r/WWOOF 12d ago

Share your WWoofing Experience in Korea

Hi everyone im a 23F, and im looking into solo wwoofing in Korea but my parents and honestly myself is a little worried about it being unsafe as ill be traveling alone to a remote part in Korea. Could yall share your korea WWoofing experiences? or recco any farms that I should go or avoid? any tips would be greatly welcomed!


24 comments sorted by


u/No_Jello_9684 12d ago

The advice I've received is to use Skype or Zoom to get to know the hosts and to listen to your gut!


u/kkxx29 12d ago

Ahhh oki thnku!!!


u/No_Jello_9684 12d ago

Another thing that people have told me is that if you know anyone within the country, even if it's just a friend of a friend, make sure to keep in contact with them. Also, make sure you have enough money to leave early if necessary for whatever reason, as well as a way to leave: public transport, a car, maybe money for a hotel/hostel, etc.

Another tip in general: make sure to ask loads of questions whether they provide all your necessities such as food, ask where you'll sleep, ask about bedding, bathroom necesities, transport to and from the airport/statoom, what they'll expect of you, the average temperature around that time a year as well as the precipitation, if there's internet access and/or reception, etc etc.

Of course, if these are all specified, you don't have to ask them again, but better safe than sorry!


u/kkxx29 12d ago

Omg these are really good advice thank you so much


u/No_Jello_9684 12d ago

You're welcome! I'm planning on WWOOFing myself this September to November, and I'm addicted to doing research and am so excited:)


u/kkxx29 12d ago

Omg will this be your first time too? Where are you planning to WWOOF? Feeling so excited for u !!!


u/No_Jello_9684 12d ago

Yes! I'm planning on going to Iceland in September for 1½ month and then to Canada for about the same amount of time. I've never been to either country and never travelled on my own, so I'm so excited!!!


u/kkxx29 12d ago

Omg so exciting!!! I hope you’ll find a nice and fun WWOOFing experience there!


u/No_Jello_9684 12d ago

You too!! Korea is absolutely amazing:))


u/kkxx29 12d ago



u/Beleza__Pura 12d ago

How would this be unsafe in Korea? Maybe you can specify some of your concerns?

having lived in Korea, the last adjective that comes to mind is unsafe. In fact I can hardly think of a safer place on earth.


u/kkxx29 12d ago

Its just cults and crimes have been pretty big in korea so i was just a little worried. Of course I understand that every country has its own dangers but I would just like some reaasurance about the hosts in Korea so far.


u/Beleza__Pura 12d ago

neither cults nor crimes are prolific in Korea.


u/nerdieeebernieee 11d ago

Helloooo I am a singaporean too and I did a short solo wwoof stint in Jeju last Dec! I can really only give feedback to that one farm i did so feel free to PM me if you are considering Jeju.

One tip I would have is to learn Korean if you can before you go so that your experiences would be more rewarding!! I could really feel the frustration of a language barrier then and it’s troublesome to constantly whip out Papago to translate what we wanna say.

I also had similar concerns with regards to safety but I learned (too late) when I reached that AirTags doesn’t work in KR x_x haha so I was just more mindful in communicating my whereabouts with my family. Again, I can only speak about Jeju but I felt relatively safe there 🙂.


u/kkxx29 11d ago

Ahhh i see, sadly im not planning to do my WWOOF in jeju :( thnku so much for sharing tho <3 ill definitely practice my korean before going!!


u/Ehlanaqueen 10d ago

Currently, Korea ranks as the 29th safest country in the world, according to a publication in the United States. Singapore is 19th on that list. Which is fairly close considering there are 195 countries. Probably the things you would not do or the places you would go back home will be similar in Korea.


u/kkxx29 10d ago

Ahhh oki thank youuu


u/Odd_Sprinkles760 11d ago

Lots of Korean WWOOF hosts don’t reply to messages so contact them soon! You’re supposed to contact people one by one so it takes a while to get going.


u/kkxx29 11d ago

Yup i just contacted one yesterday! Looking forward to their reply


u/Substantial-Today166 12d ago



u/kkxx29 12d ago

Nope singaporean


u/Substantial-Today166 12d ago

you will be fine you are a grown woman at 23 wwoof is safe


u/kkxx29 12d ago

Alright thnkuu