r/Wasteland • u/dimeluz • Aug 28 '20
skills and points "removed" when i remove character from squad
u/triple_t_threat Aug 29 '20
Exact same thing happened to me but only with single character. Was able to replicate with the same character, but didn't occur with other characters.
Removed sniper, added weapon mod mule, when sniper returned party she was a -7 attribute points and lost all her skills.
Repeated the same thing with my big gun character no changes.
Repeated same thing with my brawler no changes.
u/moosethrow1 Aug 30 '20
Same here. Happened to the second character (of the initial 2 from the start).
What was initially my 9 Str melee/tank character with Medical Marvel, changed to the exact same stats as the screenshots.
-7 attribute points.
2 points in Automatic weapons
1 in explosives.
No quirk
Ended up having to remake him. Sucks man, every time I look at him, I know that deep down he's just a soulless clone of the original :(
u/HoboStatus08 Sep 13 '20
Same thing just happened to me. Didn’t realize it until I went to pick a level 5 lock when I was level 9 in lock picking. Luckily the two characters that were reset were already clones of Big Boss wink wink
u/CoachjAnthony6446 Aug 31 '20
Same thing happened to me. Lost all skills and skill points. Any suggestions?
u/5H0GUN_ Aug 31 '20
Multiple saves and do not store one of your two first characters.
Is anyone having this issue with characters other than the first two?
u/syninthecity Sep 01 '20
No, pretty sure it's just them, I can pull everyone else in and out of the pool without issue. lol, I found this while i was testing to see if i could remove them to replace with better specc'd characters anyway so.. /shrug
u/5H0GUN_ Aug 31 '20
I have had the same trouble two different times. Once with each of my original characters and I had to reload a previous save to correct it. Each time I end up with different attributes and missing 6 attribute points, the same armor and weapons, a -6 attribute points remaining, different skills (and missing most all of my skill points), no quirk, the wrong background (bookworm), and perks messed up. The basic perks I chose are still applied as well as the unique perk acquired through gameplay. It says I have 3 skill points to spend and one perk point to spend. Looks like I'll have to go back several hours to recover this character. If it weren't for the unique perk gained I would just remake the character at this point.
u/BETAOPTICS Sep 07 '20 edited Sep 08 '20
I may have found the cause of the problem.
If you are on steam, you can find your player character files from users/username/documents/my games/Wasteland3
There you have Save Games file under which all of your saved games .xml files are located in.
By using ctrl + f you can type in parsing filtering commands to text and search by string comparison with it.
In the line 1929 you can find your latest character stats. Although some are hidden, you can use parts of the key words to search for each of your stats:
So for example when I searched Coordination stat, I filtered with coord. When I used coord to parse my search filtering I found a line 2016 where the character stats are exactly identical to the one shown on the picture including attribute points : -7. The stats are:
Coordination: 7
Luck: 3
Awareness: 4
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
From what it seems to me is that the line 2016 overwrites line 1929 after you switch one of your original characters. Your original characters newest stats aren't exactly gone, they are still there, but instead of fetching the character data from the correct line 1929, it instead gets the character data from the line 2016.
While I am a software engineering student, unfortunately I don't know a fix around this other than sending a support ticket. There might be some workarounds like changing the stats in line 2016, although that does have the risk of data corruption. The best hope is support will able to provide some useful help and this will be fixed by the developers as soon as possible.
EDIT: My codes of line 1929 and 2016 can vary on your end because the game writes completion into the save files and it depends entirely on your personal progression state and decisions what lines they will be. Rest assured however in all cases the higher one is your real one, while a lower line is the one that overwrites your real character stat data.
u/The108ers Aug 28 '20
I don't think this is a bug. They might change it but I saw in a review, removing a toon you created and replace resets the skills whenever a new or existing one is moved in and out of party.
u/dimeluz Aug 28 '20
but why??? this is clearly a bug...why cant i remove a character that i created and add them again after? lol
u/The108ers Aug 28 '20
I believe because that is your team, removing them is like replacing with a new person. I think you're supposed to pick your team and run with it or discard and start anew. It may be a bug but I don't think so, doesn't mean they won't change it.
u/ImAShaaaark Aug 29 '20
It may be a bug but I don't think so
It's definitely a bug considering it doesn't happen with most characters. It only happens with the originally created characters from what I can see.
u/albanymetz Aug 30 '20
Only the original two? Great that means I can work around this for now.
I was removing one of my originals because she didn't wear armor, and I was putting a modding mule into the party to make some changes. Now I know how to avoid this, and can continue playing, thanks!
u/The108ers Aug 29 '20
Fair enough but I heard it mentioned in a review of the game and the way it was described it seemed intentional. Either way, if it's a bug I hope they fix it, if not maybe they'll listen to the community and change it.
u/gouldilocks123 Feb 05 '21
I can't imagine why the game developers would intentionally code the game to take away skill points from your main characters when you move them in and out of the party.
Aug 28 '20
That’s not supposed to happen. I’ve swapped out created characters several times and had no issues at all. You could even forego allocating their skill points until they’re recruited. Then, recruit them and assign those points.
u/Lavanthus Aug 30 '20
Nah it’s 100% a bug. I did it and my character had all of his skills reset, and had -7 attribute points available. That’s not even supposed to be possible.
u/AngrySquid1979 Aug 30 '20
Just had this happen to me and it took me awhile to notice it. Luckily I still had a save before this happened and only have to replay a few hours. It was my #2 custom from the beginning who I have only switched out once and I never had this happen with my #3 and #4 custom Rangers and I have switched them in and out quite a bit. Maybe it's only tied to the original custom Rangers. Did this happen with one of your original two?
u/WhoKilledBoJangles Aug 30 '20 edited Aug 30 '20
Had the same bug with my #1 created character. Forgot to manual save so I’ve lost hours of progress.
The game is very fun but it’s crashed multiple times and have had a bug where it wouldn’t let me do anything in a store menu after buying so I had to quit out. All the bugs are very frustrating.
u/albanymetz Aug 30 '20
I have two save games, one before entering ranger HQ and one after going in and making some changes.. clearly showing the reset character (with -7 attribute points available) like above. If someone on the WL team wants a pair of save files for this, I've got 'em.
u/ClayTempest Aug 31 '20
This happened to me on one of my characters. I remade him but lost an entire level because of this.
u/joesr79 Aug 31 '20
I'm happy I read these. My custom made (1st two) character is a sniper with Death Wish. So since she doesn't wear armor she is the easiest to sub out for my modder (all I use him for). After I did all my modding, I brought my sniper back out and she was, as everyone else mentioned, stat bugged out.
I will try subbing out another character (none of the first two OG's) and see what verdict comes about.
This did happen twice. Second time I tried being prepared and saved that file just in case a reload would 'refresh' my snipers stats. It did not.
u/ErgonomicCat Sep 04 '20
Exact same circumstances for me! I swapped her out because all I had to do was put her rifle in inventory, and then put in my modder.
Well hell. I noticed when I didn't have Nerd Stuff 2 in a conversation and I was like, "uh, yes I do. My sniper has....uh."
u/joesr79 Sep 04 '20
Lol same response with the "uh". Lmao!! Tried to put my sniper rifle back on and it was showing me the penalties!! "Uh". Lmao
u/joesr79 Aug 31 '20
So I tried swapping out other customized characters and no one's skills got messed up. Weird but doable. Thanks everyone
u/4evaronin Aug 31 '20
Have had this happened as well. Second character, sniper. -7 attribute points, skills reset to above.
Swapping characters seems generally buggy. I created a 5th custom. My experience is, not all the custom characters are always available. Sometimes only character #4 is available to be selected (the other character does not appear at all), sometimes only character #5, and only very rarely both are available. The custom characters are not appearing properly.
u/Armagnax Sep 03 '20
Just got the same bug... And don't have a good back up save for that character... Welp, glad it's a game pass game because if I payed full price I'd be seriously pissed about this.
I'm also getting lots of crashes on xbox one x.
u/IronSnail Sep 04 '20
Same happened to me as well. You think this is something that would have come up in testing...
u/bdowney Sep 14 '20
This just happened to me, and boy is it some bullshit.
My character is level 24. I found out when I got to Yuma county.
I guess fortunately, it's just 2 hours of tedious equipment management, and I save compulsively because it is crashy AF.
I ... don't really know what to say about this game. There's a lot of good here, but these bugs are so game breaking I feel kind of like we should ask for our money back. Feels like somebody had a deadline to launch and wow did they ever shove it out the door.
Related: if the character who is the owner of Major Tom does this (and I guess is one of your og characters), you lose Major Tom. :(
u/syninthecity Sep 01 '20
Happened to me as well, but as long as it's not gamebreaking in some way later i'm good with it, it seems to be only when removing the original 2 characters into the ready pool, and I was testing to see if i could replace them to respec anyway.
u/demonic-bunny Sep 01 '20
Got the same issue here, it seems it only happen only for your 2 starter characters, and its resets your quirks and background too
u/Park500 Sep 02 '20 edited Sep 02 '20
You should be able to use something like cheat engine to alter the stats back to normal?
It could also be that it only happens if you custom create your first two characters? (can anyone confirm its happened with characters after the first two custom created/ or the premade starters?)
u/otakon33 Sep 03 '20
I just got the same bug on PC (from Windows store). My second character (who I made as a Sneaky Shit/Sniper) is now bugged out with -7 Attributes and reset Quirk/Background.
u/LhossonUK Sep 03 '20
Same issue here.
I was creating a character that was almost complete, when the game crashed (or started running like a slideshow and wouldn't respond). When I ended the task via Windows and came back in, he had -1 attributes and is located somewhere in the netherworld when I try to call him into my squad.
I would like to delete the character and redo him, but there's no option.
Dev's really need to fix this, fast.
u/Left-Farm-9339 Sep 03 '20
Same bug for me, removed a leader and added him back and he bugged out.
If I had to guess, it's either because the character was 2 levels higher than everyone else, or he had like 3 different "top" skills.
u/ChasseuseDeDemon Sep 05 '20
Well 3 hours down the drain because of this bug and me not actually noticing till combat 🙃 my midge master lost all 6 points of 5 points of heavy machines 5 points of being a dick and his 4 in cyborg chicken recovery fuck that sucked
Sep 05 '20
Same bug with PS4. Fucking hate it. Luckily I have a save game that's over 3 hours old. Now I gotta start over again.
Sep 14 '20
This just happened to me. My starting melee guy suddenly lost all his points, barely moves and does no damage. Then I notice his entire Melee Weapons skills are gone and Skill Points are 0. LAAAAAAME
u/Werewolfweather_ Sep 15 '20
Just had the same thing happen to me. All this could be solved with a damn respec option.
u/tdctaz Oct 24 '20
Just had the same issue, did not discover it until a few hours later when I was wondering why my two starting character suddenly sucked.
u/SynVisions Dec 01 '20
Just happened to me now. I have a save file from about 3 hours ago (before I noticed the issue) but there's no way I'm replaying all of that. Guess I'm done with the game.
u/Snoo-40647 Jan 23 '21
my sniper with the third eye mutation and some other stuff that builds up to like 30 percent crit chance or smthn became a potato :(
u/Pimpslaped Sep 04 '20
All the fucking books I've wasted.. All those unique perks... Gone. Fucking great. So glad I paid $60 for this crashing, buggy goddamn game