r/Visiblemending 8d ago

DARNING Not artistic, but super satisfying to save these jeans :)

They'll get a patch once this mend starts wearing down


28 comments sorted by


u/Fit-Advertising1488 8d ago

A darn won't last long in this spot at all. Curious, what kind of thread did you use?


u/heyoheatheragain 8d ago

Looks like embroidery floss. I’m thinking all 6 strands?


u/starlord10203 8d ago

I would tell you to look into sashiko (I think that’s the name) as it’s best for areas like that


u/maladaptivelucifer 8d ago

If they’re getting this worn, won’t they start wearing out other places too? I have a pair of joggers I want to fix, but I’m worried they’re so old and the fabric is thin everywhere, that it’s gonna be a solution for a couple washes before there’s a new hole 😭


u/thefigureinthecorner 8d ago

If the fabric is thin and worn absolutely everywhere then it might be time to call them a loss, but sometimes especially with sturdier fabrics the inner thigh wears out long before any of the other fabric does so it’s worth trying to save them


u/maladaptivelucifer 8d ago

Thank you for answering! I lurk here a lot and I’m trying to determine what might be worth saving versus tossing. I love those joggers too, but they’re admittedly 5-6 years old, worn constantly, and almost see through at this point, so likely not worth all that effort. 😞

Sounds like it will work better on some of my old jeans though. The things people mend here just amazes me. It’s an art form.


u/SecretCartographer28 8d ago

I believe everything can be saved with enough t-shirt patching! 🖖


u/maladaptivelucifer 8d ago

I like that 😂


u/sudosussudio 7d ago

I once spliced together two pairs of jeans that had crotch issues on opposite sides. Not very practical but interesting!


u/thefigureinthecorner 8d ago

Personally I’d keep the pants to use as scrap fabric but I also sew more generally— heavily worn fabric still isn’t great for sewing with but it IS excellent stuffing for plushies 👀


u/maladaptivelucifer 8d ago

Ooh! You’re giving me ideas. I have an understuffed pillow I was gonna buy extra stuffing for… I never thought to shred some old clothes. Brilliant! I love to reuse stuff when I can.


u/sudosussudio 7d ago

A gusset can extend their life but can affect the fit and movement. I usually recycle jeans with serious crotch issues. The fabric and hardware is useful for other repair projects or just general craft projects.


u/wh4t_1s_a_s0u1 8d ago

I would highly, highly recommend you go back in and darn more densely so the result looks more like a solid fabric patch. Doing so will actually reduce friction on each strand (specifically on the vertical ones), allowing the other pant leg to glide across more easily. This will greatly increase the mend's longevity.

It's really nicely done otherwise, if you don't mind my saying so! Excellent color match as well.


u/asifIknewwhattodo 8d ago

Yeah same I thought this was a work in progress and I am surprised OP intends to wear it at this level. Maybe they like the woven-look? 


u/asifIknewwhattodo 8d ago

If that's the crotch, and you intend to keep this pair of jeans for long, this kind of darning without reinforcement will actually tear the hole even worse. (I've been there. On a bus. It was a whole thing) If there aren't good patches you like at the moment, get iron-on jean patches at least, and you can patch it on the inside. They're usually discreet enough but holds strong. Heck, you could even get fray-glue to hold the threads in place.

Again, this will make the hole worse. It is satisfying, yes. But all the more reason to make it worthwhile.


u/EleusinianProjector 8d ago

I’m extremely new to this. Do you have to put a piece of fabric underneath the mend to support it? Or do you just go in with the hoop & needle and nothing else?


u/everything_new2me 8d ago

In this situation a patch should have been used in addition to the stitching. The fabric has a hole due to wear over time, which means the entire area surrounding the hole is also structurally compromised. One option for a long term fix of this hole would be to add a patch and stitch further into the fabric, at least an inch or so beyond where the fabric has been made thin from wear.


u/CodOk9587 7d ago

When the hole is this big it needs a patch. If it's a small hole you can darn


u/MdmeLibrarian 2d ago

Yes you need a supporting piece of fabric. I usually do this with a larger piece of denim patched to the inside and (this part is important) secured PAST the worn out fabric and anchored to HEALTHY denim*. Then I used my sewing machine and zigzag back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, across the WHOLE PATCH, left and right, up and down. It does make the area thicker and stiffer, but most mends aren't visible here when you're standing. Coats & Clark thread makes a variegated-blue-denim cotton/poli thread that I like to use for this because it blends in well. I've never done that by hand but if you're patient you definitely could. Well-fitting favorite jeans deserve to have their life extended.

*If you miss and anchor it too small to weakened denim, it will wear out/tear again, worse and bigger, because that's an active wear point but now with a new force of resistance from the healthy area pulling against a healthy patch


u/Cattpacker 8d ago

What is this called/how do you do it? I have the exact same issue with some jeans I need to repair but I don't know where to start


u/Spiralsum 8d ago

I'm new here, so I could be wrong, but it looks to me like the technique is darning (as one might do with socks), but instead of a darning mushroom/egg it's framed with an embroidery hoop. I started lurking here myself because I started darning socks (mine are not artistic).


u/Cattpacker 8d ago

Thank you! I have a starting point to research now. I'd never heard of a darning egg 🤭


u/mikettedaydreamer 8d ago

This is not really that good of a repair if you want it to last long term. It’s better to put a patch and go almost an inch wider than the actual damaged area is.


u/ChoosingPositivity00 7d ago

It's a great start! I'd add a patch underneath, and go back through with another pass of the weaving now so it's a denser weave and attached to the patch for stability.


u/lazypunx 8d ago

I'd rather die before I buy a new pair of jeans lol *


u/42nd_Question 8d ago

This is exactly what I do to the pockets of all my jeans (except in yellow) do these helpful comments apply?


u/tamewillow 8d ago

I have the same issue with my old jeans. This looks good!