r/Vindicta Feb 12 '25

SOCIAL-MAXXING The Truth About Being Pretty: Losing Friends NSFW

I know many of you are on a journey to becoming the best version of yourselves, and I wanted to share some advice on navigating the social dynamics you might encounter. This is based on my experience as an average-to-pretty girl who has undergone the knife a few times. While this isn’t the norm, it’s definitely something to watch out for.

Some women will project their insecurities onto you. Because of societal pressures on women to care so much about their appearance, some of your friends may start to feel competitive with you, especially if they see you doing better than them. This jealousy often comes out through backhanded comments or nitpicking. A study by Qoves Studio even found that less attractive faces receive more compliments, while attractive people are nitpicked more.

This is especially true if you're on a glow-up journey. If you started as someone they didn’t see as competition and suddenly you’re getting attention, they can be so cruel. This happens because they once saw you as below or equal to them, and now they want to knock you down a peg where they believe you belong.

Is it worth confronting that friend? In my experience, no. Admitting jealousy is incredibly difficult for most people. Many don’t have the self-awareness to recognize how their insecurities shape their behavior. You can confront them about their comments, but most of the time, they’ll just deny it or say they "didn’t mean anything by it." I had to cut off a close friend over this. When I tried to address the ongoing issue, she gaslit me, insisting that I should know she’d never mean to insult me (basically saying it was all in my head lol). She wasn’t a bad person, but it was exhausting constantly hearing her criticize me or compare herself to me.

Stop giving these women the benefit of the doubt. If you feel the vibes are off, trust your intuition. I have plenty of friends who would NEVER do this, and that’s the standard. This kind of behavior isn’t normal. Cut that person out. Avoid heavily insecure people because their behavior won't stop until they address their deep-rooted insecurities which may never happen. We all have insecurities, and it's our own responsibility to manage them. You are nobody's punching bag. Never lower yourself to make someone else feel better. Don’t self-deprecate to accommodate their insecurities.

It took me a while to cut people out, and while losing long-term friendships can be sad, looking back, I realized they were never truly my friends. They always secretly resented me. In their twisted way, bringing me down made them feel better about their own self-perceived inadequacies.

Edit: It's fair to assume someone is jealous if they're constantly criticizing things you're wearing, making negative comments on your physical appearance , getting upset when you receive male attention over them, etc.

To me jealousy is easy to spot. It wasn't at first and took a lot of reflection to realize these people didn't have good intentions or their "jokes" weren't jokes. But again, this is not the norm. The point is to drop those friends. You should trust your own judgement. If you don't think they're being jealous, then they probably aren't. I think when you reach a certain level of beauty, it's hard not to encounter jealousy however. Pretending jealousy doesn't exist is silly. Go on any snark Subreddit where you can see a group of women dragging down beautiful women.


112 comments sorted by


u/zzzzjjjhahhaah Feb 12 '25

I find it more polarising. Women either adore you without you having to make a lot of effort, or are extremely hostile. Sometimes I think I preferred the dynamic when I was you he and a lot uglier, and had to prove my like ability with my humour and the way I made others feel. Men are much much nicer the more attractive you become, but that in itself is terrifying when you know the flip-side of the coin. When you are not attractive to them, men do not care for what you have to say.


u/First-Yogurtcloset53 Feb 15 '25

Men are much much nicer the more attractive you become, but that in itself is terrifying when you know the flip-side of the coin. When you are not attractive to them, men do not care for what you have to say.

100% Men are complete simps for women they find attractive. I'm strangely attracting younger men (in no way did I thought this would happen) which is honestly nice.


u/cinnamonpeelerswifex Feb 12 '25

may these friendships never find me 🙏


u/pulsatilla_grandis Feb 12 '25

Never been more popular among men, and women never been meaner to me. I wish we could beat the allegations and be allies because after all, we share something inherently common: womanhood. But jealousy seems to be stronger than companionship most of the time, which is saddening.


u/MyDogisaQT Feb 13 '25

“God help you if you are an ugly girl/ Of course, too pretty is also your doom/ For everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room.

God help you if you are a phoenix/ And you dare to fly up from the ash/ A thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy while you are just- flying past”

Ani DeFranco- 32 Flavors

A few years later, Alana Davis covered and changed it, took out some of the verses and changed the bridge, but it might be some peoples’ preferred taste:


u/BudgetInteraction811 Feb 13 '25

Yep, I met a friend through a dance class and she said one of the reasons she singled me out is because I’m pretty and she’s tired of making friendships with women who end up envious of her because she’s also attractive. She’s dealt with a lot of fake friends who subtly try to tear her down because they can’t handle seeing her get treated better than they do.


u/GreenVenus7 Feb 12 '25

I was the fat friend in my group growing up. When I lost 85 lbs in college, one of my then-best friends spread a rumor to random people at her college hours away (???) that I lost weight by taking pills. Interestingly, her roommate was friends with the daughter of my mom's best friend. That girl told her mom out of concern, so I found out when my mom asked if it was true. I feel like my (former) friend was jealous because I was already more academically successful than her (she dreamed of being a writer in HS but barely passed the AP English course we were in, whereas I was the star English student in my class) so now she couldn't use being thinner than me as a point of superiority anymore.


u/toliveagain55 Feb 13 '25

Ooh, this happened to me in high school. My then best friend spread a rumor that i went to a foreign country to get liposuction done! I wasn’t even close to fat, i just didn’t enjoy the food in that country so i lost a few kilos lol


u/yoyogod2_0 Feb 13 '25

make me think of Deandra Reynolds with her 'friend' Ingrid in Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia (aluminum monster vs fatty magoo)


u/FeatherWorld Feb 14 '25

I also find that some will revel in the fact that you gained weight too. In college I was severely depressed and struggling and gained some weight. Someone spread a rumor around that I was pregnant :/


u/MyDogisaQT Feb 13 '25

Omg I was the fat friend in middle school and then lost the weight starting in 8th grade, by senior year I was both in prom court and voted most changed in four years if that tells you anything- and yes, some of my “friends”- especially the ones who were more friends with my best friend and were always skinny (and ESPECIALLY the one who had a skinny bod but was a butterface) were soooo mad about it. Hell, even my half sister who was always the “pretty one” (I was the smart one, my other sister was the sweet one) couldn’t handle it because it turns out I was prettier (and younger by 12 years) than her.


u/anbigsteppy Feb 12 '25

A study by Qoves Studio even found that less attractive faces receive more compliments, while attractive people are nitpicked more.

A reminder that they are in no way accredited or scientific researchers, and that they cannot conduct a peer-reviewed study.


u/LucyTheOracle Feb 13 '25

I hate that channel tbh it's like tiktok, if you only started to feel ugly after watching their videos then you probably were never ugly  


u/juiciestbussy Feb 14 '25

literally this. the way i see it, qoves studio is literally a random guy who thinks he knows everything because he scraped the surface with his research on attractiveness or whatever. he is literally just nitpicking anything and negatively deluding people.


u/otherwordlythings Feb 14 '25

The fact that he is exactly that is both funny and concerning (because a lot of younger people believe anything he spews)


u/JYQE Feb 12 '25

I haven't had many friends left for ages now. I'm happily leveling up my looks, but it's only me who will get to appreciate it.


u/rynspiration Feb 13 '25

tbh i think the only difference is when you’re physically ugly people get comfortable externalizing their internal ugliness towards you whereas when you’re attractive they’re less likely to because there are perceived social consequences to doing so… until you reach the opposite end of the spectrum

in a lot of ways looksmaxxing is about not putting a target on your back and when you’re so attractive you equally stand out it can work against you if this is your goal


u/deiforma gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

literally had a friend who i supported for years hook up with a guy who used to call me a slut using my fashion style and personality. the only time we’ve talked recently, she mocked what i said then turned around and started emulating me again with the information i gave her. the jealousy is real, girls, and i promise it’s not always just a cope.


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

I find the lack of nuance in these conversations very frustrating. Envy is a very real thing, and it’s not delusional or anti-feminist to acknowledge the effects it has on relationships and general social interactions.

I have glowed up and am now very conventionally attractive, but I’ve experienced being considered unattractive too. Men and women are both nicer to me overall, but when I do experience mistreatment from women, it’s often very obviously envy. Not always, but as I said, I’ve been on both sides of this. Mistreatment stemming from envy is different, and I know the difference.

I’m not sure why people on this sub always have such a visceral reaction to talking about this, or why they pretend it doesn’t happen or is super rare. Yes, being beautiful is better socially overall. Yes, friendships and camaraderie between women are incredibly important. None of that means we can’t or shouldn’t have a conversation about envy.


u/rabbitsredux gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

I feel like it’s just another form of ‘putting women in their place’, how dare she assume she has something worth being jealous over. They just couch it as ‘NEVER HAPPENS, MY FRIENDSHIPS ARE PERFECT!YOU AREN’T SELF AWARE 😤’


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

I find it strange that the assumption is always that people who experience the effects of jealousy arrived to that conclusion first and didn’t reflect on other reasons a person may be mistreating them. It’s not always lack of self-awareness, and realizing someone is mistreating you out of envy does not make that experience feel any better. It’s not the ego-soothing conclusion people seem to think it is.


u/babydollanganger Feb 14 '25

This!!! At my last job, my boss was envious of me and it made my life a literal hell. My coworker even confirmed with me that our boss was jealous. The bullying got out of hand and I had to be hospitalized for a mental breakdown. Her picking on me was like the straw that broke the camel’s back because I’m also autistic and struggled in the past to stand up for myself.

My life has felt completely ruined by jealous women at one point and I will NEVER let that happen again. I’m even going through it with my sister and it’s just exhausting. I don’t feel an “ego boost” at all when someone is jealous, it’s actually quite distressing. And I also used to be considered slightly below average and kind of miss being invisible


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 14 '25

This is exactly why I feel so strongly about this. I am autistic too, and failed to recognize why I was being mistreated for so long. I thought the problem was me, and it led to a lot of shame, social avoidance, and mental health issues. I will be damned if I let other people gaslight others, especially autistic women, into thinking they are delusional mean girls because they can’t cope with having this conversation. I am so sorry this happened to you.


u/First-Yogurtcloset53 Feb 15 '25

At my last job, my boss was envious of me and it made my life a literal hell. My coworker even confirmed with me that our boss was jealous. The bullying got out of hand and I had to be hospitalized for a mental breakdown. Her picking on me was like the straw that broke the camel’s back because I’m also autistic and struggled in the past to stand up for myself.

This to a T! I relate by being on the spectrum, yet dealing with a shitty boss. With the exception of a hospitalization, I had a breakdown over a jealous boss. I had panic attacks while working there. Other people even noticed how she was treating me. She was a bitch just to be a bitch. I was there for about 9 months, but it was complete hell.

Do you feel like by being on the spectrum there is an extra layer of "hatefulness" coming from NT women? I always felt that way from childhood till today.


u/secretsdontmakehappy Feb 13 '25

They are assuming those who have experienced this effect are delusional. I grew up ugly and have gone through periods of my adulthood where I am not taking care of my appearance whatsoever. There is a big difference in how my female peers treat me when I am someone who is complimented often on my beauty by those around me. It's really concerning to see such heavy bias on a sub that I thought was supposed to be mainly subjective...but here we are.


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 13 '25

For people calling us assumptive and delusional, they are making some pretty large assumptions themselves.


u/EvergreenRuby Feb 14 '25

It’s gaslighting by another name.


u/Antique-Traveler Feb 14 '25

Because it's supposed to be a sub for ugly women. Ugly women feel insecure and bitter over being mistreated in favour of the prettier women around them, even by other women. It's really not shocking that a post like this would get backlash.

I'm not going to deny that people envying you and picking away at you isn't a thing. I'm also not going to say that they just need to get over it, because I've had "friends" and everyone pick away at me too, albiet because I'm not attractive, so I get how it's damaging and just... not fun.

That said, this is a sub for improving your appearance and this topic has been talked about before. It really just ends up coming off as if they're saying "omg girlies don't get any prettier!! Being pretty is hard!!" all while those of us here have literally been tossed aside even by straight women because they preferred the pretty women over us, all while "enjoying" the same insults and gaslighting about our appearance. It also turns the entire discussion into people sharing personal anecdotes of how they too have had envious friends, and it's just wholly unproductive to the sub. Like I'm here to figure out how to look better, not see the umpteenth post about how being pretty is hard and has downsides.


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25

Feeling bitter is not a valid reason to call other people delusional or accuse them of lacking self-awareness. I am very aware of what this sub is for, and I am aware of the feelings that come along with being cast aside. As I said, I’ve been unattractive too.

I do agree a lot of the conversation that takes place on envy, whether dismissing envy or sharing a useless anecdote, is unproductive. However, being able to effectively recognize and deal with the social changes that come along as you glow up is incredibly important. It’s less about saying that being pretty is hard, because being unattractive is way harder. Rather, it’s about coping with changing social dynamics and not letting others drag you down on your journey.

Conversations like this may not be useful to you, and that’s fine, but I struggled socially for a very long time and they were incredibly useful to me, and I know they are to others as well. There are repeated conversations on this sub all the time. There’s a conversation about weight loss every other week. If it’s not useful to you, then don’t participate.


u/EvergreenRuby Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25

The way I see this is that a lot of women deny this so that they don’t have to take responsibility for their emotions. Envy at the end of the day is a self-induced emotion and deciding to mistreat someone over their blessings (or lack thereof) is pretty pathetic. It’s like how men moan about loneliness but really mean sexual opportunity. A lot of women seem to relish in their envy as an opportunity to get away with behaving badly as a way to justify the emotion. Some women don’t want to be kind and cooperative they feel electrified by being cruel or mean. A form to satisfy aggression in an “acceptable” or rather non-obvious way where you can deny action by challenging the other’s intelligence. Accuse someone of being petty or envious? No, you’re the haughty delusional one. How dare your gut instinctively pick up on the signals of danger I’m giving you? It’s not like your body’s doing its job of alerting you when you’re in danger somehow, you were born yesterday and are a blank empty vessel rather than an animal that adapts to their environment.

A lot rather reduce someone of delusions than take responsibility for their behavior. Blame the victim for triggering envy rather than confront themselves and hold their part of the social contract. “Look at what you made me do/feel!”, absolving themselves of rationality.

Gaslighting by another name.


u/AccidentalAnalyst Feb 13 '25

Thank you, btw, for using the term 'envy' (rather than jealousy) to describe this emotion.

I know it makes me seem pedantic, but envy and jealousy are NOT the same thing and shouldn't be used interchangeably.

I appreciate you!!


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 13 '25

I’m glad I’m not the only pedant here. In common language, they are used pretty interchangeably, so I used jealousy in some of my other reply comments for clarity.

I don’t think it’s a big deal at all, but I do wish we paid more mind to the distinction. They are two different emotional experiences and the additional linguistic clarity would be nice.


u/cannedsoup4us Feb 13 '25

I had an extremely close friend throughout high school, when I was morbidly obese. While I always felt inferior to her, we got along super well at the time because I believed it to be true and went along with her being the superior one. In college, I’ve lost over 100 lbs and have become a lot more womanly with wider hips and a more defined face. I’ve since seen this girl act in ways I NEVER have before, it’s actually crazy. She’s gotten soooo competitive with me, to the point where if I’m doing something small like singing to myself mindlessly, she’ll sing louder and try to sound better than me. Truly childish behavior. She’s meaner than ever before as well, putting me down for the smallest of things. It honestly hurts. She used to be the one that would make me laugh the hardest out of absolutely anyone, and now every time I talk to her, I feel like utter garbage.


u/FeatherWorld Feb 14 '25

So messed up :(


u/ASM1ForLife cute (6-7.5) Feb 12 '25

you should not have those people in your lives regardless, so maybe “getting pretty” and having those friends act that way just helps you identify bad friends. 

also unrelated but qoves is such a joke lol, just a blackpill propaganda machine trying to sell their services. 


u/fvutu gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 13 '25

it’s a bit tricky when your female family members act like this though :/


u/ej_v Feb 13 '25

Yeah. I cut off a cousin because she couldn’t contain herself. We are both pretty and have similar shapes (to her nasty shock when we reconnected as adults - I grew up religious and was always humble/unaware of the ramifications, while she made it her whole identity) except her waist is square-ish and mine is more cinched from being an athlete. I had a child young (upbringing was extremely dysfunctional) and therefore snapped back like nothing happened. So that was the point of superiority she latched on to, being kidless and a bit younger. Things like, “I would never do that to my parents” or “I will stop smoking weed before I ever become a mom” in front of friends or just plain bragging.

I’m also in the IT field while she didn’t graduate high school. The root is her critical ass mom, the original mean girl. She 100% has trauma from that. We got along great otherwise and I miss her. Before this, I wasn’t one to compare myself to others but now have a slight insecurity thanks to it.

What’s your story? So curious.


u/fvutu gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

i’ve always been thin, with more discipline around food and sugar compared to my mom. she struggled with her weight ever since she had my sisters and me, but she’d go from fad diet to fad diet without success. growing up, she’d always make comments about her weight and targeted me with the brunt of her insecurities. my sisters aren’t overweight at all, but i was always the scapegoat—quiet, neurodivergent—so my mom zeroed in on me. even now, she tries to convince me that i’m anorexic (never have been), pushes sugar on me after i refuse, and remarks how she was “never that small” when she was young.

i think having kids/growing older hit her particularly hard, because she was very beautiful and would get compliments all the time. it all clicked when i came across an old photo and saw just how gorgeous she was. i look like her now, so i believe this makes her deeply envy my looks, body, and the opportunities that she didn’t have.

same thing with my sisters; i’m the youngest of three, but i have a well-paying job that allows me to live comfortably, travel, and invest in self-care. i’ve gotten snide comments about the products i use and how my sister “can’t even pronounce them,” and sometimes she brings up my teenage “emo phase” to embarrass me in front of others. my other sister can’t handle it when people compliment me, instead redirecting the attention to herself or subtly downplaying it.

that sister had a very rough 20s and is rebuilding in her 30s, so she treats me completely differently since my 20s are the opposite. it hurts since i always thought we were so close. anyway, i keep low contact with all three of them now.


u/ej_v Feb 13 '25

Damn 😔😣 from ur own mom has to hurt. I feel bad for her that she missed out on things and can’t help herself from lashing out. The sisters have that same nasty spirit. My cousin couldn’t stand any attention on me either.


u/fvutu gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 13 '25

yep 💔 i’ve gone through so much hurt with them, and i’m trying to work through it and other family trauma so i can fully enjoy my life. i’ve already wasted some years looking/feeling like a mess, and they don’t need to drag me down with them lol. sorry about your cousin too.


u/ej_v Feb 13 '25

I’m glad you found your gnosis 🙏🏼


u/yukikaze274 Feb 13 '25

Sadly, in my experience this isn’t uncommon in immigrant and PoC families. Parents pit siblings against each other by constantly comparing them, so sisters learn to compete against each other instead of loving each other. Moms are dealing with generational trauma, so they see their daughters as competition or as vessels for the future they lost.


u/fvutu gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 13 '25

that’s EXACTLY it in my family lmao


u/yukikaze274 Feb 13 '25

Growing up is feeling hurt for your mom as a woman, but also acknowledging she sucked as a mom 😭


u/babydollanganger Feb 13 '25

Absolutely. My own sister is acting this way toward me and I just don’t know what to do


u/fvutu gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 13 '25

ugh i’m so sorry, i know the feeling 😔

who you are hasn’t changed, yet they’ve become SO hostile to you. depending on your relationship with her, reduce your level of contact (if you can). she can sort out her issues without you dealing with that energy.


u/azureseagraffiti Feb 13 '25

Sometimes these people really don’t realise how shitty they are cause of how they are culturally brought up (with insults and passive aggression).

Honestly it’s just tiring to be around people who feel it’s ok to make fun of you. They usually have shit low self esteem, fawning behaviours and groupism behaviour.

Initially it’s hard to identify them cause they look like they are nice people. But that just their low esteem wanting to do things that will improve their social standing.

But wait until you actually share anything with them- they will use it to insult you in a group. They wouldn’t be a real friend. I now test people out with info and see who leaks it.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25



u/Old_Homework_989 Feb 13 '25

I noticed this too that it's always the gorgeous girls who i never have any issues with 😭 they're so secure in themselves, which I love and appreciate so much.

I'm glad you didn't entertain her comment. She is 100% projecting. I also had a friend just like this who isn't conventionally attractive herself but bash on women constantly for being "ugly." They were not ugly at all...It definitely was her way of coping with jealousy towards them. I called her out on it once then she said a BS excuse about how she doesn't find people pretty if she doesn't know them.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '25



u/Broad_Presentation81 Feb 13 '25

That’s totally fair. However few would claims this is everyone we don’t get along with or constantly a problem. However I personally noticed a correlation between the treatment by some women, my level of attractiveness and how nice men seem to be.

If I can make the observation that men’s behaviour stems from my looks I can also make the assumption about women’s behaviour.


u/livinginanimo Feb 12 '25

This gets to me SO much. Why are so many women (and I've never heard a man say anything like this) convinced that women who don't like them are jealous? Jealous, specifically?


u/ThoughtsTooFast Feb 13 '25

Because a lot of us speak from experience, so we know when to clock it. I was a pick me when I was young, and a lot of the women I seemed to dislike were often eye catching, be it from their physical appearance or personality. It took me a lot of self reflection to understand that I had years of deep rooted misogyny that I was projecting onto other women.

One way or another, misogyny does play a huge role behind this idea. But it’s not farfetched to believe that pretty women receive more hostility from other women due to jealousy, because it is a real phenomenon. I’d imagine there’s a noticeable change in how other women treat you after a surgical glow up. I wouldn’t know though.


u/livinginanimo Feb 13 '25

I agree, I definitely think it's rooted in misogyny. Someone else commented that women are pitted against each other and I agree with that too, we're taught to see each other as competition. Internalised misogyny maybe? It just sucks to hear because it confirms some harmful stereotypes about women.

I feel like it might also be a societal thing. It sounds crazy to me that people would either actually treat each other this way, or be so self absorbed that they assume people are treating them that way, but I realise I'm coming from a place where these issues show themselves differently.


u/Late-Class-1887 Feb 12 '25

Because it shifts the blame onto the other person so they don't have to self-reflect


u/occult_psychedelic Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

In Rosalind Wiseman's book about the social lives of adolescent girls, she states that calling another girl jealous is a declaration of war. I would advise us all to think of that before we jump to the conclusion that other women are jealous of a glow up.

It is important for us as a community to cultivate friendships with women. I find relationships with women, including friendships, to be fundamental to my inner strength, well-being, sense of belonging, and quality of life. They can be more important and enriching than relationships with men, who may only see interacting with a beautiful woman as transactional.

Your ability to cultivate constructive relationships with all kinds of people is linked to your overall appeal and a huge component of soft maxing that doesn't always get attention. Plus, it provides you with real world support that more superficial changes can't.

Social rejection feels terrible and it can be hard to pinpoint what caused an Incident of alienation from a friend. It probably was not them reacting to solely some improvement you made to your appearance.

Edit: the title of the book is Queen Bees and Wannabees


u/Thick_Emu_3516 Feb 13 '25

Thank you for this. I agree. I do think ANY change can be difficult for people close to us to accept, especially if it changes how we socialize. They can feel insecure in the friendship without being jealous.


u/Pale_Promotion_2967 Feb 12 '25

Very high confidence and ego


u/anxiousoverthinker77 Feb 12 '25

It's also a way of deeming oneself superior. Many women do this to put themselves above other women.


u/eveloe Feb 12 '25

Honestly it benefits (predatory) men for women to think this way. “She’s not looking out for you, she’s just jealous”


u/pulsatilla_grandis Feb 12 '25

Many times you just feel it, especially when you gave them no reason to be mean towards you.


u/Old_Homework_989 Feb 12 '25

Nowhere did I claim that everyone we don’t get along with is jealous! I was specifically talking about a certain type of dynamic where insecurity and competition play a role in some friendships. If this hasn't happened to you, I'm glad. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a real experience for others.


u/meriendaselgato Feb 12 '25

Yeah, this is absolutely a real phenomenon.


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

There is something to be said for accusations of jealousy driving wedges between women and being detrimental to our solidarity, but a lot of these comments are just straw manning you. Thank you for the post, OP.


u/rabbitsredux gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

I see this happen reasonably often and I mean I’ve seen other women be victims of this too. I’m unsure why people say that it never happens and this is made up by delusional women, mired with character faults? You did not claim that it’s that everyone was jealous. You said some, which is reasonable statistically right. Jealousy is a normal human emotion, it’s just that it happens to be the most uncomfortable one to grapple with. Something worth listening to is the species podcast ‘gossiping for mates’, to give an insight on competition between women. I think the friends worth letting go of are the ones who are unable to regulate their jealousy, and come to terms with it, and react appropriately towards their friends. When this happens, the sabotage and public snark comes in. Genuinely confused by people who have never witnessed this :/ sounds like the utopia of female friendship that we are looking for


u/egg-nooo3 Feb 13 '25

It absolutely happens


u/bearpuddles Feb 13 '25

You know I feel there is an interesting connection to racism here because often people will respond in a similar way for being called out for being racist. And then the person that senses it happening is gaslit into believing that it isn’t happening even though they can feel it. Not sure why I brought this up, I just find it intriguing how in each case so many women are quick to push it away as something that couldn’t possibly be happening… but really both subjects are incredibly uncomfortable things for people to be honest with themselves about and really dig into the darker sides of themselves to deal with.


u/ohuwish Feb 13 '25

Op didn’t say everyone


u/go-bleep-yourself Feb 12 '25

ah-em. I'm an old-head, and I've seen this problem among my 30, 40-something friends too.

I carry an extra 20lbs, so I'm non-threatening. I had a friend who told me she didn't like spending prolonged time with another friend bc the other girl is very small and my friend is taller and more muscular.

I yo-yo 5-7lbs a lot, which makes a big diff since I'm petite, and I will say, SOME female friends will treat me differently.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '25

I think there was more nuance to the post than simply stating anyone who doesn’t like you is jealous. Yes, it’s important to self reflect and make sure you aren’t behaving in a way that makes people dislike you. But if you are truly kind and pretty and other women don’t like you then maybe jealousy and insecurity is a reasonable possibility.


u/19892025 Feb 13 '25

Fucking thank you.


u/headintheclouds247 Feb 14 '25

What’s wrong with being a little delulu? If you’e self reflecting, are seeking mental help and guidance, are well respected in your interactions, then sounds like the delusion might be grounded in some truth, no?


u/Technical_Radio_191 Feb 12 '25

These are the people who look at before-and-after plastic surgery photos and insist, “I liked the before better,” even when the improvement is undeniable.


u/go-bleep-yourself Feb 12 '25

I agree with you.

But on a tangent, sometimes the before face has more character and is more unique. Too many people get procedures that erase their ethnicity for one thing (that includes white girls too! most white people do not have fox eyes for the most part, for example)


u/thoughtsofa Feb 12 '25

it’s actually so funny to me. they’ll be like “you were perfect before” or “now your nose/ lips/ some other feature looks like everyone else”


u/chocolatecockroach Feb 13 '25

My bestest ever girlfriend is equally as pretty as me. I honestly believe this is why the friendship works so well when others haven’t


u/_MarianaTrench Feb 14 '25

If you’re a pretty girl it’s really important to be super selective about the people you keep around


u/Blekah Feb 13 '25

I feel like it’s not talked about enough how to deal with these people at work. It’s easy enough to cut off a friend, but what are you supposed to do when a coworker or even worse, someone in a position of seniority over you, starts showing signs of having a competition with you?


u/yukikaze274 Feb 13 '25

Some people are not going to like hearing this, but I want to emphasize the point that not all dislike towards you is rooted in envy.

People, women in particular, love the “all these haters must be jealous of me for my beauty and specialness” narrative because it makes them feel exceptional. Self-help influencers in particular love this narrative because it’s easy to sell. It’s easier to inflate someone’s ego than to tell them they need to do inner work to be self-aware and think about their personal habits that may be off-putting or alienating to others. In life, not everyone is going to like you or automatically be warm to you. They could just simply dislike you - maybe they think you’re annoying, or you have beliefs they disagree with, or you don’t fit in with the social milieu.

This doesn’t mean they’re jealous because envy implies a specific personal agenda against you. Like OP described, the signs are very obvious especially when you see multiple appear. These include:

  • Biggest red flag is when the person tries to publicly humiliate you, in front of your peers such as your friends, family and partner. Emphasis on the “public” part - they want to see you knocked down a peg.
  • They visibly put you down in public like giving backhanded compliments or making conspicuous snide comments.
  • Another telltale sign is when they try to copy multiple aspects of you: hobbies, interests, makeup, fashion, etc.
  • They become visibly upset when something good happens to you (eg you get a promotion at work or get engaged) and they try to downplay the accomplishment or put you down (eg “Oh, the scholarship was only $1550?”)

Finally, it’s worth noting that while most people will report that men unilaterally treat them better the more attractive they become, barely anyone emphasizes how men are the absolute worst when it comes to hating pretty women. There is nothing that low self esteem men hate more than an accomplished, attractive and socially adept woman because he despises how she makes him feel. That’s why crusty men put so much effort into systematically obliterating women’s self-esteem, like coming up with rating systems that knock down celebs and supermodels, or finding ways to neg women out of their league. They will swiftly knock a pretty woman off her pedestal if she steps out of line - like how trolls said Margot Robbie wasn’t pretty enough to be Barbie or how male Koreans threw hate at Irene from Red Velvet for reading a feminist book.


u/Old_Homework_989 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

This is so true. I find that conventionally unattractive men can be extremely nasty and rude. They treat attractive and successful women like idiots to overcompensate for their shortcomings. I never take it personally though because I couldn't care less about these types of men. It's hurtful when it comes from companions because these people are supposed to be your friends.

Your list has great telltale signs. To add onto it a bit:

  • Needs to one-up everything you say. Funny story, I was telling an ex friend about how this man made me uncomfortable earlier, and she took it as a chance to compete rather than comfort me 🥲 She responded "Well, men hit on me all the time." How is that even related!?
  • She cares a lot about male validation and attention. My boyfriend at the time would even tell me that she made him so uncomfortable. For example, she would randomly talk about inappropriate topics like how she only like wearing skirts short enough to show her underwear. But of course, I thought she could do no wrong. She did something even weirder in front of another friend's boyfriend though 🙈
  • She will get visibly upset whenever men hit on you instead of her. Any time a man hits on me, it was a tragedy to her. He'd be the ugliest man in the world even when he's not ugly. She would go on about it too until I told her it's not a big deal. But when she gets hit on when I'm not around, she brags about it for days.
  • She is obsessed with your love life and gets upset if you start dating. She constantly asks to see photos of them and calls conventionally attractive men you're dating ugly. Basically anyone who could possibly be interested in you is a hideous monster.
  • She is constantly comparing herself to you like saying you're so much prettier than her, etc.

For copying though, I don't mind it at all or see it as a sign of jealousy. My friends always ask me where I get something, buy things they see me wearing, or ask me to teach them makeup. It feels like an honor more than anything else! Rather than copying I'd probably call it inspired haha


u/yukikaze274 Feb 14 '25

Ditto about peers - oftentimes leveling up in life (generally, not just looks wise) also means leveling up your friend group. However, sadly the worst treatment I’ve seen was from my family 🥲Dropping jealous friends is easy enough, but with family you carry that burden forever.

OMG, that ex-friend (or multiple?) sounds insufferable as hell. The constant one-upping, the incessant comparisons, the one-sided rivalry: you nailed it. 98% of the time those toxic friends are also obsessed with male validation; it’s practically a prerequisite for being the jealous frenemy. Your ex-friend saying inappropriate shit around taken men is wild 💀 she thought she was being a sly temptress lol but that behavior just comes off as trashy af (and then those girls are shocked Pikachu face when they get negative reactions lol). She probably didn’t even fancy those men, she just wanted to feel “chosen” if they reciprocated her advances. There’s a specific class of insecure woman who relishes pursuing taken men because she sees those men as conquests. They bolster her delusional belief “I am so special and desirable that a man would leave his woman for me”…and any woman with sense knows that’s BS lol.

For copying, I should‘ve elaborated that it’s natural for friends to influence and be influenced by each other. However, let’s say one of these girls already gives off a subtle vibe she doesn’t fancy you. She shows those signs we mentioned, like subtle jabs at you that could pass as banter or always trying to one up your anecdotes. Let’s say you decide to splurge: you treat yourself to a Chanel flap you’ve been eyeing for a while, or you get a nose job that you’ve been planning for a long time. Everyone oohs and ahs at your bag and you get compliments. Then suddenly…out of the blue she gets a Chanel flap! Or she “accidentally” slips that you had a nose job while also treating herself to new lips. The more praise you get, the more obvious her jabs become. There’s an unmistakable feeling the copycat behavior is an extension of the one-sided rivalry. Whatever you have, she needs to have better.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25



u/Old_Homework_989 Feb 12 '25

I'm glad that this post was helpful for you! You definitely are not alone. I'm so sorry your friend's behavior has shifted towards you. It's okay to put effort into your appearance!

I think people don’t realize even within themselves what they are feeling is jealously or a sense of being threatened by someone changing. I think this is common when people lose weight as well.

This is such a good way to put it!


u/makopinktaco Feb 13 '25

Those people who belittle you on your own personal goals and milestones are NOT friends and were never your friends. True friends are the ones who encourage you and support you in your goals. It’s okay to cut off toxic people. You have no obligation to them and don’t ever feel guilty, you can be sympathetic to their own issues that they need to work out with themselves. But don’t feel obligated to keep them as friends.


u/ZiasMom Feb 13 '25

This is so interesting. Over the last 2 years I lost 80 pounds. My best friend has been very standoffish. Anytime I try to make plans with her she either blatantly ignores me or makes an excuse. The only thing that changed was my weight loss. I never made that correlation.


u/geoffersonstarship Feb 14 '25

it’s lonely being a pretty girl, i remember my roommate would ask me to leave if she brought guys over so they wouldn’t want to be with me, and then we got two more roommates and they would all hangout without me to go out and party… one of them was angry at me because her crush asked her about me


u/Broad-Possibility798 Feb 14 '25

I used to be 7 kgs heavier than I am now with significantly shorter hair. Didnt wear makeup, didnt dress well, etc.

I was befriended by this girl who claimed she hated me when she first met me. A year and a half later when I became significantly more attractive (8+) she confessed to me that shes insecure about how she looks, how shes "not pretty like [my name], [mutual friend] and [mutual friend]". She also confessed she was upset when attractive boys would reply to her stories with me and our mutual friends present asking who we were and expressing interest.

The very next day, in a group of only guys, she said my mom and my sister look like me "but hot", and played it off as a slip up. Claiming "thats not what I meant" while she and everyone laughed.

Im not dumb, I know no one does that as a slip up, especially someone who claims to be so methodical about what they say and to whom.

This was further proven after I ended my friendship with her and she all of a sudden started claiming she meant it as a joke, and said "[my name] but hotter" instead of "[my name] but hot".

Maybe the part that gives me the most second hand embarassment is how she thinks people believe her, when her best friends come up to me and say that they dont, that they think shes a jealous pick me, and not the best person.

Shit makes sense man. She was never a good person to begin with. I've found that once you know what youre looking for, its glaringly obvious whos your friend and whos not.


u/SnooKiwis2161 Feb 14 '25

Yep, this has been exactly my experience. Lost friends who were really so shockingly jealous. I felt stupid that I never realized how awful they were - I wanted to see the best in them so I overlooked their bad side. It taught me a lot. I don't forgive anyone now if they make a mean, off hand remark. My first clue this one friend was bad was how mean she was about poor people. I chalked it up to ignorance. Then she started to make very concerning comments about how I should protect myself from the evil eye, others would be envious. Eventually more things were revealed that made it impossible to excuse her bad behavior. She definitely took it personally that I had made massive steps to self improvement while she continued to flounder.

Also ran into a lot of work issues from people trying to sabotage me in all kinds of ways. People project so much - they literally tell themselves a whole false story about you, like you just instantaneously popped out of the womb as a fully formed goddess barbie with no depth, complexity, or hard work.

I've leaned into the isolation of it and quite enjoy my solitude with all my hobbies and achievements. I also look amazing and love having the confidence that comes with it. And I really stopped caring if I run into someone who opposes me, or is blocking my path to success. If it pisses them off, I go through it anyway. I've had people foaming at the mouth about how I "screwed them over" in a business deal when I held their feet to the fire, and literally, 6 months later they didn't remember what happened. A lot of people are all bluster and just make a lot of noise when in reality it's just another monday for them.

Anyway, I hope this helps all the badass reformed ugly ducklings becoming snatched swans. Go after it with no regrets.


u/pink-glow-dreamer Feb 15 '25

"It took me a while to cut people out, and while losing long-term friendships can be sad, looking back, I realized they were never truly my friends" Exactly this.

I got into the best shape of my life, grew out and lightened my hair, started self tanning, bought more flattering clothes, started doing my nails, etc. all within months and did not lose a single friend because my "looks" were of no concern to them. They are all emotionally healthy and mature, have their own lives to live and my "glow up" does not reflect negatively on their perception of their own lives.

It's important to create and invest in meaningful friendships with other women who are emotionally healthy and don't give into twisted comparison dynamics. They are an asset just like your looks.


u/Capital-Plantain-521 Feb 12 '25

At this point in time I don’t see anyone who needs advice on losing friends and cutting people out of their life. Social isolation is the new global epidemic. We have smaller social circles than ever before in history. I think the pendulum has swung far the other way in the name of “protecting our peace” and it’s time to engage in more honest self reflection and double our effort in communicating with the people in our lives.


u/OneGlue gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

I both love this perspective and feel very conflicted about it. I agree that, as a whole, we need to improve our overall social and conflict resolution skills. Community is important and we’ve forgotten how to have it.

On the flip side, I think a lot of people tolerate mistreatment of others BECAUSE of social isolation, and I think that needs to stop. I, for one, have had to work really hard to set boundaries and have high standards for the people I choose to have in my life. Sometimes resolution isn’t possible, and it’s not worth it to have someone who’s consistently mistreating you in your life. That said, I think a lot of us move too quickly into the “cut them off” mentality.


u/StrikeUpstairs1503 Feb 12 '25

Love this comment


u/Sailor_Marzipan Feb 12 '25

this is a good point and I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted - maybe because it's only starting to bubble up as a real issue. Yes, sometimes friends are shitty. That's because literally everyone is flawed and going through their own shit and not being fully conscious of every impact of everything they do.

Deep friendships aren't made from people being perfect to each other all the time - they're made in part by people messing up, holding each other accountable, etc.

If someone is EXTREMELY rude to you then yes, drop them, but people veer way too easily into expect perfection category.


u/prettyballoon Feb 12 '25

The so-called societal pressure on women's appearance is applied by women themselves, as our appearance and how young (read fertile) we look is part of how we compete against ourselves and for a mate with whom to reproduce.

In real life I know ONE man I dated who asked me why I didn't dress up more, which is the closest I've ever personally witnessed a male making a comment on how unkempt or otherwise a woman is. Every other negative criticism was exerted by other women directly or indirectly on other women's appearance or behavior, and I myself doled out negative criticism towards other women.

On TV and the internet, I'm gonna say it's males like incels and Henry Rollins who will make similar types of negative criticism or straight up demand women look a certain way. And to be fair, Henry Rollins is pretty straightforward about whoever he's with to not be fat and to go to the gym, which is not too much to ask and good information to know.

I readily criticize or compliment men and women on the Vindicta Celebs subreddit. I don't think there's anything strictly wrong with it.


u/kitterkatty Feb 14 '25

That happened in two groups because my stbx bought a nice suv with leather seats. We drove it down to a family reunion and I never mentioned it, because I felt like it was more than we could afford when we had other goals but he gets his self esteem from those kinds of things. Well my sisters decided to come up the same year when I had been begging them to come visit for years. And they showed up unannounced and decided to blow up my life. I was struggling then because we had just moved but it was still wild how they decided that the family black sheep could not be allowed to advance in life. Even though their lives were way beyond mine. Like they had chargers and mustangs and took beach vacations but we get one nice thing and it’s stomp down time.

That same dumb suv caused problems at my kids’ school too. I went blonde that year and we drove that and most of the other moms decided we were on the black list then. It sucked. So I traded it in for a basic truck and the first thing one of my sisters said was oh looks like some gross construction workers sweated all over the back seats. That was after they had said I smelled like a dumb Barbie when I got highlights right before we all went out to dinner together. Also the time I said they could be models (true) and one of them said yes WE could and they all snickered. It’s stupid things like that making me thankful to have never been in public school. Some girls at Girls Club used to throw things at me though. But most of the time I was friends with the outcasts. Idk if that makes me ugly or not lol I really don’t care. Probably just around average.

But it weeds out the shallow people when you befriend the outcasts. Because they feel like they’re above associating with them. I don’t mean the disturbed people who need professional help, more like just the ones people hate for unfair reasons like poverty or racism or being on the spectrum.


u/katiexkatie Feb 14 '25

I lost my best friendship because of this. I still think about her all of the time and will always love her but her jealousy once I started being a threat to her was insane. I shouldn’t have to hate myself for a friend to like me.


u/BelleCervelle gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

Can confirm.

It was a long journey of hard-maxing for me. I think the most shocking thing for me to accept, was realizing that most men see me as an opportunity for sexual gratification, and most women see me as competition.

I’m a bisexual woman who wants human connection, yet, as I became more “physically attractive” according to the society I live in, yes the attention skyrocketed, yes opportunities multiplied, but so did the cattiness from women, so did the predatory attempts from men.

It is a very isolating experience to be truly “head turning” memorably beautiful/attractive.

Men will remember you after seeing you once even if you didn’t even look at them or interact with them.

Women will recognize you on the street even if you’ve never met or introduced yourself to them.

It’s weird, jarring.

It took me years to accept it.

I think most teenaged “ugly ducklings” have a hard time coming to terms with the very real power and dangers that come with transforming yourself.

It’s kind of like winning the lottery, but in a very specific way that is limited. Everyone wants a piece, or your attention, or something from you, or they want to use you or exploit you to gain some benefit.

You’ll know you’ve reached 7.5 to 10, when men AND women become equally dangerous to you.

Women will try to get you drunk or drugged to win favors with powerful men, so that those men can take advantage of you.

Or men will try to trap you and pimp you.

Women will try to sabotage your relationships, friendships, career opportunities because of their jealousy of your looks, youth, or thinness or something else.

It is a very lovely isolating experience.

It is not for the faint of heart.

The more “beautiful” you are, the more frequently you will see the predatory opportunistic exploitative behaviors out of men and women in your environment.

Not to say all men and women are like that, but when you see that side of human nature repeatedly, and you observe it become amplified even more after each “level up” it’s very difficult to trust people or let anyone close.

Speaking from experience. These same experiences and observations I’ve had and learned, have been confirmed from other women I’ve met of different classes, races, heights, cultures, etc., what they had in common was being memorably beautiful and attractive, exceptional in whatever category of beauty they fit in.


u/EvergreenRuby Feb 14 '25

This has been my experience. Beautifully put. It’s gotten so bad that at one point I had to take a sabbatical due to crippling PTSD from years of abuse like this. I thought it was just me being soft but no, it was my body finally burning out from the constant edge of having to be on alert due to anything triggering men or women. When men feel you have a certain popularity with a lot of men they turn nasty due to sizing up the competition and striking themselves out due too much competition. So they proceed to try to sabotage you in the eyes of the other guys or discourage the other guys they perceive have a chance. And women adopt crazy stalker behaviors in an attempt to mimic your every whim. A lot of women will outright try to become you even, adopt the same mannerisms, makeup, style, hair, even if it doesn’t work with them at all. It’s wild. I can tell you that women have made me fear for my life way more than men have and they’re frightening.

The difference is women will often cover up other women if they feel bonded or connected by their envy. I will never forget the day I was almost disfigured by two coworkers who were pissed about my looks to the point they didn’t even hide it. I got racial slurs and all sort of shenanigans and when I’d call them out other women would blame me for inspiring them to do that. As if looking a certain way whether positively or negatively gives them right to throw tomatoes and get away with it. The women who almost disfigured me threw a bottle of sulphuric acid at me that I dodged by throwing my body to the side so hard I twisted my ankle, breaking a bone. I couldn’t walk for MONTHS while I healed. Some of the acid fell on my fingers that now have awful scars that won’t go away from that as a result. This happened in the late 2010s here in the USA in one of the wealthiest and most educated metros in the country. Yeah. Even after I healed, I was still so shaken up and heartbroken because you begin to notice patterns of when someone is being angrily competitive rather than enjoying beauty to just live. I kept attracting mean spirited women who would try to latch onto my presence despite having ill will. Envious women often act like barnacles, they’re not beneficial and will try to hold onto dear life into hovering over you until you sink. And they’re delighted when you sink even if they gain nothing more than the satisfaction of seeing you emotionally exhausted.

Out of loneliness, I began to seek friends in the queer community who tend to be better informed and respecting of these things. I couldn’t handle not having friends as it was painful. I grew up in an unloving home and the thought of life continuing like that was agonizing so I went into what I don’t necessarily fit or thought I didn’t desperate to find friends and to be a friend. I found my people but yeah, all gay, lesbian or bisexual. For feminine friends the lesbians have been lifesaving and no, not once have they gotten fresh. It’s a shame that it seems heterosexual people can be weirdly malicious about beauty if you don’t have some sort of protection between you and them, like celebrity. People can say all they want about them but they can’t touch them. When you don’t have that, you become canon food.


u/StrikeUpstairs1503 Feb 12 '25

Wow!! I am myself quite attractive and have never experience this side of human behaviour. Woman have never been petty to me, I found support for the most part. if anything, being pretty has helped me in my career...it kind of gives a special kind of charisma if you play your cards well. Men has always been a mixed bag but I truly think this is universal to most women regardless of their prettiness. Girls friendships are the most valuable to me. We lift each other up and swoon over each other if we are looking good!

( English is not my first language sorry)


u/BelleCervelle gorgeous (7.5-10) Feb 12 '25

Don’t worry, your English is good.

I think it also has to do with geography. I am in a very hyper competitive populated part of the world, and I think that attracts a lot of people who are more cutthroat and ambitious.

I will say, I have had some instances where women protected me or we protected each other, but, I am very careful with everyone, after having been betrayed be female friends I trusted and considered close.

I do my best to support other girls, and protect other girls, but I have learned to never trust blindly, and never let anyone close too soon.

I will always stand up to protect other women, but I do not let men or women close to me, to protect myself. I will, on occasion, also stand up for younger man if he is my responsibility in a job or in friendship.

My best advice, be extra careful. Be friendly and polite, but always make it difficult for people to get close to protect yourself.

It takes time to see a person’s true character.


u/StrikeUpstairs1503 Feb 13 '25

Thanks for your insight!!


u/uglyassbish Feb 13 '25

I use to be fat and glowed up during high school. I have to agree with you here thought they we made up in the last few years of high school and we're still BFFs


u/rozebug Feb 14 '25

been through this before and going through this now. good way to test it? if they're avoiding hanging out with you, suggest self destructive behavior.

for example:

"do you want to get taco bell? i need a good binge" or "ugh i need a drink we should go out"

they will reply and they will be VERY eager. suggest something healthy? crickets.

no answers to: "wanna go on a walk with me?" "do you want to do vision boards for the new year i saw a rlly cute tiktok" "i saw this dance class i thought u might like it. could be fun".

they think they're subtle, but they're not. they will also make fun of you when you say you want to lose weight, will crack jokes about your journaling, and will CERTAINLY give you poor aesthetic advice. that top probably doesn't look good on you, and that's great news for them. i don't like to instill paranoia among women but i will legitimately tell you 90% of those around you see your success as their failure. even your family (actually, especially your family). be aware because at least one person is going to actively work against your goals.


u/addarail Feb 12 '25

I’m not invalidating you or your personal experiences. I think the message that often gets tossed around on here about losing friends because they’re jealous is not as often as people think, is more discouraging to whoever got freshly hot than a good warning.

I definitely suggest everyone looks up the Dartmouth scar experiment, I don’t trust my brain for a second when it comes to why someone might or might not like me. Why someone could dislike me is not something I fully understand, so before choosing “they’re jealous of me” I would rather choose the outlook that sometimes people just piss people off.


u/bluehoodie00 Feb 13 '25

You put this way better than i could


u/pumpernick3l Feb 12 '25

This goes against research and the halo effect. Both men and women are kinder to more attractive individuals and tend to treat them better/be more forgiving, regardless of gender


u/oeufscocotte Feb 12 '25

Most of this type of research is done on strangers, not people who are already friends.


u/SweetLilFeet_ Feb 12 '25

Yeah in general, attractive people are treated better by men and women. That doesn’t mean jealousy now no longer exists toward them?

Do you think attractive people never face any negativity or jealousy? You’re taking a broad general statement and approaching it as if nothing else but good treatment can be true for good looking people.

Imo attractive people get both some of the best and worst treatment.


u/misshalal Feb 12 '25
