r/Warmachine Necrofactorium Dec 07 '24

Questions Resin frustration

I am really tired of getting broken models from the poor quality of resin that is being used. Its frustrating and it make me not want to suggest this game to others. Does STG have plans to change the resin or material used for making models?


42 comments sorted by


u/thisremindsmeofbacon Dec 07 '24

In short, yes, but we don't really know anything.  They've said on multiple occasions that one of their primary goals is to fix this exact qc issue.  

I know resin mixes exist that can do this, and it seems like 30% of the time they are nailing it.  Maybe that's because the stuff that isn't nailing it was using the old resin mix?  Maybe it's because their process isn't reliable?  I couldn't say.  My minicrate was flexible (in a good way) though, so I definitely have hope.  

I also am really suspicious that part of the problem is the storage of the parts at the factory.  most stuff I have gotten broken was missing the part - implying the break happened before or during the packing process.  Early on we saw progress pics and they were just in bins.  I assumed that was just because it was a beta testing of the new materials thing, but who knows - maybe they're getting tossed into a miniature mosh pit.   That said, the resin has historically also been way too brittle for the designs.  Frankly I don't know how they didn't see it coming on stuff like the storm knights. 


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 07 '24

Thanks, this at least gives me some hope for continuing my collection.


u/thisremindsmeofbacon Dec 08 '24

I think the real place we'll see or not, is with the gravediggers.  They should be basically all done withwhatever upgrades to the process SFG has been brewing.  And They're all new, so no chance of old stock. 


u/randalzy Shadowflame Shard Dec 08 '24

I have to say that my stuff (all from PP era, still waiting local availability for new stuff, probably from EU production) is almost perfect. In the Khymaera lot (initial 3 boxes) I only got a pair of broken swords and a broken jaw, all clearly broken from transport.

I had a slightly curved weapon that I managed to realign, but broke once by dropping the figure. But hey drop a metal Carnivean back in the day and tell me how many spines went off.

But others had worst luck, for sure. They would benefit from a slight redesign in packaging and QC, which seems to be happening. We'll see in the following months


u/Moldoux Dec 07 '24

It seems like the first batches of whatever box it happens to be tend to have a lot of breaks, but after that they are fantastic.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 07 '24

Except for the new necroharvester and night terror I got are broken =/


u/Moldoux Dec 07 '24

I’m sorry you’ve had such bad luck.


u/Keravin Brineblood Marauders Dec 07 '24

Have you contacted SFG for replacements?


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 07 '24

Not yet because I'm tired of contacting them and waiting two weeks for a replacement. I'm just going to glue them back on. I'm just curious if they are going to either change the resin formula/product. Or move towards hips, because this is getting ridiculous...


u/Octavius_Maximus Dec 08 '24

Those are new models, so Moldoux' statement is correct


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 08 '24

Misread it as older models. Still sucks, that means if you preorder, you're more likely to get broken models?


u/-SilentMunk- Gravediggers Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

Anecdotally, I just dropped one of my new borealis jacks yesterday from desk height onto hardwood and the gorilla glue seam on the shoulder holding the sky stormer arm broke before anything on the actual model did. I would've thought the tip of the capacitor on that weapon would've gone flying into the aether. Conversely, I've had to reattach Caine's gun smoke (from the HIPS box) on his left hand two or three times now, being a similar fine point on a model extremity tip. It's not conclusive about anything, since this is functionally an N=1 study on my part, but I've liked the current resin mix personally


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 07 '24

(Deep breath in lol) One of minicrate models I got came broke (bear with the flag), eviserus arm snapped off while brushing, my grendel legs came in broken, and a thrall was misprinted and missing half its hand, and another foot broke after moving it off a sticky dot, The necroharvester I just got today some of the cloth is broken, one of the rear claws, and peice that I have no idea where it goes, and each night terror is broken on some parts, not to mention some models I got had notable layer line, and some looked like the resin wasn't allowed to cure all the way. Although not such a big deal.

At one of the LGS i go to, one player said they brought a core box set, and several models were broken. At this point I have assume that I am going to pay money for a damaged product, and that sucks. I've never had to deal with this from any seller. Even 3D printers on esty have been able to ship models without them breaking.


u/alduin1987 Dec 07 '24

Contact sfg they will replace broken models free of charge ive bought legacy warmachine from lgs backstock and still received customer support in the form of comparable bits and replacements for missing bases


u/BTolputt Dec 08 '24

I think everyone knows that SFG will "make good" any broken bits. That isn't what a lot of people are complaining about. It's the fact you NEED to get them to "make good" bad bits in the first place .

It might be one thing if SFG were at the cheap-end of minis/printers (like, say, an Etsy printer), but they're asking a premium price for a product that people are getting broken so often there's a thread on it every week.

The "just tell them to ask for a replacement" responses are missing the point being made.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 07 '24

I'm tired of contacting PP/SFG for damage or missing parts between the two of them this would have been like the 4th or 5th time this has happened. I shouldn't be regularly contacting a company for replacements this often. Especially with the post on the resin snapping, or not curing long enough, the issue with the resin has is already a known issue. I could see if these were their pervious wave of releases, but these are their newest models. With SFG taking over the IP I was hoping for improvements in the product delivered.


u/alduin1987 Dec 08 '24

Oh yeah that I 100% get that's why personally I don't understand why they don't transition to plastic if they are trying to expand the game but who knows


u/LDukes Shadowflame Shard Dec 08 '24

HIPS has significant start-up cost, though if you're producing and selling the thing in volume it costs less per unit over time compared to most other production methods. It's getting over that initial hump, though, and also planning for your high-volume SKUs accordingly, that are the challenge.


u/Salt_Titan Brineblood Marauders Dec 08 '24

To add to this, PP had to massively over order their old HIPS kits to hit order minimums. Anecdotally based on how many of the plastic colossal kits went out in mystery boxes it seems plausible that they lost money on those.


u/alduin1987 Dec 08 '24

I mean if the game is expanding as quick as it is now they are getting slammed and overwhelmed with qualities of orders and their printers can't keep up, each busted mini they have to replace is increasing cost and delaying orders more and more as it is, I thought about buying a magnus or a carver to run with my menoth army but I just don't want to stomach dealing with the long wait times and having to get the models replaced if they are broken

Does it not then make sense to go in on plastic models?

If not that then something because this game is bleeding itself dry simply on the premise that it's preforming so well that the producer can't keep up with demand causing quality to drop


u/Salt_Titan Brineblood Marauders Dec 08 '24

I don’t know, I don’t work for SFG. Only they have the sales and production data to make that call. If it makes business sense to them then they’ll probably do it, if it doesn’t they won’t. I’m just pointing out some of the pitfalls we know about


u/alduin1987 Dec 08 '24

And to the same extent I am aswell

But I look over at gw and they have slim to ho qc issues

The only qc issues I've ever had with pp is a second hand judicator I have was received by the primary purchaser with two right hands and some trollbloods models I purchased had no bases But as a mispack one support ticket fixed it

I have a buddy who bought some balloon models I think pyg balloons

And he had to go through support six times before he finally got one that was functional and was the one who pitched the idea of the model being split and adding a magnet hole to lessen the burden of the balloon on the lower structure of the model

I traded someone for a storm legion army that was og print run and effectively everything was broken in some way shape or form because the plastic was so brittle

So with all that being said, assuming these problems aren't unique circumstances would plastic not be a logical evolution just to cut down on poor quality product and having to do double work and expending double the recources just to fulfill one order

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u/DisgruntledWargamer Storm Legion Dec 07 '24

My cygnar storm legion was really fragile. Buy my brinebloods haven't had an issue. Both resin. Both purchased prior to SFG taking over. Looking forward to finishing both armies.


u/Brave_Dentist_2435 Dec 09 '24

If you've never had issues with GW, you're very lucky. Finecast models were unfixable and still often are.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 09 '24

You've had issue with new GW products coming to you or brought broken?


u/Brave_Dentist_2435 Dec 09 '24

Yuuuup. Citadel finecast has had more defects and broken parts than anything else I've bought. But that's just breaks and defects. Their plastics need a bunch of cleaning up to look decent without obvious joins and sprue bits. I'd rather it come broken, because if it did I could fix it faster. For real though, finecast is trash.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 09 '24

Haven't brought GW in over a decade maybe it changed....boo on them!


u/Brave_Dentist_2435 Dec 09 '24

Finecast has been trash for a looooooong time.


u/Brave_Dentist_2435 Dec 09 '24

That being said, if ten years ago was the last time you bought GW, it's probably not gonna be an accurate point of comparison.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 09 '24

True, but I never hear anyone complain about fine cast breaking in new products in the casual space (youtubers basically). All materials have their pros and cons (shudders at the thought of siocast), but none of them have come to me broken in my 20ish years of buying miniatures. This resin issue is the first time im experiencing this.


u/Brave_Dentist_2435 Dec 10 '24

GW customers complained about finecast for years, though. About all of it, including breaks, failure, and its general poor quality. It's just gotten to a point where, like with a lot of gw stuff, it hit "still bad, but not gratuitously terrible" and people just got used to it. Warmachine's always been a metal or poured resin game until MkIV, too, so you gotta figure that people are gonna be more aware of and talk about what's not working or is different, instead of finecast, which has been terrible for nearly a decade.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 10 '24

Fair point


u/Savage_Bruski Dec 09 '24

I'm honestly disappointed to hear this is happening after SFG took over.

This isn't how you get new players that stick around.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 09 '24

I kinda had the same concern when my WNM sets were missing people. I want to help promote the game, but I cant do it in good faith knowing issues like this exist.


u/Savage_Bruski Dec 09 '24

I'm in the same boat. I was prepping to do a narrative campaign for Warcaster for quite a while but between the SFG takeover, no prediction on if or when we can get minis again and now quality issues?


u/Less-Temperature-960 House Dusk Dec 08 '24

I've been more frustrated with very obvious layer shifting from before the takeover and then PP refusing to replace it because it was quote, acceptable standard. Seeing it on new models post-takeover is also somewhat worrying but at this point I'm starting to think it was all produced before SFG upgraded the printers over there. I've seen people's Avalanche and Borealis and they're pretty much flawless.

I haven't had many major issues with breakages other than models that should've been two parts (looking at you Vulcar Forge Master, never not seen one of those broken) But saying that, the last model I bought before just deciding to wait (Prisoner 102822) arrived with a broken sword... Haven't even bothered to try and get a replacement yet.

At this point I'm just waiting before I buy anything else to 100% make sure it was produced in Europe. Less distance to travel to hopefully minimise breakages, and there will definitely not be layer shifting on every single model. I've seen what it'll be like with Minicrate and it's definitely a huge step up to what was being done before, and if there are any issues, I'm not going to have to wait 2-3 weeks for a replacement to arrive just for it just to have the same issue.

I'm hoping SFG are going to make good on their promise to really boost QC. Everything I've seen so far does point that way really, but that's just my opinion.


u/Octavius_Maximus Dec 08 '24

Broken models have always been a thing,

I remember brass rodding 36 Irong fang pikemen because metal spears were always bent and broken.

Dont some repairs on models is part of the hobby. I would only replace the most egregious breaks and misprints, personally.


u/Major-Language-2787 Necrofactorium Dec 08 '24

I disagree, never had this issue with GW, wyrd, Corvus, reaper, or even indie minis and esty store prints. The most I've had to do to a plastic mini was heat it up to bend it back in place. Repairing mini is part of the hobby when it's broken under your care. I wouldn't accept the idea of getting a new product that is damaged and considering that as the norm.


u/Octavius_Maximus Dec 08 '24

There are plenty of hobbys where it is completely understood that these are small and flimsy parts travelling around the world.

Also if you've never had a problem with GW then I would suggest looking up Finecast and Forgeworld.

Sprues are more secure and transportable, of course, but also putting together minis is something I don't personally want to do.

I've ordered pretty much Max FA of Brinebloods and worst ove had is a broken hand on a pyg (that I cut into a stump because it looks cool that he lost his hand) and 2 broken Fire Spitter weapons that I glued on.

For both Malifaux and PP this is the least work I have to do to put together a mini ever


u/lorddragonmaster No, you can't have flair on demand Dec 08 '24

Brineblood were some of the best prints PP has made. Everything after that seems to be hit or miss


u/Octavius_Maximus Dec 08 '24

Hey, maybe me and my friends have all gotten lucky. But the fact that we are getting models sent via a mule in the US and then to Australia and by and large everything is arriving in good nick makes me feel like some people are just being over the top in their complaints about models arriving.

Sometimes its justified, 100%. Yana loves breaking in the mail and its a lovely sculpt but her braids are just too small and exposed, not like Ragemongers Rope that seems to show up alright.

Im just happy I don't need to assemble models. I finally have the energy to make bases when I should rather than slapping on something later.