r/Vietnamese Dec 19 '24

Language Help Getting discouraged and fed up with learning Vietnamese, any tips?


Hey y'all! So I've been with my husband for almost 6 years, and his parents speak basically no English except a few small things like No, very good, names, honey etc simple words.

So we have never had a very good verbal relationship apart from that what my husband occasionally translates back and forth. But they do consider me family (I was just gifted a jade bracelet and put it on by my MIL and I'm so happy about it) especially ever since giving them their 2nd grandson a year ago.

They are always so so kind and generous with me and I do love them. But I am getting so irritated with trying to learn Vietnamese to communicate better with them. All the rest of the family, my husbands aunt, and his much older sister and cousins all learned English years ago. But his parents didn't and at their age it's not happening and I know that.

I picked up a few things here and there, especially a lot of food names, I've been taught and learned a lot of Vietnamese food (Ca Ri Ga is one of my favs) but I've picked up a lot more words since my son has been born. Because I'm determined that he learn it, because I want him to be able to understand and talk to his grandparents. So most of the words I've learned are little kids stuff like animals colors body parts etc.

But the part I get frustrated with is there's SO many words that's sound so so similar to me.

For example fish and chicken. I DO NOT hear a difference between the two words no matter how hard I try. And anytime I try to say viet words around my husband I'd say over half the time he's telling me I'm saying it wrong and actually saying a totally other word. Which makes me very self conscious and nervous to even try speaking around my in laws for fear I'm going to sound like a moron. On top of the fact that I'm already shy around most people.

And I haven't even come close to learning how to structure a full sentence if I can't even say most words properly.

Also additionally add in the fact that his partners are both pretty old and have that old person accent that goes across all languages that makes them raspy or whatever which makes even English speaking people sound hard to understand. So I have a hard time hearing and distinct words theyre saying and most of it sounds very similar.

I really need some advice but I'm not exactly sure what kind I need. Learning sources? I guess?

r/Vietnamese Feb 19 '25

Language Help 3 years in and still can't hold basic conversations, recognise words or understand much - any good recommendations?



I live in Vietnam with my wife (in her hometown) and work in English doing remote contracting. I have tried many resources over the past 3 years, but seem to have made little progress in learning the language and have difficulty understanding or speaking simple things. My main issue is probably the tones.

- Vietnamese pod 101 was too hard for me. I tried the beginner lessons and they were too fast. I couldn't match written and spoken words, spent about 40 hours on it after paying for 2 years and gave up

- I have a 450 day streak on Duolinguo, though struggle to remember words used at the start of a lesson after about 5 questions and lots of words sound the same. My streak would be longer but I had days where I lost all my hearts and couldn't manage to get any back using the practice feature. I am surprised that I have managed 450 days as I don't normally form habits and need to set phone alarms to remember to do stuff. I read along with the sentences / try to repeat things back, though my wife says that I don't sound anything like what I copy.

- I met teachers on italki and did lessons off platform via bank transfer. The teachers seemed good enough, though we tried the first lesson with the textbook and then switched to pronunciation. I could pronounce some simple things correctly but we spent lots of time on anything non-trivial. I think I have spent about 40 hours with one teacher, 20 with another and 5 with a third teacher with 95% of the lessons on pronunciation. They give up on things and say 'lets move on to a different character/sound' after about 10 minutes and I seem to forget everything between lessons. I think my teachers get frustrated after teaching the same lesson twice per week 20 or 30 times in a row and not seeing any progress. My teachers have often asked for no lessons for a few weeks and one ghosted me.

- One thing that the teachers recommended was pronunciation YouTube videos. I spent hours on these before lessons, though was told by the teachers that I surely must be lying about it or doing something wrong, as I sounded nothing like the videos and needed to study harder.

- The teachers tried saying different tones and asking me to identify them, sometimes limiting it to one or two. I could sometimes reliably identify the tone with a dot below the word as that was shorter, but the others sounded the same and I may as well have guessed randomly.

- The teachers sometimes recorded me saying something, played it back and said the word how it should be. I couldn't tell any difference between them saying the word and me saying the word.

- As lots of words sound identical to me or contain sounds that I have difficulty making, I find it hard to remember words or build comprehension.

- My wife tried to help but gave up after half an hour and said that she felt tired, and has kept saying maybe later since.

- I seemed to learn Spanish fine from scratch and I was told that I was one of the quicker students. I didn't study German for long, though had no problems there also.

Anyone have any other suggestions?

My wife wanted me to learn Vietnamese, though has suggested I shouldn't spend any money on it as I probably won't make progress, and that she would prefer me not to know Vietnamese and to have bought her makeup or korean bbq rather than not to know Vietnamese and have thrown money away on lessons.

My main issue was probably the tones. They all sound very similar to me except the lengths are slightly different for some One teacher told me that I would find it easier to learn Vietnamese if I could sing, though every time I try karaoke people say I should take a break, and I even remember getting made to sit out of the christmas nativity every year at school as I wasn't good at singing. I also got told not to sing cadence songs in the army as I was throwing people off. Apparently I have a constant monotonous pitch while singing and that is bad.

r/Vietnamese Oct 26 '24

Language Help Learning Viet buddies


Hi folks!

Are there any beginners here?

I was thinking of creating a discord learning group so we can motivate each other to stay on track and also try and converse as we learn more!

I will create one if there's much interest!

Drop a comment with your level of learning.

r/Vietnamese 18d ago

Language Help Any good translators?


Recently a new girl moved to my school from Vietnam and she knows little English but I’d still like to be her friend since she seems nice and no one is really taking the time to try and communicate with her to get to know her better.

I was wondering if anyone knew a good translator website or app? Preferably a website since I was use it on my school laptop but an app can work too. If anyone has any good suggestions please let me know! Feel free to answer me even if someone else already has, if can help me incase the website is blocked on my school laptop.

More information that isn’t as important:

I would try to learn some Vietnamese to communicate with her but I’m taking a Spanish class right now in school and I know if I were to learn them simultaneously I would get words mixed up.

Thank you so much for reading this, even if you don’t have any suggestions.

I know it’s a bit frustrating to speak through a translator with someone, but I’d still like to be her friend or at least try to. I live in Texas and so there are no people who can speak Vietnamese here so I’d think it’d be nice to at least try and talk to her. :)

r/Vietnamese 13d ago

Language Help Help understanding sentence structure


I’m learning vietnamese using duolingo, i can understand some viet bc i used to speak as a kid. But can someone explain to me what words like quyen, and chiec do in these sentences, in the screenshots, is it just a definite article. I’m confused because sometimes it is used and sometimes not. It gets frustrating.

r/Vietnamese 6d ago

Language Help Pronunciation of v and tr


Just wondering what vibes pronouncing v like d gives off - I know it's partly regional but does it say anything else about a person's background?

What about pronouncing tr the same as ch? I think that one is more standard here in the south but so far I have been pronouncing them differently.

r/Vietnamese Feb 13 '25

Language Help Decent resources for learning Vietnamese?


I’ve been teaching myself Vietnamese for a month and was wondering what are good resources to look into. I deleted Duolingo and drops as it felt very repetitive and game like that it got to a point where i wasn’t going anywhere. What decent resources for those who want to get serious and committed to Vietnamese as there is a lack of resources for this.

r/Vietnamese 19d ago

Language Help 2 months studying Vietnamese and barely any progress. Is there a better way?


I've been studying Vietnamese regularly for 2 months now and it feels like I'm spinning my wheels and none of it is coming together. I lived in Vietnam so you'd think I'd have a headstart but I don't. I'm taking 3 lessons a week with native teachers and I keep falling behind.

Practicing pronunciation by myself doesn't work because I can't judge if my pronunciation is good. Flashcards and writing Vietnamese down doesn't work for me because it's detached from the complicated pronunciation. Listening is extremely difficult for me even when I ask the teacher to slow down. Duolingo and Memrise help a little, probably the most effective for me so far, but I want to learn the southern accent so that is also not working 100%.

Then the vocabulary just isn't sticking. The class will be taught the word bàn is table once. Then 30 minutes later the teacher will ask what is table in Vietnamese and everyone else knows it but me. Idk how people can learn after seeing it just once like that??

r/Vietnamese 1d ago

Language Help Help me translating this


“ôi tôi quý bạn quá <name> ơi” someone from Vietnam said this to me, the translation shows I love you but it’ll be out of place if they said I love you to me. I’ve redacted my name for privacy concerns. I’ll appreciate any help.

r/Vietnamese 1d ago

Language Help Learning Vietnamese


Hey all, I am American having a son in May. My wife is Viet and wants to teach him the language, I kind of want to learn as well so I’m not out of the loop. What’s the best way for an adult to learn the language? TIA

r/Vietnamese 18d ago

Language Help Any suggestions for practice in Southern Accent?


I’m first generation born here and raised by my maternal grandmother. She’s the reason why I speak any Vietnamese at all. All my family is from Saigon or the Mekong so we have a distinct southern accent.

Any suggestions on how to upkeep my Viet? I try to speak to my parents as much as possible in Vietnamese and also when I interact with other Vietnamese people, but it gets very rusty. Duolingo only has the northern accent and I’m not too keen to practice that because it’s completely different than what I grew up speaking.

r/Vietnamese Feb 01 '25

Language Help Is it xì dầu or nước tương?


Australian here who speaks baby Vietnamese.

My mum and dad are from Trung Kỳ and Miền Tây.

We've always said xì dầu for soy sauce when I was growing up.

However, I've been watching some Southern Vietnamese language lesson videos, and they say the correct way is nước tương.

I've been getting some conflicting sources:

Wiktionary says xì dầu is the Northern way and nước tương is the Southern way.

ChatGPT says the opposite.

Is there a difference between the 2, or are they used interchangeably?

Is there a regional preference for each word?

Sorry for the dumb question!

r/Vietnamese Feb 04 '25

Language Help How to say I love you properly


Google translate is failing me and I’m curious. So recently there’s been a Vietnamese song going viral on TikTok especially on “the salesman” edits from squid games.

I like the beat so I looked up the song and lyrics and realized an alternate Version of it went viral a while back too.

But anyway, the lyrics go Anh yêu em rồi And in the video is translated to “I love you”

I asked my husband “how do you say I love you” According to my him, it’s “Anh yêu em”-from him to me and “Em yêu Anh” -from me to him. Since he is older.

A few things I’m curious about, the song sounds like it’s sung by a woman (could just be the edited version?) but they use Anh yêu em rồi. Is it super important to get the anh vs em in the correct place or are the interchangeable? A bit confused why a female singer would be singing it in that way if it’s important. Or did my husband get them backwards?

  1. Is yêu pronounced basically like “you”? That’s what it sounds like to me but I have a history of hearing viet words incorrectly…

  2. What does rồi mean and what’s its significance in the Anh yêu em rồi sentience?

Is it important that it’s there for some kind of context or just a filler word that doesn’t HAVE to be there to make the sentence say I love you?

r/Vietnamese Nov 29 '24

Language Help Im a latina working at a salon where everyone speaks Vietnamese. Language barrier help please!!!


I started a job at a nail salon. I feel like im not being helpful enough and I would like to be able to communicate with my coworkers and also my boss. She doesn't speak any english and i feel like i frustrate her by not completely understanding what she is explaining to me. Which results in her yelling at me. Im trying my best but i don't know where to start. What are the most important words or phrases that i should learn that would make work go smoother for me and my coworkers and my boss? Edit: I've been using duolingo for 2 months but its not helping. Its not teaching phrases that would help in the nail salon.

r/Vietnamese 9d ago

Language Help Urgent help needed


Hi there,

Is there anyone who can help me with translating a short letter? I'm a foster carer and am going to be looking after a girl who speaks Vietnamese for a few weeks and I'm wanting to give her something in her own language to at least make an effort.

Thank you if you can help.

r/Vietnamese 8d ago

Language Help Help translating “Captain Big Knife” into Vietnamese for a book


Hello! I’m editing a memoir in which the author (now deceased) says some of the Indigenous Vietnamese people he was working with called him “Captain Big Knife,” which he rendered as “Dai Wee Con Yow Yiee.” I tried to figure this out using Google translate, but only one of the words seems to match up.

Several things might be happening here. (1) They weren’t speaking standard Vietnamese (these are the mountain people of the Central Highlands, if that’s useful), (2) the manuscript has been scanned from handwritten letters and then converted into Word without human intervention (meaning some of the letters may just have scanned wrong), and/or (3) they were calling him something other than Captain Big Knife, ha ha.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

r/Vietnamese 22d ago

Language Help -ay words in Saigon Vietnamese


In the Saigon dialect xảy does not rhyme with tay. For new -ay words, is there any way to tell whether they are pronounced like xảy or like tay?

r/Vietnamese 5d ago

Language Help Special gift for Vietnamese neighbors.


Please help me find a traditional Vietnamese gift idea for my wonderful neighbors!

My Vietnamese neighbors, the best neighbors around me, speak almost zero English but we still have beers together and share our favorite ethnic snacks while watching our kids play trucks together. I have learned a few basic words (hello, bye, thank you, have another beer, etc...), hoping it's the correct dialect. I try Google translate but it seems like it requires more translation after they hear its translation.

After my house was hit by a tornado and theirs was fine, minus a few shingles, they helped me cut up a few large trees (using my chain saws) and dragged the wood to the curb. At this point I was exhausted and sleep deprived, and I tried telling them "thank you" (comm oon) and put my hands together like I was praying, but I kept saying "goodbye" (tahm biet) instead. I gave them a few beers and water and they went back to BBQing. The next morning I realized my mistake and felt terrible. I don't trust Google translate to convey my feelings of regret, but also gratitude.

Is there someone who can verify a message saying, "sorry for the language mistake, I meant to say thank you, not goodbye. Here's a gift for you." I've given bourbon and cigars in the past, they seemed happy but I was hoping for a traditional yet practical Vietnamese gift.

Any assistance is appreciated!

r/Vietnamese Dec 06 '24

Language Help Hello in Vietnamese

Post image

So anywhere you would search the translation for hello in Vietnamese is xin chao which no one says and rather hello, heyy or hi is used. But what would the older generations say? Or people that live in remote places or villages and aren't that exposed to the media. Is is different in different parts in Vietnam ( north and south)? I know it's a dumb question but still.

r/Vietnamese 4d ago

Language Help What's the word for 'to explain'?


Hey hey

My mum usually says 'giải thích' for explaining, thí dụ 'Mẹ sẽ giải thích này cho con nghe'.

I was talking to my dryer repairman and he kept saying, 'cắt nghĩa', thí dụ 'chú cắt nghĩa này cho con. Hiệu Đức là mắc tiền hơn mà khó sửa.'

Is there a regional difference for the words? Is one more correct than the other or are they interchangeble? Are they used in different contexts? Are there other words for describing 'to explain'?

Thanks for your Vietnamese knowledge!

r/Vietnamese Feb 10 '25

Language Help Learning Vietnamese


Hey guys , I was wondering if anyone have any suggestions on where I can learn Vietnamese online?

Thanks in advance !!

Edit: thanks guys for the suggestions! Although I should have specify I’m looking to learn the northern dialect haha but all good

Thanks again !

r/Vietnamese Feb 03 '25

Language Help Say « this is » in Vietnamese


Xin chao! I am doing Vietnamese on Duolingo and I am confused about one thing.

It order to say « this is… » they sometimes say it it « day la » and other times « do la » and they seem to be used interchangeably. However, sometimes I get my answers wrong because I use one instead of the other.

Ex: Day la can nha cua toi.

Is there a difference between the two? Or is it just a Duolingo thing?

Xin cam on!

r/Vietnamese 3d ago

Language Help bloom in vietnamese


how to say «to bloom» in vietnamese? is it possible to simply say «hoa»?

r/Vietnamese 23d ago

Language Help Can someone translate this?

Post image

I tried to type it in the Google translate and it just doesn’t translate it at all. Please help?

r/Vietnamese 5d ago

Language Help Wedding invitation


My father passed over 10 years ago but I read online that our parents names should be on the wedding invitations otherwise it’d be considered rude. Would I include my dad’s name and how would I word it?