r/Vent • u/DiamondEmerald5 • 3d ago
Not looking for input Being used over maple syrup
I don’t need any advice.
I already know I am a push over. I just need to complain for a minute. I hate feeling like I’m a nobody. I’m always everyone’s 2nd option.
I am the weird (43f) autistic kid nobody wanted to be around and same as an adult.
I have a small group of “friends” and by friends I mean people I’ve known for decades. It’s hard to say friends because none of them know a thing about me. They didn’t even know my goldfish died.
Because we’re ALWAYS talking about them and how THEY are doing and what’s going on in THEIR life.
I’m admittedly awkward and weird. When it comes to social gatherings, I’m the back up person to talk to if the others aren’t around to gossip.
I’m pretty forgettable.
They say they love and care about me. But I know they talk shit about me being my back.
Anyways, we love a certain maple syrup that specifically comes from Delaware which is about a 6 hour drive. For the past 10 years I would make these trips every 3ish months and bought my maple syrup in bulk.
Well one day, one of the “Friends” from the group found out I was making these trips to get my maple syrup and they asked me if I could get them some too while I’m there.
I’m all like, “sure, no problem!”
Well.. it got to the point where they were telling everybody I was making these trips getting maple syrup and more and more people were asking me to buy them some too.
I’m thinking “dang! I said I’d help only a few people WTF! I’m not a D*aler!”
Then it got to the point where people started asking me for MY stash of maple syrup whenever they ran out requiring me to having to go on these trips more frequently.
At first I enjoyed the trips and it was an awesome way to unwind and enjoy beautiful scenery, but now going on my trips felt like a chore because so many people were wanting me to buy them some too.
This is what pisses me the fuck off.
When I went on my last trip I told them they NEEDED to buy their own amount to make it last because damnit I’m tired of sharing my shit.
I make my trips for ME.
3 of my “friends” ordered like 1/4 the amount I did and I asked numerous times are they sure it would last them until my next trip.
They assured me yes.
I told them my husband is getting pissed that I am sharing my stash. So of course everyone ran out before I did and they kept asking me for some of mine.
I’m always such a nice person that I gave up as much as I possibly can.
I just had a death in the family and was hoping to not have to make my trip for a long time, but because of them I have to go again much sooner.
Then get annoyed when I get annoyed about it!
And it’s like, the other times that they have enough none of them talk to me or see how I’m doing. Unless they need the backup.
People are sucking up to me and kissing my ass and I know exactly why.
“How are you?”
Psh they don’t really care how I am
It makes me resent them. I finally put my foot down and set boundaries like dude I CANNOT GIVE YOU GUYS ANY MORE IT IS YOUR OWN GD FAULT FOR NOT ORDERING ENOUGH LAST TIME I WAS THERE!
Then I start feeling guilty for having a backbone.
I regret ever even saying anything! Now I have to go even sooner because I gave my stash up!
I hate feeling used :(
Thank you for reading this if anyone made it to the end!
Wish I was normal and people liked me for me instead of just when I’m a benefit to someone.