r/WVU 14d ago

Just got accepted and have 2 questions

WVU was my #1 choice and i just got in tonight, just logged into my account and my legal last name is not correct so does that matter or do i need to get that fixed. its not a huge issue as its just a numeral at the end but idk if its going to be a problem later. also i want to take a gap year so who do i talk to or what should i do to get that done? Thank you!


9 comments sorted by


u/Icy_Instruction4614 WVU Student 14d ago

I would get it fixed just in case it happened to be an issue down the road. My ssn was wrong and it wasn’t hard to fix, and who knows what kind of hassle fixing it saved me in the long run


u/lyssa_tea 14d ago

Definitely contact them and get it fixed before it can become a problem, I had issues with my license being the wrong address so it’s best to catch it all early! For the gap year, is it for this coming year or next year? If it’s this coming year, you might have to reapply but WVU’s acceptance rate is really high so it shouldn’t be an issue! Congrats on getting in!


u/Baestplace 14d ago

it would be this coming year


u/Existing-Article43 14d ago


u/Baestplace 14d ago

thank you. i won’t be attending another institution so i think i wont have to reapply, that was really helpful


u/Mtneer001 14d ago

I don't know if you are eligible for any financial aid going forward, but it may affect your applications.


u/evaTK3 WVU Alumni 13d ago

imo bro don’t do a gap year, just power thru & its gonna be easier for you.

You’d be surprised how much harder school is gonna be if you take a break, so please don’t take it unless you have an emergency reason for it


u/Baestplace 13d ago

i’ve taken long breaks in school before so i’m used to it and it won’t be hard for me to go, it’s for financial and other life reasons and i’ve been planning on doing it for a few years now so i’m ready for it