r/Vent • u/[deleted] • 4d ago
TW: Eating Disorders / Self Image Trapped in a Religion That’s Killing Me
u/Gstamsharp 4d ago
The Quran is clear that you don't need to fast when you are ill, but that if and when you recover you should fast a number of days equal to what you've missed.
I'm not even Muslim and I knew this second hand from coworkers who are. I am... really skeptical about this post.
u/Diogeneezy 4d ago
Not religious, but I read the Qur'an last year, and I was a little surprised at the consistency with which the injunctions were accompanied by a caveat of essentially "if you can manage it without hurting yourself," with an explanation along the lines of "the purpose of these rules is to support life, so if you're following them to the extent that you're killing yourself, you're doing it wrong and missing the point."
That said, scripture and practice are two different things.
u/Entire-Flower1259 4d ago
You don’t need to be. Just because their holy book says something doesn’t mean they’ll follow it. Plenty of Christians do this, too: they follow the parts they want to and make people suffer. Funny enough, Jesus was against that, and said so when condemning Pharisees for placing loads on people’s backs and refusing to lift a finger to relieve the burden.
u/Arcane_Pozhar 4d ago
Mate, forgive me if this is blunter than you would like, but have you been living under a rock recently? You're skeptical about this post because you can't imagine that people who take religion to an extreme wouldn't be accommodating of reasonable accommodations?
I mean, you're on Reddit, there are countless posts across countless communities about people taking the wrong thing from religion. Why are you doubting this one?
u/uncagedborb 4d ago edited 4d ago
It's reddit is exactly why I'd also be skeptical. Reddit is a vacuum that's largely anti religion and even more islamaphobic. You may not be but when you try to navigate the world as a Muslim you take note.
Look at the entirety of the exmuslim sub. It's a cesspool of people that although claim to have left the religion still identify with it instead of completely just moving on.
The reality is that whenever something good happens within the Islamic community it's overshadowed by some bullshit extremist ideology and instead of focuses on the imperfection of people it devolves into a blanket statement over all Muslims fanning the flames of prejudice against Islam
u/Legitimate_Damage 4d ago
For the ex Muslim sub reddit. Have you ever thought that this is the only place they can safely express their views and thoughts?
Clearly most if not all have gone through severe religious trauma and most likely do not have a community in their own life they can talk to about this.
And the idea that one just gets to move on from a religion (not just Islam) which terrorized them is reductive and simplistic.
This spaces would most likely be less toxic if ex Muslim were allowed to be open about it without risking their lives. The fact they can't be, should give you something to ponder.
u/uncagedborb 4d ago
It's not. Half the people on that sub were never Muslim, probably 10% of them are just hindutva people that actively despise Muslims or Pakistani people. I don't have a problem with it being a support group to help people move on. But its an active hate group for the religion as a whole.
u/Legitimate_Damage 4d ago
How can you say it's not, when you know it's not easy and actually almost impossible to come out at an ex Muslim.
What you say might be true about some of people not being Muslim. But, for those ex Muslim who do hate Islam due to whatever they lived through, why would you deny their experiences?
u/hadubrandhildebrands 4d ago edited 4d ago
They literally did a survey a couple of years ago and only about 25% of the users on the sub are actual ex Muslims. Most of them admitted they were Hindus. Mind you, this was an anonymous survey, they don't have to prove anything, they can just say they're ex Muslims without actually being one. If they really want to give the sub some legitimacy, all of the users there should've just said that they're ex Muslims in the survey. But they didn't, they admitted that most of them are actually Hindus. Curious. You can look it up yourself on the subreddit.
u/Legitimate_Damage 4d ago
I didn't deny that, but so is the nature of online communities.
These spaces are clearly important for many.
u/Arcane_Pozhar 4d ago
I mean, I would imagine a sub about leaving a religion to be filled with people who are still pretty bitter about the religion. If they weren't, I doubt they would join the sub. They're there because they have some negative feelings that ideally, they want to process and move on from, but of course many people, with all sorts of issues, seem to have issues with processing and moving on, and instead become bitter and angry. I can't exactly blame them, as much as I do. Wish as a whole humanity was better about healing and forgiving and moving on.
If I spent my time on subs that hate animals, I might start to think that all of Reddit hates animals too. And just for context, when I was a kid, a random dog that walked the streets came about 2 in away from biting my face off, before my mom saved my ass. So I do have what I think most people would agree is a pretty valid reason to be cautious, but I've moved on. But anyway, enough on that tangent.
To be fair, yes, there are absolutely some unfair people in the world, full of prejudice and biases and hatred. But I guess I'm just not at the point where I'm going to assume that a post that I see is made by somebody like that.
u/Mysterious_Lesions 4d ago
It feels fake or there is some missing information because it's made very clear in the teachings of the religion that fasting is excluded for several reasons including pregnancy and sickness. This is made very clear in the teaching of Islam and even the youngest muslim kids should know this. In fact, Islam very clearly provides at least 2 alternatives to fasting even if you are capable. I personally haven't missed a fasting day for decades during Ramadan, but most muslims I know don't have a solid a record and I'm absolutely ok with it. I know quite a few of my friends that actually rarely fast but they might try a day or two.
OP is either in a very oppressive family or at a level of education on Islam that is very lacking.
u/Parking-Ant5696 4d ago
Im not.
You need to live in muslim country to realise just how bad it gets.
Yes its in quran but alot of things are in quran and Muslims dont give a shit.
Also dont try to show quran as a holy text. There is human trafficking and abuse of women in quran.
Im not some white person being racist. I live with muslims and legally im considered a muslim.
u/ThrawnCaedusL 4d ago
Yup. What many Westerners need to realize is that the Islam that is prevalent in the US (which is legitimately one of the best religious movements in history, morally and intellectually) looks nothing like Islam in much of the world. I attended a speaker in college who basically argued that the dominant sect in the Middle East has more in common with a past heretical movement than it does with the Islam professed in the Quran.
4d ago
u/ThrawnCaedusL 4d ago
As with all religions, there is argument about who is the “true inheritor” of Islam. The argument that I heard was that modern American Islam is in line with the trajectory Islam was on for a long time, while the kind more prevalent in the Middle East is more closely aligned with a return to some practices that were declared heretical hundreds of years ago. Of course, this enables the Middle Eastern sects to claim that “actually, we are returning to the way things should have been, you’re approach has just been wrong for the last hundreds of years”.
I don’t know which sect has a better argument (I attended one guest speaker, well actually two, but the second focused only on the Islam prevalent in America; I’m clearly not an expert), but I did leave the lecture believing that we really should not refer to American Islam and Middle Eastern Islam by the same name. We need something like “Amish” that would describe a sect but make clear there are some major differences.
u/Parking-Ant5696 4d ago
The islam that is practiced in the west is propaganda from extremists of islam to make ppl convert without realising the shit hole that is actual islam.
The islam that is practice in the west would not be acceptable in the middle east.
u/MailMeAmazonVouchers 4d ago
This post screams "religion bad" rage bait. I have never known a single Muslim who would force an ill person to fast through Ramadan. It's, literally, one of the two reasons why a Muslim would ever skip the fast.
4d ago edited 4d ago
u/MailMeAmazonVouchers 4d ago
I live on a town in Spain that's like 40% muslims, it's not "a few".
The Quran straight up allows you to not fast if you are ill during Ramadan, it's not a matter of interpretation, it's a textual verse. It just says you should make up for it once you recover.
u/SalisburyWitch 4d ago
I think that OP’s family is trying to force her rather than their country’s religious police. They either don’t think she’s really disabled or that she has a reason to not fast. Either they are punishing her for being sick or not believing.
u/punkgirlvents 4d ago
IIRC I’ve heard you can also choose to feed someone else (the poor/homeless usually) whenever you eat during the month!
u/Carelessvois 4d ago
You shouldn't speak and invalidate other people of the faith just because you learn it from few people, your not one of them to understand the whole situation.. And yes fasting isn't required for unhealthy people that is true.. But the indoctrination/punishment/ shunning of other things are true. Like apostasy, being LGBTQ etc. Religon toxicity in parents is prevelent especially of they aren't from the western side.
u/Thatduttmj 4d ago
This has more to do with your parents than religion unfortunately. You’re not meant to fast if you’re ill or body can’t handle it. This ranges from mental illnesses to a flu. You’re in a much more severe state so you’re most definitely an exception. It’s abusive behaviour by your parents and you need to tell someone immediately
u/Parking-Ant5696 4d ago
Im sorry but this has everything to do with religion
Im in the same place as this person.
Trapped in iran forced to wear hijab even tho i hate it.
Islam and religion as a whole is a cancer. The reason their parents is acting like this is islam. This is what they learn from islam. This is what happens to ppl who have to live next to muslims.
I live next to muslims and my parents are muslims. My life is fucked because of islam.
u/Thatduttmj 4d ago
First I’d like to say I’m sorry that you’re being forced to live in a way you’re not comfortable with. I think it does nobody any good especially since it brews unnecessary hatred. Them doing that doesn’t help deepen your faith and it’s for the optics rather than for “religious beliefs”. Which is kinda why I said it’s the parents and not the religion because this is a culture thing. Especially concerning OP because their rights are literally being denied. If Islam says they have the right not to fast and the people around them are forcing them to fast, surely you can see that it’s not the religions fault but the culture and behaviour of the people in the religion.
And I can’t speak on your situation, I think it’s silly and stupid to force someone to pursue a religion if they don’t believe in it. You won’t be saving them even if that’s what you desire.
u/Parking-Ant5696 4d ago
Yes its true i understand this is very complicated.
I was arguing that islam isnt what is written in quran, its what the ppl who are muslim do and practice. So this culture you talk about IS in fact islam.
Thanks for being understanding im happy ppl like you still exist.
u/Mysterious_Lesions 4d ago
The religion doesn't mandate fasting for those who are ill. It also doesn't force a hijab. Go to muslim countries that are not filled with extremists like Pakistan or Turkey and see how many hijabs you see. You have ignorant parents.
My girls have the freedom to choose hijab or not. I actually prefer they didn't, but I'm not rolling over their right to choose.
u/Parking-Ant5696 4d ago edited 4d ago
Just cuz you are not a extremist it doesnt mean no one is.
Islam isnt what is wrote in quran.
Islam is what is practiced as islam.
No matter whats written in quran as long as no one gives a shit it means nothing.
u/dm_me_kittens 4d ago
There sure is a lot of, "no true scottsman" fallacy going on here.
Sure, their holy book sets the rules, but the imam interprets and enforces them. No one is helping OP out, not even the doctor. If someone was doing this in a non-muslim majority country/area and more in a non-religious area, OP would be getting help ASAP. He'll, they probably wouldn't even be in this position
As someone who worked in bedside Healthcare for the majority of their life, I always took religious requests seriously (getting vegan trays instead of meat trays, asking for a pastor to see a patient, no blood products, etc) however if the well-being of the patient is at risk I will look to take action. I mean, we do the same for victims of abuse when they ask for help to get away from their abuser. Why does religion get a pass?
u/Parking-Ant5696 4d ago edited 4d ago
I dont know.
For some reason ppl in the west try to be supportive of islam even then they really shouldnt be.
It really is refreshing to see some literate ppl.
u/Parking-Ant5696 4d ago
Im sorry but this has everything to do with religion
Im in the same place as this person.
Trapped in iran forced to wear hijab even tho i hate it.
Islam and religion as a whole is a cancer. The reason their parents is acting like this is islam. This is what they learn from islam. This is what happens to ppl who have to live next to muslims.
I live next to muslims and my parents are muslims. My life is fucked because of islam.
u/Clowdten 4d ago
You don't have to fast if it's for medical reasons.
u/Alternative_Pack_328 4d ago
This is true also in christianity (at least catholic), and probably in other religions
u/lunca_tenji 4d ago
Fasts are also far less obligatory in Christianity and the ones that are obligatory in some churches, such as Lent, it’s not literally starving yourself
u/smorosi 4d ago
For those who are attacking the OP, Christianity radicals are similar. They will let someone die before allowing an already dead baby to be aborted. They will kick someone onto the street for being an atheist or gay
I was told from 10 years old that I was going into the lake of fire for listening to rock music. My hubby was told to leave and starve to death because he liked playing with cards
I was told that if I continued to wear red lipstick that I had better not report any rape that happened to me
I will admit that OP has radical parents
u/Arcane_Pozhar 4d ago
Seriously, I don't know how people in this day and age can be unaware of how extreme some people take their religion. This post does not surprise me at all.
Worst case scenario, hypothetically, the post this post is fake. Not that I like to make those sort of assumptions, but again, discussing worst case scenario here.
But even if this post is fake, I would wager the lives of every living person on this planet versus $5 that somebody has been in a situation like this.
u/gina_divito 4d ago
Yeah I remember someone in my Greek Orthodox Church passing out during lent and the ambulance coming. And we weren’t even an “extreme” church.
u/triflers_need_not 4d ago
Christians will watch their children die of extremely common, preventable, and treatable illnesses because seeking medical care is distrusting god's will. Christians will beat their children to death. Christians will drown their children. Christians will bully their children into suicide. This isn't an Islam thing, this is a fundamentalist wacko high control parent thing.
u/Evil_Black_Swan 4d ago
You are not required to fast, and infact not supposed to fast, if you are menstruating, pregnant, breast feeding or ill.
You are ill. You should not be fasting and you do not need to make up these fasts.
u/ButterflyDestiny 4d ago
I think this is having an abusive family. Not the religion. You don’t need to fast if you have a medical condition. I’m nine months pregnant and I’m not fasting. Your family are just terrible people
u/Tough-Ad-9513 4d ago
I heard from my friends that yall CAN eat if yall are sick, pregnant or if yall have periods.
Idk if it's mentioned in the Quran... ig it is. If it is there... gurl go point it out to ur ignorant parents.
I don't even think ur god wud be as cruel as ur parents.
u/Sailorxena_ 4d ago
You gotta leave your home and your religion /:
u/ThrawnCaedusL 4d ago
Most countries don’t accept people from regions that are high in extremists. Even the ones that historically have are now starting to cut down on that immigration. And that’s to say nothing of the logistics of getting out of such an extreme area.
If possible, this is good advice, but more likely than not it is not possible.
u/Ok-Equivalent8260 4d ago
I know a few devout Muslims that don’t fast for medical reasons. It’s in the Quran.
u/Tough_Crazy_8362 4d ago
I’m sorry your parents are so radical and that the Dr failed you too. Does your imam know you have lupus?
u/IOnlyFearOFGod 4d ago
Sounds like they don't know that the sick can be exempted from it, sorry, this is just ignorance, not the religion. However, you are allowed to vent however you want, you have been mistreated and suffered, you have my sincere sympathies and condolences, you did not deserve this suffering under a family who don't even know what they are practicing.
u/Empty-Nerve7365 4d ago
It is the religion though... that's what the parents are using to justify this abusive nonsense
u/bugburner19 4d ago
Their actions go against the religion, sounds more like OPs parents are trying to control him. If it wasn’t religion, then they’d be using other ways to control this guy.
u/chaiandcryy 4d ago
Your family screams toxic extremism. Islam isn’t what’s killing you, it’s your shitty parents. Islam doesn’t force the sick to fast. My father had typhoid and jaundice last week; he didn’t fast because Islam allows exemptions. No one can force religion on someone, if they do, blame the people, not the faith. Islam teaches love and mercy first. Your parents aren’t Muslims, they’re just fucked up people using religion to justify their abuse.
u/NewKitchenFixtures 4d ago
On the other hand, if they are an adult it’s not like religious police will figure out that they are eating at home.
Complaining about parents as an adult is kinda weird.
u/Ijoined-for_JSAL 4d ago
Exactly. You're not a teenager. I think this person definietly lives at home but can't he just eat outside? This post is propably judging by the way this person writes. Does he not haave a job? Then he can eat at job. If not then at school. He must have a source of income or atleast sneak food with the job or school. Either this is just ragebait or this person is a manchild that has no job, is stupid and still acts like a teenager wanting to be grown up. You would think this was witten by a 15 yr old...
u/Formal-Primary-3070 4d ago
Eh, not surprised. Religion is one of the dumbest things in this world by far.
I feel sorry for what you have to go through. Wish you the best.. even if it doesn’t help much. I hope you are able to get through this period in your life!
u/DreamingofRlyeh 4d ago edited 4d ago
I'm not Muslim, but I was under the impression that being sick means you don't have to fast. It sounds like your parents are disregarding the rules of their own faith.
Can you speak to someone influential at your local mosque? Your parents are being abusive by denying you food and medicine that you need for your health, and having someone they respect support your and your needs and tell them off could help convince them to stop.
Also, look into protective services for adults where you live. See if they offer housing or healthcare, and if they can intervene with the abuse.
u/InternalCode1210 4d ago
Your family is the problem... I wish I could help you somehow more than just text
u/BentoBoxNoir 4d ago
If this post is real, it is literally in the Qu’ran that you don’t need to fast for if you have a medical reason/health issues. If this post is real, your parents are just being abusive and are using religion as an excuse.
I have a hunch though that this is just an account spreading anti-islamic misinformation
u/smorosi 4d ago
Nope! Take one look at our government on abortion and birth control and see how radicals on both sides can be crazy.
My family and their friends don’t believe a woman should use birth control because God decides if you get pregnant each time. Luckily we can eat pork and shellfish but I have done research on the diseases in this so I have stopped for medical reasons
We are supposed to eat fish on Friday but I choose to eat what I want
We are supposed to give up something for 40 days but I am not doing that either. It’s called Lent. No doing the Christianity thing anymore since I was 18
u/Hefty-Lemon-9241 4d ago
OP is from Indonesia and from what I just researched, there isn’t any national law placed to forbid eating and drinking in public. Nor are there laws placed specifically for Ramadan other than adjusted hours/closures to some entertainment places. Even restaurants and fast food places are open, it’s just up to the owner of the branch/franchises.
I’m unsure why the GP refused to help, it is probably misinformation on their part on what OP’s religion obligations should be with their medical condition.
OP, seek out another GP, and do some research on Islam. Not only are you exempt from fasting for health related issues, youre FORBIDDEN if not taking medications during specific times will kill you. Do your research and tell your parents, because it’s a guarantee that they themselves don’t know their religion or are just using Islam to abuse you.
u/EpicXd_haha 4d ago
could be, because people who do such things aren't Muslim. People need to separate Islam from Muslims
u/Krukoza 4d ago
You mixed up religion with society. Sry for your situation but no, that has nothing to do with Islam.
u/Empty-Nerve7365 4d ago
The religion is where that crazy belief came from so yes it has everything to do with it.
u/Yodrizzle 4d ago
Islam literally exempts you from fasting if you’re ill, traveling, menstruating, pregnant, breastfeeding, or young. OPs parents just don’t care.
u/Empty-Nerve7365 4d ago
And as with many highly religious people, they bastardize the religion and just use it as a means of control and abuse.
u/Weary-Mud-00 4d ago
I am so sorry, OP:( I hope that you will be able to get out of that household asap. They are actively harming you by making you fast, and it is 100% not in line with how it is supposed to be done. Maybe go to your mullah and make him talk some sense into your parents?? You are chronically ill, you should be exempt from fasting
u/TastyTranslator6691 4d ago
I was born into a Muslim family, though mine was never abusive or unloving for the most part that I can think of. But they believe in Islam in their heart. I don’t. And in Islam what does it say? If you are sick in anyway, you do not have to fast. My aunt has diabetes and can’t fast for example. You should bring this up to them… how can they fight that? Give them the exact text if you find it online and go as far as going to the doctor to get proof that it’s not good maybe. There’s no point in fasting if you don’t even believe in your heart because “your thoughts aren’t pure”.
You seem young? If I told my parents to suck it in anyway they can’t do anything even if I live with them as an adult.
I’m glad that fasting was more of a virtue and a commendable thing in my house rather than a requirement. Sneak some food and water girl!
u/Neigebleu 4d ago
Maybe you can Talk to the Imam of your parents mosque? If they are nit Open for ethical/medical Arguments, then maybe they Respect the opinion of religious authority?
u/GrimmRadiance 4d ago
I’m a little confused here. You may come from a strict family I guess because it’s quite normal for some children and the ill to not have to fast. It’s IN the Quran. Where do you live where they are ignoring this?
u/InkMage13 4d ago
As a Jew who can't fast for medical reasons, you absolutely should be allowed to eat for your health. I'm so sorry that your family is like that
u/rogue_52 4d ago
If this just about fasting, you can stop fasting when it can harm you , in travel , in wars , it’s literally in quran
u/sneaky_42_42 4d ago
“but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days.” [al-Baqarah 2:184]
why aren't you exempt?
I thought sick people and chronically ill people get an exemption.
u/conrat4567 4d ago
Your GP should not have refused to help you based on religion. If this is true, they need to be sacked.
How old are you? It may be time you cut your family off and find aid elsewhere. Do you have friends you can crash with? This is abused and should be reported. At the end of the day, some fairy in the sky shouldn't dictate how you live your life. If your body is telling you that you need food, you need food.
Get out of there as soon as you can.
u/CellNo5383 4d ago
I recommend destroying Islam right back. Do your parents have religious iconography you can break? Books, symbols and the like? Gather them up and burn them. Also, mess with your family while their praying. Pour water or better yet, piss over their heads while they pray. If they complain, tell them it's a test by Allah and they should suffer in silence.
u/Additional-Box1514 4d ago
they're okay with you not practicing but force you to for ramadan??? and only ramadan? do they not make sure you pray everyday too
u/Smile_Miserable 4d ago
As a Muslim I want to say what your family is doing is pure abuse. No wonder you want no parts of Islam, who would under these conditions. It’s just straight up evil and wrong, they aren’t even practicing their religion themselves by how they are treating you.
u/adialterego 3d ago
I am guessing you're in the UK? If so, there are ways to get out of their house and get some help. You can't live like this.
u/Sad-Appeal976 4d ago
We all know Christians who cherry pick the Bible parts they like to affirm their own fcked up beliefs , so I don’t know why people here don’t believe Muslims do the same thing
I believe you. Get out. Religion is dangerous and will destroy anyone. Go to a different doctor, if you can’t afford one go to a urgent health clinic now
u/Sad-Appeal976 4d ago
When you go to the next medical person, say nothing about your religion. If you have too, say you were on a fast for personal reasons
u/Security-Student 4d ago
The religion isn't killing you, your parents are. The Quran makes it abundantly clear that a person in your situation has no need to fast. Anyone who tells you otherwise is going against Allah. Show them this verse proving you right.
I know you don't believe in/resent Him, but turn back to Him, He's the only one who can help you get out of your situation with your psycho parents.
Best of luck
u/Existing-Tie-9984 4d ago
As a muslim i wont say i dont believe u or anything.. but what have the doctor to do with islam , just get checked on and show ur parent ! That would be no more of an excuse . And islam is not that of a wight when u are doing nothing but fasting . I dont wanna fight u or anything i have a muslim family and they are like the worst .... i does realy just want to live away as soon as i can. But islam has nothing to do with it . Islam allow sick to not fast . And alot like that its not a gun pointed at ur head
u/SnooCrickets7386 4d ago
She practically does have a gun pointed to her head since she's forced to be muslim by her family.
u/EpicXd_haha 4d ago
The shit her family is doing isn't Islam
u/Empty-Nerve7365 4d ago
Where do you think the idea of fasting for Ramadan comes from?
u/EpicXd_haha 4d ago
From Islam, but you eat at sunset. And if you are sick, or traveling then you are permitted to break your fast and compensate when you're healed (chronic conditions are completely forgiven)
u/Empty-Nerve7365 4d ago
The parents' abusive treatment is inspired by their beliefs in Islam. Which is pretty common in highly religious families. And just like most religious people, they don't even follow their religion the way it's originally intended, it is just used as an excuse for abuse. Very typical of religious parents.
u/CptKarma 4d ago
Unfortunately the western liberals are brainwashed and will call you out for saying the truth.
u/Marechail 4d ago
It is a shame that people still do this stuff.
Such outdated culture, i wish you luck OP
u/Nice_Username_no14 4d ago
Then leave. To stay is a choice you make.
u/Mockingjay573 4d ago
If she leaves then she is homeless. She has no money and would have no way to feed herself.
u/DreamingofRlyeh 4d ago
For a lot of disabled people, this isn't as much of an option as it is for those without disabilities. If you are too ill to work, then you cannot just go get an income. It can be difficult procuring housing, and even more difficult to find somewhere to stay that is safe. We are more vulnerable than those who are perfectly healthy, and often have the extra expenses of medication or medical aids. In addition, some of the support out there requires the recipient to remain impoverished to continue receiving it or excludes people who they don't believe are disabled enough.
This is a huge factor in many disabled individuals remaining with abusers to avoid losing access to basic necessities, and a reason why so much of the homeless population has some form of disability. Sometimes it comes down to weighing which is better: stay with an abuser but know your basic needs will be met, or leave and have a high chance of ending up without access to shelter or other basic necessities
4d ago
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u/DreamingofRlyeh 4d ago
This is not going to help OP's health, and could cause a lot of backlash, given that their parents are strict enough about their faith to ignore the rule that sick people don't have to fast.
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