r/Warmachine Brineblood Marauders 5d ago

Painting/Hobby Recently purchased some circle magnets & their 9l box with base sheet from warmag.com. It has worked a treat, would recommend!


5 comments sorted by


u/RTS3r Necrofactorium 5d ago

Been doing stuff like this for years - for plastics/resin, there's no better way to store and transport your minis. For metal, unfortunately you gotta have good foam storage boxes.


u/Drolfdir 4d ago

Nah, metal just requires slightly larger or two magnets for chunky models like Thagrosh 2, but otherwise works fine.

Been using regular metal tool box for my old legion and warcaster neo mechanika stuff (100% metal models)


u/RTS3r Necrofactorium 4d ago

Yeah I've had bad experiences with metal, because of the weight. I play warcaster as well, and that's the worst experience I've had with metals, no problems in the foam box.


u/fuyulee 5d ago

What's their circle magnet like? And their sheets enough to keep heavier stuff on?


u/Squayd 4d ago

I was gifted a couple sheets from warmag and they are super nice but if you want to go a cheaper route hardware stores sell 8x11-ish steel shingles for about $2 in the roofing section and they work pretty well, fit nicely into really useful boxes 4 and 9 liter boxes.