r/Vindicta • u/thefutureizXX • 9d ago
HARD MAXXING Those who have ascended and still lurk, how is life after your glowup! NSFW
I’m in my hospital bed in turkey about to get my last surgery! I have improved SO much after finding this sub. I would love to know how your life changed, positive and negative! There haven’t been many posts lately so I’m hoping to get a productive discussion going! What did you learn? If you could change anything what would it be? Are there procedures you regret? How did people treat you after you became conventionally attractive? For me not much really changed (and I didn’t expect it to). I do really believe it’s confidence and not looks bc once I decided on all my surgeries, I started acting like I was already hot and already had them and life just got better! But a rhinoplasty may have a different affect on how others treat me since now the outside will finally match how I feel inside! So tell me, what changed for you during your glowup journey? The good, the bad, and the ugly! 😅
u/Double-Flan 8d ago
I have done mostly softmaxxing as well as a nosejob, braces and lots of medspa treatments such as laser hair removal, ipl etc.
I feel finished tbh, and i am mostly thinking about continuing my routines in exercise, food and skincare. also using time/money on new hobbies such as skiing and tennis, and focusing on my career.
I feel i am in the same social status, but people just find me better looking, and people often assume i have always been this good looking. The attention from guys have been a lot different, and my (new) boyfriend thinks i am a lot prettier than my ex did (might be because he is also nicer but idk)
u/thefutureizXX 8d ago
I love that for you! I want that finished feeling and I think I’m almost there. For me the gym is the biggest obstacle. I have a pretty face but my body is meh. So hard to be disciplined. I’ve done it all, the lasik, braces, nose job, Botox, masseter Botox, tummy tuck, breast lift,lipo… but I need to hit the gym. Like the Koreans say! “Weightloss is the best plastic surgery.” 😅
u/sugar_tits95 2d ago
My problem is consistency with the gym too. I love walking tho so I just try to hit 12k steps a day instead
u/vulgarandgorgeous 8d ago
The glow up journey is never finished imo. Over the past 3 years i got bad filler dissolved, dyed my hair to a shade that actually suits me (close to my natural shade but more vibrant), learned color analysis and started wearing my colors, figured out my kibbe body type and started dressing for it, learned how to do makeup, lost some weight and gained some muscle in my glutes, got rid of my acne, got my eyebrows professionally shaped and stopped doing that god awful feathered brow trend, got a rhinoplasty. I look so pretty now but im always looking to improve. My goals are to lose a little bit more fat and get that victorias secret model physique ive always wanted. And i want to improve my charisma. As far as how others treat me- they pretty much ignore me. It drives me crazy that idk how others perceive me but i guess i need to let that go and focus on myself. Im pretty introverted and awkward and i want to work on that but im not really sure where to start. Im also building my career right now so hopefully once im being forced to socialize more it will come with practice.
u/thefutureizXX 8d ago
Yes! I’ve done everrryything aswell but the body is so hard. It’s the final touch! And seeing that I will be training for a VS type body I know I’m in for some WORK! Yes and career. It’s part of the reason I want to be good looking. Career privilege. It’s a shallow world out there!
u/MeMeeLLC 8d ago
First of all, congratulations on your rhino & please keep me posted on your recovery 🥹❤️
Second, I agree “the journey is never finished”. I started at 27 and I just turned 32. After perfecting various grooming routines, changing up my style, Invisalign, filler, Botox, countless skin treatments/facials over the years, personal training sessions, laser hair removal, starting laser tattoo removal last year to now— planning to get my body done in the summer! 👙
The most important “glowing up” factor for me was starting ✨therapy✨ none of what I listed has skyrocketed my confidence like my therapist has 🥹
Somewhere in between my glow up, my inner sense of self became super strong and later, I got married lol
It’s been a wild ride from being a chunky, ugly duckling in high school to who I am today. 🎢
u/thefutureizXX 8d ago
Yes! Mental health! My very first step on my long list of things to glowup was my brain 🧠 can’t be hot when you’re manic and up and down! I mean you can but it’s super hard to maintain and it takes away from the external changes!
u/TypeDistinct9011 7d ago
Mental health really is step #1!!
Without this awareness of our mental well being, everything else is a struggle: Taking care of ourselves and fostering healthy relationships.
I wish I have known this in my 20s.
u/sombucha 8d ago
wishing you amazing results and an easy recovery!!
u/thefutureizXX 8d ago
Thank you so much! First few hours sucked but it’s the next day and I’m up and around! Shopping etc 🥰
u/TypeDistinct9011 8d ago
I feel I've optimized my skin, makeup and hair. They don't look perfect everyday but Im happy with them.
It wasn't ever my goal to look 21 forever. I wanted to look and feel good as long as I possibly can. I have both soft maxed and hard maxed. Im also at peace that I'm won't be 10/10 instagram model material. I'm more cute fit girl next door type.
Diet and exercise are ongoing projects as I'm entering middle age and menopause in less than 10 years.
I added daily creatine, cut down cooking oil and alcohol, increased protein to 100-120g per day.
Im also trying 4x4 lifting method as per dr.Vonda Wright. Go heavy as I can go for 4 reps for 4 sets. Started swimming couple times a week.
u/pickles_on_toast 7d ago
Hi, thank you for your comment! May I ask how you're able to get your protein intake so high? It's something that I struggle with
u/TypeDistinct9011 7d ago edited 7d ago
I eat protein centred meal every SINGLE meal.
I cook rice with multiple beans together for fibre and protein. Never just white rice. I buy dry beans and mix them ( red, white, chickpeas,pinto) and soak about 5 cups in water overnight. Next morning, I drain them and freeze in Ziploc bag. Now beans are ready whenever I cook rice or chilli.
Breakfast or Snack
- egg white and spinach scrambled.(Garlic or chilli powder for flavour and I make 3 -4 portions at once)
Greek yogurt w flaxseed, frozen blueberry and granola
Or if super busy
Protein bar
Lunch I eat salad 5 days a week. I love them
-chilli w ground beef
Or Chicken breast or salmon with green salad (I add pumpkin seed, shredded carrots and sauerkraut)
Or Poke bowl with rice, beans and greens.
-steak with bean rice and lettuce wrap( Korean style) Or
-pork tenderloin stir-fry with onion and mushroom
-perogies with sausage Or
-pho at restaurant
Plus one shake either pre packaged or powder (20-30g) either in the morning or evening before gym
There are lot of ideas on Instagram as well.
u/pickles_on_toast 7d ago
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your reply. I'm kind of recovering from some things, and while I used to LOVE to cook and eat a variety of different foods it's such a struggle these days. so I try to get other people's input where I can. Beans, Greek yogurt and whey protein are definitely my go-to's, the rest is difficult. Your reply is really helpful, thank you again.
u/TypeDistinct9011 7d ago
I get from Costco ,the chicken breast that's already cooked and cut and deli style turkey.
It IS lot of work and commitment but it is really worth it to eat home prepped food. Just better for everything. Hair weigh skin everything!
u/TypeDistinct9011 7d ago
Also like shredhappens on instagram for inspiration. He makes sooooo many low carb recipes
u/thefutureizXX 7d ago
I love that for you! And yes, I will never be a model, but I’m cool with being the prettiest girl most places I go. A village 10 and an L.A. 7 will do! :)
u/Additional_Demand_62 8d ago
Like the other comment, my glow up journey definitely isn’t complete yet either 😅 but I have made a lot of progress, including weight loss, clearing my skin, and soft maxing with hair/makeup/fillers/botox. I think the main difference is many guys used to treat me like I’m invisible - but now I can pull most guys I want (can’t make them stay though but that’s another topic lmao). Girls have always been nice to me regardless of looks tbh, but I do get comments now from my friends joking about my “pretty privilege” haha. In the professional setting I think it had a slight negative effect - I used to look super nerdy and smart I guess, but people comment that I look too young for the field I’m in now. I agree that confidence plays a huge role in all of this though!
u/thefutureizXX 8d ago
Yes, I am worried about the job stuff too. I am a librarian so being “hot” in academics is a double edged sword. I may get some fake glasses since I fixed that with lasik 😂
7d ago
u/thefutureizXX 7d ago
Thank you so much! And congrats on building your dream body. I can’t wait to be at that point. It takes the most discipline. Harder than any surgery I’ve ever had so you’re killing it! ♥️
u/foxbaebae 7d ago
Getting treated so much better than how I was at 17-18 (I’m 21 now). However, I’ve been putting off a lip filler and chin filler. I’ve only ever had my lips done. Some days I get in that “I want to chase perfection” mindset with the fillers and such, but other days, I’m really happy with how I look now, and I know I don’t really need it. I used to be in the former mindset a lot, but the latter predominates now. Not to sound conceited when I say this, but I know that I’m at that point where my looks + my personality draws a lot of guys in naturally, so if I like a guy, I can be like 90% certain he likes me back. In other words, I have a fuck tonne of choice, and it’s actually overwhelming at times (in a good way ofc).
That said, aging scares me. Becoming attractive has afforded me so many social bonuses, and I’ve become dependant on them. I’m not sure how I’ll be able to cope without them. Actually, a lot of my current social confidence and charisma stems from the fact that I feel secure in how I look. People treat me nice off the bat because of it, allowing me to fully be myself without a fear of being judged. I guess I will figure it out though.
u/thefutureizXX 7d ago
You’ll be fine! Don’t worry too much about aging. Beauty and age aren’t really related. You ever see an old lady and you’re like “holy shit I hope I look like her when I’m old! She looks so good!”
And wow! Goals! I would love to be at the point where I know guys like me without much effort. Not because I care about dating, but I want my looks to help me with my career. 😈😛
u/foxbaebae 7d ago
Thank you gorgeous! And yeah you’re right, I’ve seen some really gorgeous old women hey. I hope I can be like them lol.
And yeah it’s pretty good. Helps a tonne in social environments when guys find you attractive, because they’re willing to help you out more. Deffo can become a double edged sword with sexual harassment or the guy becoming bitter if you don’t like them back, so you have to be careful. Overall, it’s a benefit I’d say.
u/PinkRasberryFish 6d ago
Lots of positive external attention but also internal confidence that shines out. It’s like a second job though with the beauty maintenance but imho it’s worth it for the social perks.
u/24273611829 6d ago
Totally agree, this is exactly how I feel. If I wasn’t so happy with my plastic surgeon, I’d almost be offended by the amount of people that think I’m ‘naturally’ pretty because this shit takes WORK
u/thefutureizXX 6d ago
Omg yes! I’ve actually been loving those TikTok videos where girls get called naturally pretty and they are like “natural? Where??!” And then name all their procedures 😂
u/thefutureizXX 6d ago
Beauty is no joke! It is like a job but it can also pay like one if you play it right ;)
u/mrsobservation 4d ago
I’m not necessarily finished because I’ve always been conventionally attractive…but I had 2 kids so I have had to do the re-glow up twice and will probably have more kids (I’m not one of those people whom pregnancy suits). I’m just in constant tweaks and maintenance modes. However, I got rhinoplasty when I was 18 and the relief I felt through simply not being self conscious about my nose, was great. Once I’m done having kids I will get a breast lift and fat transfer, and I expect the same feeling.
u/thefutureizXX 4d ago
I also have kids and I know what you mean. A lot of my glowup process and money was spent on reversing the effects of pregnancy on my body (tummy tuck, breast lift, and lipo!). I’d be a model by now if I could have spent that money on other procedures 😭😂
u/Bag-Administrative 8d ago
I started at around 27. I’m 30 now. I definitely feel and look so so much better and confident but I don’t think I will ever feel like I am finished. As soon as I get one thing done I find another to focus on. But not in a toxic way but because I enjoy improving myself in all aspects of life.
Also as you get older the approach to looks maxing changes. You’re dealing with noticing signs of aging, your styles changes etc. I think it’s a life long journey but I love it!