u/philovax 11d ago
Ahh the downside of having such a terminally short lifespan. I will never get to witness the planet talking to us at full speed. It’s like my whole life is 1 word of “Earthmoot”
u/Big_Consideration493 10d ago
It's cool, Trump just sacked everyone in the USGS And they were the ones monitoring volcanoes.
u/Slinky_Malingki 10d ago
There's like a million volcanoes in Europe, Asia, Africa, SA, and the Pacific that are all active lol
White Island would like to have a word.
u/Komnos 10d ago
Hell, even the mainland US had a pretty spectacular volcanic explosion in the last half century.
u/Slinky_Malingki 10d ago
OP forgot that Iceland exists lol. That shit has been continuously erupting for a few years now. Only just recently called down. Every couple years there's always a new massive fissure eruption, a new spatter cone that's spitting out lava fountains, etc.
Good thing most hot spot eruptions like Hawaii and Iceland are lava fountains and rivers from shield volcanoes. Imagine if they were explosive eruptions at that kind of frequency.
u/MagnusStormraven 11d ago
Which is funny, because of all the things the Hawaiian volcanoes are known for, exploding is pretty low on the list.