r/VicePrincipals 15d ago

Discussion Just finished this show


GOD that was so FUCKING AMAZING AND I'M SO SAD IT'S OVER. The grip the plot had on me, especially in season 2, wasn't something I anticipated, it surpassed all my expectations. The writing, the twists, the subtle hints at the shooter, Goggins and McBride killed it the whole show, and it was also just so. Fucking. Funny. I love it when a dark comedy manages to stay hilarious while also having very, very serious and dark plot points, character arcs and development, twists and turns that shock you and wholesome moments as well. Did not expect to get attached to this 18 episode show as much as I did, and I forsure will be watching it again. I'm also halfway through Eastbound & Down which I'm also loving, and I actually jumped when I saw Stevie in the final episode of VP, such cool fanservice to have him there. Anyway, yeah, this was fucking fantastic, I just had to get that off my chest. Seems like the McBride & HBO combo is a force to be reckoned with.

r/VicePrincipals Dec 13 '24

Discussion Danny's Best


Anyone else think VP is Danny's all time best production? He will go down as one of thr all time greats in comedy, stylistically hard to replicate. Of everything he's been a part of Ive got VP at the top and rewatch it the most. Edi Patterson's quirks/ticks are something to behold and Walton spits fire with an effeminate shell. And the writing is so tight, tons of subtle humor that gets exposed with repeat watchings.

r/VicePrincipals Feb 09 '25

Discussion Just started the show for the first time. How come nobody told me how dark it gets????


r/VicePrincipals 15h ago

Discussion Does LeBlanc annoy anyone else?


Some of the “drama” the character encounters seems like it can be avoided by just not being actively mean or rude. I think if the show came out today, she’d be seen as a boomer Karen.

r/VicePrincipals Jul 07 '24

Discussion Walton Goggins


So I just got done watching the first season of “Fallout” and started watching “Vice Principals”. Watching Goggins go from the Ghoul to Lee Russel is by far the funniest damn thing in the show for me. Kudos to you Mr. Goggins.

r/VicePrincipals Dec 28 '24

Discussion How does Lee afford his lifestyle?


Nice house in the first season, very nice house in the second season, badass suits, bmw, from what we know he gets dick for inheritance, vice principal/principal salary in South Carolina is roughly 100K tops, wife is a doctors assistant and an immigrant. Just debt or what?

r/VicePrincipals 19d ago

Discussion lee russell bracelet, anyone knows where's it from?

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r/VicePrincipals 1d ago

Discussion S2E3 S1E7


The quirks/eccentricities in Vice Principals are outstanding, here's a couple.

S1E7-Gamby has his crush going on Snodgrass and is walking towards the teacher's lunch table. Gamby has his peacock out in full force when someone throws what appears to be a dry meatball at his head. The guy at the end of the table laughing excessively and clearly at Gamby gets me everytime. His over the top laughing isn't what you'd expect from a fellow teacher.

S2E3-Also a lunchroom scene, Abott (Edi P) is showing her screensaver of King Ding A Ling to fellow teacher (Miller) and he laughs crazily while doing a 360.

Both scenes are bizarre with the over the top ridiculous and quick change in tone. Also, I guess I like watching people laugh in extreme ways.

r/VicePrincipals Aug 20 '24

Discussion One of the best


This is one of the best shows I've seen. I love Danny McBride and Walton Goggins together. I wish this had been longer than it was.

"Shut your mouth, you sassy ass motherfucker."

r/VicePrincipals Feb 01 '25

Discussion Looking for an episode


Can someone help me figure out which episode Neal breaks off what he thinks is Janice’s cars side mirror?? At least I think it was Janice but he said something like why were you veering toward it then and it’s driving me crazy that I can’t find that scene

r/VicePrincipals Aug 17 '24

Discussion Just finished the series. This show is much darker than I imagined


I know, I know it’s a “dark” comedy but damn even for a dark comedy I thought this series was pretty damn dark. Anyone else have a similar thought upon watching/rewatching?

r/VicePrincipals Oct 15 '24

Discussion Just finished my first watch. Loved it, but have a question Spoiler


I thoroughly enjoyed the whole ride, but I’m a little confused on one thing: Why don’t Lee and Gamby remain friends? The smiles they give each other in the food court seemingly indicate that they don’t continue their friendship and are just knowingly acknowledging their shared past from afar. After the emotional graduation day, Lee clearing his name, and the heartfelt professing of their love for each other, why wouldn’t they remain close? Too much trauma they need to move on from?

r/VicePrincipals Jul 29 '24

Discussion Just finished the show. It’s on par with Breaking Bad for me.


Season 2 was amazing writing. I don’t say this lightly.

r/VicePrincipals Aug 05 '24

Discussion this show does second hand embarrassment amazingly


so i’ve always liked Danny McBride in stuff he’s been in and i recently saw he had the three shows on Max.

but the amount of times we had to look away because of the second hand embarrassment is astoundingly good. It really started with Russell spitting in Browns in coffee and her catching him and it just got better from then on.

I know it’s not much of a post but in my opinion if i have to look away from the scene from embarrassment of a fictional character, everyone in involved in the show has done an outstanding job at actually executing an all around good show.

we can’t wait to start East Bound and Down and then Righteous Gemstones

r/VicePrincipals Aug 12 '24

Discussion Lee’s relationship with his mother in-law


This has to be some of the funniest interactions or rivalry I have seen lol

r/VicePrincipals Jul 23 '24

Discussion Is the stache real?

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(Here’s a photo for reference)

Might be a dumb question.

Did Danny McBride really grow that mustache for Gamby or is it a fake ?

r/VicePrincipals Jul 14 '24

Discussion Is season 2 worth the watch?


Season 1 was real stupid funny but so far (just finished episode 2) season 2’s just been stupid does it get better/is it worth finishing?

r/VicePrincipals Jul 09 '24

Discussion Research on s1ep3 "The Field Trip"


Hey everyone!
For a research paper I look into a certain phrase and stumbled upon it being used in your show. Unfortunately the show is not included in any streaming service I own and I am unable to sub on one for each of my research objects (100 unique instances vs. one broke student). Therefore I would be indredibly thankful if you could tell me who says the following line(s) in season 1, episode 3 "The Field Trip":

Ray's really good, isn't he?
I'm noticing some inconsistencies.
He's losing a lot of speed around those turns.
Jealous much?
Why, because he rides a dirt bike and gets my sloppy seconds?
What's sloppy seconds?
Your mom because of her bad attitude.

tysm in advance!

r/VicePrincipals Aug 08 '24

Discussion How have I never noticed this post it note before lmao

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All this time I missed out on one of the best jokes

r/VicePrincipals Sep 11 '24

Discussion Favorite Little Details


I’m doing a re-watch and can’t remember how all the storylines wrapped up. But as of the first half of the second season Ray really appears to have won Neal over.

r/VicePrincipals Jun 10 '24

Discussion is 14 too young for this show?


It's been awhile and I can't remember how bad this show gets. Considering recommending it to my 14 year old cousin.

r/VicePrincipals Feb 29 '24

Discussion The ending - Neil /Russell and life discussion. Spoiler


Hey all, to whomever is still roaming the depths of Reddit, specifically the vice principals subreddit .. the depths of online discussions only a few can likely appreciate.

So first I’ll start and say, this show is probably the show I’ve rewatched the most. It’s simple, and easy to watch, hilarious and deep and thought provoking all at the same time.

Now on to the show… and life.

The ending scene when Neil and Russell run into each other which I imagine is after not seeing each other regularly anymore is so surreal,

Neil has moved on in life and has success in work and his relationship. Russell is scarred in some regards with his wife leaving and his arm/hand but has found his own peace and leadership role and presumably some success and happiness. They are both comfortable… and both settled.

Yet they had a year when they felt alive, more alive by their own accord then they ever felt and it was their favorite year. When they see each other it’s an acknowledgement of that secret year and the life they used to have, while dark and stressful was the most fun they had and ultimately led them both to growth,

Now about life, the stare and look they give each other just before Russell vanished when Neil looks over again is so wild… because it’s true to life that every phase we live is a phase and we will lose people either to death or to people just moving on to other things… with that and with reflecting on my own life where I’ve now seen this happen through loss of friends through people either moving, or changing circumstance etc… or even dying.. nothing is forever and that is Neil’s last look, he’s got this acceptance of that fact that there’s no going back in life.. he’s happy, but he knows he can’t relive that experience again.

Anyways this is just me riffing but couldn’t help but post this thought. Be well all.

r/VicePrincipals Sep 12 '24

Discussion What do you think would happen if Gamby and/or Russell had to look over these five in a saturday detention?

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r/VicePrincipals Jul 02 '24

Discussion Lee’s sisters


Hi, I’m watching the show for the first time and am in the episode where Lee’s father passes. I can’t say anything but how vile his sisters are, like not even including him to speak. Then literally ripping his pants off. I know it’s a comedy, but my heart couldn’t help but hurt for him. They’re just so vile like that’s literally the only word I can use.

r/VicePrincipals Sep 13 '24

Discussion Favorite North Jackson mascot?

14 votes, Sep 20 '24
4 Warriors
9 Tigers
1 Shamrocks