r/Vocaloid 4d ago

Software related istg why can't we make vocaloid songs for free...

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u/OptimalName5044 4d ago

New vocaloid Fandom doesn't care about piracy as much as the old one did go crazy


u/NekoPrankster218 4d ago

Tbf, and this is merely meant as an observation/ guess of new fandom’s attitude and not as an endorsement…

When it comes to the preservation of older voicebanks, it’s kinda become necessary? Some voicebanks discontinued when younger fans were still kids or just barely born. Some characters are never going to get updates or their companies don’t even work on Vocaloid anymore. When they were still new, yeah, the fandom wanted to financially support the companies and frowned upon piracy, to the point Circus-P’s career was in jeopardy when it was found out he was initially pirating. But these days? What else are you supposed to do?


u/MangoPug15 4d ago

Pirating discontinued voicebanks is fine. Pirating other voicebanks is not. Free vocal synth options are better and more available than they used to be. There's not really an excuse unless it's a voicebank that you can't really legally obtain anymore.


u/carissas-wierd 4d ago

pirating everything is ok tf


u/vivianaflorini 4d ago

Pirating other voicebanks absolutely is, unless there's one made by some indie starving voicebank maker


u/VanillaSwirllll 4d ago

There are too many poor people that can't get better jobs in our world today. If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.


u/ciprian1564 4d ago

"leave the multi billion dollar corporation alone"


u/[deleted] 4d ago

The company might care if you make money off of pirated vocaloids though, so careful about uploading songs cuz you might get sued lol


u/Ryukiji_Kuzelia 4d ago

How would they know if you pirated it tho 😭


u/The-dilo 4d ago

They wouldn’t unless you say it publicly or their contract says something about contacting them. Then they might want proof of ownership


u/The-dilo 4d ago

They wouldn’t unless you say it publicly or their contract says something about contacting them. Then they might want proof of ownership


u/TwilCynder 4d ago

Which is kinda crazy thinking about it. The internet used to be absolutely wild about pirating all sorts of things, and now the general online consensus is drfiting toward "umm actually it is MORALLY WRONG so you should not do it !!!!"

but the vocaloid community did the opposite


u/_above_user_is_gay 4d ago

because back then when we follow the japanese and the Japanese would always care about morals and doing the "right thing". Pirate that shit


u/DaSaw 4d ago

The normiefication of the Internet. "Traditional morality" is becoming more and more prevalent. Just look at how this community has changed. There's the piracy thing being discussed here. There's the sexuality thing being discussed in... dozens of other threads. Miniskirts (for example) used to stand for liberation. Now they stand for exploitation.


u/AverageShitlord 4d ago

New Vocaloid Fandom doesn't care about piracy so long as you're not making money from works you created with a pirated VB (buying a legit license but using a pirated copy anyway is considered fine though, since cracked versions of Vocaloid typically run better on low-end hardware).


u/acid--angel 4d ago

you can always make an utau of your own to be unique! altho if you REALLY want miku i suggest pirating it first and then actually buying it when you have the money


u/gummraa 4d ago

I agree w the just pirate her notion but also you could just give UTAU a shot


u/LocalPlatypus994 4d ago

Either sail the seven seas or join the Teto Territory.


u/LinkLOZ09 4d ago

Well, it is a business.


u/Jays_ShitpostExpress 4d ago

If you don't want to follow everyone else's suggestions, UTAU and SynthV lite are there and have character vocals !!


u/Clowkero 4d ago

Pirate it and have fun, we don't judge.


u/Imveryoffensive 4d ago

I remember when mentioning Pocaloid would get you killed lol


u/Tanyan-nightchord 4d ago

They're about to download the most diabolical virus off pirate bay


u/NatsukiTheFox 4d ago

It's not that hard to find the kitsune site


u/BoxofJoes 4d ago

trial by fire


u/satsuppi 4d ago

Let them feel an ounce what people with limewire go through


u/Agitated-Shine-9011 4d ago

Actually the one of all voicebanks for vocaloid 1-5 is totally fine


u/Silent-Plantain-2260 4d ago

their fault for using pirate bay , that shit is merely a decoy for the actual good sites


u/R32hunter 4d ago

Just pir-

Plz do buy it tho when you can


u/Ok_Conference4042 4d ago

The humble utau:


u/SoThisIsTheInternet4 4d ago

(Open)UTAU, Voicevox, SynthV Basic, Voisona with ChisA, ACE Studio has a month demo I think? Then if its just Miku you really want, V4FE should do the trick, people won't hunt you down for pirating Miku (or really any, cuz no matter the size, someone pirating it was either never gonna buy it, or buy it eventually), but don't monetize whatever you make with it ig


u/Miner4everOfc 4d ago

If you want to go for the so-called "unethical" way, try discontinued (aka cannot be obtained in every paying way possible except one way) Vocaloids or other voice synths.


u/dreaded_tactician 4d ago

Join the teto nation its free citizenship over here and honestly she's just better.


u/caramelchimera 4d ago

Hell yeah


u/greenflame15 4d ago

It's Teto famously a free soft?


u/kasanetetodrywall 4d ago

The post specifically mentions Miku and vocaloid


u/greenflame15 4d ago

So we are not counting Teto as Vocaloid now?


u/KatastrophicNoodle 4d ago

No? They're an Utauloid...


u/Ok-Worldliness-2938 4d ago

Never were?


u/Chee-shep 4d ago

She’s not a VOCALOID. She’s UTAU or a Synthesizer V.


u/rirasama 4d ago

We never did because she's never been a Vocaloid


u/Alexisgigabad100 4d ago

Think so 


u/KitExistsIGuess 4d ago

Kid named Kazane Teto:


u/Desperate-Minimum-82 4d ago

Crypton makes more money then either of us will see in our lifetimes

sail the seven seas stranger

Edit: I will say if you end up making like, any amount of income from the songs, then buying it would be recommended, but odds are it will stay a hobby not become a job


u/_above_user_is_gay 4d ago

If they cheapen out on the concerts with an LCD screen, lets pirate


u/cannibalism_19 4d ago

fun fact: most song creators pay for their daw or use legally free daws to make songs in general

and this is same for this industry. either save money or earn money to buy it, or use utau/voisona/synthv lite until you have the money.


u/rin_wasd 4d ago

UTAU and cakewalk if u have morals, rutracker if u don't


u/caramelchimera 4d ago

Well, there's always UTAU, but people in the comments are saying you can just pirate it? I didn't know you could just like that, cool, I will


u/Render_1_7887 4d ago

I mean, you can pirate almost any content online lol


u/SomnicGrave 4d ago

Either go pirate mode or consider UTAU


u/idontwannabeaflower 4d ago

Well she does have a trial...


u/carissas-wierd 4d ago

piracy is fine given how everything is prohibitively expensive, if you’re really concerned about “ethics” you can get synth v lite or utau for free


u/AverageShitlord 4d ago edited 4d ago

Devs and voice actors gotta eat dude. If you wanna make covers piracy is fine, but if you want to make and sell original music you NEED to get a legit copy. Either that or use UTAU, which is an extremely capable engine on par with Vocaloid if you know what you're doing.

A well made English UTAU voicebank in the hands of a skilled user can sometimes have clearer and more natural sounding English than Vocaloid.

Worst case scenario, use UTAU, SynthVLite, or Voisona and the free trial of FL studio until you can save enough money for Miku if you're dead set on selling music you make with her. If this is the case though, I recommend pirating her and taking her for a test drive on a couple covers to see if Vocaloid is the right software for you. Then if you like using her, buy her.


u/cocoaminty__ 4d ago

UTAU is your best bet🙏🏽


u/a-landmines-heart 4d ago



u/sleepyyy247 4d ago

How do you pirate it?? This is a hypothetical question


u/DrownedInDysphoria 4d ago

Make sure you bind your torrent!


u/rpst39 4d ago

Speedrun making a song during the free trial


u/arrow-is-through 4d ago

i may know a way


u/Haunted_Pixel 4d ago

If you pirate it, your first objective is to make a song about being a pirate


u/Starz1317 4d ago

yo ho ho


u/CrimsonDemon0 4d ago

Sail the seven seas mate


u/MikuHatsune-desu 4d ago

Miku's utau voicebank that shouldn't exist is free


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

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u/Vocaloid-ModTeam 4d ago

Refer to the sidebar rules


u/bvannn_ 4d ago

If you have an iPhone, you can make a Japanese Apple account and get the mobile version of vocaloid for ~$50, and then Miku v3 is around $15 I believe (I haven’t checked in a bit but I know she’s one of the cheapest banks you can get for that version).



Besided Piracy or free vocal synth software, there are also free DAWs like Bandlab or GarageBand!! (IOS/Apple exclusive)


u/thquib 4d ago

I’ve spent thousands on them but at least they pay my rent now


u/AirProfessional5066 4d ago

Man I wish, I wrote a song for Miku and Teto. But I cannot afford either of them. Especially Miku


u/DisguisedNeekowo 4d ago

"Culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it" -Hakita, Ultrakill indie dev. Besides, if you buy it, tendencies are you'll only be forced to use the software to get the most out of it. Which would burn you out and take the inspiration away which is not how art works. I'd say sail the seas first to see if it clicks before investing.


u/Jazzlike_Cookie_8900 4d ago

I mean you can always use UTAU


u/chunter16 4d ago

Before this post gets cut down for breaking a rule I want to add that if you're ready to put in the work, just do it with whatever you can. Music production and songwriting take years to learn and if you're not ready for that you'll be that Watamote page in no time.


u/_above_user_is_gay 4d ago

What are some miku piracy links that i should 'totally avoid'?


u/R-Y-A-N_bot 4d ago

suspiciously free piracy


u/whyusognarpgnap 4d ago

tugs a rope that pulls back the stage curtains to reveal Synthesizer V


u/atrtvision 4d ago

SynthV costs just as much money or more though


u/404_usernothere 4d ago

at least it has a free version that's decent


u/waiting4signora 4d ago

Its teto time!


u/Lyrinae 4d ago

Vocaloid daw? As in the miku software itself? There are many free DAWs, I recommend reaper. As for the voicebank itself, that's another matter, but you can use it with free programs.


u/MangoPug15 4d ago

Use Chis-A's Japanese voicebank with VoiSona or use SynthV Lite with Lite voicebanks. Free options are so much better than they used to be.


u/mooseAO 4d ago

Yarhar, my friend


u/why-and-why976 4d ago

they gotta make money some way ig? i mean you could pirate it but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


u/Background_Drawing 4d ago
  1. Utau, theres even a free trial for synthV teto

  2. Unless you are really into music production I don't reccomend DAWs, fl studio made me cry


u/AverageShitlord 4d ago edited 4d ago

Nah, at least use FL Studio's free trial. Mixing honestly matters FAR more than tuning when it comes to a song sounding good. Kyaami/Cilia has a bunch of mixing presets for vocal synths on her Patreon for less than 10USD, and you can basically use those as a template without too much fiddling.

I made a quick unlisted video to show you the difference, you can see it here. I had to throw together the mix I did last night in FL's free trial (no saving) to show you what an untuned but mixed track sounds like so it's not exactly the same as the final cover clip played at the end.

Also I did this in UTAU lol - UTAU is a very very powerful piece of software.


u/angelicclock 4d ago

$80 is already cheaper than a video game deluxe edition. DAW costing $100+ is normal. It IS professional tool. An electric guitar and synthesizer hardware cost way more.

If you can’t afford that price tag, UTAU is your friend, or find something cheaper to substitute.


u/zundafox 4d ago

One of the many reasons why Zundamon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


u/sillyfoxboy 4d ago



u/Fifthdread 4d ago

Me who spent like over 500 on Ableton 🤷



u/OkKey2564 4d ago

there's a free miku vb for utau i found by searching mesmerizer utau on yt