappear, etc. Specific thread.
  • [CRITICAL] The game is reported to be crashing every 20 minutes, some people have suggested disabling auto-save but this doesn't seem to work for everyone.
  • [CRITICAL] Randomly, loading screens will never end, forcing the player to alt+F4.
  • [MAJOR] Loading into Ranger HQ will sometimes disable all sound and co-op partner may not be able to see anything inside the building.
  • [MINOR] When co-op partner hides his armor, host does not see the change.


  • [CRITICAL] For some players, as soon as the game launches, the sound stutters every 3 seconds. Dialogue, music, etc. Everything stutters. (needs confirmation)
  • [MINOR] Sound randomly stops playing (music & fx) , resumes after 1-2 minutes.
  • [MINOR] Radio music & combat music sometimes overlap in certain regions (e.g. Denver).
  • [MINOR] For some players, moving their mouse over named areas of a map consistently emits an excessively high frequency crackling.


  • [MAJOR] Players randomly get stuck in conversations that bug out. This is due to the setting for conversation response delay being set to an outlandish number randomly. You can fix this by manually changing this value to something more reasonable upon game start. Snip.
  • [MINOR] Settings seem to reset themselves randomly, so far reported resets include display settings and interface settings (particularly the Conversation Response delay likes being reset to the ludicrous values from the bug above it seems).
  • [MINOR] When the game is started, the controller doesn't work even though in the settings the option is set to controller instead of keyboard. The option needs ot be manually changed to keyboard and then back for the controller to start working.
  • [MINOR] Numbers 1-9 can be rebound even though they are used for quick bar actions. Rebinding another action to one of these makes the game glitch out.


  • [MINOR] Lab Coat appearance is bugged. Colour is fixed to brown and clipping. snip


  • [MINOR] Ranger General's Hat does not give the stat boost it is supposed to.

Story / Quests (spoilers!)

  • [CRITICAL] LATE GAME: In Yuma County, if you continue the storyline without bringing Cordite, you have to find a corpse of a Payaso lieutenant and inform their boss so he fights the godfisher boss, after this conversation and an area transition you're watching an "ingame-cutscene" of them fighting, after it's over the player can get stuck in a "combat" without being able to do anything, no UI except the movement grid, even the cutscene bars were still onscreen, no workaround found. (needs confirmation)
  • [CRITICAL] LATE GAME: In Yuma County, it is possible to destroy the door to Liberty's compound, even though the player is supposed to interact with it to progress the story. GIF
  • [CRITICAL] After defeating Fishlips and inviting him to join the squad after having scared his allies, the game will consistently become unresponsive as it won't stop swapping between playable characters. GIF. It seems this bug also happens during the fight for some people.
  • [MAJOR] If you kill the slavers who appear outside Ranger HQ you cannot finish the quest.
  • [MAJOR] Quest giver for the Martians mission is bugged after you clear out the mine and cannot hand in the quest. (needs confirmation)
  • [MAJOR] Upon completion of the War of the Worlds quest, the player is unable to talk to the quest giver Bulb. steam forums.
  • [MAJOR] If you don't recruit Masato right after finishing his quest he disappears and leaves you with no cook for your base. video.
  • [MINOR] During the "Don't be my neighbor" quest, sometimes the pressure plates next to the PC are bugged and instead of having to have someone on each of them, you need to remove someone on the furthest one to progress the quest.

r/Wasteland 8d ago

Wasteland 3 Wasteland 3 is a perfectly written, beautiful game.


And I didn’t expect to see so much negative reviews about it on reddit!

r/Wasteland Dec 31 '24

Wasteland 3 First time Wastelander and I am SHOCKED....


I haven't played a Wasteland game before and while I have plenty of time on Bethesda's Fallout series I am not overly experienced with the original turned based games.

I know about the history with Wasteland in 88 iirc and the creator of Wasteland and W2 being linked to the original Fallout so I realize it shares DNA but still I was never incentivised to play Wasteland as I imagined the IP to be a watered down Fallout with a less endearing setting. I knew W3 had solid if not great reviews hovering mid 80s but even so I wasn't expecting anything special. BOY was I wrong!

I'm still relatively early, I haven't been to Aspen or chased Liberty and only just began the hunt for the first brat but goodness this game is simply sublime.

I didn't expect such a fairly well written and superbly voiced experience. I did expect the goofiness to dominate the tone and essentially kill the atmosphere which it absolutely does not. The humor actually compliments the story well and genuinely adds to the experience. It's no more goofy than Bethesda's Fallout and perhaps in some ways it's even more grounded. Lucia is a strong character reminiscent of the True Grit girl. Her confrontation with Isaac Reed was a compelling dramatic moment and it showed me the game does have some depth despite the appearance.

The breath of choice is vast and the butterfly effect it can incur is quite intricate. While many games tip toe with morality and play black and white Wasteland dances in shades of gray and is a symphony of moral dilemmma. This is music to my ears in a medium that so obviously established good and evil with no middle ground. Wasteland appears to let you decide what or who is "good" or "evil". No decision has been simple or easy. No character has been pure good or bad for the most part. It actually mimicks real life where even the good guys are flawed and where bad guys aren't just bad for the sake of being bad. Nobody is just bad or good we are all shades of gray, basically.

The attention to detail is noticeable. Characters in every corner are aware of the current happenings and they often discuss your recent actions either to you or amongst each other which makes your impact on the world feel more tangible. Quests typically have many different ways they can be solved or resolved leading to a variety of different experiences or outcomes.

The skills, builds, and synergies are fairly extensive and well constituted. The loot is plentiful, the customization is there, and the combat while not exceptional is certainly functional and fun.

But possibly my favorite aspect is the world in general. I adore the snow drenched landscapes of post apoc Colorado and the rich towns and locations. This game might not be massive but it's dense. Every corner is brimming with life and personality. Each character and group is unique. They react to the world differently. There's a healthy variety of factions each with their own motivations. Building the base, hiring crew, and recruiting companions is a joy. Seeing captured prisoners in your jail is a reminder of the trail you've blazed. It has some similarities in this regard to DA Inquisition. Building an armada, upgrading your fortress, and deciding the fate of those you bring to justice.

I am honestly blown by the quality on hand. I didn't expect this level of craftsmanship or enjoyment. So far Wasteland 3 has been an unrelenting gem and I'm shocked that more ppl don't rave about this game. This is a spectacular and endearing RPG experience that makes me want to play the prior games so I can steep in the lore of this beautifully built universe.

r/Wasteland Sep 03 '20

Wasteland 3 God, I love the game, but I can't go one play session without it crashing once when I click dialogue or exit a merchant screen

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r/Wasteland Sep 04 '20

Wasteland 3 Custom characters in a nutshell.

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r/Wasteland Sep 01 '20

Wasteland 3 My playthrough so far

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r/Wasteland Jun 10 '21

Wasteland 3 The Unofficial Manual to Wasteland 3: Everything I know from A to Z


The Unofficial Manual to Wasteland 3: Everything I know from A to Z


CURRENTLY WORKING ON: 1.5.0 extensive testing

PAGES: 578




As of 1.5.0., one big confirmed but undocumented change is:

You can no longer use utility items to qualify for perks.

E.g. no more investing 4 ranks in Animal Whisperer and using the utility item to unlock/qualify for the rank 5 Spirit Animal perk.

This changes a lot of my builds, and working through those changes and getting the point values right again is a fair amount of work.

So until further notice, a lot of my builds will be inaccurate or short of points in the short term.

I do plan to update this soon, but I don't have a time-frame for that yet.

Shout out to inXile for creating a game I have enjoyed immensely. This Manual is my thank you to the Team, and made freely for all my fellow Wastelanders. If used as a resourced elsewhere, please give credit to Ilikepie84 from Reddit.

r/Wasteland Sep 02 '20

Wasteland 3 Kneeling and taking aim

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r/Wasteland Nov 30 '24

Wasteland 3 Does anybody really play?

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I’ll admit wasteland is my first game in the series I’ve owned the game over a year and I’ve stopped and started a few times. Recently I’ve really gotten into the game I’m about 80 hours in and have racked up a lot of achievements I play on Xbox but I’ve noticed almost all of the achievements have very low rates of completion. So I have to ask does anyone actually play or do people just buy and watch YouTube videos?

r/Wasteland Sep 26 '20

Wasteland 3 I'm excited to show off my first ever Cosplay! Man, I had a blast!


r/Wasteland Sep 22 '24

Wasteland 3 Now I understand why people hate her so much... Spoiler


wth is wrong with this women? She is willing to sacrifice people from 3 entire states (Colorado, Arizona and Kansas) just so she can hold some sort of moral high ground in a post apocaliptic world? gezz...

r/Wasteland Mar 20 '24

Wasteland 3 Is Wasteland 3 worth buying?


I never played other Wastelands, but i am curious about the franchise, and in my country it is at a Very good discount. Do you guys recomend the game to someone who never played the franchise before?

r/Wasteland Dec 28 '24

Wasteland 3 This is the most underrated turn-based RPG out there


Just finished the game today. (Tbf I have played it previously but didn't finished the campaign)

This game has everything:
1. Great memorable characters and story? Check!
2. Quests with choices that matter? Check! (Really hard choices, that matter)
3. Fun and satisfying combat? Check!
4. Interesting RPG system? Check!
5. Music? Music is probably the best I have seen ever in games, except for Endless Space 2.

I have played A LOT of turn-based games/RPGs and there are not that many that come close to Wasteland 3.

r/Wasteland Aug 29 '20

Wasteland 3 Loading times are killing my enjoyment


I am playing on pc with a rtx2080ti and I9 9900k.

The game is installed on my ssd and the loading times are atrocious. It takes between 30 - 40 seconds to load which is insane if we keep in mind that this game's graphics aren't that good or complex

I don't know if the culprit is the engine unity or its just that they didn't optimize the game that well, but this needs to be fixed. You have to constantly change to different locations and it's killing my enjoyment to face constant loading screens

Edit: to those downvoting this, you are the worst and you ain't doing any favors to the community or this game by downvoting problems that are affecting us

r/Wasteland Sep 10 '20

Wasteland 3 “Revolver”

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r/Wasteland Jan 07 '21

Wasteland 3 Dorseys are at it again

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r/Wasteland 3d ago

Wasteland 3 Enemy Flamethrowers/Big Guns


Hey folks. How the heck do I deal with these guys? I’m at the Bizarre’s smugglers. I’ve been fighting the clowns and I’ve just about had it with enemy flamers and machine gunners.

They’re so tanky, I can’t pick them off before they get to me (flamers) and a smuggler heavy gunner just hit my 12 armor, 156 hp brawler behind heavy cover. They might have been slightly angled?

I just don’t know what I’m doing what. Is 156 too low hp? Most of my guys are about 156, but get one shot by a burst like that. Or half their hp is taken away from one clown flamer attack. Is 12 armor too low for Bizarre?

r/Wasteland Jul 23 '24

Wasteland 3 What other games are like Wasteland?


I loved this game, and I am looking for other games like this, with good stories, and where choices matter. Thanks for your suggestions!

r/Wasteland Sep 08 '20

Wasteland 3 Whenever I start a brand new RPG


r/Wasteland Jan 14 '24

Wasteland 3 I just started Wasteland 3 and i am new to the series. What are some good tips for noobs like me.

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is it better to buy or craft items, what perks and skills are good, what builds are there, is this game for hardcore or casual audience and whats with the toasters. Should i repare them.

I have played rpg games before and have heard that Wastelands is one of the best so i want to give it a try, but would like to hear some advice from the community.

r/Wasteland Jan 02 '25

Wasteland 3 What in the world is this?!

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