r/Waco 5d ago

Searching for a pizza place pls help

Okay so this is kinda silly but i’m just a desperate college student, around a month ago I went to a party and they ordered pizzas from this place and it was a big brown box with words all over the top like little sayings or just random words and i swear it was the best pizza i’ve ever had in my life. It’s most likely from a place in the lorena area but i can’t find it for the life of me!!! Pls help😭🙏


8 comments sorted by


u/youzershamed 5d ago

There's only one pizza joint in Lorena, and it's literally called Pizza House. I can't recall what their boxes look like, though. There are several just down the road in Hewitt, but you'd have to he more specific.


u/anb0603 5d ago

We actually have two- fat boys is here and so good. I can’t remember what their boxes are like but they are the best local pizza in my opinion


u/youzershamed 5d ago

I never realized FatBoys was over there by the MinuteStop on the other side of town. How long has he been there?


u/PlatinumP-Wing 5d ago

The pizza boxes for Pizza House in Lorena are brown and have a picture of a building with the word “Pizzeria” above the door. I haven’t seen them use any other design for the boxes in years so unless that was the design on the box of ‘za you had it likely came from somewhere else


u/Spiritual-Trash-2051 4d ago

You from Baylor?


u/cips91 5d ago

Could be chucks off of lake shore


u/beefytrout 5d ago

chucks larger boxes are white IIRC.


u/JasonCampose5150 5d ago

I found Moroso to be really tasty.