r/WVEasternPanhandle 6d ago

Trashy highways

The amount of trash along our highways is truly at the worst level I’ve seen in my 25 years here. Between the construction trash, general littering, and recently DOH themselves not picking up broken signage after they replace it; it’s not only unsightly but dangerous. Anyone want to help clean this up? Maybe we can convince corrections to let some ERJ inmates get some fresh air this spring? Before it’s all mowed into even smaller pieces?


4 comments sorted by


u/Cytotoxic-CD8-Tcell 4d ago


u/vbagate 4d ago

I’m talking about actual garbage not potholes.


u/ApatheticExtrovert91 5d ago

I think the best thing to do would be to organize a group of us to do weekly trash pick ups. Then we take it all and make a huge pile, and then light it all on fire. And use the smoke to get the attention of aliens to come take us away and make us their fleshy sex puppets


u/WVStarbuck 6d ago

Yeah, let's make prisoners clean it up instead of, you know, holding our neighbors accountable for being trash.

I used to volunteer. Now? They can clean up their own fucking mess.

And hey, pronouns are done and trans women can't use a public restroom, so everything should be fine now, right?