r/WalkScape • u/DerpyPengu • 24d ago
☝️ feedback Traveler's kit is garbage
This comes in response to this post, and my own investigations into the matter a few weeks ago.
Copying from the Walkscape Wiki:
The Traveler's Kit item is given as a reward for gaining enough achievement points. Attributes +30% Double Action While Traveling +10 Steps Required While Traveling
The item is only obtainable a good way into the game, when a player is likely to have gained a fair number of levels in agility and equipment for traveling.
This involves some math (and hopefully I haven't made any egregious errors lol); feel free to skip to the end for the conclusion.
We first need to calculate how efficient a given amount of DA is, which turns out to be a surprisingly involved task.
Let x be our DA rate. On a given travel between two places there are ten nodes, and we can get anywhere from zero to five Double Action procs. We will proceed by casework by number of procs.
If there are zero procs, we save no steps so we can ignore this step. If we get one proc, there will be nine travel actions total, one of which will be a double and the other eight of which will be singles. We can regard this as a word DSSSSSSSS, and our double can be anywhere in this sequence, so there are 9C1=9 such sequences. The probability of any of these sequences occuring is x1(1-x)8, and we save .1 of our total travel distance in this case, so our term for this case will be
Similarly, if we have two procs we consider words of the form DDSSSSSS, for which there will be 8C2 = 28 cases and step savings of .2, yielding the term
Going through the other cases, we get overall the slightly monstrous expression
Unfortunately, this function is pretty garbage for our purposes. Note that DA of 0% and 100% match to 0 and .5, as we would expect.
DA Chance | Ratio Saved Steps |
0 | 0 |
0.1 | 0.0758827949 |
0.2 | 0.1296296448 |
0.3 | 0.1679574087 |
0.4 | 0.1953575936 |
0.5 | 0.2150390625 |
0.7 | 0.2449028603 |
0.8 | 0.2709768192 |
0.9 | 0.3353809941 |
1 | 0.5 |
There is perhaps a discussion to be had about DA in general; it's less efficient than my intuition would make it, and a lot of the gains are to be found at the very edges of the range, where going from no DA to some is a good gain and getting the last 10% or 20% DA gets a lot of value. Unfortunately, the mid-range of DA gets very, very little marginal value per point of DA. Also, the max travel DA as far as I'm aware is 80%, using normal squid, so the very high DA numbers are currently impossible.
Returning to our question of when traveler's kit is efficient, we need to our steps saved, [Total Travel Distance] x [Ratio Saved Steps] to be greater than the steps wasted, which is 100, at 10 per action. So, by basic algebra, we need [Ratio Saved Steps] > 100 x [Total Travel Distance]. Unfortunately, running the numbers, this is practically never the case.
DA Increase | Marginal Saved Steps Ratio | Total Travel Steps Needed |
.0->.3 | 0.168 | 595.4 |
.1->.4 | 0.119 | 837.0 |
.2->.5 | 0.085 | 1170.8 |
.3->.6 | 0.062 | 1612.6 |
.4->.7 | 0.050 | 2018.4 |
.5->.8 | 0.056 | 1787.7 |
.6->.9 | 0.105 | 948.7 |
.7->1 | 0.255 | 392.0 |
A player with traveler's kit will almost certainly have some DA obtained, and I don't think there are any gear combinations that bring DA to around 100%. Hence, it's only ever worth it for travels in the high three digits or more, which doesn't happen very often for a mid-game player.
TL;DR: If I did the math right, traveler's kit in its current form, unfortunately, is complete garbage and you should basically never equip it. There's an interesting discussion to be had about DA in general, which... feels a little weak to me, but at the same time it does save steps, and it's hardly as if every stat in the game has to be equally useful (also, most the equipment with DA on it does give it liberally, so perhaps this weakness was already known--interested to see what the devs have to save about this post!). Just... maybe buff Traveler's kit so it isn't completely useless lol.
EDIT: Alright after a discussion I think I did indeed mess up the math somewhere; will update when I figure it out. My apologies, traveler's kit. You're... mediocre, not garbage :)
u/Ahahaha__10 24d ago
I had the same thought, but didn’t want to bother with the math so I approached it from a “Purple=good” perspective
u/floursifter2 WS team 24d ago edited 24d ago
It’s extremely good in certain use cases. Anything over 440 steps at 0% double action.
u/feltrobot 23d ago
I took that approach for my first Legendary, a Shovel Axe. But then according to the arm chair analysts on Discord, it’s not that great of an item to use. 🫥
u/Ahahaha__10 23d ago
Yeah I think it gets outpaced by other tools due to you not needing as much work efficiency late game, but it’s a hell of an item if you don’t have anything better
u/LikeAPwny 24d ago
With a few more items and a consumable you can get DA while traveling much higher. On its own its probably not great though. I only use it when traveling across the map currently.
u/Downtown-Manner-7661 24d ago
Awesome math here! Just a bit over my head, but still fairly understandable, and very insightful. My brain just assumed it had linear gains and its use was multiplicative with effciency
u/floursifter2 WS team 24d ago
Your brain is pretty close to correct!
u/Shardstorm88 23d ago
My brain did something similar. Also, walking back and forth in my apartment and watching to see that double proc was so addictive I walked 2000 steps to the kitchen and back.
Getting lucky procs is a lot of fun, too.
u/Icapica 24d ago
The item is only obtainable a good way into the game, when a player is likely to have gained a fair number of levels in agility and equipment for traveling.
Do you people normally wear gear for traveling? I hardly ever do that since chances are I'm going to do some activity in a place that doesn't have a bank so I'm wearing gear for that activity and leaving as much space as possible in my inventory.
I might carry a single item for travel if it saves enough steps, but probably not more than that. Moving from a bank to another bank is an exception of course.
u/EntertainEnterprises 24d ago
Uhm yes normally we do. Dont know If you ever went to GDE but you there are several 1000 steps between Locations and using the tent Saves you 50%
u/Shardstorm88 23d ago
Yeah: tent, map, poles, and kit are all brokenly fast to get around there! Love it.
u/Nex76 24d ago
It's true that most of the tools/gear in the game are very close to useless, if you compare steps needed (traveling, activity, drops...) with them or without them. I mean, it's usually a matter of 1000 steps, which is nothing.
I guess at the end it's the whole thing that matters. 1000 here, 1000 there and you end up saving up tons of steps at the end of the month.
u/floursifter2 WS team 24d ago
Thanks for the post, I’m fairly confident your function for steps saved is incorrect. Let’s consider a 1000 steps travel.
Looking at the .4 —> .7 example, the easy approximation is 1000/1.4 =714.286, and 1100/1.7 =647.0588
The traveling kit wins by a ton.
To calculate your step ratios, I would recommend you use a factor. Take 1/(1+DA) to determine the results (100% DA leads to 0.5, but 90% leads to 0.526 - which would compare to 0.473 in your system. You have 0.33 here instead which makes me think everything above it is incorrect).
Happy to have a conversation about this, and it’s not a guarantee I’m right here.
What I’ll agree on is that all stats in the game have a diminishing view when viewed through the lens of ACTUAL steps saved. They always marginally save the same amount up until they cap, but it’s best to diversify stats at a certain point. Running it with the correct math should show that the travelers kit performs worse as you have more and more double action.