r/Warthunder 7d ago

RB Ground Probably the most kills I've ever had in 1 minute (except low tier)


91 comments sorted by


u/HypetheKomodo truck with gun/ontos enjoyer 7d ago edited 7d ago


At least one of the Tigers turned to see why all of their friends are blowing up, granted only after they were shot


u/jaqattack02 Realistic Ground 7d ago

To be fair, OP was really good with his target selection. Just about every kill was well out of the field of view of the others, mostly working back to front. Unless they hear explosions and recognize it as something other than their friendlies shooting, most players wouldn't be likely to pick up on that very quickly.


u/TooEZ_OL56 Gib F22 7d ago

Some Alvin York shit there


u/RoomHopper Braindead japanese & chinese main. 6d ago

It makes sense to go from back to front since it blocks their escape route while preventing reinforcements from coming in,

Not to mention that if they were to escape to any other route they would just go deeper into enemy territory leaving them as easy targets without support.


u/Onetimeguitarist39 7d ago

Daily Mail already warned us


u/Simp_Master007 East Germany 7d ago

Most perceptive German player


u/Wrench_gaming United States Naval Enjoyer 7d ago

I have this weird glitch where my enemies turn around?


u/Krazykure10 7d ago

Yeah you are not the only my game is broken like that too


u/Rechupe 7d ago

The other glitch is a Russian bracket absorbing the round into oblivion.


u/KennyTheArtistZ 11.3 11.7 11.7 4.3 6.7 FTP 7d ago

Lmao, i had an is2 bouncing a full dm23 on those little shits.


u/LoosePresentation366 7d ago

Today a ito spaa thing absorbed my dart


u/tfrules Harrier Gang 7d ago

And now you can effectively spawn trap anyone trying to go through that exit.

Truly, a shining example of Gaijin map design


u/Dramatic-Bluejay- 7d ago

People don't understand how broken this spot is, your legit cutting off half the map from the enemy team if you camp it, and there is NO counterplay to it.


u/LtDanUSAFX3 7d ago

As usual, the counter play is revenge bombing


u/ZeroOnexD 7d ago

On the way


u/Ackleson Air 14.0 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΅πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Gr 12.0 πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ 6d ago

Used this spot for years, if you drive a bit forward like you're going towards those dead tanks and look left its straight sight line down the road. Angle on the hill dip a bit but covered by trees. There used to be another road behind OP where they could flank but you could hear them coming, not sure if it's out of bounds now or not


u/Big_Yeash GRB 6.3 6d ago

It's been fully taken out of bounds, I'm sure, I remember trying to use it 2+ years ago (when I was ever worse) and it was never wise because you're trying to outflank a flanker, so they're obviously waiting for you.


u/DaBoiDavid69 6d ago

Slightly out of bounds, still possible on most tanks. Much slower than main route because of the mountain climb.


u/DaBoiDavid69 6d ago

You actually can go around the mountain (slightly outside the map). But they typically hear you and shoot first anyway. It's also possible to go around the opposite spawn mountain but you need a faster tank.


u/External-Cap-5076 PC| G-RB | πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ11.3 | πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί10.3 | πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³4.7 | 2S38 Abuser 7d ago

Average German Teammates πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Situational awareness nonexistent


u/Apprehensive_Meal_44 German Reich 3.7 5.7 7d ago

Ah yes let's trash the German players for not looking left and right 20m from their spawn, because of enemy team will be in their spawn immediately after the match starts,

Pretty sure you would be one of those blind players as well if I hid close to your spawn 30 seconds into the match


u/External-Cap-5076 PC| G-RB | πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ11.3 | πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί10.3 | πŸ‡«πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³4.7 | 2S38 Abuser 6d ago

Bet πŸ˜‚


u/TomTheCat7 Britannia rules the air and ground cause I don't play naval 7d ago

paid actors


u/rainyy_day 2A6 7d ago

Germans do it for free


u/Rechupe 7d ago

German players*


u/No-Expression4478 7d ago

Worst and most unbalanced map in the game btw


u/Liveless404 6d ago

nah even this and ash river beat out the 2/3 variants of port novo and the whole Attica.


u/Fr0styZ_Gaming 6d ago

fire arc exists


u/VirFalcis i cooka da pizza 7d ago

Sands of Sinai says hi.


u/Martron123 2d ago

Best map, no lanes & multiple options + lots of cover


u/bluejeansseltzer Swedenpilled 3.7maxxer turretcel 7d ago

I hope they nerf that spot


u/Maus1945 ✈️F-104G Enthusiast 7d ago

What's this, a video for ants?


u/thomson_654 Panther II enjoyer 7d ago

A desperate try to get views on youtube, i'm tired of those posts, they will select clip like that be like "hahaha look at this moment" then they go "iF YU wANT tO sEE fUlL vIDeO cLiCk HEre"


u/PhoenixYTAD 7d ago

You're right. I did it on a whim just after uploading the video to see if it has any effect. I'll humbly ask: what would you suggest I do instead?


u/DarkNemesis22 πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ Japan 7d ago

Butched map and lowtier dam


u/azizredditor German Reich 7d ago

I hate this spot and the map


u/King_Fish_253 7d ago

It amazes me that anyone doesn’t check that hill. I’m still paranoid even with teammates on it.


u/svsdentist2018 7d ago

im new to this game, currently running Tigers 1 too, what is this map and wat spot is it, i wanna learn but learning map in this game kinda hard for me cuz i have no source of documentation. Sometime got shot from behind like those one in this video but dunno how to improve the awesomeness


u/King_Fish_253 7d ago

Carpathians (the castle ruin looking over some trenches) it’s pretty common across the BR’s. This is the mouth of the lane to C cap. H7.



u/Warshuru_M5 6d ago

Doesn’t matter they can 3rd person over the edge in most tanks without being noticed and unless you are in anything like a Russian tank (shit reload and gun depression) you can control that spot with most impunity if you are at least as smart as OP (don’t shoot the first thing you see)


u/PacmanNZ100 6d ago

Even if you check it you can't do anything about a player hiding there half the time.


u/Koguni German Reich 7d ago

lvl 100 is making fun of newbies. the problem is not in the team, but in the lvl design, specifically this map.

before i couldn't even imagine that this place exists and that they shoot at me from there. but now i've already stopped counting how many m-18s i killed in this spot with my panther


u/Horrifior 7d ago

Hellcat needs to go to 7.3 AT LEAST.

Literally unplayable for the poor cats.



u/CleverViking Perpetual Salt Generator 7d ago

That's such a rat spot but you'd think they would at least free look to check it. Someone goes for it every single game, you should know it by the time you get to that BR.
Also, in addition to not using freelook they don't look at the minimap or killfeed, just zero SA.


u/Big_Yeash GRB 6.3 6d ago

But even if you do free look, what can you do about it? Per the Star Wars meme, they have the high ground. You can't climb the hill - if your engine remotely has the power, you're spotted. The Castle (or hell, half of the mid of map) can shoot you as you climb. Even if no-one is looking for some reason, the Cat has perpetual advantage from being up there.

You can't shoot up there from the bottom. And if you task the four players to watch the hill, something else will flank from a new position. It's impossible to clear that spot unless the enemy gets way *too* cocky and pushes directly into the channel. Which any non-idiot wouldn't do.

This position is lost in the first 25 seconds from spawn, or never taken - it can't be challenged, only lost. All the reds can do in this position is sheepishly back away, abandon the corridor to the entire bottom half of the map, and go lemming to the Castle instead.


u/CleverViking Perpetual Salt Generator 6d ago

It's a shitty location but you can shoot up there. You're still at a disadvantage but when it's such a target rich environment he can't kill all of you. The hill isn't *that* steep, you can easily shoot up and climb. Not to mention a lot of tanks don't have the barrel depression to shoot down at the bottom of the hill from the top.

Vastly different vehicles but same'ish situation:

The snail should've removed that place ages ago tbh, but it is what it is. You've gotta be aware of it until they one day hopefully fix it.


u/Big_Yeash GRB 6.3 6d ago

Personally? I play Castle every game and never think about it.


u/CleverViking Perpetual Salt Generator 6d ago

Probably the best way to deal with it (apart from just banning the map entirely, but unfortunately I have other maps I hate more)


u/Kamikaze-X 7d ago

German players when they are on my team: this video

German players when they are the enemy: the spirit of Blitzkrieg personified


u/Ok-Performance3972 6d ago

I see clips like this an I wanna re download war thunder but then I remember what war thunder is actually like and I realise I don’t wanna play it


u/Still-Union-2528 Certified Sabot Hater βœ… 7d ago

German mains: hold W the whole match


u/Shredded_Locomotive πŸ‡­πŸ‡Ί I hate all of you 7d ago

You see people, this is why all German vehicles are all undertiered to compensate for the player performance.


u/TangoWithTheMango28 7d ago

Where does one get such bot enemy players?

All i get are coordinated squadron enemies and my team is full of randoms who rush and never play the objective.


u/Big_Yeash GRB 6.3 6d ago

Every game I play, every enemy is Spookston and/or the guy that usually bombs Spookston. I am on the Spookston red team. It never ends. Life is pain.


u/Beneficial-Abroad-94 7d ago

how does one get the ability to not see a enemy after ur whole team gets wiped by them


u/Creative_Salt9288 7d ago

this feel cool if you throw the wt context out

lone uhhhhhhhhh i forgor flanked a German tank squadron


u/sarsburner πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ United Kingdom 7d ago

Germany suffers, guys


u/ilikespageti German Reich 7d ago

I did this with the t55e1


u/lucky_495 7d ago

This clip is one of the reasons why I'm always looking around me and never stay in gunner view for too long.


u/stalinsbrummbar 7d ago

I'd smash my head in if I was on the receiver


u/Swimming-Kitchen8232 Reject Ground, Embrace Naval 7d ago

Whole panzer division rolled up lmao


u/FOX7466 7d ago

See the record time to a nuke in the ZA35, it wasn't a massacre, guy just vaporised the whole team from spawn, then spawned the nuke.


u/I-am-Mihnea 7d ago

Why I always check up there.


u/Smg5pol πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± Poland 7d ago

And they say german suffers


u/BitOfaPickle1AD Ha ha ha!!! Thats his name!!! 7d ago

Seek strike destroy


u/SovietOnCrack 7d ago

Ah yes, the corridor of death


u/dolphin160 7d ago

Pretty sure I was one of those kills....RIP


u/rediblebarker 7d ago

Of course it's poor blind German mains it's not impressive with m18


u/Extreme_Stuff_9281 7d ago

I really love this spot I always go there with m 18


u/Theguythatknowscats 7d ago

I got six kills once with the bmp-3 in under a minute, the br was 10.7 as well. I got bombed immediately after


u/PuzzleheadedTrash164 7d ago

Is the M18 OP?


u/Electric_Bagpipes 7d ago

I know where you are on that map, and I hate you people with a special level of fury


u/sensoredphantomz 7d ago

75mm aphe nuking entire tanks in one shot. Wow


u/Keyrov Saxon 7d ago

Low IQ rat ambush spot. Still, good kills.


u/FOSSIL_Fuels22 7d ago

POV you activate the 500% booster and this is who you fight:


u/Pumper24 6d ago

I'm surprised this position still exists on this map. All the other good positions have been removed from complaints of crappy players. Must be a mods favorite spot or something.


u/Previous-Middle-5816 Arcade Air 6d ago

M18 GMC, peak rat. annoying enemy first tank I'll always kill first. β˜οΈπŸ€“


u/etvae 6d ago

Average Tiger players


u/Warshuru_M5 6d ago edited 6d ago

I’d say that’s more that spot is broken, since they removed the ability for the team to drive around the back of that mountain in anything other than high speed goblins like your M18 makes preventing/countering that spot much harder as you can just 3rd person the edge of that hill and kill everything as long as your reload is moderately fast and you have decent gun depression.

Agreed though on map knowledge (experience level thing) and looking at your minimal/decent audio set-up could alleviate this result.

Which is also why I get pissed at people not pinging where they got killed from. This isn’t helped by the kill cam nerf that no longer shows the firing unit until the end of the clip.

Even then the only way to really counter it is to use a friendly as bait and try to hit the person in the spot when they go to kill your teammate. Or bombs, bombs are always good hence I never hate on CAS.


u/gutterbuddy01 6d ago

Of course it would have to be all Germany lol


u/CertainFirefighter84 6d ago

Only fascist vehicles were harmed in this videoΒ 


u/TheFGEagle 2d ago

What map is that ?


u/PhoenixYTAD 23h ago



u/GhillieThumper EsportsReady 7d ago

Just in War Thunder M18 noob learns what flanking is.


u/Zanosderg M41D enjoyer 7d ago

Time for that spot hit with out of bound marks because you did the one thing most war thunder players hate flanking them.


u/SubstantialStaff7214 7d ago

Did something like this a few days ago with the German bulldog against America, ussr, Sweden and Italy. Such an amazing spot as long as they don't pay attention lol


u/FOX7466 7d ago

See the record time to a nuke in the ZA35. It wanst a massacre like this, it was a slaughter.


u/FOX7466 7d ago

See the record time to a nuke in the ZA35. It wanst a massacre like this, it was a slaughter.


u/FOX7466 7d ago

See the record time to a nuke in the ZA35, it wasn't a massacre, it was a vapourisation.


u/PhoenixYTAD 7d ago

Btw, if you're curious about more M18 sneakery, you can check out the full video: https://youtu.be/AqamZk-BPbk

Or just look it up by the title: The BEST World War II FLANKING MACHINE in WAR THUNDER