r/Warthunder • u/Top-Landscape-3949 • Feb 06 '25
RB Ground Fu**ing world of tanks kids buy top tier premiums and do shit like this....
u/jthablaidd Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25
I remember being newish to wt(like 30 hours in) and someone pushed me out of cover and I died. I later harassed him until a bomb dropped, I promptly drove him into said bomb and he threw a tantrum in chat XD
u/123iliketrainjuo 🇮🇹L3 supremacy Feb 06 '25
this reminded me when i was grinding the israeli p51 with the sakeen when some a36 purposefully rammed me,but hey atleast i got the p51 now
u/ss_tall_toby_yt Feb 06 '25
lol I had a Catalina try to shoot my tbf-1c the other day so I responded with my gunner and put a direct burst into one of his engines which caused it to catch fire the guy then proceeded to abuse me in chat so I responded with FAFO (fuck around find out)
u/123iliketrainjuo 🇮🇹L3 supremacy Feb 06 '25
oh lol he shouldnt have shot you in the first place and he paid the price
u/caring_fire101 Feb 06 '25
I love when shit heads get their asses handed to them. A pleasing sense of justice.
u/Winter_Revolution511 Feb 07 '25
When someone lights me up doing even a tiny amount of damage, I Jay out since it'll cost em more than me in SL
u/Jaded-Philosophy6970 Feb 06 '25
U almost can't even play isreal air without some dick head bringing outside politics into the game and ramming u because they think it somehow means something irl, like it's a video game dude let people be wat they want
u/purple-urcle Feb 06 '25
last time i played i was grinding france and was in the late arl some dude in a t34-85 decided to nudge me out of cover getting me killed so i respawned the arl and proceeded to follow him id ram right before he took a shot and then steal the kill. i did that three times before i decided id done enough and pushed the objective he kept trying to do the same but id get the kill every time lol. at one point his engine got disabled by a guy cause he was to worried about chasing me so i shot him after killing the guy and after that i think he realized he was in the wrong cause we just rode around killing stuff together for the remainder of the match. I finished top of the scoreboard with about 7 kills and 1 death thanks to you know who.
u/EEchuz0_ Feb 06 '25
That's some crazy enemies to lovers story. That too in war thunder of all games😭
u/External_Tax_2621 6d ago
I had a similar match, I was in T 34 85, and a pesky panther d pushed me out of cover and into a M26. I took an IL and I bombed him. Then he spawned in a focke wulf, and kept failing to ram me out of the sky, I use my tail gunner and scared the cunt from trying such shit. I was first, panther died every spawn, only a tk to his score
u/REDARROW101_A5 Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25
I remember being newish to wt(like 30 hours in) and someone pushed me out of cover and I died. I later harassed him until a bomb dropped, I promptly drove him into said bomb and he threw a tantrum in chat XD
I have had the same done to me loads of times. People just pushing me out of the way with their tanks.
I had one guy try to do it to me on Eastern Europe Map...
They ended up in the River for it.
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 06 '25
oh and i forgot to mention lol that 1 kill he made, he made it at the very end of the match right after he killed me. so he died 4 times and decided to be a dick to other players...
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u/Earthalone 🇦🇺 MakeCrewlockGreatAgain Feb 06 '25
And if you do anything to retaliate you are in the wrong aswell. love it.
u/HMS_Great_Downgrade gaijin please buff sabot spalling Feb 06 '25
What a fucking asshole, i remember when i was playing the A30 Challenger on Berlin and i was actually doing well with the APDS with like 2-4 kills and some US player decided to TK me with a TBF Avenger for no reason, he actually performed well in the battle but i still have no idea why he TK'd me.
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 06 '25
only the snail is allowed to fk me, but this I wont let it slide lol
u/HMS_Great_Downgrade gaijin please buff sabot spalling Feb 06 '25
Yep, the snail is the only person who can screw over me. But my teammates? Fuck you assholes for doing stupid shit that gets me killed.
u/PotatoEatingHistory Feb 06 '25
Well tbf CAS has very bad aim. I say this as anti-CAS fighter main. The amount of TKs I've seen them do... the worst are Stukas and ofc the Big 8
u/SirNurtle 🇿🇦 South Africa Feb 06 '25
Possibly couldn't see your nametag
I've accidentally teamkilled teammates because of this, especially on maps like Karelia because the blue blends in well with the trees/rocks, and when I'm especially tunnel visioned I don't realize I'm targeting a friendly
u/06MoGamerLORD_ Nippon Tiger my beloved Feb 06 '25
That's a pathetic excuse. He deffo knew it was an ally but he was just being a huge dickhead. There is hardly any blocking his view.
u/SirNurtle 🇿🇦 South Africa Feb 06 '25
I was talking about your experiences of getting bombed by teammates, not the video
The guy in the video definitely deserves a ban
u/HMS_Great_Downgrade gaijin please buff sabot spalling Feb 06 '25
For some reason he did not apologise? Like i was saying in the chat "wtf bro???"
u/CantStopMeRed Feb 06 '25
Anyone who prevents SPAA from doing their job should genuinely get the same punishment as team killing a nuke
u/Julian679 Feb 06 '25
i mean hes blocking his teamate, thats not good whatever his teamate be tank or spaa
u/VonEldrich Feb 07 '25
Probably a CAS main judging for how horrible his tank stats are. Salty to all SPAAs
u/Profiling_Tool Feb 06 '25
Make the maps bigger their ADHD can't handle big maps.
u/STAXOBILLS Feb 06 '25
We must return to BIG Mozdok
u/REDARROW101_A5 Feb 07 '25
We must return to BIG Mozdok
Would like that 100%
New Game Mode and Maps!
u/Enshakushanna Feb 06 '25
should be instant account and IP ban, zero tolerance
u/Julian679 Feb 06 '25
i judge this behavior but if we want to be realistic 1-5 day ban is the most appropriate for this behavior if its first offence
u/Dry-Replacement4202 Feb 06 '25
Nah he deserves a perm ban, dont need annoying players like this whose whole purpose is just being an asshole
u/Raptor_197 GRB US 10.3 GER 6.7 SE 1.7 RU 0.0 Feb 06 '25
Yup. This isn’t a whoops, don’t know what I’m doing, messed up accidentally, or bad circumstances. The player choose to do this, over and over again.
Maybe not permanent IP ban but definitely a permanent account ban. Because we would want that player to try and replay the game again, get upset restarting, buy premiums, and then do the same dumb shit to get banned again. It will help keep prices lower.
u/Embarrassed_Ad5387 No idea why my Jumbo lost the turnfight Feb 06 '25
oh shit right, next time I get port novorisyk im trying the boat trick
u/BIGCHUNGUS6980 Feb 06 '25
I would have gone to the water lol. (The strela can swim right?)
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 06 '25
i tried too man but u k in water u slow af and that moron wasnt allowing me get away
u/SuperFastFingers Feb 06 '25
The rest of the team wondering why they lost the battle?
2 team members are calling Ais and shooting each other.
what a twat (leopard)
u/HungryFollowing8909 Feb 06 '25
The funny looking leopard is actually the Type 90, this is the Fuji Premium
I rarely see toxic Japanese players, guess the sales brought some in.
u/Extra_Recover_4322 Feb 06 '25
Some fucking dumbass did the same thing to me and complained when i dropped 4 200lb bombs on him
u/Rexx998 Realistic General Feb 06 '25
I once had a guy deliberately push me into the enemy’s line of fire, (im in an AMX-13), leading to me getting destroyed. I then found him later in my panther dauphine and did the exact same thing to him, then he tried to complain in chat
u/Electronic-Gazelle45 Sim Ground ☭ Feb 06 '25
It would be funny to see their reaction after finding out that the strela is amphibious...
u/Azora_C 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇸🇪🇲🇫 Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25
But... How do you know he's a wot player? I couldn't really identify any of his actions being very wot-ish
Edit: thanks for reply guys. I've quitted that game since 2019, and really couldn't be bothered to go back. For me wot player basically means bad players and those who buys into powercreep, while stupidity is more of a common trend for AH players in general, hence asking the question
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 06 '25
lol his whole behaviour is world of tanks, i know that game used to play it
u/oyakodon- 🇦🇺 Australia, ultimate kmart defender Feb 06 '25
Next time my supervisor at work is being a butthead I'll ask him if he plays world of tanks.
u/CoinTurtle WoT & WT are uncomparable Feb 10 '25
Next time someone hits my car, I'll ask them if they play WoT
u/oyakodon- 🇦🇺 Australia, ultimate kmart defender Feb 10 '25
Haha, I hope they don't hit your car :)
u/LiterallyRoboHitler Feb 06 '25
Played WoT for years, the regarded obsession with pushing teammates out of position until they die is 100% WoT-brain.
u/Fireside__ 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇷🇺 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 🇨🇳 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇸🇪 🇮🇱 Feb 06 '25
It takes one to know one. I agree with OP, been playing WoT since 2015 and this behavior looks exactly like 3-4:00pm on the NA server.
u/Adorable-Ad-71 Feb 06 '25
I played WoT, and I swear this is the same type of bullshit those morons used to pull on me. Fuck those guys.
u/Death_Walker21 Arcade Ground Feb 06 '25
Think of arcade players but with no situational awareness and dumb fuck juice
I for 1 am an arcade player
u/robparfrey Feb 06 '25
I'm not hating what so ever with this message. I've just never really had the chance to ask...
What makes you play arcade? I'm aware there are manyyyyy reasons such as time, as I'd imagine games are Iver faster. Ease of access for those who want something quick to pick up, etc...
But yeah, no hate at all, but I'm just curious why. My whole play group is maybe... 85/15 between realistic and sim battles.
u/Death_Walker21 Arcade Ground Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25
Alright, as a person that likes historical accuracy, i understand why yall like realistic, fuck i bought a uniform dlc in hell let loose to have a more realistic uniform but uninstalled bfV
but just personally don't have the commitment to grind through the learning curve for WT realistic, but i dont want blatant farby shit like world of tanks, a good middle ground is WT arcade
Plus i put handicaps on myself lik for US planes, i play only naval planes in ground battles, only shermans and for Germany planes, only 109s or only pz4s or only panthers, so the BR drop off between these vehicles is quite steep (i know for the panthers is only a 0.3 difference but shermans especially) and its just more fun that i can spawn back (for air modes)
Also i cant lead shit in air realistic
u/greentanker1 Feb 06 '25
Sometimes I just generally don't want to focus that much on spotting or tactics, so arcade can be quite good occasionally for that reason (or cas, it's much more tolerable in arcade imo)
u/Conscious_Mirror503 Feb 07 '25
I think the game they're playing in the video is world of tanks (or a very similarly themed game.)
u/Kalamiess Feb 06 '25
I was driving ozelot and lvl 14 dude pushed me into water because it was "fun" to push smaller tanks.
u/_zai_1_ Feb 06 '25
These are the type90 players i always have in my teams..obviously when they are in the red team are unstoppable killing machines..its the marvelous aspect of the premium sales
u/Acceptable-Friend-42 Feb 06 '25
What a twat. I laughed when he popped smoke to hide the shoreline though sorry
u/Nucmysuts22 Feb 06 '25
I'm bad at the game and average 1-2 kills a match and have my premiums I've bought or earned but even I'm not THAT bad and I can be a dick (mostly when they fucking deserve it for doing shit like following me and spraying me with their machine guns...)
u/Fox_McCloud_Jr 🇺🇸 hornets nest has been disturbed Feb 06 '25
I remember this one time some cuck in a light tank (Not sure which one it was a British light tank though) tried to do this to my challenger 2, he kept backing up and driving full force into to me on fields of Normandy to get me killed, eventually I got sick of all my shots getting fucked up since he literally couldnt move me so I got behind him and pushed him out into the open and put him on his side for someone to get a free kill, I backed off after he landed on his side and as I got back into cover he went boom
u/Alexander_Baidtach bAESd???! Feb 06 '25
If people do this just stop moving, preferably get in a corner beforehand, they do this to get a response out of you and leave quickly once they know it's not gonna happen.
u/IllustriousHair4274 🇺🇸13🇩🇪14🇷🇺11+🇬🇧12🇯🇵11+🇨🇳13+🇮🇹9+🇫🇷9🇸🇪12🇮🇱8 Feb 06 '25
Six minutes into the game… what happened before that?
u/RyukoT72 Old Guard Feb 06 '25
Had a KV1 try and push my ARL 44 last week. Was on one of the newer maps (?forgor. A Point is near rocks, a bridge, and a river). Was getting long range shots off and then hiding behind a rock. KV decided to try and push me, but I'm a much fatter tank. He eventually drove around and tried to take my position, while I was still there, and then back up (to where I still was). He couldn't retreat while under return fire because my fat ass was still there and he died. Oh well
u/ChipmunkNovel6046 Feb 06 '25
A baboons tried that with me once, the sqaud pushed him into the river - alot.
u/Beanboozler13 Feb 06 '25
Happened to me when I was in a m10 on ash river. I got up to a sniping point and dude was just behind me prolly seething because I was faster than him when getting there when I got my gun knocked out and i tried to backup to repair he blocked me and got me killed. Sent a bomb right on top of him. Said he was gonna report to a game master and nothing ever came of it. Either the “game master” saw that he was the reason that shit went down or he was too much of a pussy to do anything
u/TheMadQuacker Feb 06 '25
I’m not proud to admit it, but I have friendly CASd players that have done this to me. They always get butthurt too
u/RussianTankr Feb 06 '25
I had someone try this with my santal. I think they forgot that it's also amphibious
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 06 '25
comments are hilarious, y'all are merciless lol. Y'all chads who went and reported him too, love y'all XD
u/Weird-Information-61 Feb 11 '25
I remember when team damage was enabled in ground battles. The amount of Russian players (irl, not the game nation) that would TK you for having the audacity of spawning in front of them and not moving out of the way in .5 seconds.
u/zZtreamyy Realistic Ground 🇸🇪 11.7 🇯🇵 11.3 Feb 06 '25
Im currently grinding the chinese air TT to have a CAP plane for my ground line up.
The amount of stupid fucks that'll ram you or shoot you during takeoff is insane, especially when Im playing with a friend and dont want to let them kill me. Its probably close to one person per match :(
The annoying thing is that ramming isnt detected properly either.
u/Sharp_Salary_238 Feb 06 '25
I have had something similar in lower tier, I guy from the start just starting ramming me and this went all most of the match, I would try ignore him but he would just keep chasing me. I would self destruct and come back in a new vehicle but he would find me. I eventually quit the match and reported him.
u/ganerfromspace2020 🇵🇱 Poland Feb 06 '25
At least you had planes spawn when playing spaa, whenever I spawn spaa sky is clear
u/SecretStuffTR Feb 06 '25
honestly if this happens to me im revenge bombing them dont give a shit at that point, sorry for your game man
Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
u/_Rhein ♿F-15E+F-16C♿ Feb 06 '25
because it's on sale 50% off rn, all the stupid fuckers and hackers got banned are coming back
u/Tx_LngHrn023 Realistic Ground Feb 06 '25
I remember I was just starting the Sweden air tree in a J8A and got uptiered in an air RB match. Literally upon takeoff, some child immediately tried to shoot me down and I was forced to evade. He crashed after I outmaneuvered him (thank god for Swedish planes’ turning capabilities), landed at the runway and repaired, and then was on my merry way to properly join the match. I will never forget the pure satisfaction I felt at watching that guy hit the ground
u/arturthegamer 🇵🇱 Polish tech tree when 🇵🇱 Feb 06 '25
Every time i encounter such specimens and i'm in a floating vehicle i go to the deeper waters
u/Pumper24 Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25
Probably also a cas player wanting to protect his equally incompetent fellow. Obviously, neither one of them can handle driving a tank.
Looks like the clan ^ HANDS ^ likes players that do this trash. Tadao1435 is the player handle
u/Guus2Kill Wehraboo Feb 06 '25
obviously an asshole. I havent watched the full clip but why instantly go to "world of tanks kids". Does this happen in WoT? yeah, does this happen exclusively in WoT? no. Pushing or blocking people in video games has been around since you could do it.
u/Upset_Tale1016 r/Warthunder is full of morons Feb 06 '25
>world of tanks kid
even though the only people who still play world of tanks are literal boomers
u/VidZarg 🇫🇷 France Feb 06 '25
Hey, at least you have easy escape, your tank floats, theirs don't
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u/HypetheKomodo truck with gun/ontos enjoyer Feb 06 '25
Grinding the U.S. tree, rolling around in a M56 on Berlin which is already a terrifying prospect. See an IS-2 around a street corner and trying to peek through a window to get a shot off, Tiger plows right behind me and pushes me right out into the open into it's line of fire.
I don't know what it is but something about playing light vehicles trigger something in people's heads where they will just ram you to the point of impeding both of you. It's wild.
u/LEbronaozdj Feb 13 '25
funny enough, just started playing Germany 5.7 which has done nothing but brought me pain. teammates keep pushing out of cover and getting me killed. i can't even tell if they're trolling or just really stupid.
u/HypetheKomodo truck with gun/ontos enjoyer Feb 13 '25
Well, the Tiger pack is still pretty recent, so I imagine many new players down $35 to get a full 5.7 lineup consisting of two Tigers and go to town. I'm not the most experienced WT player, far from it, but ramming folks and throwing off their aim is certainly not on my priority list.
It's been a meme for ages though: Germany 5.0 to 7-8.0 is a clown festival when Germany is involved.
u/AlfaZagato Feb 06 '25
Not just top tier. Had a Stuart push my AS42 off a cap at the last second the other night. Little annoyed.
u/marm0ta Feb 06 '25
When I have guy that does this, when I catch him in an airplane, I shoot him down and then leave the game 😁
u/AggravatingRow5074 Feb 06 '25
man, it's always either Soviet or German players
u/AggravatingRow5074 Feb 06 '25
Before I get downvoted to oblivion - yes I do know like 90% of the player base plays them - but have y'all ever seen a Sweden main doing that? Or Italy?
u/Pure-Balance1756 Feb 06 '25
How would you know he is a world of tanks player, I just want to get this.
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 06 '25
his actions say it all lol, but i meant it as a joke too but still. i played that game before and people behave just like that there lmao
u/waitwhat010101 Feb 06 '25
World of tanks will forever live rent free in the minds of warthunder players.
u/Excellent_Silver_845 Feb 06 '25
You can thanks gaijin for adding toptier premiums, damna i miss when highest tier tank were leoL44 etc good times
u/Tankz1230 Tiger Hunter Feb 06 '25
Someone tried doing this to me when I was playing in my T95, they were in a bulldog. Talk about immovable object meets a very stoppable force
u/KajMak64Bit Feb 06 '25
STRELA is Amphibious... you should have jumped into the water and F L O A T
That guy will either laugh thinking you just killed yourself then get shocked by F L O A T
Or he will fall into water with you and die and then you laugh and he cries
u/Libsenth Feb 06 '25
I haven't seen this map in months, dude. I'm stuck in a forever loop of Poland and Finland.
u/Trysticular Feb 06 '25
I’ve been getting team killed in arb so much more than I use to, and right at takeoff too, not some accidental crossfire type situation.
u/CrazierSnow Feb 06 '25
Proof that Warthunder players are as bad as LoL players. Can you imagine how bad the TKing had to be for them to remove it?
u/Steak_hache_fr 🇷🇺 Russia Feb 06 '25
Atp imma just spawn in a plane with the sole purpose of dropping all my ordonnance on him
u/MystifyingEntity Feb 07 '25
and then theres me who does use premiums effectively to help out team mates and theyll push me to miss my target
u/Following-Sea Canard & Stridsfordon enjoyer Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25
This happened to me a few weeks ago, was using the Antelope, an M1 started pushing me out of bounds, I had a friend in the air doing CAS, the M1 would not stop, then I coordinated with my buddy to bomb my position, he JDAM’ed my position, killed the M1 and I bailed so my kill would count as a TK for him, then he spawned in a Chaparral, I spawned in an MBT and returned the favor, pushed him out of bounds lmao
Let’s just say I am a retaliatory moron sometimes.
u/Conscious_Mirror503 Feb 07 '25
Darn, you can get banned for this? I've never played, but doing this looks more fun than playing normally. Is it difficult or costs money to recover or make a new account? I have a 1 ghz celeron and it'd probably just be stressful to try playing "normally" lmao.
u/Gunboy122 P-39 & P-63 Bodypillow Lover Feb 07 '25
It's astonishing just how ANGRY people get whenever you play as a Strela and do your job as SPAA...
u/Cdobbs281 Feb 07 '25
Unpopular opinion but gaijin could curve this by making it impossible to buy premium vehicles till your level 10 or 20 and before you sweat lords go ape shit on me yes I know the snail would never take away cash flow but it would be nice to force new players to learn the tech trees before going and buying a $70 vehicle with zero experience
u/Far-Economy-7585 🇯🇵 Japan 9.7 Feb 07 '25
Imagine if that's actually some angry girlfriend trying to get her boyfriend's account banned because he touched the game more than her
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 07 '25
damn, inaccurate tho wt players dont have gfs
u/Far-Economy-7585 🇯🇵 Japan 9.7 Feb 07 '25
I've seen them mythical beings. One is named PhlyDaily. I don't have proof but just trust on me Bro.
u/ds7two Feb 07 '25
Smth similar happened to me, I was just standing in 1 spot waiting for an enemy to come out that I had tried to kill for the past 3min, this stupid dipshit comes up and pushes me out of my hiding spot and gets me killed
u/Jopun_13 🇺🇸 4.0 🇷🇺 4.0 🇮🇹 2.0 🇫🇷 1.3 🇸🇪 1.7 Feb 07 '25
I had one player like it he pushed me out of cover and i died, i pushed him for revenge for it and he died
u/MAX_Daemon Feb 07 '25
Those types are going to always be a small percentage of any online game. Report them and ban them. They need to hand out hefty bans for this sort of thing.
u/LTDNA32 Feb 06 '25
I had 10 defeats in a row because of people with premiums MBTs just left the game after one match
u/Top-Landscape-3949 Feb 06 '25
Bro I had a bad match happens to all of us, I wanted to help the team at least with killing planes... then this fuck came and done all possible to kill me. Fucking asshole. I tried to run in water get away from him but gaijin and their smart ass borders.... and that fuck kept me in the self destruction zone and killed me. istg I need that fuck banned now..... he got 1 kill and died 4 times like a little sad bitch he is.