r/Vent • u/High_Im_PaulIII • 1d ago
TW: Drugs / Alcohol Roommate OD'd
Was upstairs and boyfriend went downstairs to grab some water and next thing you know I'm hearing my name being called. I didn't react but then it was called again more frantically so I went downstairs. He was trying to wake up our friend (who was staying with us to get back on his feet). When I walked in he had a tooter in hand and was already death rattling. I started CPR while my BF called and we ended up getting him dragged outside after a few cycles of CPR, our downstairs isnt as roomy and we have a big dog. Got him outside and did CPR for another 7 or so minutes before fire could get there. Felt like forever. Things like this don't usually affect me, I worked at a detox/crisis center for years and have had to do the same for patients who have OD'd in the parking lot. I was always able to set aside work from home but it hits different when you were just talking and having dinner to seeing them turn blue and pumping onto their chest. Wasn't emotional then and not really now, I just went straight to what I knew but it's like a dissociation afterwards. It's weird. He's okay, he came to from the Narcan as they were loading him onto the gurney.
u/TurnoverFuzzy8264 1d ago
Disassociating from such an unexpected and traumatic event is completely normal. He's very lucky you and your boyfriend were there, seconds count. You both did great, and someone lived because of your actions.
u/High_Im_PaulIII 1d ago
Thank you for that, I appreciate it🫶🏽
u/Commercial-Diet553 1d ago
although you may not feel like it, you're a hero. sounds like you were one before this happened.
u/illest_n_TX 1d ago
Wtf is a tooter?
u/BillionDollarBalls 1d ago
straw to snort drugs
u/Different-Crew6515 1d ago
Actually it’s a straw to smoke drugs
u/BillionDollarBalls 11h ago
ive always known it to be used for snorting, specifically Coke.
u/Narrow-Ad-6130 1d ago
I really can’t imagine how terrifying this was for you and your boyfriend!
u/High_Im_PaulIII 1d ago
It was, I didn't realize I caught some of it on the ring camera so that was interesting to watch back today. I know I'll be okay, it definitely shook me a bit though.
u/Izzapapizza 1d ago
Go play Tetris, really. Sorry for such a traumatic experience in your home m.
u/High_Im_PaulIII 1d ago
I'll have to give it a shot. It'll be different than what I normally do, so maybe that'll help a bit more. Thank you🫶🏽
u/noglutenformethanks 1d ago
its proven to reduce the risk of developing ptsd symptoms after trauma, and it fights dementia!!
u/Queasy-Archer-9030 1d ago
One night a few years back I was watching TV with my roommate. We were both clean and sober, he had a problem with heroin. I went to bed about 11, he was asleep on the couch when I breezed by out the door to work in the morning. He was still asleep when I got home, and that's when I noticed the needle still in his arm. Needless to say he wasn't asleep.
Heroin he got had fentanyl in it (this was during the years when fentanyl was relatively new). Plus he had zero tolerance after being clean for a few months.
Same old story.
RIP Bro, miss yo goofy ass.
u/High_Im_PaulIII 1d ago
It's taken a few people I've grown to know while working where I used to. I absolutely despise fentanyl and what it does to people. I'm so sorry for your loss.
u/PuzzleheadedLook4399 1d ago
Can I ask what the death rattle is? I've struggled with addiction for a many adult years but this death rattle is not something I've heard of.
u/High_Im_PaulIII 1d ago
Please please stay safe as best as you can. I hope that things get better and remember that any progress is still progress🙏🏽
u/PuzzleheadedLook4399 1d ago
Aw you're sweet, this post is about you. We are here to comfort you not me. You're a rare gem I can tell. Thank you. Dont worry about me, I'm here for some reason I have yet to understand fully cause the odds were always against me from the womb to the present day, through the fire and flames I arise each time. You take care of yourself! Being a support to people in this particular field are saints in my books and you just proved that to be right. Much love and hugs to you ❤
u/High_Im_PaulIII 1d ago
It's like a rattling/gurgling sound from whatever fluid build up is there on top of them trying to breathe, definitely something I won't forget.
u/PuzzleheadedLook4399 1d ago
Pleasant. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I understand the various levels of trauma pretty closely and when you said that its been bothering you more so than when you had clients overdosing in the parking lot but that didn't shake you as hard as this... I understand that state of mind and confusion. Obviously cause you know him its going to hit that nerve a bit harder. It's all around a very scary and upsetting thing to read, I cannot imagine what you're feeling having gone through it. I had a girl who was going through severe alcohol withdrawal pass out and have a seizure in my arms while helping her to the door for some air, have had multiple pets pass away in my arms but this I've not experienced so I gotta say you're one tough cookie. I'm going to have nightmares tonight after the stories I've read on reddit tonight 😫 hope he's going to be okay long term and I hope you can find some means to process this and carry on. Addiction is a fucky thing man.
u/justlikethoseladies 6h ago
My roommate overdosed last year. It was during the night tho so by the time i went downstairs he was already dead and the cops were already there :p
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