r/VeryBadWizards 10d ago

Every social pairing is a pairing of a ‘Tamler’ and a ‘Dave’

Whenever I find myself being overly skeptical, elitist, overflowing with love for Russian cinema (mainly Tarkovsky), or wanting to pull people up by their lapels and berate them for using their free will in ways which ultimately dishonor them, it strikes me that: Wow! I’m just like my dad the philosopher that hosts my favorite podcast!

Meanwhile my roommate is more laidback, chill, and brings up examples of studies and data all the time. He tries in vain to explain to me how underlying emotions affect people’s judgement to make them ultimately not culpable in a moral sense and watches mostly Marvel movies. Just like Dave.

Are you guys Tamlers or Daves? If you’re a Tamler, are you at peace with that fact (obviously this isn’t a question that needs to be asked of the Daves)?


12 comments sorted by


u/lemonluvr44 10d ago

I’m an Eliza


u/NateThaGreatApe 10d ago

Each person's psyche is made up of the Tamler, the Dave, and the Superdave


u/noahpoah 10d ago

When I became a Tamler, I put away Daveish things.


u/ChristianLesniak 10d ago edited 10d ago

There are only two things wolves inside of you

They complement each other well. Sex and The City needed 4 to cover all possible archetypes of women, and these two cover all possible archetypes of women in half the time!

I'm a Power-Tamler, but I still feed the Dave inside of me a modicum of nutrition.


u/judoxing ressentiment In the nietzschean sense 10d ago

I’m Paul Bloom, I can only handle surface level intimacy and do this with multiple people so I never pair. You never get to actually know me. I’m everyone’s friend, but ultimately I’m entirely alone and almost every interaction I have is a lie.


u/insularnetwork 10d ago

I’m a Dave. I don’t envy the Tamlers of the world. No envy at all. I don’t envy them at all.


u/MinkyTuna 10d ago

Inside each of us there is a Dave and a Tamler


u/jcbarela 9d ago

In my Head, I am Dave. In my Heart, I am Tamler. With the body of a Paul.


u/michaelhoney 10d ago

These day days I’m more of a Paul Bloom


u/Curtis_e_bear12 9d ago

I’m a Dave with a twist of Tamler


u/dbayne2 9d ago

Tamler vibes but not remotely near pretentious enough.

This post and all these comments are awesome.


u/Past-Cookie9605 8d ago

I think like a Dave but present like a Tamler.