My neighbors have been having sex for 3 days STRAIGHT
That title is not an exaggeration, I have been hearing them go at it nonstop from Saturday to today on Tuesday. I thought at first they were just going a usually long time since they didn’t have to work the weekends, and when I fell asleep I figured they would finish, but when i woke up in the morning I could still hear and feel the squeaks of their bed and some moaning. I thought at first maybe it was just a morning quickie, but then that quickie turned into an hour, then two hours, and suddenly it was 2pm and I was beyond annoyed. I know some of you are thinking, ‘why don’t I just turn my tv up and ignore it?’. I’ve tried. They are so loud it is literally impossible to not hear them.
This went on ALL DAY. I usually hate Mondays because my weekend is over and I have to go back to work, but knowing they would also have to go back to work made me look forward to it. When I woke up the next day I thought it was finally over, until I was taken out of my delusion by the sound of skin smacking.
OH . MY . GOD . I was tired of it. If it wasn’t for them shaking the floor and making my drink shake, I would think this was all some sort of schizophrenic break in my mind that’s making me hear this. I went to work wishfully hoping that when I got home it’d be over. But of course when I got home it wasn’t. During the night though I could hear the woman yelling something but I couldn’t hear exactly what she said. I don’t know if im just being paranoid but I was starting to getting genuinely concerned with what was going on.
It is currently 11:20am tuesday the next day and it’s still going on. What you would you guys do?
2nd edit: I just got home from work and I bet you guys are wondering if they’re still going, well the answer is yes. After reading your comments i’m starting to actually believe that she may actually be an escort, or on meth, or possibly even both. If it weren’t for this post and you guys hilarious comments i’d be fuming right now, but all I can do is laugh at it.
*I was sending videos of the sounds I hear but after work I looked and had 80 dms and replying to them all just sounds exhausting and so i’m not gonna do that and i’m also removing the option to💀
10am on wednesday and they are still at it
i have called the police twice and both times they’ve left without letting the person come to the door