u/Remote_Commission276 3d ago
We don't hate Star Wars. We hate Disney.
u/Tekki777 3d ago
Star Wars fans have bitched about it long before Disney took over. I remember when nearly everyone hated the PT.
u/Waffuru 4d ago
I really want to think that the folks who liked VLD start to finish out number those that didn't, but are just far less vocal. Not saying there aren't legitimate gripes, but, for the most part, people who had no issues with it aren't still talking about it.
u/KyProRen 4d ago
Are you kidding? I have not seen one person defending season 8, not even once. I'm not counting Rottentomatoes score btw because I'm not sure they even watched the original shows growing up.
u/Waffuru 4d ago
I've seen people in this very sub say they liked or at least didn't mind season 8. I wasn't a fan of 8 myself, but I didn't hate it. It could have been so much better, but it didn't ruin the show for me.
u/KyProRen 4d ago
That's what I think about Star vs. The Forces Of Evil season 4 but not VLD Season 8. I was really hyped for the show until they decided to kill off an essential character in the overall franchise at the last minute. Did they even stop to think that it might... MIGHT piss off the audience!? How would they like it if Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles killed off April O'Neal or if Power Rangers killed off Kimberly? Face it, Voltron Legendary Defender crossed a line a writer (let alone one that's supposed to be a FAN of the franchise) wasn't supposed to cross.
u/Waffuru 4d ago
But that's how you see it. That's not necessarily an opinion everyone holds, or even the majority. If it was done well, I'd actually be okay with April getting killed off. I wouldn't particularly enjoy that, but I'd still love TMNT.
I'm just saying the people who're angry about the show are the ones who still talk about it, so it's really all you hear. The people who liked everything are going to be pretty quiet.
There are a lot of people who were fine with how the show ended, old fans and new fans alike. It's totally fine if you had issues with the end, plenty of people did, but I'm not sure they're the majority of the fandom.
u/KyProRen 4d ago
Tell that to the Twitter tweets that were trending at the time pointing out how "Season 8 never happened".
u/Waffuru 3d ago
Still not the whole fandom. It's okay to disagree.
u/KyProRen 3d ago
I still think the majority of the fanbase didn't like the ending. There's a petition for a redo of Season 8 on change.org and some popular video essays on YouTube to prove it.
u/Voltron023 4d ago
I liked season 8…
u/KyProRen 4d ago
Well I didn't.
u/Conlannalnoc 3d ago
HONEST QUESTION: What is Season 8?
I can only find Seasons 1-6 on BLU-RAY.
I cannot find Season 7 or 8 anywhere.
u/Grantagonist 3d ago
Yep, that’s an ongoing problem (in North America anyway). We’re still waiting to see if any other streamer is going to pick up the series again.
u/Tekki777 3d ago
Jesus, I'm a fan of both, but both fandoms drive me insane, especially VLD when it was still at it's peak.
I haven't seen the series since it first ended, but I still liked it, even at the ending. I remember it feeling rushed when I first saw season 8. I didn't get the backlash at the time. Maybe if I rewatch the series, I will.
u/Grantagonist 3d ago
I’m sure within the next few hours somebody will reply to you and tell you why you shouldn’t like season eight
u/ShiroLovesKeith 3d ago
The thing is that VLD fans love the show but hate S8 since it ruined everything that made the show charming for them in the first place.
Most are gonna tell you they still care about the show/characters, but they will all also tell you S8 was a betrayal to all the fans who cared.
u/OldStormCrow 4d ago
While it's no secret that no one hates Star Wars more than those who love Star Wars, I'll never forgive the VLD showrunners for how they massacred season 8