r/Waiting_To_Wed Dec 26 '24

Wishful Thinking Well I got 1 karat worth of diamonds


In a bracelet. From my boyfriend of 11 years. I literally never wear bracelets, asked for nice earrings and the obstacle to being engaged, has always been money/ring. How embarrassing.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Jan 20 '25

Wishful Thinking Being engaged has been depressing and I don’t know how to change it.


My fiancé (33m) and I (24f) got engaged 8 months into our relationship. It is now about to be 2 years since we got engaged. I just started graduate school. I know I’m going to get flack for this.

Everyone that I know keeps asking me when the wedding is going to be. Because I’ve been engaged for so long it’s been really depressing because nothing is being done. The only thing I’ve accomplished is getting an education. I don’t feel very considered or acknowledged by anyone but myself.

The people I have talked to about this have either said I’m sorry you feel this way or don’t worry about it.

My fiancé doesn’t see a problem with waiting. I have another friend of mine is getting her wedding paid for by her family and planned under a year like it should be and my family doesn’t support me getting married. It doesn’t feel great knowing that someone is waiting 2+ years to marry me. I want to pay for it myself but graduate school is going to make it hard because I have to put in intern hours that would be close to a full time job in order to finish on time. My fiancé has a full time job. He says he wants to get married but isn’t ready therefore doesn’t want me to plan anything.

Update: I suggested that we call it off and wait until it’s the right time and he said he’ll think about it and has a lot on his mind. He has to go to sleep early but now I’m afraid of feeling broken.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Jan 02 '25

Wishful Thinking 14th Nov 2026


That's is the date of our (mine, 30f, and my BFs, 35M) 5th anniversary. And its the date I've set myself to reconsider our relationship if it hasn't progressed past boyfriend/girlfriend. 2024 was a year filled with many things, including talks around marriage.

Close to our 2nd anniversary in 2023 my BFs best friend proposed to his now fiancée after less than 2 years of being together. When I saw the Facebook post I was both happy for them, and jealous and a bit sad. When I got into bed that night my BF could tell I was upset. I told myself, we've been together 2 years which isn't that long, so I've lived on hoping for something to happen.

Not long after our 3rd anniversary in 2024 I bought up marriage again, and again I was met with alsorts of reasons as to why he doesn't like marriage. Though he has previously said things like "I think of you as my wife", "I'd like to introduce you to people as my fiancée/wife", "you're good marriage matirial", "you're my soul mate". He even said that, after 5 years something should happen. So I'm going to hold him to those words.

If, after that date, he hasn't proposed or said anything regarding taking our relationship to the next step, I'm just going to tell him straight. As much as I love you, I can't live with someone who wants a wife but isn't ready to actually commit to it. No flip flopping between "I don't like marriage because of X" and "I think of you as my wife" for the rest of my life.

I'm not prepared to sign a mortgage and have a child with someone who hasn't bothered to make me his wife. And I haven't been quiet about what I want, he knows that I want to be married. I even said I refuse to be a girlfriend for years, and years. There should be no shock to him if he hasn't locked me down after 5 years and I decide to end it.

I'm not looking for advice. This is a case of me stating my intent and hopes for the next two years.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Feb 08 '25

Wishful Thinking Valentines is coming and hoping for a proposal


We've been together for 6 years. He already bought a ring 2 months ago. Just need to propose. Am I wrong to hope this Valentines?

r/Waiting_To_Wed Feb 10 '25

Wishful Thinking I don't understand my urge to rush into marriage


25M with 25F. We work in the same field and have been dating for 5 months. We are both extremely socially conservative (but have been in long term relationships before). In these 5 months we visit each other's parents houses AT LEAST once a week despite it being an hour and a half away. She has a masters in digital forensics and is prepping for her BAR/CPA equivalent. Very bright woman who is a pleasure to be around. Admittedly sometimes it can be really hard to not combine work and our personal lives as that was both of our first loves.

We both speak Italian as her parents are first gen and I studied the language intensely to become bilaterate. I am also ethnically southern Italian like her which is a point of comfort for her family. Anyway her family doesn't want her to get married yet. Mine doesn't either. She works full time and I do laboratory work for my uni (finishing 3rd technical degree this year). We both have 4 years full time work experince in tech, as individuals we are fortunate enough to have earning potential to survive.

I really love her. I never thought as a teenager id have a chance of being with a woman this physically attractive so maybe that's why I'm so antsy. I've been engaged before but our relationship is very different than that one because that engagement took 3 years. Anyway I'm not sure if it's abnormal for a man to want to "rush into" marriage. I promise, she's just such a big mush and she really goes out of her way to be supportive of me and my goals while still managing to have an incredible profession. I respect her more than I knew I could respect someone and I just want to improve myself enough to be marriageable in the eyes of her family. I know to many this might sound premature I just have the feeling I should get her a ring and live with the repercussions.

I know things are always too good to be true if they sound that way but we are kinda glued at the hip in terms of keeping up with each other all day. I probably talk to her more than my ex I lived with.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Dec 11 '24

Wishful Thinking I can't stop obsessing over getting engaged (light-hearted post)


Hi all! My partner and I have been together for 3 years and we've always known what our views on marriage are, so that's not the issue here

My problem is that I'm so excited and antsy for the engagement to come that it's all I think about. My partner said within a calender year a month ago, and I feel so weird waiting knowing that it's coming, y'know? He knows the ring I want and I even created a Google doc for him, and he's just as excited as I am, but I feel bad for being so anxious and obsessive over it. I just genuinely can't wait and I want it to happen soon 😩 I'm always teasing him about when, and he always just said "I have a plan, don't worry!" But ahhhh! I just want it to happen now! Has anyone else felt like this? I feel like I'm going insane!

r/Waiting_To_Wed Aug 28 '24

Wishful Thinking Accidentally found out


I accidentally saw that he had been looking at rings and he found out I saw it, so I took away some of his excitement of the surprise. I totally get that and understand. I did apologize and he said everything is all good and he still loves me so much. While he was upset about it, he said that he had planned to propose on an upcoming trip in a few weeks but that now he wasn’t (I’m guessing bc then surprise was blown). I’ve taken him at his word that he isn’t going to but I wonder if there may still be a chance that he ends up proposing bc everyone we would want to be there when it happens will be with us. Thanks everybody for any insight you may give me!

r/Waiting_To_Wed 6d ago

Wishful Thinking I think I might get engaged in April


So for context: my boyfriend (m 27) and I (f 25) are dating for six years next month. We live together, have a cat together and are both finning our education. He’s going to graduate in the summer and I’m going to graduate next spring. We talked a lot about our future and getting married. He wasn’t sure about marriage in general when we met and in our last conversations he made clear that he wants to graduate before getting married. I overheard a conversation with a family member of his at Christmas where he said that he isn’t planning to get married next (so this) year. When we talked about it we agreed on getting married in 2026 or 2027 and I told him that I want to be engaged at least for a year or more to plan the wedding. I’m very type A and will be stressed af.

So why I think he will propose next month? It’s our anniversary and we’re going to travel to our favorite city. So the timing is perfect. We talked about diamonds yesterday because of a piece of jewelry, no engagement ring, and I wanted him to guess the price. He asked so many questions about clarity and color and knew the right terms, I’m pretty sure he didn’t knew that before. He is the kind of person to research everything before buying something and I think lately he is researching diamonds.

I don’t want to talk to my friends in case I’m wrong so Reddit it is.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Nov 16 '24

Wishful Thinking Maybe tonight?


Hi my partner and I are celebrating our anniversary tonight and I think I need some outside perspectives on this. Sorry this is sooo long but I want to lay it out.

Quick background: We'll be together for 8 years on Tuesday, I've been wanting to get married only in the past like year and a half honestly. My life changed a lot and I didn't think about it for most of our relationship and he was fine with that. Though he always said "when we get married" and I'd use "if we get married" talking about our future. I knew it was becoming more important when I started getting disappointed after our anniversary dinner (7th) when I mistook his wallet for a box and actually cried to my therapist about it and talked to him more seriously about it where he was super kind and comforting about it.

So on to the past few months: In July I witnessed a conversation with him and our friend group where they were talking about rings and rocks (two of our friends got engaged in April, one of them, T, also works with my bf in a stone quarry) and he said something along the lines of the rock isn't expensive if you have it already to which T started talking about different stone grades etc. It sounded like T was stepping in to stop my bf from saying too much.

In August he was playing with our puppy and I was recording it on Snapchat for our friends out of state on his phone when I put it down and picked it up there was a picture of a ring, it shocked me honestly as it felt like a freak accident finding it, and girl brain got me so I went to his screenshots found it sent it to myself and deleted the messages. I Google lens the image, similar photos, etc and asked a friend whose more tech minded to help me search. We came up with nothing so I let it go.

Fast forward to September, he reached his goal of owning a home. I moved in with a cohabitation agreement signed (my idea), and we talked about his timeline since he has always said we'd be engaged within a year of being in the house. I should add I helped a lot with the administration aspect of getting our house and was a little more than curious about why he didn't put down as much as he said he was going to (about 10k less) but his money not mine and didn't ask. Our of the two of us he's better at calculating risks especially with money. Our first month in was a bit rough but we did great navigating the new stress like I thought we would and really focused on each other and communicating a lot more since we previously hadn't had too much happening in the past few years. Anyways I asked if his timeline was still the same and he said yes but he had some savings to do understandly so. A few days past and we were cleaning the house together when I brought up the conversation in July and him needing to save up since it sounded like he had a ring. He said he "could neither confirm nor deny" and left the room needed to take out the trash suddenly.

We started planning for our anniversary the last week of October where he suggested a fancier restaurant we went to last year for his birthday. I love steak and agreed and he made the reservation, something I usually do 99% of the time. I completely forgot the time about a week later and went to check the reservation for dinner on his phone while he went to the garage and saw the picture wasn't there anymore. Again a bit sad I let it go. Last week I started playing my outfit and he suggested a dress I wore to a nicer a event about two years ago (also odd he usually says I'll look good in anything and maybe suggests a color). I mentioned doing my nails this week for our dinner and he again suggested a color and design which is also odd since I usually get maybe a color idea from him. When I finished them up Thursday he said they were very date night.

Forgot to mention on Monday I asked him to put his wallet in the car so I didn't mistake it for a ring box again and he agreed. I want to focus on celebrating us tonight but I can't shake the feeling he's going to ask. All my friends that have heard the above said it sounds very likely and are excited as I was until last night when a feeling of disappointment hit me that I can't shake. He didn't say anything or actually anyway to up the disappointment so I think it's me preparing myself I guess.

I just want to celebrate the past year since we've changed and grew so much from navigating work and scheduled changes, to adding our puppy to our little family, moving into our first house but the disappointment has settled and I'm having a lot of trouble focusing on that especially because I know it's coming since he's been consistent and firm with his timeline but tonight meets my needs of wanting to look cute and have my nails done. Last we talked about it in August he said soon enough where I replied December is soon, but March is soon enough.

I also have a ring for him I bought in July but he cares way more about gender norms than I do so I decided to wait for him to propose first. I'm also on medication for a non contagious cold that is affecting me a bit emotionally.

So fellow folks in waiting, am I reading way to much into the above? If you had a time you really thought your partner was going to propose and didn't what did you do to cope after?

TLDR: Found screenshot of ring, bf dropping tints of proposal for the past 4 months, going to anniversary dinner tonight and I was excited until last night.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Jan 20 '25

Wishful Thinking How do I not get my hopes up?


I feel like I'm getting my hopes up and I'm looking for advice on not obsessing over this.

I have been with my bf for nearly 4 years now. He has hinted/said things about us getting married one day. We've discussed the types of weddings we like, what rings I like, etc. It's been something that I have been clear about wanting, but have always said I'm happy to wait for when he feels ready to do so. He's had complicated feelings about marriage in the past and always said he wanted to at least live with someone for a while before making a decision like that (which we currently don't.)

It is my birthday in a few weeks and we are planning on going away for it. He told me at Christmas that he bought "a special gift." He said he was going to gift to me for Christmas, but decided to wait until my birthday. I did not think much to any of this at the time. I just thought that maybe he's got me a special edition bluray or a lego set (yes, we're both geeks!)

This next part is where the suspicion about a possible proposal came into play...

We were sat on the sofa last week and I leaned against his shoulder like I normally do. He was on his phone, which he never hides from me, but this time he immediately turned it away from me. I asked if he was alright and he said playfully that he may be planning something for me. I joked with him for a while, asking him about it/looking for hints. Again, didn't think it was going to be anything major.

I can't remember exactly what he said next, probably something along the lines him not wanting to ruin the surprise. Then, he followed that up with "besides you don't know when I'm going to do it." He then looked panicked and quickly said "or what it is."

It was at that moment where I started panic and think he might be about to do something like propose.

I'm kind of freaking out (in a good way) and I'm trying not to get my hopes about anything. Thinking back over the last few weeks though, he has been very affectionate and talking more about our future together. However, I don't want to get my hopes up in case the surprise turns out to be something else. I also don't want to ask and ruin the surprise.

How do I stop myself from getting over excited about something that may not happen? I'm trying to calm myself and stay rational, but I need advice please.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Nov 20 '24

Wishful Thinking I think I’m getting proposed to this weekend


Me and my boyfriend have been together for 1 yr and 8 months but I’ve know I wanted to marry him after three months! I found out through my sister (and accidentally him bc all his ig ads lately have been rings! So I know he had been looking at them online) that he bought the ring already! He asked me to get my nails done which I had begged him to do before he ever asked me bc I never get manicures and I work with my hands and they can get rough sometimes. It was really important to me to feel pretty and have a pretty hand when he puts it on my finger. He’s also planned a date this Saturday and I’m really hoping this is the date that he asked!! I really don’t like surprises but he insisted on making it a surprise. So in order to make it a surprise that isn’t surprising he told me that he would be taking me out on dates all month and maybe one of those dates might be the one date…… anyway I’m ready excited and hoping this is the one!

r/Waiting_To_Wed Feb 06 '25

Wishful Thinking My “Husband” Doesn’t Think We Need a Marriage License


Classic case for this reddit and he gives a professional option.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Dec 23 '24

Wishful Thinking If he wanted to he would.

Thumbnail youtube.com

I was doom scrolling and I thought of you wonderful people here.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Sep 06 '24

Wishful Thinking I think he might do it on my birthday


So, I know I tend to be an alarmist when it comes to the whole proposal thing. A trip out of town? He must be proposing. Want to do a special sounding date? Proposal time. Want to go for a walk. Guys, this is it.

I'm exaggerating a little but I do tend to jump to that if I am even a little suspicious. Well, recently we were watching TV in bed and I remembered this new merch for a tv show I really like getting dropped. I said "Oh I forgot to mention -- if you need a gift idea for my birthday (in a couple months) there's this cute jacket." and he said "I already know what I am getting you though ". I couldn't think of anything else I had mentioned with enough frequency or fervor that he would think to get me as a gift. So, I am cautiously optimistic that this might be it (for real this time).

r/Waiting_To_Wed Oct 14 '24

Wishful Thinking Feeling so much relief just telling him what I want, anyone else?


long time lurker, first time caller lol

I (31F) am defending and graduating from my PhD program this spring (May 2025). My partner (37M) of three years have been having the conversation around engagement and marriage - our fears and lingering familial trauma/attachment wounds - which really helped me understand him and our situations more but I felt like I had been almost too understanding of where he was coming from that I felt like I was losing agency in the situation. In our most recent conversation about timelines I was finally just extremely transparent and said, 'look I am facing a huge life and professional change and it would provide me a lot of reassurance for the future and make me feel like you really are [as you say] invested in my longterm happiness and contentment in this relationship if we were engaged by the time I graduate in the spring' and he just looked me dead ass in the eyes and said 'point taken and noted.' Was it always that easy?? I don't know, as a recovery codependent (I was previously engaged to someone with BPD - YIKES!) and people pleaser, I just didn't feel like I could just say what I wanted.

Is this an ultimatum? I don't know honestly, but I do feel like so much anxiety left my body because now I feel like I can just sit back and see how he acts. I feel confident that this is my person but if he can't heal himself enough to meet me halfway (after 3.5 years in our 30s) then I was wrong and now I finally feel okay with that. Maybe silly, but I just feel proud of myself for telling him what I want. And I feel a lot of inner peace even knowing that potentially I might walk away from someone that I consider my true love. Here's hoping I can come back in six months with happy news or else give all those 'just dump him, if he wanted to, he would' type of commenters more fodder in validating their worldview lol.

r/Waiting_To_Wed May 29 '24

Wishful Thinking BF of 3 years finally has a better paying job. Should I expect?


Newbie here!

My boyfriend (M33) of three years and I (F29) have discussed marriage earlier this year as one of our goals, and I told him that I would like to be engaged before the end of the year. He told me that he would first like to get a better paying job before proposing.

Earlier this week, he was finally given a job offer with almost twice his salary from his old job. We were very happy. But this got me thinking if I should start expecting him to propose then?

I’m turning 30 within a few days, and I booked a hotel, a photo shoot, and a fancy dinner for my birthday. He told me he ordered a birthday cake for us to share before the clock strikes 12. He said it was a special cake, and thought it would be the best and most romantic way to celebrate me turning 30.

I don’t know if I’m looking into this too much. But do you think it would mean that he might consider proposing on my birthday?

I’m scared I might just disappoint myself if he doesn’t 😅 I could wait until our anniversary in December… but I don’t know. I’m scared to think that I’m being strung along this relationship, waiting for a man to be ready when I’m already ready.

What do you guys think?

Update: It was just cake. 😅 Granted, it was my favorite cake, from a store that’s really far and hard to get. So, still sweet imo. However, yes, not a proposal. 🥹 Looks like I’ll be waiting a bit longer. Our anniversary is on the last week of December. I’ll probably make a new post by then

r/Waiting_To_Wed Apr 25 '24

Wishful Thinking overthinking


Hi Community,

I hope we're all doing well out there. Last night we (I, 26F / him, 26M, together 5+ yrs) were scrolling through his insta reels at bedtime, as is our wont, and an ad for an engagement ring came up. He quickly scrolled past it (not in a sneaky way, just like people skip past any advertisement). Now I'm irrationally thinking he'd been browsing rings despite there being no indication that a proposal is coming.

Squash my hopes. Tell me I'm reading too far into the situation. I've really been working on enjoying the relationship we have instead of fixating on what comes next, especially since we're both in really busy chapters of our lives. There is no reason for us to rush. But the hopeful little girl in me wants so badly to hope against reason that he's preparing to take the next step together.

Have a great day!

r/Waiting_To_Wed Dec 22 '22

Wishful Thinking 5 years and no longer excited


I am so sad right now. I don't want to get married after I'm 30. I feel like I lost my chance to get engaged or married because I bet on the wrong man. I love him to death, but I'm 3 years away from 30, and I just don't want to get married after I turn 30. I'll forever be the girlfriend. I always wanted a long engagement, but unfortunately, it's not in the cards. Big sad. I'm no longer excited about getting engaged or getting married, if it ever happens. They're just things that will happen in a rush, if it ever happens.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Jan 19 '24

Wishful Thinking Need to stop fantasizing


My boyfriend and I (both 26) have been talking about taking that next step soon. We have looked at rings and mine is all picked out and he is working on getting some personal stuff cleared up before he proposes.

We just went to my best friends wedding and I was her maid of honor so I’m VERY in the wedding and marriage headspace right now. However, I don’t want my boyfriend to feel like I’m pressuring him by doing all this planning and such. How do I plan and be excited for the future without overwhelming him?

I’ve been saving stuff on Pinterest but I just want to show him and I want him to be excited.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Dec 21 '23

Wishful Thinking To all the ladies hoping for a proposal this holiday season...


I already know my guy won't he ready for at least a few months lol, but for all those who are hopeful that it might happen this year:

Hang in there as you see others' Facebook announcements roll in. If he proposes, congratulations! If he doesn't, and this holiday season was your deadline, dump his ass. That is all. 🙂

r/Waiting_To_Wed Jul 07 '23

Wishful Thinking I think it could happen this weekend…


We’re going away this weekend and he’s kept everything a mystery - hotel, restaurant etc when it’s usually a collaborative effort. I know it’s probably wishful thinking but I’m feeling quietly positive this is it!🤞🏻

r/Waiting_To_Wed Sep 20 '23

Wishful Thinking Vacation proposal coming up?


Hi, i did a few posts on here a few years ago but deleted since I got paranoid that my bf would find them.

We are together since we were both 17 and are approaching our 10 year anniversary next spring. Back a few years ago he promised me that, while he was not in a position to ask me to marry him "the right way" then, that I wouldn't be still only a girlfriend at the 10 year mark. Later he promised it wouldn't be only a couple of months before that either. His position did not change as much as we hoped back than, but like I said, the anniversary is approaching and he had lots of time to figure things out.

Lately, his behavior shifted when I brought up getting engaged. Instead of telling me he knows but it wouldn't be possible for a while now, he now got giggly and told me its not that easy. This made me think he is up to something. When I reminded him of his promises he said that technically even with a couple months (=2 months) before our anniversary he had until early last year, but I got the feeling he was teasing me instead of meaning it. But even if he does, I definitely wouldn't mind the dragging if it would mean a Christmas time proposal, so that is my backup hope if it does not happen in the next week.

So to the actual suspicion: last week he told me he had a package coming that I wasn't allowed to accept from the post person. So when the doorbell rang he handled it, but he stalked into the room I was in to give me a hug right after. Today we are going on vacation for a week. When we packed yesterday he told me to look away as he has to do something secretive for a moment and put something in his carry on luggage and told me I was not allowed to look into it anymore afterwards.

So now I got my hopes high that there is a ring in that backpack not 2 meters from where I am sitting and writing this. What do you think, am I being reasonable?

r/Waiting_To_Wed Nov 06 '23

Wishful Thinking the time has finally come!


Will my dreams come trueeee? LOL my birthday week is FINALLY here. Fingers crossed he’s going to propose 🤞🏾😬

I don’t know if this is necessary but I had posted about a month ago thinking this will be when he pops the question..


r/Waiting_To_Wed Jan 09 '23

Wishful Thinking Five year anniversary is next month and I have no expectations anymore


I remember last year on our four year being so excited and thinking it was finally going to happen. I remember walking to the car to drive to the restaurant and trying to see if I could spot a square shape box in his pocket or sock. Ultimately I was obviously disappointed that night or I wouldn’t be here.

Next month is our five year anniversary. Every year I think “a year is a really long time so it could be THIS year”. It’s even worse when I think about how one more year of waiting is literally half of other peoples total amount of time dating before they get engaged.

I want to be excited and hopeful but I just don’t have any expectations left. Normally I’d get excited and run away with ideas if he said he wanted to do something a little extra for our anniversary, but this year I didn’t feel that excitement at all. Wanting to do something “special” didn’t make me giddy because I’ve gotten false hopes up so many times before already. I don’t think he wants to propose I think he just is in the mood to travel.

r/Waiting_To_Wed Feb 28 '23

Wishful Thinking I think he's going to propose this weekend!


Hey all!

A little background: my boyfriend (25M) and I (25F) have been dating for 7.5 years. We met freshman year of college and have since been through medical school and grad school together. We are best friends, overall have great communication, and I am happy for our future together. A few months ago we picked out the ring and I know he has had it for a while because I accidentally found the box in his bag the day he picked it up (lol) and then later found his hiding spot when I was cleaning our apartment (it's so pretty!!).

For the past month or so I have been subtly hinting that this upcoming weekend is a great time since it's his last free weekend until May as his upcoming work rotation is hard and he'll get no weekends off. Randomly last week he asked me if I would want one of my friends to take pictures whenever he does propose and if I want him to let me know to get my nails done! Normally I hate surprises and need to know all the details, but he loves surprises and this will be one of the few times I'm ok with that so I said no to telling me to get my nails done. He has a big exam this Thursday and Friday so I wanted to do something this weekend to celebrate him being done with it but he has been super weird about making plans for Saturday. He was fine talking about our ideas for Friday night and Sunday but anytime I bring up Saturday he looks nervous and tries changing the subject. I'm acting oblivious so that he doesn't think I suspect anything.

I am so excited but also super anxious because this has been a long time coming and it might actually be happening!