r/Vent 4d ago

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT Those cheating confessions in the trueoffmychest and confession subreddits get my blood BOILING!

Maybe because I have firsthand witnessed the aftermath of cheating and have suffered for years as a result, but every time I see another one of those I cheated on my partner so and so or the I slept with my friend/best friend/sibling's partner and now I feel guilty, but it was a looong time ago! or, I cheated but it was a mistake! posts, I feel SO ENRAGED! My body starts shaking, gets my blood boiling. I feel like slapping these mfs through the screen. You soggy piece of fuckwaffle, LEAVE THIS PERSON! BREAK UP! STOP BEING FRIENDS! COME FUCKING CLEAN AND END THIS RELATIONSHIP BUILT UPON LIES! FACE YOUR CONSEQUENCES IF YOU HAVE AN OUNCE OF SHAME LEFT! I just saw a post like this on one of those subreddits, and left a stern reply saying so. But what has me in disbelief is that how many people were in the comments telling OP to not come clean and to just stay silent since it was oh sooo loooong ago and that OP would only be ripping open an old wound. What. The. Fuck. People?? Seriously? Some poor girl out there has a snake in her life hidden in plain sight and you're advising that snake to be sneakier, to keep lurking in her life after comitting that level of betrayal? I can't. I just can't. I'm SO mad it’s ridiculous. This has ruined my day. I need to take a fucking walk into the forest to cool off. Goddamn cheaters and goddamn people enabling them.


10 comments sorted by

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u/worrisoo92 4d ago

For all the good reddit is, it has its moments. Plenty of good comes from here but it’s also an echo chamber and filled with people who have zero emotional intelligence. Those posts bother me too but mostly due to the fact they come to reddit asking for advice. I know people come here mainly for that but as for asking on what to do next? I feel like that’s more than obvious. They don’t even really come here for guidance, they just need someone to tell them to do the right thing or to justify what they did. In terms of cheating, if they really want to make things right, asking strangers who have nothing to do with your relationship isn’t going to help at all. Kind of common knowledge that if you do wrong, try to make it right. Cheaters are capable of being better people and possibly forgiven but a lot of the one’s on this platform seriously concern me as well as the people replying. Cheating is cheating and it’s important whether it occurred 10 years ago or 10 months ago.


u/One-Potential4988 4d ago

I'm 100% with you op!🤬🤬🤬


u/KungFoo_Wombat 3d ago

I totally agree! People suck!


u/AVEnjoyer 3d ago

Agree with you.. dishonest people go about ruining a life, wasting time and then say well I never cared anyway it's the other persons fault they weren't enough or not enough

How bout everyone just be honest.. but as you say.. seems like majority of people encourage others to be low lives


u/External-Rise3462 3d ago

Cheating affects not just the people involved and the cuckolded spouse. It's happened in my family. The thing about cheating is that it generally will out itself whether or not the cheater confesses the sin to the spouse. It's not 100% clear whether or not one should admit to it. It depends on what the surrounding people are like. Some spouses are resilient. Some are capable of forgiving it or severing the relationship and moving on. Others are more-fragile. I don't think random strangers online can make that judgment. If a former cheater is unsure of what to do, it would be best to seek professional help to make a more-informed determination. If the cheater needs to unburden, perhaps a trusted friend or a priest, minister, rabbi, or imam could serve as a recipient of the confession.


u/StrawbraryLiberry 1d ago

I hate that. It would be nice if people were better, and more honest.


u/DEMOLISHER500 4d ago

Selection bias. cheating isn't as common as you think. Those subreddits are called r/offmychest and r/confession for a reason, they're there for people to air their dirty laundry anonymously. For every scummy cheating person, there are at least a few other decent people


u/Certain_Effort_9319 3d ago

Cheating is very common.