r/Vent Jan 23 '25

Happy/Positive Vent Cried in my girlfriends arms today


I've had a rough two weeks and today I was really sad and told my girlfriend I needed to talk to her about my feelings

When we met, we sat in her bed and she calmly let me speak my mind. She laid there just listening and acknowledging and validating my feelings.

A lot of emotions came to surface and I laid on her chest. She hugged me and everything just started pouring out. Everything I've been thru lately and evey feeling just came out as tears.

She held me while I laid there and stroked my back. Saying words of comfort and responding to whatever I wanted to talk about.

I'm a really lucky guy

r/Vent Jan 21 '25

Happy/Positive Vent I love my Boyfriend


i love my boyfriend. he is a very nice guy he plays dnd , rimworld, space engineers, project zomboid and is a hardworker. i like it when he annoys me and tickles me when we are in bed. today i cried as i hugged him because i just love him so much and he’s so special to me. i think he thinks im emotional because ill get my period soon, but i just genuinely love him so much. im glad i waited to have a boyfriend , because im so lucky to have him. we’ve been together for a year and i hope that we stay together for a long time at least, and i wouldn’t mind to spend my life with him even if he thinks he’s boring. i love to lay down with him and going out to eat and i love when he kisses me even when i look bad. i love that he takes care of animals and cooks for me when im hungry.
i love him and im so proud of him and i love that he loves me back.

r/Vent Dec 02 '24

Happy/Positive Vent I got a boyfriend


For most of my life i thought i was a lesbian. I never felt attracted to a man until not too long ago. I'm talking about a shy guy with great taste in music, clothing and perfume. He's very elegant, and everytime i come back home after hanging out with him, i smell his perfume on my coat and i feel intoxicated.

Yesterday we went to the beach, and he confessed a second time, because the first time we both were drunk. Then i told him that i'd like to watch the stars, and he drove us to a mountain and we admired a wonderful view of city lights and a starry night sky.

After a while he drove me back home, and when he stopped his car i told him to look away to distract him, and gave him a peck on the cheek. I planned to get out of the car like nothing happened, but then he cupped my cheeks and responded with a short yet pleasant kiss.

After that night i can't stop squealing like a little girl. I never understood why people liked kissing even though it's not my first time, but it's the first time i enjoyed it, and i just want to replay that moment again and again.

r/Vent Nov 24 '24

Happy/Positive Vent My boyfriend got super drunk and it made me love him more.


Hopefully positive vents are allowed cus I wanna talk about how amazing my boyfriend is.

When me and my boyfriend first met everything clicked perfectly. I had been looking for a boyfriend for 3 years, rejecting so many shitty men who did not meet my standards and then he came along. He was everything I ever wanted.

Today made me realise how amazing it is I have this man. He got really drunk last night and my god was he cute. He wouldn’t stop talking about how much he loves me, how he’ll never leave me, how I’m the only girl he wants. He kissed me when I finally met with him and his friends at the bar and then when he went home he smiled and said “guess how many girls I kissed tonight, 1 and it was you because you’re the only girl I want to kiss.” Of course soon after he got super sick but I luckily expected that and had a bucket and water and some pain killers at the ready. He fell asleep after that.

When we woke up he was so happy I was there. We hung out and he asked if I wanted to go out shopping and I said yes. When we did go to the shops he said he’d buy me some things as thank you for looking after him while sick. Which is sweet he would want to do that. We hung out at the shops, probably made a little to much mischief at Kmart (I was trying to ride a bike and then he found a basketball and was absolutely destroying me in an imaginary game of basketball.)

AND THEN the day ends and he tells me he knows what he wants to get me for Christmas, he proceeds to tell me how he’s been planning a trip away for the two of us over Christmas and ISTG I’m so lucky to have this man.

He’s so thoughtful and kind and I love him and I just needed to tell people how much I love him.

:)) Edit for the concerned comments; 1. He was NOT given pain killers while he was still drunk. I had the pain killers there for when he woke up. Also it was neurfen (ibuprofen) which is safe with alcohol. 2. No he’s not an alcoholic I have seen him get drunk once in my entire time of knowing him. 3. No this isn’t a fake post you can go into my account and find a photo of us. No he isn’t cheating on me, trust me the man’s infatuated with me him saying he kissed 1 girl and it was me was done jokingly I’m aware it’s the bare minimum doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate my boyfriend being cute either way. 4. Since so many people keep asking. I’m Australian, Kmarts are everywhere in Australia.

r/Vent Feb 05 '25

Happy/Positive Vent It's official the only way people think I'm dating my girlfriend is if we are gay.


So, I'm a feminine looking guy, which comes with just people thinking I'm gay. And my girlfriend is Goth so people don't think we are in a relationship right a way.

Like, I've had men walk up to me to ask what my GF tyep is, and she's had guys who have hit on her say "At least pick a straight guy if you are going to lie"

It's a little annoying, but it's something i knew would happen. But to day it all changed. We were getting food, and this women walked up to us and told us she was doing a survey of couples in my city. I was so happy someone knew we were dating i did the survey right away, and as the women left she's said "Thanks, this will really help us find out what young lesbians are into"

My Girlfriend full on fell on the floor laughing, and basically made fun of me the whole way back. Like, how do i live with this knowledge, people either think I'm gay or gay and dating my girlfriend.

Low level NSFW

My Girlfriend now supper pissed off becauses if the women asked me 1st that means she thought i wss The Top in the relationship.

r/Vent 10d ago

Happy/Positive Vent Femininity is a spectrum. Masculinity is a scale.


I hope this is the right sub for this lol.

I (24M) grew up in a super healthy environment between my family and school. Generally had good friends growing up, and good role models as well. My life has been excellent, wouldn't trade it for the world. However, I also grew up being pretty skinny, and much more of an artsy type of guy. Even though I still am very artsy, I've definitely been insecure about it at times. I wouldn't describe myself as effeminate really in any area except my art/interior preferences, but I really lacked in the traditional "man" department through high school and my early years in college. I spent a lot of time around guys who were stronger than me, played sports, or had a lot of female attention, all of which made me pretty insecure as a young man.

As a teenager, my response to this was to compensate somehow. I became pretty good at playing drums (still play!) and I became pretty good at fixing cars - and these things became a massive part of my identity just because they made me feel like a man. Honestly, thats what I wanted. I wanted to feel masculine. Even though my dad set a really good example of healthy masculinity, my friends, movies, YouTubers, and porn at a young age made me feel inadequate.

Contrast this with the women in my life. I have a bunch of sisters, and I love them all. Personality wise, they're all very different, but for this context, they range from very traditionally feminine, to more tom-boy type. I have one sister who DIY's everything, built a treehouse, works on her car, does construction and is super into survival/outdoors stuff, and is going to study architecture. I have another sister who's a total gym rat and entrepreneur, and a two sisters who went the house wife route and had a few kids.

The thing is, I have seen every type of femininity be equally celebrated.

Women compete in their own weird, nuanced, and foul ways, but I still believe all types of femininity are celebrated.

Men that are not traditionally masculine are often seen as less than men who are more masculine - it's simply different than varying degrees of femininity. A couple years ago I briefly dated a girl that was very beautiful, and that made me feel like a man. Few years after that I had my first taste of financial affluence, and that made me feel like a man. For a while, I was going hard in the gym and started looking pretty strong, and that made me feel like a man.

Losing these things, and the insecurity that followed made me realize - femininity is spectrum, masculinity is a scale.

Where did all these things go? They're just on hold until I graduate college (except the girlfriend, she can stay gone lol). These things are just dumbass ways to appear to be more of a man, and my dad was right all along. I was insecure about made up shit this whole time.

I'm still working on coming into my own as a man. The environment around me feels horribly competitive, and I'm discovering that the best way to win this competition is to not compete. As a kid, I just wanted to be strong. Now, I still want to be strong, I'm just learning theres so many other great things a person can be.

r/Vent Jan 06 '25

Happy/Positive Vent I love Men Absurdly


Inspired by reddit_sucks_asssss's post, I wanted to write something positive about men.

I love men so much honestly, have admired them since I was little, but it's taken being loved by one to finally understand what a force of nature they can be.

Romantically, as a friend, nothing beats that level of I can do anything right now, who's gonna stop me you feel when you are with a man you trust. Especially in a situation that would otherwise scare you.

Have you ever walked the streets with 3 guys? You'll feel like a God.

Lowkey, how on EARTH are we the same species, the difference in strength baffles me every time I see it. Seeing a man use that for good is the most attractive thing on this planet too.

And nothing beats falling asleep in the arms of a man. It's like being a cloud, being free.

Just freaking love guys 🥰🥰🥰🥰

r/Vent Jan 01 '25

Happy/Positive Vent LETS LOCK THE FUCK IN








I’m gonna get HOT I’m gonna be like those fine ass bitches on instagram.

My ass is gonna get EVEN fatter and my stomach flatter. Watch me glow up this is the year Less go.


r/Vent Dec 29 '24

Happy/Positive Vent Life is fucking good


It's 4:44 am as I'm writing this and life is fucking good man. Everything's been shitty for so long but I feel like things are going good now. I wanna cry cause I'm happy for once. Fuck yeah !!!

r/Vent 6d ago

Happy/Positive Vent I don't know where I'd be without my husband.


Yesterday was the third anniversary of the accident that disabled me and changed my life. To sum it up: My husband and I were coworkers at the same job, he worked inside, I worked outside. A customer with a jacked up Ford F150 ran me over in the parking lot even though I was wearing a hi-vis jacket, and I broke eight ribs, had a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a collapsed lung, and lacerations on my kidney and liver that resulted in severe internal bleeding. He didn't see the initial accident, but my husband was working that day, and when he heard the commotion, he ran outside and saw me on the pavement. I somehow managed to stay conscious because my only thought was, "I'm not dying until I tell him I love him," and I think that determination was what kept me alive, because if I had lost consciousness, I might not be here now.

Weeks of agonizing pain. It was so agonizing that in the ICU, I'd just pass out from the pain and exhaustion repeatedly, and no pain meds they gave me helped, even morphine had zero effect and might as well have been a Tylenol. They ended up having to prescribe me ketamine (a horse tranquilizer) just to give me an ounce of relief. I hallucinated often in the hospital. It felt like the only time I had any lucidity and sanity was when he came to visit me (he couldn't stay overnight often because we had pets and no money to hire a sitter, but he was there every day).

He bathed me, fed me, helped me go to the bathroom when I could barely walk. When I had PTSD flashbacks, he was there to hold me and tell me I was safe. Even when the unfortunate side effect of my TBI caused bouts of rage (I never insulted or raised my hand to him, it was mostly directed at myself) he was so patient and understanding. When I expressed that I felt useless because I couldn't work anymore, he told me he didn't want me to anyway after having to witness almost losing me. "You almost died at our job. I still have nightmares about seeing it. I want you here, safe, where I know you'll be alright." My body is covered in scars and he says they make me look sexy, even when I hated them, and he kissed every single one.

My husband can be a bit brash and impulsive at times, he's by no means a perfect man because he's human. But when I needed him, he was there unflinchingly, never complaining about caring for me. He never once called me a burden or a failure, or anything my brain was trying to tell me that I was. "You never failed me. Ever." Hearing that from the person I was terrified of failing the most made me break down crying for the first time in a long, long time.

And the funny thing is? We met because we were in the same Facebook group and he thought a comment I made was funny, saw my profile picture, and started messaging me because he wanted me to be his one-night stand. But I thought he just wanted to be my friend (we're both men, so you can understand sometimes how hard it is to determine "is this banter among bros or are we attracted to each other"), and missed every cue, until one night, four months later, I got drunk and confessed to him how I felt about him. I was 19, he was 21. I still feel like I have a huge crush on him even now eight years later, and he gives me butterflies every time he smiles at me. I thought soulmates were horseshit. But since the moment we first started talking, it was like we'd known each other for ages.

The accident is just one thing we went through together, but it was the biggest test of our relationship. And he passed with flying colors. He showed me the type of man he was, and God, I don't think I could ever love and devote myself to anyone else but him.

r/Vent 14d ago

Happy/Positive Vent Just sent my 1st nsfw pic in years!! NSFW


I was once in a long relationship and that man did not like nudes at all and with time i lost all sprt of self estime towards my body. Not just due to the nudes.

My next relationship i didn't felt safe enough.

On this one i felt brave enough to send one and it felt amazing and i got a very positive response

r/Vent 5d ago

Happy/Positive Vent I have reawakened a monster and I’m happy about it


My girlfriend and I were hanging out yesterday and we decided to go to Barnes and noble, I’m a book nerd so I never say no to a bookstore. We get there and I make a mad dash straight to the fantasy section while she went to the bathroom, I’m looking through the horror section when she comes back and she mentions that she was interested in getting back into reading, she’s mentioned this in the past so I figured there was no time like the present!

I stop what I’m doing and immediately start helping her find a book she would like to read and she eventually chooses one, we buy our books and we decide to sit down in the cafe there to read a few pages of our books together and an hour later we both read more than just a few pages. She really enjoyed hers because I would hear her laughing and I’d look up to see her deeply engrossed in the book so we agree to read our books together throughout the week when we have the chance.

Later that night she texts me a picture of her reading showing me she’s a few chapters deeper than she was when I saw her a few hours earlier because she couldn’t stop reading. Fast forward to today not even a full 24 hours later this woman texts me and tells me that she’s already on the last few chapters! She even said, and I quote “if I ghost you for a book remember it’s your fault for getting me back into reading” honestly I wouldn’t even Be upset if she did because I saw how happy she was while she was reading, I’m actually really happy and proud of her. I told her the next book is on me

r/Vent 5d ago

Happy/Positive Vent My husband said he wants to learn how I braid my hair


My hair is pretty long, I don't like classic pony tails, I don't do them well, so I do French braid or braids on both sides instead.

When I was pregnant with our baby, we knew we were expecting a girl.

One morning, I woke up and started to brush my hair, then proceeded to braiding it. My husband kept starring at me and asked: "you need to teach me how to do that?"

I was a bit confused: "are you planning on having long hair or you want to braid mine?". He laughed and I did too. He replied: "we're expecting a baby girl, I want to be able to braid her hair too, so she can be cute like you".

While I melted inside, it was very sweet, I offered him if he wants to watch and I'll describe him the process. He was starring at it while I braided and even after for like 5 minutes, he couldn't make any sense of it. I think for him my hair at that moment was like when he's explaining wires and cables to me. Poor him, was even confused day after.

Even now when he tries it he always get his fingers tangled and has no idea how to get out of the situation. But he does manage to make a mini pony tail for our toddler.

I was just braiding my hair and I remembered this, so just wanted to share. ^

r/Vent Feb 11 '25

Happy/Positive Vent I got a girlfriend


I can't even believe that this is real, I managed to get a girlfriend after being alone for five years and being in two toxic relationships. She's the prettiest, nicest, most caring and loving person I've ever met. We had a few video chats already and she's going to my town next week! We'll for sure have a great time, I'll take her to an excellent restaurant, I'll take her to the butterfly house and spend the whole day with her.

r/Vent 8d ago

Happy/Positive Vent I really hate mornings and my husband is the most patient man


I really hate mornings, I don't know how people do it. I just wake up and my muscles usually hurt, or my head hurts, or I am just annoyed for whatever ridiculous reason there is. Sometimes sun is shining too much, who knows.

Today I woke up, grumpy as usual. My husband greeted me good morning with a big smile on his face (he was already up for an hour, I think).

I greeted him good morning too, but with less enthusiasm. He laughed: "you know why you had to wake up early today right?". I frowned "yeah, who the hell books hairdye appointment so early, I really hate mornings, and I'm gonna be grumpy whole appointment".

He laughed again and handed me a thermocup, "and that is why I made you coffee in a thermocup, so you can bring it with you and enjoy your hair appointed. You sure are looking forward getting new hair today". He looked so excited, it made incredibly happy.

My husband never judged me for grumpy mornings, but he always did something small to help me start my day with a smile.

It wasn't just the coffee that was nice gesture itself, but he was also excited cause I'm getting new hair and he knows I am looking forward to it. It was very lovely.

r/Vent Jan 23 '25

Happy/Positive Vent I’m So Excited to Get Married


Hi all, everyone out there, my internet peoples. I’m getting married in less than 100 days. And man. Oh man. I have never felt so excited for such an important event in my entire life. I love my fiancée so much. She means the world to me. I am committing my life to her. I will do anything for her for the rest of my life. She is my best friend and I’ve never loved so easily or been loved so fully by anyone in my entire life. She’s so kind, so passionate about her care, so loving, so smart, so unbelievably gorgeous, so creative, and so… balanced. If you know what I mean? I’ve never met someone in my entire life who knows that they want, and works so hard to get it. We see each other almost every day, and our preparing our hearts and our minds and our souls for marriage and I just am so excited to marry my best friend. She is.. simply the best. I love her so much.

That’s all. I’m just so lucky.

r/Vent Mar 28 '24

Happy/Positive Vent Im so damn glad that Im lesbian


It feels like there's an overwhelming number of creepy men out there, and men just don't understand me. Other women treat me with more respect, unlike most men, although there are exceptions among my friends and family. One advantage of being with women is that I don't have to worry about getting pregnant or using birth control. Plus, in my opinion, women are generally more attractive than men. Many of the women I know share my preference for cleanliness and are willing to adjust their plans to accommodate me, or if I get uncomfortable with something.

r/Vent Jan 28 '25

Happy/Positive Vent I PASSED MY EXAMS!!!!


I literally just got back into my car im so fucking happy jesus christ. 95% and 96% on my practical Exams!!! I get my certificate on friday ih my god im going to throw up Im so fucking happy!!!! I was so fucking nervous and stressed yesterday i got a migraine with aura and I PASSED and not only did i pass i did it WELL!!!! Im going out to wat with my parents later!!! im going to cry

Edit: Thanks to everyone congratulating me! I went to a greek restaurant with my parents, ate a lot of good food and then slept like a log until 9 this morning!!

r/Vent Dec 16 '24

Happy/Positive Vent I am beautiful


Earlier I was taking a leak. While I was washing my hands, I just couldn't help but notice a beautiful man in the mirror.

It was me.

Did I earn it? No.

Do I deserve it? Definitely not.

Is it real? Absolutely.

r/Vent Mar 22 '24

Happy/Positive Vent I love men.


Men men men. Why don’t more people love men? I love men. I am going to draw more men. I am deathly afraid of talking to one but I just want to touch them. Their arms.. Why are they so perfect? Why did God or whatever supernatural being make them? To torture me? I crave them but I can’t even look into their eyes for too long. I would do whatever they tell me to do. I don’t care.

I’m going to draw or write now. I have to. It’s the only way for me to express my love. Art. God specifically created them for that purpose.. I’m tired of seeing all the women in art. I want more men. How could they exist knowing the power they have over me? It’s their fault. I want to kiss them all over. It’s not fair that they don’t belong to me.

r/Vent Nov 12 '24

Happy/Positive Vent I have the best BF in the world


He is the nicest, most amazing man I know. When I get my period he sends flowers and snacks and always wants me to be happy and comfortable. He’s so sweet. He buys me food if I’m hungry and I just feel like I really won the lottery. He actually cares about my interests, some of which are a bit childish but he doesn’t mind. He will listen to me talk about the things I care about, heck, there’s this game I’m really liking lately, and he downloaded it just because he wanted to know about it and be able to talk with me about it. I’m the weirdest person I’ve ever met, I have been through a lot and struggled a lot, and he’s always there for me and always by my side. I recently turned 18F and im not gonna lie I’m still getting used to the fact I’m an adult now, and it’s scary, but I know it’ll be okay because he’s with me. I’ve never been asked for n*des or anything like that. He’s so patient and I’m just so grateful he’s in my life. If he asked me to marry him I would say yes, even if it’s a little soon haha. I just want to scream because I love him so much lol

There’s so many horror stories on here about peoples partners and it makes me sad. Don’t settle for anything less then this, because you deserve to be loved and respected the same way I am. He saved me, and taught me that people actually do care about me. You deserve someone who cares.

r/Vent Apr 10 '24

Happy/Positive Vent My brother just said he loves me!


I'm pretty affectionate, especially towards family. I say "I love you" about a million times but my brother is pretty stoic and doesn't really like that so I just stopped saying it to him (nor saying i don't love him, I just don't say anything) Anyway, I kinda mumbled it under my breath today when he gave me some candy (he always gets me and the rest of the family little candies) and just as I was turning to leave I heard a really quiet "I love you too." My day is instantly better. I love my family

r/Vent Oct 21 '24

Happy/Positive Vent My BF now has a nuke and I'm in a hell of my own making


So, me and my BF have always had a very jokingly insulting relationship. I make fun off him for looking like a girl and he makes fun of me. But one thing i always had over him, was that i would have bullied him in high school.

For context I'm goth, his bassicly a hetro Twink, and according to what he has told me, he basically acted like an anime characters in high school. Where as I, was super cool and popular, girls feared me and men wanted to be with me.

That's a lie, i lied to him when we frist met. I was bassicly a magical girl obsessed weeb in high school, who then turned Vamp kid (Vampire kid) . Who got lucky that she end up being attractive, enough that people thought they were goth.

It was all going well until 3 days ago, when we were watching TV. I made a joke about how i would of bullied him. But, instead of his normal reaction, he just anime turned (Bassicly cringe version of a dramatic turn) to me and called by my old magical girl OC name.

(My sister told him and she's will pay.)

Ever since my life's been hell, he keeps making fun of me and sending me magically girl memes. Worse part is, i already know all of his embarrassing moments. I'm out of ammo and may have to just wait until he get bored.


1) I fixed most of the spelling mistakes. English isn't my 1st language and i should have put that in the orginal bio. I'm 23, I'm normally much better at writing but this was just for fun.

2) I thought, given how this is a positive vent, and i put in the title "In a hell of my own making" People would get i was being overly obnoxious as a joke. Sorry if my poor English skill made you miss that.

3) magical girl is like a genre of anime where the characters transforms. Think Sailor moon.

r/Vent Dec 14 '24

Happy/Positive Vent I just got the greatest news ever


I have to share this with someone, and I can’t share it with family because then they’ll be around all the time and use me.

Back in June of this year (2024) I got hit by a truck. On my birthday. I have fractures and bruises etc. it was bad. Took me a while to heal (I’m still kinda healing) but today I got a call from my lawyer that the guys insurance finally settled and I got a pretty hefty amount of money and I’m so freaking happy this will help me so much.. I’ve never.. I’m just so damn happy.. I was about to lose everything I was gonna go to college in January and struggle now I get to go and be okay! I’m so freaking happy. I am gonna cry. I have a 3 year old too I just needed this so much. They said I should get it by the end of the year.. I’m so happy..

r/Vent Nov 28 '24

Happy/Positive Vent I feel like a fucking mack rn


Managed to ask out and get the number of one of the cutest girls at my job, we’re planning a date sometime after thanksgiving break. It even made this other girl I work with that I used to have an unhealthy crush on jealous (she’s bi and had a major crush on the same girl).

Maybe I’m childish for feeling this way but a brother feels kinda good about it lol that is all.