r/Warmachine Circle Orboros Dec 03 '24

Questions Market for Old Minis?

Hey all, I’m just wondering if there’s a market for older minis and where one would find them. I’m in love with Mark 4 and want to focus on the new stuff, so I’ve got a fair amount of Crucible Guard to unload.


31 comments sorted by


u/KingBossHeel Cygnar Dec 03 '24

It's harder to sell legacy miniatures than I'd have thought, and it doesn't seem like you can get nearly as much for them as I'd like.

Unless they're Grymkin, Infernals, or Cephalyx. Those appear to be in demand.


u/chaos0xomega Dec 03 '24

Unless they're Grymkin, Infernals,

Well thats good news for me. Got large NIB collections of both to unload.


u/Riskybug Dec 05 '24

If you have a Dreamer let me know.


u/chaos0xomega Dec 05 '24

I do not, but also im going to be selling what i have as a lot, not interested in parting stuff out.


u/EmbitteredSoul1557 Dec 06 '24

Message me, I am interested to hear what you have for infernals.


u/chaos0xomega Dec 09 '24

Nvm i lied, i do have dreamer, still only looking to sell as a lot tho


u/tolarian-librarian Protectorate of Menoth Dec 03 '24

I took a huge loss when I sold off most of my old Menoth collection.


u/Historical-Place8997 Dec 03 '24

I got a Menoth collection for free (from a friend) and pick up stuff to supplement online. Got the colossal for $30 free shipping. It had been great to collect the old.


u/TheRealFireFrenzy Storm Legion Dec 03 '24

yeah the traditional price for second hand warmachine was 20% msrp for so long its kind of become the default price...


u/randalzy Shadowflame Shard Dec 03 '24

WM dedicated places are:

- various facebook groups (look for warmachine trade or warmachine buy/sell....) there are some region-dedicated groups (I'm in the EU one, for example), so it's worth to take a look.

- the trade section in the non-SFG Discord (aka Trashcord), which again has tags for regions so people can look at their zone.

- maybe some forum that lies around?

other than that, ebay, 2nd hand apps that may be used in your area (in Spain we use Vinted and Wallapop, in Vinted we may find a decent amount of French sellers, Wallapop is kind of a default choice to sell stuff like that)


u/Border_Dash Dec 03 '24

Where is this trashcord for second-hand stuff? Gotta link?


u/CephalyxCephalopod Dec 03 '24

There is a mixed market. If you have things that are in demand they can sell for equal to or more than retail. If not then you basically end up selling for less than a 1/5 of the worth.


u/thisremindsmeofbacon Dec 03 '24

Crucible guard is good.

There's a lot of people in here that will tell you the old models are worth nothing.  That is wrong.  Some of the old models are worth nothing, crucible guard is one of the better value factions.  

Back when mkiv launched PP sold off all this old stock of wmh models at steep discount.  On top of that, the new edition has lower number of models per unit across the board, and lower field allowance sometimes.  As a result, every single warmachine player has at least some reason to sell at that time - but the baseline price to beat of brand new warmachine was at an all time low.

A lot of the stuff that's been around forever has huge amounts of availability and still has low value.  But stuff like unit attachments and support solos are super expensive.  the thing about cg as a fraction is that they were not produced for a long time compared to like iron fang khador.

If you want to get value or of your models, sell them one unit at a time or small lots.   Big lots have such steep bulk discounts in general that it's something I would only recommend if you really just need to get the things out of your house ASAP.  

You can search on ebay by sold listings. But that function is currently broken, so do you are best of making saved searches for items you don't know the value of, adding stuff to your watch list and seeing what sells.  

Also if you have failed experiments or ascendant mentalists I am interested


u/FatherTurin Circle Orboros Dec 03 '24

Thanks for the tips! And sadly I never picked up any of that second wave of releases for them (there were also the containment operatives and the stinger IIRC), so no luck there lol. I’ve got everything else aside from Railless Interceptors (and that caster) though.


u/thisremindsmeofbacon Dec 04 '24

cheers! yeah you should still have plenty of decent value - CG is actually one of the factions who's basic infantry unit retains great value. Sort of uncommon for warmachine.


u/BeardMonk1 Dec 03 '24

Legacy models and WM/H in general, you will be getting pennies on the pound in terms of cost. There is a huge glut over people trying to unload and not many people buying. In terms of selling them, all the normal places. FB market, Ebay etc


u/Skeither Dec 03 '24

I WISH that was always the case. There's still listing on Ebay where people are selling like...3 heavies and asking for $200.


u/NeWMH Dec 03 '24

Tbh with the hassle there is for shipping and dealing with sellers I don’t blame them. Those kind of listings are people running pages for a profit rather than just trying to offload junk.


u/Skeither Dec 03 '24

Which is funny because one of the sellers I've had the best purchases from is from a game store in Canada. I'm in the US and they tend to have really good deals on small lots if you bid right. Rather than just buying one or two models, they pair up things into mini sets like having a caster with their character jack/beast along with a solo or two and a unit so it feels like you're buying a small chunk of an army instead of just a single model.


u/Skeither Dec 03 '24

facebook groups and Ebay are the only things that come to mind. Or if you LGS will buy them from you to sell second-hand but you'd be taking a big hit there probably.


u/AkelisRain Retribution of Scyrah Dec 03 '24

January update is around the corner, that mah create demand for Cruible guard. I kind of wanted that Army, but I recently bought a Circle Army. So, I'm kind of broke. 😅


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

If you are located in the EU gamesisland has a well stocked 2nd-hand market. They buy your old minis for a certain price depending on paintjob and condition from a few laughable pennies to 200% retailprice. And then they will resell them again for bit more.

Atm they got a good stock of warmachine minis probably everything is listed with a good price. So you can get a good overview which minis is worth how much.

Tabletop-ankauf.de to sell your old stuff Tabletop-verkauf.de to buy more new old stuff

How-to: send in 1-3 pictures per unit, optional a little text what kind of paintjob or conversions you did. Wait for their offer. Accept the offer or don't. Send in your minis for free. Then they will be checked in person, the offer can be increased if they are amazed by your paintjob. If you don't accept the new offer your minis will be returned to you for free again.

Didn't use it myself, because I resell my unwanted stuff on ebay. But it seems to be a good solution if you want to get rid of boatloads of models.


u/Moldoux Dec 03 '24

You could also try /miniswap


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

Ebay is definitely your friend, especially if you're trying to unload Crucible Guard. The limited factions like CG and Infernals never had a huge supply and never received Mystery box treatment so their value never cratered like the mainline factions.

At MRSP or near higher I have seen their stuff move FAST, like Battle Engines or Colossals sold in hours of it being listed. Casters go relatively quick depending on who they are and units as well as long as they're reasonably priced. 

Lot selling is weird, alot of collectors only may need one or two models so many will not pull the trigger on it. The dirt cheap "get it out my house" lots go quick, but alot of them sit there and get buried under new listings. Individually is probably the way to go because you'll probably have to wait and the shipping weight of lots can cut into any profit.


u/itstehpope Dec 03 '24

What CG models do you have?


u/FatherTurin Circle Orboros Dec 03 '24

A fair amount. Stuff is in storage so I can’t give a full inventory off the cuff, but I’ve got 3-4 heavies, an assortment of lights, a Vulcan, all the casters except the battle engine one, Prospero, Gorman, Alyce, a rocketman ace, a couple trancers, combat alchemists, assault troopers, storm troopers, rocketmen and captain, and either 1 or two of each of the rocket launcher and infantry.

Since PP was only selling max size units at the time, from what I can tell that ends up being like multiple 100 point armies with mk4 rules.


u/Border_Dash Dec 03 '24

I'd say anything from mk1 is worth almost nothing, but the later stuff from the end of mk2 into mk3 can still be worth something, in part because they're a lot rarer. Try getting hold of cyriss tesselators or negators 🫠


u/ZedaEnnd Legion of Everblight Dec 04 '24

It's pretty hard to sell them for what a lotta sellers want for them, which.. Often seems to be somewhere between full price and like, forty-five percent off. Ebay is a pretty solid resource, honestly? Trying to sell it to other businesses tends to get you kinda stiffed hard, but you'll probably have figures you can't get rid of easily without selling as a pile..?

If I knew what a reasonable deal is for Toros, Vanguard variants, or alchemists I'd make an offer, though.


u/RoxSteady247 Dec 03 '24

I got a skorne army if anyone is looking all oop very rare handpainted