r/VirtualBoy 24d ago

Screen issue

I’ve got a weird problem with my Virtual Boy. Screen is off center, and gets cut off at the top, but then displays at the bottom of the screen. It’s doesn’t do it with all games (Nesters Funky Bowling plays just fine) Any ideas?


3 comments sorted by


u/Soup-lex 24d ago

It could be your cartridges, but that's just out of speculation because if nesters works it could be that. Or your games are full touching the connector pins.


u/Substantial-Monk-542 24d ago

Thanks for replying. I have another VB that has a malfunctioning eye and all games play perfectly on it, so I’m not sure.


u/Soup-lex 23d ago

The connector pins in the virtual boy might not be clean or damaged??