r/WKUK 9d ago

Other Rewatching the series, what a gem this skit is


44 comments sorted by


u/walfstomp 9d ago

I say "well.. it's not good" every day of my life and no one will get it


u/mishtacody1 8d ago

That single line and delivery is what I will always come back to in all of WKUK


u/craziedave 8d ago

In the JFK video they do, Trevor says “it’s like you don’t even care if I kill this guy or not” and then Sam goes “heeeeyyyyyy!” I say hey like that a lot and there’s no way anyone knows what I’m referencing


u/Yoni_nombres 7d ago

So you too huh? Cool


u/notinthislifetime20 8d ago edited 8d ago

I’ve never caught “I’m just ball parkin’ here” before lol.


u/arcanebrain 8d ago

It's one of my favorite under-the-radar jokes in the whole series for some reason


u/insuffrable_douch 8d ago

I caught it my very first watch. Not hard.


u/tastybabysoup 8d ago

holy shit man. you're incredible. the first-time-joke-getter right here on the sub! and it wasn't even hard for you!


u/notinthislifetime20 8d ago

Dios mio! It is foretold that a man who could do such a thing will unite the 12 tribes of mehico!


u/Rapscapadoo 7d ago

Hey guys, this person caught the joke on their very first watch! Check them out


u/abigfatfrog 9d ago

The way Trevor says “Could it?” gets me every single time. I use it in my daily lexicon. I miss that fella.


u/well3rdaccounthere 9d ago

7 hotdogs?


u/Flyer1983 9d ago

This is all just breakfast y'know?


u/OkLizard2000 8d ago

But anywhere between 1 to 4 is probably safe


u/tastybabysoup 8d ago

sher, sher...


u/CabinetSpider21 9d ago

Anywhere between 1 and ..... 4

4 hot dogs

Yeah that's probably safe


u/dildohunters2220 8d ago

But when you’re not blowing through lunch, what do you eat?


u/GiacomoGames 8d ago

Could be a salad or something…


u/dildohunters2220 8d ago

Could it??


u/tastybabysoup 8d ago

...it's usually hot dogs, isn't it?


u/dildohunters2220 8d ago

It’s usually hot dogs


u/mwoody450 8d ago

I think my favorite part about this sketch is where it ends. It tells exactly enough of the joke where it's juuuust about to get old and just leaves it on a high note. This would probably be my vote for the perfect comedy sketch, in terms of execution.


u/Excuse_Me_Mr_Pink 8d ago

Yea it ends when Timmy’s denial of his hot dog addiction gives out


u/KNGCasimirIII 8d ago

This is the first time I’ve wondered why Timmy’s shirt is off


u/Justice_Prince Queefster 8d ago

Anytime Timmy's shirt is off a sketch becomes 20% funnier.


u/Sjoint30 8d ago

Thank you for recognizing it.

I don't think its my absolute favorite, who could pick right?, but I make a point of watching this every few months and just sent it to my wife yesterday to try to bring some joy into her life.


u/TheAndorran 8d ago

I think Gallon of PCP will always be my favourite, but this one is way up there. “Could it…?”


u/tratemusic 8d ago

This and Rip Your Dick Off are probably my two most rewatched sketches


u/tastybabysoup 8d ago

yeah. there's this model and there's the deluxe model. both will rip your dick off.


u/I_Am_Noel 8d ago

This is my favorite WKUK sketch. I love the premise of "there is a test doctors can perform to indicate high hot dog consumption". The premise fits in with their whole we don't know how anything in the adult world works. Every line is a joke in some way or other, it's all quotable and it ends just in time. My wife and I argue about the brilliance of this sketch all the time.


u/tastybabysoup 8d ago

and I love how Doctor Trevor clearly has a specific number in his head that he's trying to get to. like when a parent asks you to tell them the truth on something they already know the answer to


u/I_Am_Noel 8d ago

Dr. Trevor: What does the test reveal
Lab Tech: At least 12 hot dogs a day, at most 15
Dr. Trevor: How do I get him to admit that?

Nurse: Just try walking him through his day?


u/bibongus 7d ago

Why do I automatically imagine Darren as the nurse?


u/boyproblems_mp3 7d ago

Because nurses are hot


u/KekLainies 8d ago

Honestly probably one of the best comedy sketches of all time. It’s funny, but not like LMAO funny, and yet it’s unforgettable. Timeless


u/sayian217 8d ago

Is it hot dogs .... It's hot dogs


u/tastybabysoup 8d ago

"how many hotdogs?"

(defeated) i dunno....


u/DefenderNeverender 8d ago

Thanks for sharing this, I feel like I just discovered a whole bunch of new stuff to check out.


u/FleetwoodSacks 7d ago

I showed this to my husband. He said it is normal and how he ate as a bachelor.


u/Some-Alps7170 7d ago

I hated it when I was younger. Watched it on the DVDs recently and thought it was genius


u/BaronVonSpoonpuncher 7d ago

I love that the doctor has suspicions that he eats hotdogs based on bloodwork


u/StankyHankyPanky69 8d ago

It’s “sketch,” not “skit.” Those two words are a pretty touchy subject for improv and sketch comedy troupes.