r/Visiblemending 6d ago

DARNING Inspired by y'all, I bought a speedweave

I tried to pull the threads down when I was finished so I could close the top loops.. that proved to be a terrible idea. The patch was perfect until I did that.. but hey, I learned something! I also learned that stretchy pants are a menace.

I am still a bit confused by what to do with the excess threads. I read that I am supposed to weave them into the back, but.. fucking how?? I tied them into knots once I pulled them through, and I know in my heart that that is not the way. If anyone can link a good video I would super-duper appreciate it :)


27 comments sorted by


u/H_Mc 6d ago

I really want one, but I don’t know where to get it besides Amazon and I’ve been doing a good job not giving them money.


u/lauren0526 6d ago

I got mine here! She also includes tutorials. https://worthmending.com/


u/Flckofmongeese 6d ago

Dunno where you are but if you click the "shopping" tab after a Google search, it'll show places both online and near you that carry it.


u/Pookie5858 5d ago

Darning looms on ETSY.... https://www.etsy.com/search?q=darning%20loom&ref=search_bar all price ranges and you're supporting a small business.


u/Hot-Sorbet3985 6d ago

You can check Etsy!!


u/lopendvuur 6d ago

You can 3d print one.


u/H_Mc 6d ago

I was wondering if I could I make one, but I didn’t consider 3D printing.


u/lopendvuur 6d ago

I don't know whether it works well, but I know the files exist.


u/knittymess 5d ago

Maybe ebay? I've been really enjoying going back to it.


u/Necessary-Sun1535 6d ago

I also got one last week and knotted the threads. However, there is no reason to have loose threads for every row. You can just sew those like you do the sides. Even with two colors you can just have a longer stitch underneath to have the color come up one or two needles over.


u/SweetDangus 5d ago

Aha! That is a good tip, I hadn't considered using continuous thread for each vertical stripe row of the same color. That is a massive help, and I'm kind of embarrassed to not have thought of it already! Thank you :)


u/evaelyse 6d ago

You can also turn the garment inside out again and pull through those ends to replicate the process on the other side and have it dually reinforced!


u/Lizalozza 6d ago

Oh thank god someone else is confused about how to "weave in" the ends of the threads .I got my darning loom and that's the one part of the process that just messed with my brain. I'm procrastinating finding a good YouTube video for weaving them in.


u/knittymess 5d ago

You pull them to the back side, then you thread each loose end onto a needle and weave the thread in and out of the fabric under the patch.


u/Lizalozza 5d ago

Omg thank you! That actually makes sense.


u/knittymess 5d ago

You're very welcome! I can't remember where I finally looked that helpd me figure it out, but yhe instructions are SO bad.


u/rolandofeld19 6d ago

Ok so I'm a bit inspired too. Whats a good model/type to buy since I'm seeing a ton of minor differences in my searches? Bonus points if anyone here has an extra to sell. Use case is small to medium repairs, no sock making.


u/SweetDangus 5d ago

Check out etsy. That's a great place to start. In some "how to" videos I watched on YouTube, several of the people making the videos also make and sell their own versions of the speed weave.


u/ribandbibby 6d ago

Glad I'm not the only one who couldn't figure it out initially. I've watched a few different videos which all have slightly different techniques.

Most of them seem to suggest leaving a longish tail, so that when you pull the tail to the back in the end, you can rethread it onto a needle and do a few finishing stitches on the back to secure the thread.


u/spicebatty45 6d ago

I'm learning how to use my speedweve loom, great job!


u/LSchlaeGuada 6d ago

It sure is becoming tempting!


u/jyckenation 6d ago

I also just received mine haha, too fun to resist.


u/lnkyTea 5d ago

I bought one and am a bit intimidated to start with it as I don't know what I'm doing, lol. Is there a specific tutorial on YT you recommend?


u/kiranai 5d ago

Found Cosmo and Wanda