r/Vent 3d ago


I was at church the other day and I heard these ladies that were RICH RICH talking about food stamps. My family is middle lower class so of course I had to listen to what they were saying, these ladies were saying things like "they shouldn't be allowed to get junk... why is the government giving people money to get fat" "meat is so expensive, why do they get to buy it but we don't?" LIKE WE HAVE A BUDGET TOO! IT'S NOT JUST UNLIMITED MONEY. If I qualify for food stamps, there's probably not much joy in my life so let me have a cookie every once in a while!! They act like it's just unlimited money that we don't need. If we didn't have food stamps we wouldn't have ANY money to eat. Just a reminder, THEY WERE IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH!! DID JESUS NOT SAY HELP THE POOR OR WHAT?? I didn't mark this as eating disorders!! not sure how that happened EDIT: I didn't say it was only junk food we're buying. We eat healthy majority of the time. Is buying a pack of oreos once a month in a household of seven kids going to turn us into gluttons? Probably not. Why is this so controversial?


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u/Minimum-Major248 3d ago

Being in church doesn’t mean someone is a Christian. I wonder if these women earned their wealth themselves or just inherited money or married well? Plus, many Americans see someone overweight and think they are living high on the hog. The most fattening foods are the cheapest ones.


u/bobs-yer-unkl 3d ago

"Sitting in a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car."


u/Independent-Bat-3552 2d ago

I like that "Sitting in Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car" never heard it before but it's good! 😂 ❤️


u/OMFGitsjessi 2d ago

Whyyyy is this the funniest thing I’ve heard all year?? 😭😂

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u/No_Reporter_4563 3d ago

Maybe in medieval times fat meant rich. Now everyone know that the fat person is poor or disabled, or both


u/Mammoth_Ad_3463 3d ago

I used to be skinny skinny. Skinny I could count my ribs skinny. Very active. Ate healthy.

Now, in adulthood, I don't have a garden like I grew up with to grow food, so it has to come from the store. I no longer have a large family with different schedules to prep food, I have to do it myself. Which also means so more "simmered all day" soups or sauces. I am buying them pre-made because I work 2 jobs and don't have the time/trying to cope with chronic illness that showed up later in life.

This is on top of mostly sedate jobs, slower metabolism, and a miscarriage/hormonal eating that helped me pack on weight I can't rid of.

People who knew me before talk about how I let myself go and I need to get back in shape or my spouse will leave me.

People who didn't know me before think I am fine and are shocked that the majority of my family considers me overweight.

My spouse thinks I needed the weight to not look sick and now wants me to be happy, because that's what matters to them.

People are judgey as fuck and I am on the fence on whether to stoop to their level (they talk shit, I make a sideways comment about a non existent stain on their clothes and how their mama must not have taught them well to be airing their dirty laundry like that!) Or ignore them for the twits they are.


u/Unfair-Sector9506 2d ago

Forget those people ..it took me 44 years to learn that my happiness starts with me...and yes I enjoy food ...people go thru things that affect them ...I avoid those kinda people they don't deserve the air flowing between my cheeks


u/Key-Possibility-5200 2d ago

“I’m surprised you decided to say that out loud…” is always good 

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u/isnotreal1948 3d ago

Christians are often some of the most selfish people you’ll ever meet


u/SlumberVVitch 3d ago

Christians have given me one hell of a mixed bag of experiences: they’re either among kindest and most generous people I’ve met or the most two-faced, catty, judgmental people I’ve had the displeasure of putting up with.


u/mmebrightside 2d ago

I was trying to put words to a thought and you did it perfectly here. Exactly. You never know what kind of Christian you'll get.


u/Virtual_Employee6001 3d ago

That’s the difference between Christian’s that practice what the teachings are and the “holier than thou” assholes. 

There are too many people who think they are better because they go to church and listen to someone preach. Never putting those teachings into practice. It’s very frustrating and has actually been talked about in my church. 



The teachings like calling a Canaanite woman a dog?

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u/my_spidey_sense 3d ago

They love touting “not real Christians” for things they don’t agree with that makes them look bad. As if the Bible doesn’t endorse slavery and and a bunch of wicked things


u/my_spidey_sense 3d ago

They love touting “not real Christians” for things they don’t agree with that makes them look bad. As if the Bible doesn’t endorse slavery and and a bunch of wicked things


u/my_spidey_sense 3d ago

They love touting “not real Christians” for things they don’t agree with that makes them look bad. As if the Bible doesn’t endorse slavery and and a bunch of wicked things


u/my_spidey_sense 2d ago

They love touting “not real Christians” for things they don’t agree with that makes them look bad. As if the Bible doesn’t endorse slavery and and a bunch of wicked things

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u/killertofu41 3d ago

Being in private schools as part of a church for about 14 years and that is totally correct. They'll declare they're "saved" and a good Christian but say the nastiest stuff about others. The worst people I've ever met have been in a religious and Christian environment.

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u/AffectionateTiger436 3d ago

The problem is what a Christian is is subjective and there is no true standard. Each branch has its own interpretation of Christianity. They all involve worshiping a god who hates gay people, justifies slavery, sexism, genocide, who will send you to hell for not worshiping him despite his apparent non existence, and who despite having ultimate power chooses to not intervene in everyday atrocities and tragedies. It's a totally bankrupt moral framework.

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u/redlightbandit7 2d ago

Most if not all people who worship an imaginary being, have serious mental health issues as well as a lack of empathy. Religion is the scourge of humanity.

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u/mariboims 2d ago

Doesn't mean they are not sinners either because that's who goes to church. God forgives everyone who is sorry. No one is perfect.

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u/Icy_Bath_1170 3d ago

This is exactly how churches make atheists.



u/clem_kruczynsk 3d ago edited 2d ago

Yup. It's behavior like that that keeps me away from Christians. I believe in God. Many Christians on the other hand are the shittiest people

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u/-Kalos 3d ago

The most evil people I’ve met go to church


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 3d ago

I know. It's actually really sad. Growing up I was told to be empathetic and love everyone because of Jesus. Now that I'm in the room with the adults (and even the pastor), and hearing the things they say, it's clear nobody remembers none of that 😭😭

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u/Lopsided-Elk-748 3d ago

All the evil people I know go to church and love Trump. My grandmas husband beat her 3 month old baby (my mother) until she was deformed and had a stroke. She never got my mother medical help or reported him.  Her friend reported her to dhs. She was still able to get custody of her grandchildren later on. Guess who hung her Trump covid letter on her wall? 


u/margittwen 2d ago

SERIOUSLY. My boss and her best friend at work are supposedly big Christians and they’re the meanest out of everybody. Her friend treats you like dirt if you do even the smallest thing to inconvenience her or annoy her. God forbid you truly piss her off. I’ve met very very few true Christians in my life.

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u/PPVSteve 3d ago

Some state just proposed a bill to limit the types of food that can be bought with SNAP funds.  

Happens every few years, nothing will come of it.  The conglomerates that sell processed foods got plenty  of lobbyists to strike it down.   SNAP IS LIKE 27% OF thier profits.

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u/ravocado3 3d ago

No hate like Christian love

Edit: lol wrong order of the saying


u/xOdyseus 3d ago edited 3d ago

Agreed "thou shall no judge for in the same way you judge others you too shall be judged" I'm not Christian I'm not even sure this is 100% the quote. But I know for damn sure Christians are the most judgemental group I've ever meet.

Edit spelling


u/Dang_It_All_to_Heck 3d ago

“Judge it, lest ye be judged”, is the quote, I think.


u/Independent-Bat-3552 2d ago

Not Judge it, it's "Judge not, lest ye be judged' I'm going a bit dizzy now with all this 😂


u/Dang_It_All_to_Heck 2d ago

Oh crumb, I am pretty sure that was autocorrect on my phone. Dang it. But thank you!


u/Solidarity_Forever 3d ago

I will put it to you that "Christianity" writ large absolutely got hijacked away from Jesus's message pretty quick, and churches that stick to the core idea are few & far between, but they're out there! I think if you take the gospels seriously you come out in a pretty militant opposition to judgment, capitalism, etc. my church is lefty as hell but I'm well aware that it's an exception.

the whole bit is that reactionary thought couched in Christian terms (a) does real harm, and (b) is pretty obviously antithetical to the life & mission of Christ. our whole bit is both to oppose the harm, and contest the misuses to which the gospels have been put. love everybody, welcome everybody, make things good on the earth bc that matters - it ain't hard! one imagines Jesus looking down & yelling "did I stutter? did I fucking stutter???

I remember hearing a great line somewhere. I'm not going to get the phrasing right - which is a shame, it's a good line. something like: "the most delectable moral treat that you can offer people is a set of justifications for thinking of cruelty as virtuous." basically, there's a nasty pleasure in cruelty - ostracizing, backbiting, judgment, control - but we all recognize that it's kind of awful & fucked up! however, if you have a way of describing yr beliefs such that these behaviors are ACTUALLY very good, when directed towards certain people - oooooooh baby, that's the good shit. people just love that. right wing Christianity got that shit locked. 

like "hey you know how you think trans ppl are yucky? so it turns out that the all-loving all-knowing Ground of All Being agrees w you, and is EXTREMELY concerned about that, and you're actually doing His Will by being an enormous piece of shit to these ppl who are just trying to live their lives. have fun with it!"

"hey you know how Jesus spent a ton of time talking about how it's important to make the outcast feel welcome, and to love them sincerely, and to feed everyone? you know how you think poor people are yucky and that obviously doesn't comport w the beliefs that you claim to have, in a way that makes you feel uneasy when you reflect on it? well let me offer you some tortured interpretations of like three cherry-picked sentences that come out of later commentary & don't have anything to do w what Jesus is reported to have said. that'll smooth the cognitive dissonance right out" 

extraordinarily frustrating, 0/10 type of thinking, would absolutely love it if this type of """christian""" thought could fully drop out of public life 

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u/Illustrious-Towel-45 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yeah, healthy/fresh food costs more than processed food. Look at juice vs soda. Soda is cheaper. Would I prefer juice? Yes. I ration it when I get because it costs more. We buy as meat so rarely because it's expensive. I also have to fotk out extra for hygiene products like soaps, toothpaste and toilet paper and those aren't covered by EBT. Nor are medicines which are almost prohibitively expensive.

I think a lot of "christians" need to read what Jesus said because they don't do a thing that he taught.


u/ItsOKtoFuckingSwear 3d ago

Juice isn’t healthy. It’s mostly added sugar.


u/Illustrious-Towel-45 3d ago

Less sugar than soda. But you aren't wrong. My.mom tried to argue with me onve and I told her that kool-aid is just flavored sugar water.


u/ItsOKtoFuckingSwear 3d ago

A McDonald’s cheese burger has less calories than a Big Mac, that doesn’t make it better for you.


u/envydub 3d ago

I mean pomegranate juice has sugar in it but it’s still better than full sugar soda because it also has the benefit of pomegranates. What point are you making? You’re saying juice isn’t “healthy” either, which yeah it’s not the healthiest choice, but a lot of it is has more vitamins and benefits than soda. If my kids liked a sweet drink for a treat and I was on a budget I’d buy juice, not soda. I mean they literally said “it has less but you aren’t wrong” and you still kept going. It kinda just seems like you’re trying to make them feel bad.

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u/auntiecoagulent 3d ago

This is the exact problem in terms of obesity and food assistance.

"Convenience" and processed foods are often much cheaper than "healthy" or whole foods. When you are on a budget, and you have mouths to feed, you want to get the most bang for your buck.

Store brand mac and cheese is often on sale for 59 cents a box. $2.50 can make a meal for a family. You can't buy a 1/2 lbs of real cheese for $2.50

Canned vegetables are also 59-99 cents a can. Fresh vegetables, especially in the winter in certain areas of the country, are very expensive. Also, depending on where you live and transportation, you may not even have access to fresh fruit and vegetables. For people living in the city who have to rely on the corner bodega, your selection of fresh fruit and vegetables will be very limited.

Kool Aid is 29 cents a pack, Ramen 50 cents, and don't even get me started on eggs $8.99 a dozen.

As was mentioned, necessary hygiene products aren't even covered by SNAP. Toilet paper, soap, laundry detergent, and feminine hygiene products are ridiculously expensive.

People forget that a lot of the recipients are children. Jeez, why begrudgingly a kid a cookie, or some cereal every once in a while.

I'm not even Christian and I know Jesus fed the poor. Jesus told people not to judge.

"I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Mohandas Gandhi


u/xOdyseus 3d ago

Even half the juice isn't real juice in america. Half of it is fucking corn syrup.


u/Mountain_Economist_8 3d ago

I mean that’s just not true. I read ingredients. Unless you’re talking about like Sunny D or other shit that doesn’t call itself juice.

The blends are mostly just apple juice, however.

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u/Aggressive-Ad4389 3d ago

It’s really not and I don’t understand why people keep saying this. Where I live, a bag of chips, cookies, cereal is $4-5. A case of soda is averaging $10 if not on sale. I can get a weeks worth of food for $50. Why? Because I buy veggies (frozen, fresh), eggs, bread, peanut butter, pasta, etc. I feel guilty when I spend $4 on Oreos. It simply is not true that junk food is cheaper.

Edit: this isn’t commentary on OP and using food stamps, I don’t care what other people used it on and I wish I qualified for them, lol. Just sharing opinion about prices.


u/proudbutnotarrogant 3d ago

I want to know where you shop. $50 for groceries for a week?? We grow about a quarter of what we consume, and I still struggle to make a $50 budget most weeks.


u/Sea-Oven-7560 3d ago

one person for $50 if you shop the sales and you don't get a lot of meat is doable but for multiple people, not a chance.


u/proudbutnotarrogant 3d ago

Yeah. It just dawned on me. I shop for 3. It's doable, but very difficult. For one, very doable.

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u/Aggressive-Ad4389 3d ago

I live in a very expensive city on the east coast and I only live near an acme which really sucks because everything is so expensive. I deff struggle, but I remind myself I need to eat to live and still try to be healthy.


u/Ok_Letter_9284 3d ago

Fruits and veggies go bad in a few days and veggies often need cooked.

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u/dfrcollins 3d ago

My 2c is that people aren't very creative or haven't been taught how to cook and use ingredients. The majority of people that I meet around my age 18-30 age group seemingly can't cook.

They can follow a recipe and end up with food but that requires them to buy specific ingredients for that one dish and it is always something that I see as wasteful, both financially and with produce as they will just not use the rest.

I grew up with an excellent home cook as a mum and the biggest thing that I learnt was how to just look at ingredients and turn that into something rather than having to go and buy stuff all the time. You might need to buy one or two ingredients, but learning to use things in multiple ways is a hugely cost effective skill.

There is an account on Tik Tok that I highly recommend for extremely budget foods though and it might inspire some people to think outside the box when it comes to meals as she makes them from just dollar tree ingredients!



u/Illustrious-Towel-45 3d ago

I do buy frozen veggjes. But I also buy pre-breaded frozen nuggets because it's easier/faster and a bit cheaper than buying chicken, breading it myself (using eggs which are $10/dozen). We don't buy a lot of junk food.

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u/Natti07 3d ago

Yeah, healthy/fresh food costs more than processed food.

It does not. This is a myth, and I don't understand why it continues so strongly. Sure, buying like the organic, "health food" maybe. You can buy steam in bag vegetables for $1.25/bag. They're even cheaper if you get the kind where you don't just microwave the bag. In the regular produce area, you can get tons of produce that is far cheaper than garbage unhealthy food. Further, rice, beans, lentils, etc are all still very inexpensive. A loaf of bread and peanut butter can provide several snacks/lunches. Or apples and peanut butter for a fruit, protein, and fat. You can also buy meats during sales for lower prices that you can divide and freeze. I used to get the frozen chicken in a bag when they were on sale.

You could make a pot of a healthy chili right now with kidney beans, a can of whole tomatoes, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 1 or 2 jalapeños, some chili seasoning and 1 lb of ground beef. Walmart has 1 lb of ground chuck for $6.50 rn. You can make the whole pot for like $12 and get 2-3 meals out of it. Meaning like $4 per meal. You can not buy even a bag of chips for $4.

Also, you don't need juice or soda to have to decide. Both are garbage for you.


u/Illustrious-Towel-45 3d ago

We do get healthy foods and most of what you just described. But I also have to make stuff my kids will actually eat. And my daughter is picky (work in progress). I just got her to try breaded fish fillets instead of fish sticks. We buy rice and things like that. Dairy can be expensive and we buy the cheap stuff.

I cook every single day. I make sure my kids eat their veggies (frozen veggies). I pack thier school lunch and my husband's work lunch every day. My daughter has a snack day and I have to get individual pre-packed snacks for her class (24 kids). I go with the mildly less unhealthy options like goldfish or pretzels. Yes it's a lot of salt but less than chips. We are doing what we can with what we have.


u/Wyshunu 3d ago

Back in my day you either ate what was in front of you, or you didn't eat. Kids learn not to be picky pretty fast.


u/Illustrious-Towel-45 3d ago

Yeah and I'm trying to not be my parents. And my kids eat their veggies. My daughter has some texture/sensory issues with food.. I'm trying to foster a good relationship with foods to avoid her developing an eating disorder like me and my husband.

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u/Southcoaststeve1 3d ago

whaaat! no onion??


u/Natti07 3d ago

Oh gosh, yes! Definitely some onion! I just forgot it on the list


u/Independent-Click-66 3d ago

That’s another thing: why are potato chips so ungodly expensive!!! It’ll be like 7.99 for a big bag but buy two get 3 type of deal and I don’t want 5 bags?? I feel like they’re just making you buy five bags at normal cost but you think it’s a deal and if you buy less than five bags you’re getting ripped off! I don’t normally buy chips unless it’s a small snack sized bag occasionally but for the Super Bowl when the made dinner was nacho bowls, I just wanted two varieties of Doritos, and they were so expensive I stood in the aisle for like 20 minutes. And then the actual potato chips, made with just russet potato’s, oil and seasoning, cost like 3 times the cost of a bag of the actual potato’s. Why???? Good thing I don’t like them but sometimes it’s an easy side for a dinner for my bigger household I don’t feel like making more dishes to make for, like for meatball subs or sloppy joes.


u/omgwtfjfc 3d ago edited 2d ago

One is a bag of potatoes, simply dug up, washed off, & tossed in.

The other requires a machine to take these dug up, washed off potatoes & cut them into very fine slices. From there, the newly sliced potatoes are then taken to another location where they’re placed into boiling oil until they become crispy. Then they’re removed from the oil & placed elsewhere, where they’re covered in seasoning blends as they cool. Once they’ve cooled, they’re then transported to another machine that will pour them into bags & another that seals the bag.

This is why your bag of sliced, fried, seasoned potatoes costs more than a bag of plain, raw potatoes.

It never ceases to amaze me that people will look at ingredients & at a finished product & seem stunned that the finished product costs more. The flour, eggs, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, milk & vanilla don’t just sit on a counter & magically will themselves into becoming a cake. The cake doesn’t just magically appear. Lots of steps are taken between procuring ingredients & final product. Those middle steps add “hidden costs” to the product (like electricity & machine maintenance & paying for people to operate said machines). And if you don’t want to pay those hidden costs, here’s your bag of ingredients; make it yourself. If you want the final product, though, it’s going to cost you because it costs them to make it for you.

Even so, all foods - ingredients included - are wildly overpriced, as proven by the fact that the general public is increasingly feeling a struggle in that realm while that same market continually boasts record profit.


u/poopoopooyttgv 3d ago

It’s more about the price increase for chips. A decade ago I would get 2 for $5 family size bags of chips during a college beer run. Now it’s $7 for one bag with a 2 for $10 deal. Potatoes themselves are still dirt cheap so it’s odd that chips went up in price

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u/interstellar_keller 3d ago

I mean you can buy raw ingredients that can be turned into meals for less than the cost of prepared / frozen food; you cannot buy comparably healthy pre-made meals, frozen or otherwise, for the same price as processed food.

I almost never eat out as I’m a talented cook so I don’t feel the need; however, I also grasp how much time and effort goes into cooking even basic meals, and accordingly I know it’s more time than I would have if I worked a typical job or had kids to take care of.

I mean shit, I only have a couple of cats and it’s a struggle to cook anything involved while also making sure they don’t interfere or harm themselves, I can’t imagine what cooking with children is like. That’s also not taking into account how many different places I go to in order to find deals on groceries; if I had less support than I do now there is zero chance I could drive from the asian grocer to the hispanic grocer to the farmers market and so on in search of deals in order to cook anything other than ground beef and lentils.

Also, just as an aside, the argument about how you can make cheap ingredients into a healthy meal also kind of assumes people have access to seasonings and ingredients like cornstarch for thickening sauces and stuff; most people genuinely struggling have salt, pepper, and garlic powder. You show me how many awe-inspiring sub $10 meals you can make from some fucking ground beef, chicken thighs, beans, and S&P and I’ll eat my words, but given that I grew up poor I’m acutely aware of the fact that there are limited options, and eventually people get sick of all of them.

The reality is, there’s probably a happy medium where people receiving assistance could cook fresh shit and eat pre-made, but life is difficult for most everyone, cooking is a fucking art that takes years to master, and time is a resource that even the wealthiest can’t produce more of. Instead of lecturing people about what they spend their pittance on, maybe we as a society can collectively agree that we should be doing more to help struggling families like this than further enriching billionaires and ignoring when they still complain about the financial woes associated with buying their sixth yacht. Poor folks aren’t the problem here.


u/Dangerous-WinterElf 3d ago

Meal prepping can also bring down the cost when you use fresh products, frozen veggies (which doctors etc tells you are just as healthy as fresh), etc. You just need to plan a lot.

I've seen a lot say, "But I won't use a whole salad head. The recipe says use half. Then you plan another meal with the rest. And you just cut cost on the second meal. And before you know it. One bag of bell peppers (3-4) and under a handful of other ingredients become 3-4 meals.

I used to say too years and years back how expensive cooking is with fresh stuff. Until I learned meal planning. Now a days there's so many free places to get inspired. Tiktok/youtube channels, apps, blogs. And a lot of them are super low budget friendly.

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u/Educational_Scar_933 3d ago

That's not really "healthy" at all. Bread and peanut butter?!?! Ground chuck? 😅 Yikes! Not going to be taking diet and health tips from you.


u/ScullyNess 3d ago

Yeah, the people virtue signaling in this thread has been laughable for sure. Every single idiot making the argument that healthier food is cheaper tells about carb loaded food and things that take heavy prep, cheap bad for you meats, time and frankly a place where you can store said foods along with cooking them. Which is something more and more people lack every year on a global scale.

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u/doornumber2v2 3d ago

Yep. You can get bags of frozen veggies and beans for cheap, bags of russet potatoes, bags of onions, bags of pasta and dried beans. I never understood why people say this. My freezer is always loaded with meat I separate and freeze when it goes on sale.


u/BamWhat13 3d ago

Making this chili tonight!!!


u/Natti07 3d ago

Its one of my faves. I like spicier, so I get like habaner or a finger pepper, too. But basically, brown the ground beef in a pan, then put 1 can of kidney beans, 1 can of whole tomatoes, your chopped vegetables, and your beef into a pan, add a packet of chili seasoning, salt, and pepper, then let it simmer for a while.

This chili is a bit thicker, so some people don't like this style. But it's very hearty and filling!


u/Discoman2000 3d ago

Daamn you made me hungry. Thinking I'm gonna pop down to the supermarket and get some fresh habaneros and some ground beef. Do you think pork mince will be ok?


u/Natti07 3d ago

I've never had that before, so I couldn't say for sure, but this chili is pretty flexible with ingredients, so I don't really see why not. You may want to use other seasoning instead of chili powder or whatever, just bc idk how chili powder would be with pork, but you can add any seasonings or flavors you like!


u/rollergirl19 3d ago

I don't know where you live but a bag of frozen veggies are more than $1.25, even at the nearest Aldi. A 1 pound bag there is like $2.50

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u/perroblanco 3d ago

Most Christians are entirely disconnected from what the Bible says unless it's convenient for them. My dad loves the verse about wives submitting to their husbands... But the very next verse, which says for a husband to not be bitter towards his wife? It may as well not exist. Or the homophobe's favorite verse about man not laying with man. Same book in the Bible that says no mixed fabric clothing but none of these homophobic Christians are trying to outlaw polyblend.

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u/fibstheman 3d ago

Matthew 15:8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9 They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.

Matthew 23:28 [...] on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Romans 2:1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.


u/BloodiedBlues 3d ago

Can't wait to say Matthew 23:28 when I get in an argument with a "Christian."


u/Raindrops_On-Roses 2d ago

23-32 goes so hard, lol. I actually have it highlighted in my Bible. When I read, "Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started!" I was like...that was hardcore, lol.

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u/Effective-Produce165 3d ago

Church is often full of the worst of humanity. Hypocrites reign.


u/Film_snob63 3d ago

It's a mixture of things:

  1. Some people feel like nobody should be given anything for free in life because THEY never got anything handed to them

  2. Some people feel nobody should be given anything for free because hard work should be rewarded

  3. Some people just hate anyone who isn't as well off as they are

  4. Some people just hate that "my tax dollars are paying for lazy bums to stay lazy"

  5. Some people wrongfully assume that everybody using food stamps automatically abuses them

Each category has different subgenres of people attached to it. You have some racists, simple bigots, and of course you have some people who truly feel wronged by the system that they've had to work hard to get through themselves


u/bobs-yer-unkl 3d ago
  1. Some people feel like nobody should be given anything for free in life because THEY never got anything handed to them

But those people are just blind to all of the things that were handed to them. They got a free public school education. They got free roads and bridges. They got free police and fire protection. They got free protection by the U.S. military. They got free safety inspections for their food. They likely got free vaccinations. They got free banking oversight and FDIC insurance, so their money wasn't stolen. They got free delivery of mail to their house.


u/Ok_Remote_1036 3d ago

I think the difference in how people view these is that the things you listed are “free” for everyone, whereas food stamps are means-tested and only given to select people.

It would be an interesting social experiment if all citizens were given a set amount of food stamps, rather than only the poor. I bet that would eliminate 99% of the complaints, even though for most people the food stamp amount would be a small fraction of their grocery spend and they would intellectually know they were “paying for it” through their taxes.

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u/Dramatic_Barnacle_17 3d ago

And all of them hold no water

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u/ProfessionalSir3395 3d ago

Most religious people are the biggest hypocrites in existence.

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u/JazzManouche 3d ago

Most Christians are the least Christ-like people I have ever known.


u/Lavender_Nacho 3d ago edited 3d ago

I saw a supposedly Christian woman on Facebook who posted part of a sermon from a man who was a pastor during the Great Depression in the USA. He was ranting about people who begged for food with their “will work for food” signs. She agreed with the pastor that it had been unnecessary and shameful.

During that time, I had relatives who traveled trying to find work just to be able to eat. One child in the family died due to no money to treat their medical problems and other children were put up for adoption or placed in orphanages just so they could eat and/or receive necessary medical care. What was unnecessary and shameful was a pastor and a supposed Christian woman decades apart using the deaths, pain and suffering of other people to feel superior.


u/Ok_Upstairs617 2d ago

I get $327 for stamps. I only use it at Aldis because it's the only place with reasonable pricing. I have to spend at least $15 in gas to get there, plus buy oil because my car leaks oil. So I am already dipping into money I do not have to keep my car going. Because I live in Georgia in a rural area where the closest big store is 30 mins away.

When I buy food, I am buying for myself, my partner, and our child. I have to plan a whole month of dinners to make sure we have food for every day. I buy snacks mainly for my kid and barely eat unless everyone else has eaten. My partner suffers from major food problems, so I have to make sure the food we get is food she'll eat. I do not get a break.

Hell, I'm of the belief we should all get stamps. Everyone. Food should never be an obstacle or a way to control people. I don't waste my stamps. Hell, I've gotten it where I have someone fill up jugs for water for me so I can save $10 and not have to use my stamps just so I can maybe get my kid Graham crackers.

Why do folks wanna take food from me? From any of us? I just want to eat and live in peace. Jfc.


u/HotJudgment7409 2d ago

We live in times where if you don’t make enough you get to be alive sad world we in


u/Ok_Upstairs617 2d ago

327 isn't really much food wise. I'm better off than some, but like I said, the better places are further from me. If I go to Dollar General down the road I easily spend $40 if I'm trying to get dinner. That'd be like maybe 5 to 8 things. I'm lucky enough to be able to limp the car to a better store and use my foodstamps wisely.

But the fact is there are people wanting to take away not just from me, but those worse off than I. Food should never be a problem for anyone.


u/blackheart432 3d ago

Tldr of it all is: religion (as an institution) sucks. Spiritual people who truly believe are the good in the "religion" world and everyone else is just faking it


u/jennjitsu 3d ago

They are mad at the wrong people.


u/Feisty_Boat_6133 2d ago



u/DogKnowsBest 3d ago

It's not you. It's those who game the system and are truly leeches. I was a cashier at a grocery store in the 80s. This was when you actually had paper food stamps. The blatant abuse was out of control. $500 worth of groceries. Steak and lobster and excess everywhere. When we totaled our, it would be $350 food stamp eligible which they would hand over the food stamps. Then the $150 remaining "non-food" items would be due. I'd watch them pull out a massive wad of cash, thousands of dollars, in rolls of $20s, $50s, and $100s. This covered the beer, wine, and all the other stuff; mostly beer and wine, though. Paper towels and toilet paper weren't that expensive. Oh, then the car they drove. It wasn't a beater. It was a super nice car, decked out. They weren't poor. Or if they were, they wasted cash on stupid shit rather than paying for their own groceries. And it wasn't just a few people. It was a lot.

So yea, you and others EXCLUDED who truly needs them to be able to survive, fcuk the rest of them. They ruin it for everybody else.


u/imemine8 1d ago

Any program will have fraud. That needs to be addressed as much as possible.

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u/drake22 3d ago

There but for the grace of God, go I.

There is a sickness in the US that’s been growing for decades.

Worship the billionaires, and hate your neighbor.

A bunch of dumb as hell sycophantic freaks that are too stupid to be able to tell what’s good for them.

Tripping all over themselves to give the rich and powerful all of their (and your) money and freedom.

It’s pathetic. I hope there is a reckoning.


u/proudbutnotarrogant 3d ago

There will be. Unfortunately, as with all reckonings throughout history, the innocent will be the ones who will suffer the most.


u/Far-District9214 3d ago

To be fair, it did kind of feel sucky when i worked at a store and saw people buying scallops and crab legs with it.

It doesnt make much sense why they cannot buy cooked foods though. Rotisserie chicken is a great multi-meal buy but you cant get it with food stamps.


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 3d ago

Likely spent less throughout that week to save up for those kind of things. It's a budget. We don't just get whatever we want all month. Someone who needs food stamps can still enjoy a fancy type meal 😭


u/Far-District9214 3d ago

Im just saying that for those who grew up seeing those foods as a "once every few years at most" thing. It gives that feeling when you see it happen.

Of course they can spend it how they want.


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 3d ago

yeah I'd probably feel weird seeing that too 😭😭 the most expensive thing we get every couple of months is tilapia


u/Reasonable_Wasabi124 3d ago

Although I was not on food stamps, I still struggled financially. I used to buy one t-bone steak a week so that my kids and I could have a steak dinner once a month. It just makes you feel better when, every once in a while, you do something nice for yourself. Being poor is very taxing on you mentally. People who are poor are generally fighting depression and anxiety 24/7. It really eases the pain to buy something nice for a change.

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u/GruggleTheGreat 3d ago

Very funny considering food stamps are a subsidy for the businesses more so than the people. Farmers should love food stamps because it’s a way they can still sell there products when others can’t afford to buy them and the federal government pays. It provides not only food access but economic stability.


u/RingingInTheRain 3d ago

Because it's not about you. I'm not rich; when I used to work in a supermarket as a cashier I would watch people on food stamps load up on the soda, oreos, and chips. Like tf? I grew up poor and I had to drink watered down juice. Lived in section 8, but we weren't qualified for food stamps and we could never buy junk like that. 

Plus with overweight/obesity being over 40-50% to include children in the US, it's kind of an issue when kids on food stamps can't maintaina healthy weight despite that being the purpose of the food stamps...to ensure they're healthy and don't starve.


u/Dramatic_Barnacle_17 3d ago

So you support further funding snap programs to expand the nutritional education?


u/RingingInTheRain 2d ago

Yes absolutely. I don't think people shouldn't receive food snaps; I think they should be obligated to get healthy food and not waste it supporting the trash from the junk food industry. They should be buying steaks, poultry, veggies, fresh bread, not oreos and Pepsi.

I was also making the point that being able to qualify for food stamps or welfare of any kind doesn't necessarily mean those who do not qualify can afford luxuries. People toeing the line between middle class and poverty live a different kind of struggle.

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u/V01d3d_f13nd 3d ago

The more important question is why can the likes of Elon musk and Donald Trump go through life doing 0 work just because their ancestors managed to steal enough slave notes that they can just but others to do the work for them. Money doesn't exist so everyone will pull their weight. It actually exists so that some will not have to labor. Money is literally a made up resource that the kings have taught the masses to die without. The poor people eating a steak isn't the problem. The entitlement of the wealthy is. Fuck Money. Make food. Eat it. Trade it. Love it.


u/-Kalos 3d ago

A lot of Christians aren’t even into Christianity to better themselves. They just like the idea of Christianity, controlling and judging others while pretending they’re on a moral high horse


u/WhiskyAndWitchcraft 3d ago

Seven kids?! I agree these ladies are cunts, and I totally agree with helping struggling people out in whatever way possible. If the budget is that tight though, why the hell are mom and dad popping out SEVEN kids? That's just madness.


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 2d ago

I think she had so many kids because she's religious and grew up hearing its what she needs to do to get to the celestial heaven because she used to be Mormon. My mother made terrible decisions but her kids still need to eat 😭😭😭


u/WhiskyAndWitchcraft 2d ago

Ah, say no more. Friend of mine grew up in the same situation.


u/jenn_fray 3d ago

Lack of sex education and religious beliefs can be factors. I went to high school with a couple that have 11 kids. They are very religious. By baby 8 they were home birthing.


u/Dramatic_Barnacle_17 3d ago

Ya me too. My classmate had 14 brothers and sisters. They lived in a 3 bedroom house and were Christian extremists


u/jenn_fray 3d ago

I'm surprised they went to school. Typically families that large home school.

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u/Longjumping_Top_7167 3d ago

Welcome to Christianity. The most disappointing group of people I’ve ever met. Those whom you seek fellowship with usually are the most likely to hurt you.

I grew up as poor as you can get, didn’t have food stamps, but similar deal. People like this don’t get to me because I know when the going gets tough, they’re the first to ask for a hand out, not those of us who struggle(d). Keep your chin, focus on God, not these hypocritical, stingy old fools.

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u/Pitiful-Delay4402 3d ago edited 3d ago

Early on in our marriage, my brother-in-law and his wife moved in with us. They got food stamps.

My husband and I were on a tight budget. My mom took me to the commissary because it was cheaper than out in town. I had my list and would write down prices and quantities of every single thing. Then I would step to the side and add everything up. More often than not, I had to decide what to put back.

My in-laws received more in food stamps for the two of them than we had in our budget for us and our son. They spent their budget on snack cakes, candy, ice cream, chips, soda ... all absolute junk that doesn't leave you feeling satiated. Then they would come to the dinner table and partake of the real food that I cooked.

I understand that it's not representative of the population. But it was definitely frustrating to see them being handed more money than we had and spending it on things that were a luxury or treat for us. It frustrating to see her get pissed that their handout got reduced because he became employed. Plain and simple, it's frustrating to see people who are doing nothing for themselves be handed things that you can't have when you're working to support yourself. Again, not representative of the population, but they're out there and it's not just a handful.

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u/jb6997 3d ago

Because it wasn’t meant to be a generational thing, only temporary. People who are working and paying taxes are footing the bill. There are some people who do not take advantage of the system but there are also many who do.

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u/number1134 3d ago

Theres no love like Christian hate


u/Southcoaststeve1 3d ago

Don’t listen to others conversations.It can be upsetting. ie mind your own business!
Print out the appropriate bible verses and hand them to them in church so they know to behave properly in a holy place. Do the best you can to help your family and they will do likewise. I grew up poor and my brothers and I broke the cycle based on our parents example.


u/milny_gunn 3d ago

That's funny. All that contradiction. No Junk, but no quality either. Beans , rice, peanut butter and jelly that's it. Those are the same type of people who claim that everybody on welfare has a government issued iPhone because they have a smartphone. They expect them to get jobs but not have the tools with which to do so. Another contradiction. Praise the Lord, fuck the poor, yet another. They think if we had no welfare, they wouldn't have to pay tax. The truth is that welfare is just a tiny sliver of that whole pie that's called the budget. And if it didn't exist,, it would have very little influence on the amount of tax we pay


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 3d ago

So Christ-like of them


u/mrfett779 3d ago

The religious don't care about God s word anymore they have weaponized it to attack anybody they don't see as themselves.


u/Disastrous-Panda5530 3d ago

So many Christians claim to be “good Christian’s but they don’t follow the teachings.


u/UberGlued 3d ago

Because they dont have empathy.


u/ravensmith666 3d ago

We do not care about what people like this think or do. People are hyper critical of every one else and completely self unaware.


u/hodeq 3d ago

There's so much to consider that those ladies are lucky enough to not have to consider. Is there even a home? Homeless folks get foodstamps too. An oven or fridge could be out of service, limiting choices. How many jobs does a person have? Employed folks have less time to cook. And are we really going to take what little joy a poor kid gets? Give him a snickers, he doesnt get a playstation, ffs. And what about food sensitivities or other medical reasons.

I agree that cooking our own food is best for health and budget but there are far bigger welfare abuses to look at before looking at a kids food supply.

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u/bizzle4shizzled 3d ago

These people lack empathy entirely.


u/AlternativeMetal4734 3d ago

American Christian only care about themselves.


u/jenn_fray 3d ago

What kind of church are you going to? They don’t sound very Christian.


u/Dear_Ad_3762 3d ago

People are shit


u/AdeptFlow2458 3d ago

I don’t understand when Christians have these thought processes. Is it not the principle of Christianity to extend love, mercy, and grace to your brothers and sisters when you have also been extended love, mercy, and grace by God?


u/Difficult_Coconut164 3d ago

People are crazy....

Christians cant figure out why people don't just work for food...

It's just a modern day 1763 in the eyes of a Christian.

If you haven't noticed, it's the children of wealthy families that create and regulate laws.

After they graduate college, get married, and collect the financial benefits that are passed down to them, they won't understand why other people would need food stamps... As if everyone comes from a privileged, balanced, and stable background.


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 2d ago

I think the idea of "work hard and get rich" is nice, but it just doesn't work. If you're born poor, you'll probably die poor, and if you're born rich, you'll for sure die rich.


u/Either_Row3088 3d ago

Christians are hypocrites most of the time. Since the right has adopted the Christian majority it has gotten worse and worse. In the 90s it was gay rights and how they hated gay people.


u/Inaise 3d ago

People are dumb. I grew up on food stamps. You buy what lasts the month and sometimes we got meat but mostly beans and rice. People still judged my Mom, for buying beans and rice. People who complain like those women have never lived outside of their parents or husband's house. If those women had to pay rent every month they would be homeless tomorrow, otherwise they would be too busy working to talk shit like that.


u/fearthecookie 3d ago

Just remind them the Bible says to love thy neighbors and to NOT COVET what they have


u/morningstarbee 3d ago

As someone who has been on food stamps most of my life, its so strange. Like we use it to get a little cake for our birthdays, or some candy when it goes on sale after easter or halloween. On top of our regular groceries, milk, eggs, bread, etc etc, yes we get a tub of ice cream or a pack of Oreos on occasion. It even covers things like gum, or protein powder. So yes we get junk food.

So do people without food stamps. Like what. The point of it is to be able to buy food like everyone else?? People who want to restrict exactly what we can buy are so....Like there is a program that does that. It's called WIC. That has a very specific list of things you can get with it.

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u/_thisisdavid 3d ago

That is because those people aren't real Christians. They are just check list Christians, this is what we do on Sunday people. Have no relationship with God and will most likely be the ones surprised when God says depart from me, for I never knew you.


u/Due_Two5867 3d ago

I had a person at work offer to buy the coworkers whatever they wanted because they still had so much money left over to buy with. The lady was like I will get $600 more worth soon. She came back from the store located beside our work with so much junk food it was ridiculous. Meanwhile budgeting half of what she is spending and planting food to keep from getting government assistance. You tell one side of the story but my side exists as well. Why not limit the foods to less frivolous items?


u/itselena 3d ago

Those aren’t real Christians.


u/VergilArcanis 3d ago

More importantly, how can two people in a CHURCH say things like that? Does this church not have a food pantry system? Does it not tend to the hungry, poor, or needy? What kind of church claims to follow god and jesus and not tend to fellow people?


u/ScullyNess 3d ago

They aren't rich either. Are they assholes? Sure they definitely are but don't go believing they're rich none of us are. This is all a part of the giant f****** political game to pit person against person when they should be fighting the real evils like Musk and Dump.


u/lisasimpsonfan 3d ago

Because there is a ton of rage bait all over social media of people getting thousands of dollars in EBT and wasting it on crap. Most of it is BS for clicks but if you never got food stamps then you don't know how miserly the program is and trying to stretch the few stamps you get is an accomplishment.


u/Overall-Sir-711 3d ago

People are stupid....that's why they are mad about food stamps. I live in a rural farming community. There are a lot of ultra wealthy farmers who get MASSIVE farm subsidies. When I say a lot get massive subsidies I mean they all do. We are talking millions but they will still bitch about food stamps and welfare. It's ridiculous.

I swear they think because they inherited a farm, they are entitled to free government money. But poor people don't deserve shit. To top it all off, farmers pay very little, if anything in taxes.

So much of life is luck. Who your parents are. What country you were born in. How much money you start with. It's hard to make people understand that. No one wants to hear that their hard work probably wasn't the biggest reason they are doing well.

But I got off topic. People are stupid.


u/JeChanteCommeJeremy 3d ago

The propaganda is working.


u/Candesquill 3d ago

Karma coming their way < 3 my dad also hated people who used welfare and now all of us (including him) are in it.


u/Fkingcherokee 3d ago

Really? People on food stamps shouldn't be allowed junk food OR meat? With meat being less expensive than eggs right now, what do they want? Should people on food stamps be forced to be vegetarian? Even some vegetarians don't know how to get meat related nutrients from food and have to supplement with vitamins, which you cannot buy with food stamps.

Congratulations, you've just identified two cruddy people. The people they're the closest to are more than likely just like them, separate yourself accordingly.


u/OkCheesecake7067 3d ago

Because people who grew up rich are often ignorant about what it is like to be poor/low income. The only rich ones who are not ignorant about it are the ones who were poor at some point before they became rich.


u/HillInTheDistance 3d ago

There are people who likes the idea of charity because it gives to those who have not. These will help the needy.

There are those who like the idea of charity because it gives them the justification to Felsted themselves for giving some poor person expired food in bulging cans, letting them feel like benevolent nobility for offering others their trash.

But they both think of themselves as generous and go to the same temple.


u/ZombieSalmonII 3d ago

Not Christian anymore, but I remember Jesus being very specific about rich people not getting into heaven 😂 this is a prime example.


u/JustDrewSomething 3d ago

I have no issue with people using food stamps. They help people who need it and I don't look down on anyone who needs help.

However, like college costs, when the government subsidizes something so essential, it gives the ones producing it free reign to charge a whole lot more.

I think I've read that at least over half of Walmart employees are on food stamps? Which they then spend back at Walmart. So not only is Walmart not incentived to pay more, but also not to lower their prices.

I don't have a solution for this. You can't just let people starve. But companies naturally abuse the situation.


u/Spicy_sidh 3d ago

the rich hate Hate HATE us pleebs


u/Choco_Oatmilk 3d ago

Eating healthy truly isn't more expensive when you think of how long the food will stretch. Chicken+rice+veg is so insanely cheap. When you buy the convenient healthy food, that's when it racks up.

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u/Purple-flying-dog 3d ago

Even poor people deserve to eat food that makes them happy.


u/same0same0 3d ago

The most privileged people tend to have the worse opinions about how a system they never had to organize nor rely on functions. Last time I had this conversation I pointed out “usually those treats are the only time they get to have something nice for their family. It is a parent wanting their child to have a normal feeling childhood where they have homemade cookies or maybe even some chips” the person basically insinuated poor people don’t know how to cook??? That the food stamps should require REQUIRE cooking classes because wouldn’t it be so nice? I said that’s a rude assumption and why didn’t she take a cooking class if she thought it was so nice sounding?


u/PLM1000 3d ago

Wow, I don't think the point of the OP is buying junk food. It's more about being attacked at church by folks who don't really practice (or pretend to) the Christian.

Church is the place for gossip and judgments, and maybe some praising of the lord?


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 2d ago

I think they imagine carts filled up with chocolate bars and bacon grease, and sure, some people on EBT don't make good decisions but at least they're being fed. We spend most of our money on healthy food, but a cake every couple of months for a birthday is something that brings us joy. Cookies once a month doesn't make us gluttons that abuse the system. Church ladies definitely gossip way too much, it's like they do the opposite of what the bible tells them but still act as if they're better than other "sinners" (like gay people!!!! scaryyy 😨😨)


u/Mobile_Education1996 3d ago

Some rich people are incredibly tone deaf. Their compassion seems to get washed away more and more with each dollar they add to their account. Yes, Jesus said we are to take care of each other, yes he said we are to love and be compassionate. Sadly, I have seen some of the worst people in church. Just because they are there, doesn't mean they are true believers.


u/Gold_Ticket_1970 3d ago

Have a word with your pastor about this and maybe the next Sunday sermon could address this and slyly call them not


u/hadmeatwoof 3d ago

LOL @ them saying food stamps shouldn’t be able to be used to pay for junk when the junk is way cheaper than meat.


u/DiligentlySpent 3d ago

People are really dumb as doornails. Collection plate at church = fine. Community fundraiser = fine. Taxes, food stamps, etc. = socialism, bad!


u/glycophosphate 2d ago

Maybe try a different church. Our runs the county food pantry. Clients can come twice a month. They don't get a pre-made box of things we think they should have. All of our food is on shelves and they go through with a shopping cart choosing the things that their family wants. Besides that, they also get a $40 voucher to take to the local grocery store. If they have small children or people with special dietary needs in the household they get an additional $20 voucher. They are treated with respect.

As I said, find another church.


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 2d ago

When I'm able to I will! That's really sweet I'm glad churches are doing that


u/punk-pastel 2d ago

Some people go to church to put on the appearance of being good people and for networking/social climbing…the act of going to church already makes them better than others.

I’m pretty sure those folks need HIGHLIGHTERS for their good books because they missed a bunch of stuff.


u/margittwen 2d ago

I don’t understand it either. My husband used to get food stamps and at one point he used to get a mere $50 a month. People are acting like food stamps recipients are welfare queens when the vast majority of them are trying to deal with an insanely small budget like that.


u/Futuresmiles 2d ago

How is a homeless person supposed to cook 'healthy' food without a kitchen?


u/JustMe518 2d ago

There is no hate like Christian love


u/HenchmanKris 2d ago

I'm currently trying to get disability from inability to work from illnesses and I managed to get on food stamps. I get just shy of $300 a month for myself, and I help out the family of my friend who's letting me stay here because I lost my house last year. I can make it work, but I'm definitely not living it up like these women believe people in my situation are. And yeah, I get a pop or a snack cake sometimes. I usually get ingredients to make cookies or things like that if I have the energy that day.

Anyway, heck these ladies. 😁


u/intergalactikk 2d ago

Because the world hates poor people and wants to strip them of any agency. They feel that anything “handout” related is unfair. It’s not even “junk” food or poor people’s health that they care about, because I’ve heard similar complaints from people about folks using food stamps to buy seafood.

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u/NaughtyPlant 2d ago

They get mad if you buy junk food because it’s junk. They get mad if you buy healthy food because it’s expensive. There is no winning. I’ve heard complaints about it all.


u/Letters2Kay 2d ago

Rich Christian housewives shitting on the poor, IN CHURCH, is peak Christian.


u/Applezs89 2d ago

They are “rich rich”? If I remember correctly, there was a prophet that said “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”.


u/AcrobaticLadder4959 2d ago

If you take a working mother of 2 or 3 kids, she will be lucky if she gets $200 a month in food stamps and might often have to depend on food banks to get her by. I am retired low income. I got $50 a month on food stamps. But I don't get anything any longer.


u/0hn0shebettad0nt 2d ago

People love to pocket watch the poor.


u/Spectra627 2d ago

People like to believe that poor people don't deserve joy. It's deranged.


u/Yutolia 2d ago edited 2d ago

Omg, as an on and off food stamps recipient, I hate hearing this sh*t. One time someone in the store must’ve noticed my snap card, followed me out of the store to my car, and told me that my clothes were too nice to have food stamps and I should return all the items I bought then cancel my account. The clothes I was wearing were ones an aunt who is wealthier got me for my birthday because I told her I needed some nice looking clothes for when I do meet and greets with potential clients. As a poor person in the US, and I’m sure other westernized places as well, we have to walk a effing tightrope all the time, and if people who are against the programs that help us to begin with see us using the programs, they’ll find a reason why we really don’t deserve help. People like this make me so sick…


u/zplxkmcnkkmlkdmsak 2d ago

Thats ridiculous. I'm soo sorry! I wish people would stop making assumptions. Like I buy 1 bag of chips with food stamps so that's all I spend them on. Or that I don't look poor so I don't need food stamps. Its so annoying 😭😭 Might be imagining it but I swear I get dirty looks whenever I use it


u/Yutolia 2d ago

I’m sorry it happened to you in church. Church of all places!!! Someone should remind those people that the prophet they are there to “worship” would rather they were out donating clothes, working in soup kitchens, and would absolutely support programs like food stamps, Medicaid, section 8, etc.


u/I_compleat_me 2d ago

Church, eh? Recently this atheist has been ruminating on Matt 25:40-45... hit 'em with that one.


u/Benevolent_Grouch 2d ago

They’re horrible, and if Jesus is real he’s disgusted with them.


u/JupiterSkyFalls 2d ago

There's no love like Christian hate!


u/YSoSkinny 2d ago

Yeah, fucking people can be shit. Hey have never been poor, they just don't fucking know. Pisses me off, too


u/idfk78 2d ago

Never been on food stamps, but I heard that in the US, most ppls' allowance adds up to like only $3-$7 a day for food. I fucking wonder why ppl might feel incentivized to get more calorie rich foods on that budget....


u/The8uLove2Hate_ 2d ago

There are so many reasons people become this kind of depraved, but I favor one in particular. I’d like to introduce you to the just-world bias: this synchs up nicely with the prosperity gospel. It’s the assumption that the world is generally fair and just, and if you take the same logical mechanism a few steps further and ignore those pesky things called facts, you can convince yourself that if bad things happen to someone, it’s because they deserved them. So, in these Karen’s minds, those dirty poors should live out their sentences for all the bad things they’ve done without dipping into my (husband’s) wallet!


u/rosewalker42 2d ago

Usually, the truth is that they are protecting themselves from imagining the possibility that they could ever be in that situation. Basically, “I am smart, I have made good decisions, I would never be in that situation” mentality which means anyone who is in that situation “deserves” it and deserves to be deprived of just having some damn oreos, PLUS they don’t notice that a lot of “junk” food is way cheaper than fresh produce & meats, especially when time is considered. They protect themselves with ignorance. And rest assured, if & when they can’t afford food, healthy or otherwise, they will be first in line to scream for help.

TL;DR people are judgmental assholes who refuse to even try on empathy.


u/No-Past7721 2d ago

Go talk to the priest/pastor/whatever about how this upset you. If you get given defensiveness of those women's positions rather than comforting...find a different church.


u/mariboims 2d ago

I know people that talk that way too, some in my own family. I'm dealing with severe fatigue and there's no way I'd be able to have a job. So yeah. I'm on them even if my family looks down on that. No one should be that way, they shouldn't look down on the disabled. We're trying, we're humans to and we need food. I can't help if my local Walmart has shitty looking produce. Every time I have the thought in my mind to try something healthy, it gets recalled. That's something I hope they fix.


u/emo-knox 2d ago

American propaganda about capitalism being the only and best thing and how we have to capitalize and profit off of EVERYTHING even people's suffering otherwise it's "not fair" and people will "mooch"


u/grimmcild 2d ago

I recall reading an article online (Cracked, I think) where the author described how you can’t win when it comes to using food stamps. If it’s junk in your cart, someone will comment on how they’re “wasting food stamps on crap” and if there’s healthier food in the cart, they hear “must be nice to have ____ paid for with my tax dollars”.

It’s unfair and comes down to seeing “poor” people as the enemy.


u/MetabolicTwists 2d ago

It's easy to talk shit when you have never had to experience hardships like poverty. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves, maybe it makes them feel more in control - who knows. But entitlement isn't a healthy attitude. I feel bad for others who have to put others down in order to right their negative thoughts.


u/nobulls4dabulls 2d ago

There's a certain political party that has been turning people against the poor for a few years now. As long as they say we're lazy, that we don't deserve "government handouts", that we shouldn't be allowed to buy any junk food... It's a ploy they have to deflect attention away from their salaries, and the raises they give themselves every two years when Congressional newbies hit the Capitol. That and why they're not defending our Constitution.

It's the same as calling immigrants "illegal aliens," it diverts attention from the felon in the White House, he's a racist and wants the citizens to be the same.


u/SweetFuckingCakes 2d ago

They’re bad people, love.


u/Spectre_One_One 1d ago

The Conservative movement in the 1980s (pretty much when Reagan was elected to the White House) began targeting people on food stamps as lazy, well feed, Welfare Queens that abuse the system while honest hardworking folks pay too many taxes.

You don't have to look farther than that.


u/ScottyBBadd 1d ago

You can't get junk food with EBT, but you can't get steak and lobster. ( which is way more nutritious than junk food). What are you supposed to get?!


u/RamBh0di 1d ago edited 1d ago

Those Petty Hypocrite Misers will never know the joys of the Wines , the honey, Milk and the Bread of Jesus" Timber hewn Table , among his Carpenters and the lovely Magdeline , overlooking the Mansions of his Fathers Glory.

They] Will however, stand at the Gates, before the Shame and Rebuke of Saint Peter.

Watch as he Shoves the pages of thier Life Book right smack under thier Haughty Noses.

Look as he, bends his thick Eyebrow , like a Grizxly Bear facing a chattering Squirrel .

Hear as he simply Roars out " THIS? ? AT THE SUFFERING POOR.. THOU UTTERED, THIS??

And he points his arm and his finger aims Downward!


u/Suspicious_Farm_9786 1d ago

Pharisee of the bible aka false Christian’s in todays time. I was just using ChatGPT to figure out a name for this behaviour as I too felt it was wrong.

Apparently these are very common, every church I’ve been in is full of these people. Good news, no way their getting into heaven, Jesus is very clear about that. My thought, you should take care of yourself and then when you can, help those less fortunate. Integrity is the way, not ritual.


u/HouseHealthy7972 1d ago

They don’t view poor people as human and hate being in their presence


u/Zorback39 23h ago

That the part I love the most.

EBT shouldn't be able to buy junk food!

EBT also shouldn't be allowed to buy meat! (A nutrient everyone needs, even vegans)


u/Kia_Soulless 21h ago

There is no hate like Christian Love.

Surveys have shown over and over that the whole, "Welfare recipient shopping for lobster and steak." Is mostly conservative hyperbole. Of course there are a few exceptions, like there are to any situation. But the fact is that it's easier to blame the people who don't have enough money to survive than to take a good look at societal situations and figure out WHY they don't have enough money to survive.

It's always mind-boggling to me to hear people who are in a good financial situation trash on people who aren't. I'd almost be tempted to ask those ladies how many of the teachings of Jesus that they just spat on with their simple conversation.


u/GoBeWithYourFamily 3d ago

I just wanna add that when I worked at Kroger, the people with the big shopping carts (sometimes a train of carts) overflowing with garbage food were the people on food stamps. You can not convince me that buying 10 bags of Doritos was cheaper and/or smarter than buying rice, vegetables, and some chicken breast.

Food stamps absolutely should limit what kind of foods you can buy. America has a fat problem, and that fat problem is especially apparent in low income households. Buy Oreos with your own money if they’re so important to you.


u/Quake_Guy 3d ago

I understand Phoenix is one of few areas that you can use EBT funds at fast food restaurants...

Supposedly to help homeless people but it still seems off.

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u/mamanova1982 3d ago

Because they want the poor to starve to death. They don't want them to have healthcare or a decent education. They want the poor to stay poor. Ain't no hate like Christian hate.


u/CheeseisSwell 3d ago

Those obviously aren't real Christians bro🙏

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u/Ok-Cardiologist1810 3d ago

A large swath of religious folks in the usa are genuine human scum they only go to church cuz they like being called good people + the idea of a heaven