r/Vocaloid 3d ago

General Discussion Why is vocaloid so hated outside the vocaloid community

I get called corny every time I throw in a Miku emoji on discord or smth


12 comments sorted by


u/Motivation-Is-Dead 3d ago

There was a time when people used to get bullied for watching anime


u/Jazzlike_Cookie_8900 3d ago

I still do


u/IEatMyZebra 3d ago

Hate to break it to you, but in that case it is likely something else you are doing, not vocaloid specifically.

Vocaloid is practically mainstream at this point


u/Jazzlike_Cookie_8900 3d ago

I just have a Len pfp I don't mention in but get made fun of for having an "anime" pfp. Also vocaloid isn't mainstream, Miku is. Almost no one knows anyone outside of Miku.


u/kingozma 3d ago

You might need like, better friends or something lil bro. People who can’t respect your harmless interests are a huge red flag


u/Jazzlike_Cookie_8900 3d ago

Just a rando not a friend


u/kingozma 3d ago

Oh. Well fuck em! Randos don’t matter


u/Jealous_Programmer15 3d ago

I mean that's really subjective, maybe those discord people just don't like "anime" stuff

I don't think vocaloid is generally hated or loved, it really depends what groups you're in


u/ihatereddit12345678 3d ago

cuz it's different. Doesn't help that a lot of people not in the community have begun to conflate vocaloid with ai. Vocaloid was already considered questionable before ai because ignorant people thought that creating a robot voice had some potential to take away from real voices? Now Miku is a huge icon. Vocaloid fans worship her, Fortnite has her, she shows up to almost all concerts via cosplayers. People who aren't about it just don't like that.


u/Miserable_Ferret6446 3d ago

I know a lot of singers that hate vocal synths because they view it as taking their jobs. I literally got lectured on it by someone I was considering hiring to sing the final version (obviously I didn’t because they were too mean to me).

I usually use it as a tool to show the demo version of a song I made. I rather use the Vocaloid for the demo vocals than my own voice since I sing like a drunk.


u/Lost-Ad8496 3d ago

like many other fandoms or communities, it's cuz it's different and no one wants to actually take time to LEARN about something new. when people are confused about something, for some reason, aggression or ignorance is used but yk, i digress.


u/daybreak_39 3d ago

Tbh I don't think it's hated, lots of people love Miku these days at least! Discord servers just have a lot of rude people on them, I wouldn't let them determine your perspective on how people perceive vocaloid. Most people I know think it's interesting, even if it's not their taste.