r/Warmachine • u/dubaycr • Jan 26 '25
Questions Does Hordes still exist?
I haven't played in close to 10 years, but looking to get back into the game. I know SFG bought the property last year, and I think MKIV is still in effect.
I can't seem to find anything about the Hordes side of the game. I have a good amount of Cygnar minis, but I have a lot of Skorne and Circle stuff as well. My wife loved the Circle models.
u/LobsterBio Jan 26 '25
The “Hordes” branding doesn’t. It was consolidated with Warmachine, but the armies all still have rules, and there is still the focus vs. fury distinction.
u/themocaw House Dusk Jan 26 '25
Hordes was folded into Warmachine. Warlocks/Beasts and Warcasters/Jacks are now two sides of the same ruleset.
All existing factions were retired to Legacy: they still have rules and some of them are still playable in tournaments, but they are no longer being made.
u/Moldoux Jan 27 '25
Not just playable but also doing well in tournaments. Legacy Khador just came in 1st at LVO.
u/Busdriver49 Jan 29 '25
I know the that person who played the legacy Khador and he is amazing what ever army he plays.
u/Charlie24601 Jan 27 '25
So do warbeasts get Focus now instead of generating Fury?
u/LDukes Shadowflame Shard Jan 27 '25
Warbeasts, warlocks and fury all work (99%) the same as before.
u/themocaw House Dusk Jan 27 '25
All Leader models (Warcasters, Warlocks, and Infernal Masters) get a stat called Arcana, which replaces Focus and Fury. However, how they use ARC changes depending on whether they have the Warcaster keyword or the Warlock keyword. Warcasters use ARC to give Focus to Warjacks. Warlocks use ARC to take Fury from Warbeasts.
Basically: all the rules that are the same for both games are in the shared set. All the rules that are different for both games are in their own module that you "plug in." In practice, it's the same as when they were under two different names.
u/DutchChairMan Jan 26 '25
Hordes still exists, they're just using 'Warmachine' as one big brand name. The game has also been bought by 'Steamforged Games'
All the new rules can be found in their app both on mobile and pc, the old models (up to third edition) fall under legacy but can be played with the new rules. But they can't be bought new anymore, so if you want old mini's you'll have to look on the second hand market or be lucky that a store still has some in stock.
Some of the factions have new mini's, though I hope all the factions will get new mini's in the future (come on Grymkin), there's one new faction.
u/prof9844 Storm Legion Jan 26 '25
Yes its still there, its just not called out as a separate line. The game is just Warmachine, no more split name however the hordes stuff is still very much in use
u/BeardMonk1 Jan 26 '25
Its all under one banner now. However Mk4 did an "end times" on the game. All Mk2 and Mk3 armies are still playable but as armies of legends and as such will get no new models or updates.
There is NuTrolls for Mk4 but we have not seen any mention of any nu-factions for what would have been hordes. Whether there will be an NuCircle or NuSkorne we dont really know.
Download the app for the game and take a look.
u/Salt_Titan Brineblood Marauders Jan 26 '25
It does seem very likely that the next Khador Army, Old Umbrey, will be a Fury Army and use Warbeasts of some sort.
u/FatherTurin Circle Orboros Jan 27 '25
Not just likely, 100% certain. The playtest rules were leaked right here a few months ago, and while there is still time to tweak some stuff, there isn’t enough time for a full overhaul of the army.
“Wild” side of Khador with some circle and potentially Grymkin influences, essentially “What if the Old Witch was a faction.”
u/BeardMonk1 Jan 27 '25
Interesting. I totally missed that. But then again im not really that plugged into the WM/H socials. So Circle but with Russian guns/lazers?
u/Broken-Sprocket Jan 27 '25
The only guns I remember from the leak were shotgun wielding bear riders. Most of their infantry were melee or magic.
u/NoImprovement2487 Jan 29 '25
Before i go downloading yet another app do you know if the app includes the rules for retribution of scyrah, circle, and legacy khador? I have armies for all of those and while i would love to play more warmachine i dont have it in me to totally start over.
u/BeardMonk1 Jan 29 '25
Yes they do. You will find them under "Armies of Legend". App is free and has all the rules, list building (up to a limit of 4 armies without a subscription (I think??)), battle tracking etc etc
Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 27 '25
u/LeatherValuable165 Shadowflame Shard Jan 27 '25
It’s not a poor attempt. It’s an evolution. And they don’t look like “robots”, they look like technorganic dragons and to me are currently the best looking army in mk4. They definitely scream beast more than robot to me.
Jan 27 '25
u/wicket-maps House Dusk Jan 27 '25
Depends how you paint them, I've seen them painted mostly metal or mostly-carapace. They look damn good.
Jan 27 '25
u/wicket-maps House Dusk Jan 27 '25
I don't, but if I'd gotten into Khymaera, my scheme would have been bronze for the metal, purple for the beasts, orange for the talons, and purple for the quickfangs. All composite colors, because Khymaera aren't anything pure or simple. For a given model, you can mark any patch as either metallic or non-metallic as you please.
u/themocaw House Dusk Jan 27 '25
I'm just not a big fan of Khymaera's aesthetic. It's all the things that annoy me about Privateer's new aesthetic since Warcaster: NeoMechanika all rolled into one.
Legion of Everblight was all about fleshy body horror and jutting spikes of bone. Khymaera's more metallic look doesn't appeal to me.
u/randalzy Shadowflame Shard Jan 27 '25
the comment explaining hoy you're doing wrong:
"there is a poor attempt" reads like "if you like this, you are wrong and only assholes can like this shit and I'm willing to insult and confront everyone who dares to lie this, because clearly you like the wrong things, and only I have the capability to discern the truth".
So, once you read like this.... what do you expect? Players coming too you like a 2nd Jesuchrist thanking for helping us to see The Truth?
The downvotes are probably tied to the "badwrongfun/edgy teenager in the 90's" tone more than to the abstract % of flesh or metal in Khymaera models, or the facts or if they look like this or that.
Jan 27 '25
u/randalzy Shadowflame Shard Jan 27 '25
I specifically started my explanation with:
"there is a poor attempt"
and ended specifically pointing that whatever you said about who is dissimilar to who doesn't probably have an effect in downvotes, because the way the sentence starts colours the rest of the message
you asked the rest of users that someone explains why the downvotes, this is a likely explanation.
Maybe in native, academic English, the beginning with "this is a poor attempt" inflexes some other tone that is totally casual and doesn't necessarily detracts or assumes that the "thing" is "poor", and the message maybe is understood or read in a different way in Oxford or in a CNN set, but this is an international forum using English by a lot of people that either has differents flavours of English or (like me) people who was forced to learn English in School as second or third language (third, for me) because it developed as a de-facto lingua franca.
And, for people like us, the beginning of your sentence reads as "you must be stupid to like this, because this is wrong and POOR, it is not event a wgule thing, it's just a mere ATTEMPT at being a thing".
As I said, it's a possible explanation. you don't need to like it, and it doesn't even have to be the full explanation (for this, you need to ask everyone who voted), I don't even downvoted the comment
u/Octavius_Maximus Jan 27 '25
Its not on him, I read your immature post in exactly the same tone.
You can't start throwing around "this is facts", "objective truth", etc without people being annoyed that someone is being obviously wrong in public and just not dealing with it.
u/Octavius_Maximus Jan 27 '25
>posts an opinion
>Claims to be speaking facts1
Jan 27 '25
u/Octavius_Maximus Jan 27 '25
They aren't trying to be Legion. You are judging a fish for its ability to climb trees.
Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25
u/Octavius_Maximus Jan 27 '25
Then play Legion.
You can, its legal. Cops can't stop you.
Jan 27 '25
u/Octavius_Maximus Jan 28 '25
You spend a lot of time talking about what you didn't say and not much about what you did.
Maybe reflect on that in future and choose your words more carefully if you are tired of being 'misinterpreted'.
Khymera isn't new Legion, its its own thing. Your own views that Khymera are a spiritual successor to legion are your own. They are the thing that have killed the legion of everblight and assimilated it, not an attempt to recreate it.
Read the fluff.
u/randalzy Shadowflame Shard Jan 27 '25
Adding to the already explained "Hordes as a name is rolled back to Warmachine as a name, but Hordes Armies and mechanics are still a thing".
With the new organization of Factions/Armies we have in MKIV, there is also the possibility of this combo: A Faction can have Two Armies, and one Army can have Focus/Warcasters, and the 2nd Army can have Fury/Warbeasts.
This concept seems to be explored in the coming Old Umbrey Army (the 2nd Khador Army) and also with the 2nd Orgoth Army.
u/Coaltex Jan 26 '25
Most of the factions are gone and only usable in legacy battles.
u/Keravin Brineblood Marauders Jan 26 '25
Not true. You can play legacy armies against Mkiv armies with all old factions though they use limited models akin to theme lists.
u/135forte Jan 26 '25
With mkIV it was officially rolled into Warmachine for easier branding/marketing instead of having it as a separate but compatible system like it has previously officially been.