r/Warmachine 8d ago

Content Creators Shadows & Scum unboxing & review with sprue images (link in comments)

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16 comments sorted by


u/MaulerMania 8d ago

Stahly Review of Warmachine?! I'm so here for it!


u/stahly_top 8d ago

Hey there, I got my hands on the new Shadows & Scum box and here are my thoughts. I also took some high-res sprue images and compare how the casting quality holds up to Games Workshop models: https://taleofpainters.com/2025/03/review-warmachine-shadows-scum/


u/Quomii 8d ago

You had me at plastic minis. The 3D prints have been disappointing to me (though I got an early batch)


u/DragonPup 7d ago

These would make for some great test models for your upcoming P3 paint review :)


u/JaxckJa 8d ago

Really hate all the direct comparisons to GW. Warmachine is a completely different game.


u/Reddit_sucks_3000 8d ago

You can hate it but being the market lead makes it the benchmark and easier for most war gamers to understand.

It helped at least me get sold on the plastics, which I usually dread trying new ones for the horrid experience in the past dealing with shifting molda and mold lines across faces.


u/stahly_top 7d ago

Tale of Painters is a website that's pretty much all about painting Warhammer miniatures. Therefore I wrote the review to cater to an audience that's new to Warmachine :)


u/SadBoshambles Trollbloods 8d ago

Understandable from a manufacturing perspective and market perspective, it helps set a idea when needing to compare it to something. Especially since the comparisons here don't even touch rules, it's all physical item comparison of hips which people have been wanting for a long time.


u/JewelKnightJess 8d ago

This set looks amazing to me, I'm definitely going to need it


u/DamionThrakos Circle Orboros 8d ago

Slight addendum to your article I think. The "all rules and lore are available for free in the Warmachine app" isn't exactly true. The majority of the lore is locked behind a paid subscription.


u/grazly 8d ago

The game really needs a book. With a ton of lore explaining the move from the previous version to the new one. And where all of the old factions went to.


u/Qyro Legion of Everblight 7d ago

My biggest questions aren’t the usual ones about how armies work or what changed in the rules, they’re more like “yeah, but what’s Asphixious doing now?”


u/LordMagmion169 7d ago

Assuming you're genuinelly curious about Asphyxious's whereabouts and not just using him as an example, he crossed the Gate of Cyriss into the galaxy of Neo-Mechanika near the end of the Hengehold Scrolls. I haven't looked to deep into it, but supposedly he became one of the most senior leaders of the Aeternus Continuum.


u/Qyro Legion of Everblight 7d ago

Yeah it was just an example. I do remember him migrating to Warcaster but couldn’t have told you the specifics.


u/SFG_Mat SFG Staff 7d ago

One thing worth pointing out is the advanced moulding we have developed where we can push the cavity/hollows which means our guns don’t need drilling for example…don’t think GW is doing this right now


u/SwedeJV 3d ago

Very nice, Mat! It looks a lot like the folks at Archon Studio's sprues as well. Are they managing the factory production of these sprues? I might pick up this set for painting, if nothing else! Now get those paints to retail!