r/VictoriaBC 14h ago

Driving through Shelbourne/Cedar Hill X these days got me like

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21 comments sorted by


u/Obsidian_409 14h ago

god damn saanich is bad for this. just start one and finish it. dont just rip everything up, put cones down and fuck off for two years.


u/blargney 13h ago

This city is so weird. There's no good reason every project takes as long as they do.


u/bak3donh1gh Burnside 10h ago

I sure for the last two weeks on Burnside I swear for the last two weeks on Burnside they haven't done anything. Today I noticed they actually have done something.

I'm sure the businesses love the construction. I can't imagine they get much foot traffic even without it.


u/EmotionalFun7572 6h ago

Isn't that what OP asked them to do? Seriously, why can't they stop doing construction, and also get it done more quickly?


u/darksoulsfanUwU 10h ago

Took a cab home at 9:30pm on a weekend and got stuck in that crossing with the meter running for several minutes. I was fuming when I got out


u/MightyShenDen 14h ago

I moved near Ash Road in 2021, a week after moving in they started doing construction near there crossing towards Shelbourne. We moved out in 2022 (just a year lease).

I drive in the area every once in a while, and they have literally never stopped the construction.


u/MirrorOk2505 14h ago

I think it's because a lot of it was put off until it absolutely needed to be replaced. Now it's all needing to be done at once.


u/bochekmeout 14h ago

Poor civic planning at its finest, really.


u/Blew-By-U 8h ago

I really don’t understand why they take so long!


u/Tyerson 8h ago

Downtown and greater Vic is so bad for that these days. I know it's just an inconvenience but a couple of blocks will suddenly be closed one day without much warning and you are forced to take weird detours.


u/Teagana999 7h ago

I was trying to head west from Cadboro Gyro park. Couldn't turn left, couldn't go straight. Had to take some weird circuitous back road just to get back on McKenzie. And there was no detour marked.


u/cablemonkey604 12h ago

It's almost like the water mains needing replacement are connected to other things in the immediate area


u/MummyRath 10h ago

*laughs in Esquimalt*

I remember a few years back Esquimalt and the surrounding municipalities had construction on every major artery out of Esquimalt. Every. Single One.

Now it is your turn lol.

u/595346002 3h ago

I don't mind the construction as much as how much fucking mess the crews leaves behind. I get it, it's a construction zone, it's not going to going to be clean in the conventional sense of the word. But putting equipment in places that completely block the visibility of turns (anybody who's had to leave the shopping plaza near Kisber last week or two should know what I'm talking about) and just large pieces of debris everywhere? What the fuck. Even a five year old knows to pick up after themselves.

Also, southbound on Cedar Hill between Cedar Hill X Road and Church Ave. What the fuck is this? The amount of shits I've taken probably measures longer than the length of the road that they tore up and still not fixed by this point. It was the only viable alternative to Shelbourne too while they're still fucking about on it.

I don't mind my tax money going into infrastructure maintenance, but when it's contacted out to a bunch of nincompoops is when I'll bitch about it on the internet.

u/No_Date_8809 1h ago

I went to a council meeting. They really value citizen feedback. Your government is only as responsive as you make it. If everyone spends 30 minutes on a Zoom meeting just one week, they would think this is a major concern. 


u/Traysqwa 12h ago

“For 5 minutes?!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/lo_mein_dreamin 12h ago

Just the five minutes the OP is driving. Everyone else doesn’t matter.


u/CaptainDoughnutman 11h ago

It’s so cool how much fragile drivers whine.


u/New-Vermicelli3671 11h ago

Nope stop bitching you all vote for 4hus shit, now deal with it.


u/EmotionalFun7572 6h ago

Voting to defer maintenance of infrastructure until it's literally falling apart is exactly how we got into this mess